[MFF] My wonderful fiancée, a sexy young German, and the rainforest beginning for a threesome to remember.

So this is quite a new story. Some of the feedback from my last story was to focus more on the sex – a fair point and one I’ll try to match.

My fiancée Sally and I were recently on a road trip in Australia, visiting Far North Queensland. We’d been driving up from south of Sydney to escape the winter and found ourselves in the Daintree – some of the most beautiful tropical forest in the world. Those beaches – like nothing on earth. Of course, crocodiles mean you can’t swim in them, but still hard to beat.

Winter in the top end is not really winter – it’s sunny and warm much of the time. We’d been camping near one of the beaches, and went on a walk up to Mossman Gorge with the plan to spend an afternoon swimming and lazing on the rocks in the sun.

We made our way a little bit further up the river where it was a touch quieter and set up for the day. Magical place – overhanging rainforest, dappled sunlight on the massive boulders and cold water to cool off in.

There was a German family in the area, parents and their two girls. One of them was clearly quite young, at a guess I’d say 16, but her sister wasn’t – twenty and about to start studying in Australia, her family had come to travel a bit and then help her settle in. And while it helped to meet her in a bikini, I have rarely seen someone so beautiful.

Almost a cliche of a German, with blonde hair, blue eyes and a perfect pear shaped face, she was taller than Sally, though probably only came up a little over my shoulder. Slender and taut, her skin was glistening with the water from the river, and breasts the size of ripe mangoes (hey, it’s the tropics) sat above a flat and smooth stomach. I’m glad I was wearing sunglasses or it would have been even more obvious to her parents I was gobsmacked.

What surprised me was that Sally clearly was too – I could tell she was taken aback by Hilda’s beauty (we’d learned their names by this point). It was also clear that Hilda knew the effect she was having, and leaned into it. Hard.

Fast forward an hour or two and her parents wanted to head back as her mother had a splitting headache, although both of the girls wanted to stay. Sally and I appeared trustworthy enough that they left them both with us and a promise to return them to their hotel before dark. Hilda, Sally and I flirted shamelessly when her sister’s back was turned. And then the magic of the area took effect – for a brief moment there was no one else around and her sister had gone to play with some kids in the lower pool – and Hilda turned to Sally and kissed her.

Sally and I had kind of talked about opening our bed to other people, but it hadn’t gone much more than that. Whispered fantasies and tantalising ideas. She knew my history and that I’d had threesomes before, and was curious, though the opportunity hadn’t really arisen. Yet here it was, in the form of a stunning 20 year old German.

I was sitting on the edge of the pool watching the two women kiss, their bodies pressed full length together. Instant erection. I’m sure it was a short kiss though it didn’t feel that way. My heart was pounding as Sally broke away and floated over to me.

“Let’s get a room at their resort, and invite her to stay,” was not what I expected Sally to say, not without discussing the idea incessantly. I loved Sally but she did like to overthink things at times – and I say this as someone who fully agrees this sort of stuff needs to be talked through so you’re both on the same page.

I looked at her for a moment and could see her passion. “Sure thing,” I replied.

I remember the walk back hazily. I know at one point Hilda put her hand in Sally’s pant pocket and squeezed her butt. And when her sister went to the bathroom at the car park, I pulled her to me and kissed her myself. Soft lips and a hard body, the slight stickiness of her from the walk down was amazing.

We broke apart. “We’re going to get a room at your hotel. We’d love you to join us.”

She looked at Sally, who nodded. “Ja, I want that very much.” (I promise not to try and write out her accent – just know that to us it only added to her allure)

We dropped them off, went into the hotel, and reserved a room. Clearly it all aligned – both that this girl fell into our laps and the hotel/resort had a room. After going back to our camp to grab some things, we returned and ordered room service – we didn’t think getting caught by parents who knew we were camping on the beach would be a good idea.

We showered, both touching each other and kissing, but only started talking about what may come when we were dressed and nearly finished eating.

“Are you sure about this?” I asked.

Sally leaned over, kissed me firmly, and nodded. “Yes. I don’t know what it is, I’ve toyed around with the idea a bit recently, but it’s mostly to tease you.” I laughed while she smirked at me. “But Hilda just lit a fire – it’s like she’s got pheromones designed to turn me on. I didn’t think anything would happen, but then she kissed me…” she swallowed.

“I know. She’s stunning, sure. But there’s something more. Maybe it’s the surroundings and the moment, although-“ there was a knock at the door, cutting me off. We looked at each other for a beat, before I walked to open it and tried to look more casual than I felt.

It was Hilda. “Hallo.” She grinned at me, and past me to Sally. “I’m a bit early but my sister will cover for me if she needs to.”

I stood back and she walked into the room. She’d changed into a light dress – right across the swell of her breasts and short enough to see the top of her thighs. She smelled amazing. And now looked a little nervous too, for the first time. I poured us a glass of wine each, and she sat on the couch next to Sally. My mind had a brief image of the two of them kissing in the river, and then went to join them on an armchair.

We drank, we talked, and then they kissed. I was on Hilda’s side and close enough that I could put my hand on her leg. I did, running it up and down the smooth length of her thigh, cupping her calf. Their mouths melted together and sally raised her hand, tangled in Hilda’s hair. I may have been drooling at this stage, God knows what I looked like if someone had taken a picture. The two of them together were both stunning and clearly having a great time – they were the sort of kisses where you’re smiling into them at the joy of it. Sally leaned down and kissed along Hilda’s neck, over her jawline, nibbling her ear. And with her head arched back Hilda looked at me.

