F4A Teachers Visit [Rape]? More like [Naive] [Coercion] {Teacher/Student] [Professor/Student] [part 2] but can be read alone

People seemed to really like my first story, and after months of writers block, I’ve finally gotten over myself and wrote a part 2. It can be read by itself, but it’d be better with the first one, and a character from the first on is mentioned in this one quite a bit. So, without further Ado, I give you.

Teachers Visit

After getting a clean bill of health from Doctor Magnum, and taking all my shots, I was cleared to attend college. After a week of getting settled in, and getting the feel of all my classes, I can safely say that I am way in over my head. Everything is moving so fast, and everyone one around me is so smart, and I feel like I’m floundering to keep up.

I’m scared as I walk into my English Lecture. It’ll be my second one but the first had gone completely over my head. Nothing had made sense, which frustrated me because literature is my favorite subject. But it seemed like the professor was speaking an entirely different language when he was talking. And the homework he’d assigned! Don’t even get me started on that, it was due for another week but I wasn’t even close to getting a handle on it to even know what I was supposed to be doing.

The Professor spoke for an hour and a half, and by the time he’s finished, I’m just as confused as I was last class. But luckily the guidance counselor told me that I could go see the teacher if I had any questions or concerns about the class. She said the teachers were there to help us. With that in mind, I gather my things and head to the Professors office. He’ll know how to help me.

“Mr. Durex?” I ask as I push open the ajar door. He’s sitting at his desk, glasses perched on his nose, staring at a stack of papers. He looks like a picturesque professor, and I feel comfortable walking over to the desk and sitting down when he waves me over.

“How can I help you? Ms…” He asks.

“Reagon,” I supply when it seems that he doesn’t know who I am. “I just… I’m confused. Everything here is so much, and I feel like I’m in over my head. Like this is another thing that my parents didn’t prepare me for and I hate them for that. I hate that they didn’t tell me about anything important that pertains to how to survive in the world. Everything is so fast-paced here, and you speak a mile a minute when you lecture and it’s hard for me to keep up, and then the homework! What am I even supposed to do with that! I don’t even know what you’re talking about, let alone how to do it on my own! And I can’t call my parents because my father has disowned me for leaving. This is just another way my parents have failed me, like not telling me how Doctors are supposed to touch patients, and what grown-up women call their vaginas. Why did they never teach me that? Why did I have to learn about myself from a Doctor and not my parents?” By the end of my rant, I’m breathing hard and slumped in my chair, despondent and sad.

The Professor looks exactly like the doctor did when I told him my parents had never had The Talk with me. Like I just gave him the best gift in the world. And I’m a little offended that he can be so happy when I’m so sad. His face clears when he sees me staring at him, and he stands up from his chair and comes around to sit in the one next to me.

“Ms. Reagon, it is perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed when coming to college, and a girl in your position, not used to the world and it’s ways, can definitely get drug under the current that is life. But luckily, you have me, and I’m here to help you,” Professor Durex says, hand settling on my thigh.

“Thank you, sir, very much. I can’t tell you how much that means to me. I feel better already,” I tell him, placing my hand on top of his and squeezing. I’m just really grateful, but his face lights up like a Christmas tree.

“That’s good. I’m glad you feel better. There is one thing that I’ll have to ask of you,” He says.

“Anything,” I reply easily. This man is going to help me pass, is going to help me understand, I’d do anything for him.

“Good. I need you to trust me, Okay? Can you do that? And to do as I say, no matter what?” He asks.

“Of course!” I say without hesitation.

“Good girl,” he says, and I feel the familiar thrum of heat run through me that I felt with Doctor Magnum. “Okay then. First, I need you to remove your clothes.”

I stand to do as he says, even as I get nervous. The Doctor said only he’s supposed to touch me the way he did, and I’m scared I’m going to have to disobey him because I promised the professor I’d do as he says. Hopefully, the professor just wants to check something, and won’t want to touch me the way the Doctor did.

“Marvelous,” Professor says, as he circles the chair I’m standing in front of. I look down at my body, not sure what’s marvelous about it, but trusting him as he asked me to. “Now, I want you to bend over my desk, putting your ass on display.”

I hesitate this time, knowing that this is heading to something similar to what the Doctor did, and not knowing if I can break his trust. He said only Doctors are supposed to touch me like this, and the Professor, as far as I know, is not a Doctor.

“You wouldn’t happen to have been a Doctor before, would you, Mr. Durex?” I ask, just to be sure.

“No, why?” He asks absently, eyes glued to my pussy. I’ve been calling my vagina a pussy in my head since my Doctors appointment as a way to feel more like an adult. I don’t know if it’s working.

“Because my Doctor said only Doctors are supposed to touch me like this, and I don’t want to disappoint him,” I tell him, and his eyes snap up to my face, a faint smile tugging on his lips, even though I can’t see anything funny in what I said.

“Oh, did he now?” The Professor asks although I get the feeling he’s not looking for an answer. “Well, what I think he means is men in positions of power. You know, authority figures. People you look up to and trust. I don’t think he’d be disappointed in you for trusting me.”

“Oh! Okay!” I say, feeling better since I won’t be disappointing the Doctor. I turn around and bend over the desk as the Professor asked me too earlier, and I wiggle around to get in a comfortable position. I hear the Doctor swear behind me, a harsh word that I’d never heard before. “What does Fuck mean?” I ask him, peering over my shoulder at him.

He repeats the word again, and then reaches down to his cock, pulling on it through his trousers. “Fuck can mean many things, dear, but mostly it’s used when people are shocked, or frustrated, or aroused. In this case, I used it for aroused.”

“Okay,” I reply, and I let the swear word pass my lips when his hand covers my pussy and his fingers slid along my clitoris from behind me. I like the way it sounds, how it seems to sum up my feelings with just four letters. I think Fuck may be my new favorite word.

“Yeah, you like that. I want you to use that word whenever I make you feel good, okay?” The Professor asks, and I nod my head in agreement because his fingers slide inside me and suddenly I’m at a loss for words.

“Fuck, It feels good,” I tell him because he asked me too, and because It feels so good I’m not sure if I can keep quiet. I wanna talk, move and I can feel the heat bubble building, like it did with Doctor Magnum, as he moves his fingers faster and faster inside me. But suddenly, Professor Durex pulls his fingers out of me, and warmth envelopes my Clitoris instead. I look over my shoulder and no longer see him standing there, meaning the warmth must be from his mouth.

It feels unbelievably good, and I can feel the heat ball inside of me about to explode and suddenly the word fuck is all that is falling from my lips as the ball explodes. I shake and grind back into the Professors face as it passes, and then he’s standing up and he’s shoving his cock inside of me, and I can feel another ball forming. He pounds into me hard and fast, much faster than Doctor Magnum did, and after a short time, he reaches around me and rubs my Clitoris again. It only takes a handful of rubs before I’m exploding over his cock. He curses, pulls his cock out of me and before I can turn around and get on my knees like the Doctor made me do, he’s shaking apart behind me, and I feel a wet fluid on my back. Cum is what Doctor Magnum had called it. The Profession had cum all over my back.

“Well, Ms. Reagon, you’ve been wonderful. I’m gonna schedule you a visit later on this week, so we can go over your assignment and any questions you may have. And as long as we can keep doing this, I feel that you and I will get along great.” He says, grabbing up my clothes and handing them to me.

And for the first time, I realize that I had been completely naked, while the Professor had stayed completely dressed, and for some reason, that sends a ball of heat to my pussy

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ckl7pq/f4a_teachers_visit_rape_more_like_naive_coercion


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