[FM] I fantasized about my GF cheating on me again How I made it happen and how I got way more then I bargained for

wont post every detail as it would be long, but ill try to give a good rundown. If your going to be offended by this dont bother reading. Its for those who are not going to judge We were in a relationship for 4 years, she was really my first true GF and shes very attractive and nice full curved lips, nice round ass, medium, nicely round breasts.

As someone whos always been bad with getting women (incapable for the most part) it was like a dream come true. Before that I would have been lucky to date anyone. I dont know why but she was drawn to me. The fact she was hot just made me fall in love so hard.

When we first started dating, a while in she confessed that she still gave blowjobs to a guy friend for the first few months. At the time it tore me up. Especially cause he was popular and had soooo many girls attention anyway. I never met him, he was in her class and just seen his facebook. So many pictures with women, even pictures being the only guy hanging with 6 women on a couch with their legs resting on him. It was like why why why did he have to mess with my GF, greedy bastered and why would she do that. It was trumatic finding it out actually as I was so in love. I became obsessed with wondering how many times and when exactly but we agreed to not talk about it and move forward. Part of me wanted to leave her to make her feel some of the pain she caused me, but I knew id be alone and im lucky to have a hot GF whos so nice. After a year or so, everytime I thought about what she did it felt like I got hit in the gut, picturing her bobbing her head on his dick while im waiting for her call or text. Over time it began to turn me on, what she did. Thats what gave me the fetish, it was truma. It hurt so bad that eventually the only way I could stop suffering was to think its hot. I didnt just think it was hot but extremely hot and erotic. Almost like it felt extremely bad, to extremely good.

Our relationship progressed and we moved in together. The thoughts though of her cheating continued to plague my mind throughout this time. At first was just thoughts but by 4 years down the road it had progressed into the fact I wanted her to do it again. Behind my back.

When people ask “why dont you just make it consensual” well she never would have agreed she wanted me to believe she was a good girl and only wanted me and would often speak about how we only need eachother and how she wishes we both stayed virgins till we met. I got access to her FB (by a chat logger) and began to snoop. I seen her messages with that guy friend she blew and they did stop talking after she told me everything. And I guess it makes sense, we were young 18 and 19. People do change and become more responsible and she definitely changed.

But seeing the messages was hot how casual it was, with him asking “hey lets chill sometime soon” Her “sure!” That guy was so lucky, it was so easy for him. I just kept monitoring and hoping she would cheat but with little hope. About a whole year past and nothing exciting on her facebook. But I wanted her to cheat so bad that it drove me to try and make it a reality.

I decided to have sex less often and when we did I finished right away. So she wouldnt have her sexual needs, yet I was a good BF in all other ways. Also during our relationship I went into rehab for alcohol and opiate addiction and I got clean, she was not in favor of me smoking weed when I asked her about it. I missed having sex after smoking weed, it felt so good. But now its in the past as she would flip if she smelt it off me. I noticed her chatting with this guy and she gave him her number. This wasnt highly unusual, she did it before and nothing seemed to come out of it. But i knew something was up when a few days later she told me about not spending the weekend together, cause she had to do something for a university project. She was very clingy and always wanted our time together I wanted to see her before she went out so I said I wanted to pick something up from her place on friday after work. She mentioned she was going out with a girl friend in her class for a “project” She was looking hotter then I seen her look in years. I even joked about if she was going on a date because it would be odd of me not to because she never dressed like that. Low cut shirt, dark eye shadow and grey yoga pants totally revealing her ass curves. We hugged and kissed before I left and I went home super turned on about what she was really doing. Looked on her FB, nothing… We hung out sunday for shopping and she kissed me right away. Something she usually didnt do. I kept checking her fb for the next week until she was talking with a lady friend. Long conversation, boring… Until I see she mentions “this new guy im seeing is so muscular” Her friend kept asking questions and she said they went out to dinner, then to his place “and… you know, things got crazy I could hardly walk after” There it was. I was so nervous reading through her messages when she started talking about him, it was so damn hot, especially cause she looked hotter then ever. As the weeks went on she made more excuses to not hangout friday. After a couple weeks she was having this convo on fb about how she started smoking weed lately for the first time in years because her “new friend” is a stoner. So there she is smoking weed with this guy and having sex, seems so unbelievable because she seemed to not care at all for weed or drinking. A month went by and a conversation actually between her and the guy shes fucking. They always just text so I never got to see any of this. Until now. It started with him saying “hey sexy” Endless random smileys back and forth. It got a little dirty starting with him saying “I love your ass” and she responded “I love your dick” He replied “do you” She replied “yes, I love to suck on it” He said “I love it when you suck it. Your great at it, your the best friend I could ever have” I never got a blowjob from her in so long, when it did happen it was rare. It just didnt happen anymore, but there she was blowing this guy, probably after smoking weed together. Its just too much to handle, I wasnt expecting all this. Reading these gave me an adrenaline rush, my palms were sweating and heart was pounding. When I read “I love to suck on it” I gasped and I went out for a smoke, my fingers were trembling cause this was so much.