Her blue eyes locked onto mine, my fiancée kissing her collarbone, I joined them on the couch and met her mouth with mine. She was a good kisser – but – you know that slight over eagerness that inexperienced people have? There was a slight edge of that, although what with my nervous excitement I was probably the same. I could just taste Sally’s lipgloss on her lips too, which made me even more hungry for her – I started taking her clothes of right there on the couch. Sally laughed and joined me (“well, we’ve been close to nude at the river so why waste time?” She laughed as we did) and in a few moments we were all naked and giggling, my cock bouncing out of my underpants and their tanned skin exposed to the air.

We’d seen practically all of Hilda (she’s worn a thong, even in front of her parents – I love Europeans) except her bare breasts, and all I can say is wow. The memory of her body alongside Sally in the hotel bed is enough for both of us to get aroused. They were perfect, a good C-cup, lovely nipples with a dark pink blush, and proportioned like Aphrodite had been the mould from which they had been cast.
I know I should gush about Sally too – and believe me, I do every day. Shorter than both Hilda and I, she’s tiny – 55 kilos when wet, and wonderful b-cup breasts which were currently pressed in between Hilda’s as they lay on the couch and kissed. Sally told me she couldn’t get enough of her kisses, and Hilda seemed to agree – even as I moved closer and they began to lick the length of my cock she kept returning to Sally’s lips. I knelt half on the couch as Sally on her back and Hilda lying over the top of her with what must have been the hardest erection I’ve ever had was worshipped by these two beauties.

Hilda was up on one elbow, to free an arm and hand to slide down and between Sally’s legs. Her body followed, mouth pausing to settle over Sally’s breasts, and then along her stomach. My cock slipped out of Sally’s mouth briefly as she gasped – Hilda had brought her tongue to bear on her silky folds. I ran a hand over Sally’s body, knelt next to her and we kissed passionately.
“Oh god James, she’s … huh-huh…”

I laughed and Hilda looked up.

“Is ok? I haven’t tried this before, but I like it!” She smiled at Sally.

Sally was breathless and grinned back at her. “First for me too. I love it, please keep it up!”

Hilda dove back in and I made my way down their two bodies, kissing them and Hilda along the way, running my hands along the smoothness of her twenty year old back to that amazing butt. As I slipped my fingers in between her legs she moaned into Sally and wriggled her butt back at me. That wriggle, the shimmy of her taut cheeks as she licked the length of my partner, her blonde hair mostly covering her face, I’d rarely seen anything quite so sexy. She raised her head briefly to ask if Sally would let me fuck her. That accent, a chin soaked in my fiancee’s juices… Wow.

Sally grinned. “James, don’t keep a lady waiting.”

I may not be known for my grace, but the speed and manner in which I moved to crouch over Hilda’s now raised butt was not my finest hour. I paused and savoured the moment, and the sight of my erect member at against this beautiful German girl’s pussy, glistening with her wetness and framed by that tanned backside. She shimmied it again, and all three of us groaned as I slipped the head inside.

Slowly, ever so slowly. I know porn and stories and from time to time in real life you can just slide straight in like a spoon into cake batter, but not always. The night was early, she was tight, and while I won’t make Ron Jeremy ashamed, I’m not small. That made it all the more enjoyable, to just ease in and out of her, a hand running up and down her spine, a little bit deeper every time.

She did her best to focus on Sally, really. By this point Sally had half sat up so she could see me taking the young woman with her head between her own legs. By the time I’d begun to stroke myself fully into Hilda, Sally had given up, crawled to the floor and brought her mouth to Hilda’s again. The two of them kissed, Hilda rising to all fours (as we awkwardly rearranged ourselves on the couch.

I really went for it then. Something about the energy and the connection between us all, and having these two delicate, beautiful women in the room – and I wanted to show off for Sally, to impress the love of my life with my ability to fuck this young German senseless. I’m not saying that’s rational, just is what it is. I sped up, lunging my full length into Hilda as she panted beneath me. Sally did all she could to keep kissing, ducking her head from time to time to take a swinging breast into her mouth. After a while she gave up, kissing and touching what she could, and reaching an arm down to stroke her fingers over Hilda’s clit.

It set her off. I know enough German to swear profusely, and that was all I could make out of Hilda’s torrent of sound. Moaning, swearing, panting as she shuddered on my cock.

I was so close. I know everyone thinks they can last forever. I certainly hoped I would. But the vision of Sally and Hilda kissing as she came back to earth nearly set me off. I pulled out of Hilda, and with a frantic grunt, staggered forwards so Sally could take me in her mouth. I came, hard, and Hilda was there next to Sally, almost mewing as she kissed her neck. Sally turned with a full mouth, and the two women kissed with my come passing across their tongues.

I slumped to the ground as their arms circled each other and Sally led her to the bedroom…

[Part 1, I know. But I’ve got a really good start on Part 2, so didn’t feel so bad posting this now].

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cko0dh/mff_my_wonderful_fiancée_a_sexy_young_german_and


  1. Good stuff! See? More details make for an even better read.lol It was hot af tho, so hope you dont keep us waiting too long for part 2. Cheers mate!

  2. Pretty sure she´s not Hilda but Lisa actually. Germans know what I´m talking about…

  3. Holy shit… you have me about to search Reddit to find a couple to do this with

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