[MF] My World of Warcraft Hookup.

This is a happening that is one of my cherished memories, but I also carry great shame regarding it. Please understand that I was a very different person then, though good, my understanding of boundaries, what they mean, and why they should be respected, was far less mature than it is today. Just the same, I knew right from wrong and I crossed that line.

Years ago, approximately 8 if I recall, I played World of Warcraft (WoW) on a regular basis. I was never all that skilled, but loved the game. I often ran quests alone, but eventually began making friends that I would work with from time to time. Eventually, I met a wonderful couple who played together when possible, but the husband was far more serious about the game than the wife. I think he was grateful for my friendship in part because he would often leave her and I to run quests at our own pace and he was free to go off and do some of the higher skilled events. There was always open flirting, even in his presence, there was no issue there. He always commented that she was hot and was never going to stand in the way of harmless fun. As I recall it, she and I grew close over time. She mentioned being unhappy because he was gone for work all the time and she was often left at home. Part of the reason she always had time to game with me. Eventually our conversations got intimate and we often found ourselves masturbating to each others words. I was shy as I don’t find myself to be all that attractive physically and she was not inclined to send photos because her prior relationship had conditioned her to not feel sexy. (It’s been 8 years, so I am only about 30% sure that was the reason.) In any case, we never exchanged photos or we exchanged very generic head-shots, only once. To be clear, the flirting was fine, but I don’t recall the cybersex being openly talked about. So, already, we were breaking the bonds of their marriage. Eventually, as things continued as the were, we birthed a burning desire to enjoy each other in person. Unfortunately, she lived in Washington D.C. and I in Portland, OR. We often talked about how nice it would be to meet in person and in my opinion we both hinted relentlessly that it would be nice to fuck after having so much intimacy of the mind.

Eventually, opportunity presented itself. We were having one of our sessions as usual and frustration took over. We both wanted it. We needed to meet. I think we lied to each other, saying that if it did ever happen, we had to keep it casual, she was married after all. No matter how unsatisfied. Eventually, she told me that she had a Grandfather, (could have been an Uncle, I don’t remember.), that was celebrating a milestone birthday and he lived an hour or two south Portland. She said it would be the perfect chance. She could come out to see him, but before she left town, swing by to meet me. I don’t think there was any actual discussed plan to have sex. We both just knew what we wanted. In a feeble attempt to deny my desires, I told her that if she did come by, then we’d head to the bar around the corner from my place for a drink and just keep it public and friendly. She said she was scared and there was a lot of talk about not even showing up, so honestly, when she knocked on my door at 8:30pm, I had assumed she bailed. There she was, this magnificent woman. Blonde, straight, shoulder length hair, framing her face perfectly. Eyes blue and sparkling, standing about 5’5″, slim and fit, and with the most beautiful smile and warm hug, we embraced for the first time. After a few awkward moments, I remembered the passion between us and suggested that we head to the bar immediately so we weren’t alone in the house for long. The bar was as expected, empty, dimly lit, and we drank while we caught up and laughed together. Eventually, our cheeks hurting from the merriment of the night, we mutually agreed it was time to go.

We headed back to my place, our laughter and her giggling the only sound in the late night air. I don’t remember who suggested my bedroom when we entered the dark house, but it was then that we both knew what was about to happen. We headed to my room and by the light of the moon shining through my window, she gently slid out of her clothes. Standing there in front of me was this siren of a creature, simply stunning. He smooth skin begging to be touched, he eyes begging for my body against hers, her small perky breasts presenting themselves, he slightly showing six pack abs hinting at the marathon we were about to experience, and her trimmed mound inviting my cock inside her. In a frenzy my clothes were off and we embraced passionately. Our lips finding purchase again and again, exploring our bodies in the night. Never had I been intimate with a more beautiful, attractive, passionate, and vigorous woman. At times she rode me and I could feel her eager pussy grip and pull me inside her, her buttocks flexing under my hands in rhythm to her hips. Moans and gasps escape our mouths as I grab her waist, my member still inside her, and I lay her on her back aggressively. Now on top, I thrust and watch her mouth go wide and the whites of her eyes show. She rips and tears at my skin in the heat of passion and then at the wall above her head. Again and again I thrust and pound forcing more moans to escape her throat. Finally, giddy with relief of finally doing this, we both cum one and then the other. We collapse and I hold her for awhile. We both whisper gratitude for what just happened and we gently drift off to sleep in each others arms.

After a few hours rest, I help her dress and walk her to her taxi, seeing her off. We stayed in touch for a long time after that, occasionally enjoying reliving the night in conversation, but eventually a combination of guilt and my graphics card aging out, I stopped playing WoW and lost contact with her. In time she became a memory and more of a fantasy that I enjoy when I’m alone, but now I am in a relationship of 3 years and we both understand the difference between love and pleasure. I find myself wondering what happened to my nymph and if I will ever run in to her again. I wonder if she is now in a relationship that is like mine, guilt free. I feel that until I know what became of her, I will always carry around the guilt of what we did.

That is my confession.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ckjez3/mf_my_world_of_warcraft_hookup


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