Yet I loved it and knowing she was sucking his cock made the blood in my dick swirl.

I remember after that I asked for a blowjob to see if she would… nope… He was getting everything I want with her and its my girlfriend of 4 years and they are just friends… I can only imagine how intense their sexual relationship is. He knows full well shes dating, its so lustful and hot, especially how he smokes weed with her when I cant.

Another message from him a few weeks later after she left to “study with her friend” he messaged her asking “Where abouts are you?” Her replying “Almost there” and he replied “K I’m just having a few bongs tips waiting for your sexy ass :p” her reply was simply “:)”

The thought of him smoking weed just drove me crazy because I knew how good masturbation was while high and cant imagine how good fucking her would be. Especially him knowing shes cheating.

Also she dressed so fucking sexy when she went to see him. Always yoga or leggings wearing a thong. Her ass looked amazing in them. It drove me absolutely nuts.

I remember she had her Facebook profile picture of me and her kissing during this time. He actually liked the photo. Almost like secret humiliation.

As time went on our relationship continued as normal believe it or not. Infact the first month of her cheating she became really nice to me and seemed to always be in a good mood. She eventually reverted back to her old self (sometimes happy but complains a lot) but continued seeing him every weekend.

She eventually started sleeping over and sometimes staying from Friday night to Sunday with him. She kept her same story she was with her GF and I acted dumb and never questioned her about it. I loved that he could now sleep with her.

I just kept monitoring her FB and jerking to the fact she was getting fucked by another man. We still were not having much sex but we cuddled and slept together every night.

On her messenger, she mentioned to another friend about doing ecstasy recently. I know she didnt do this with me and the only other person she hung out with is him. I wonder if they had sex on E? Its something I’ll never know.

Her love affair with this guy came to a stop, not sure what caused it but I think he stopped it cause he started dating another girl. It came to a stop a year ago and we are now living together and happy. Only I know her closet of dirty laundry she thinks has kept hidden. I still think about it often. I still dont get blowjobs much. But she gave me one after she stopped seeing him and she did not give the same blowjobs she used to, they were much better and im guessing it was from all the practice on him. She started by teasing and licking the tip, began so suck this time rotating her hand and something she never used to do, was look at me in the eyes, which now she did with confidence. I found it so hot this is what that guy was getting all the time.

I still monitored her Facebook and like 6 months after all this she had a conversation with her friend about doing acid “earlier this year” she talked about what sex on acid felt like. How it felt like it conjoined their souls into one and its like they just mended together and it was the most intense experience of her life.

I couldn’t fucking believe it. She not only did acid but had sex with him on it. Ever sense I been reading about sex on acid and everyone describes it as the best most intense experience ever.

When I thought there was nothing more to learn I got hit with this bombshell and got so turned on by it. I still am.

Now I have good sex, last a long time and she seems satisfied again and isnt talking to guys. I think her experiences with him have mellowed her out a bit. I always think about depriving her of sex (which is how it all started) and live it all over again. But knowing she did and having the details, messages stored in a file is good enough, its still very hot to me knowing I only have a fraction of the info. For now ill play it safe.

We are both very happy. If anyone says what I did or she did was wrong, whatever were both happy and that guy is dating someone else. I dont regret anything.

There is still alot I dont know as I only got a fraction of their messages. I also really hope he fucked her in the ass though. Which knowing how he “loved her ass” he probably did.

In the end what happened far exceeded my fantasies. It kind of messed me up for a while. Cause I couldn’t think of anything else but her and him together. Like 24/7

I eventually stopped rereading all her conversations I saved and I’m still trying to go back to a normal person. But picturing her cheating and knowing everything she actually did really really can drain my mind into doing nothing but jerking all day thinking about it. But I dont have much alone time to do that anymore.

I still absolutely love that she did it and cant get over the fact this guy had experiences with my girl that were way more intense then anything I ever had, like blowjobs after smoking weed, while she looked as hot as she did with her eye shadoww. And having sex on acid still drives me fucking crazy.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cla1ql/fm_i_fantasized_about_my_gf_cheating_on_me_again

1 comment

  1. Crazy story man, if you happy with it cool. But me personally I would of dump her the first few months I learn of her giving blowjobs to her friend. But everyone is different, crazy to think that’s a turn on for people.

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