Broadening a young bride’s horizons [MF] [Long]

Disclaimer: this is way too long, but maybe someone will enjoy. Fun to remember and talk about either way. I’ve needed to tell this story for a long time.

This happened a long time ago, in the Jurassic days of the internet before phones or dating/hookup sites. I was fairly active on IRC, or what the n00bs called chat rooms. Lots of sexting occurred, although they of course didn’t call it that, a fair bit of pic sharing despite people not having phones with cameras and needing to suffer through dial-up speeds, and plenty of more casual flirting to pass the time. I was a regular (and part time moderator) of a channel dedicated to a non-stop game of virtual truth-or-dare. The truth part is pretty self-explanatory, but the dare part mostly revolved around embarrassing public displays in the more serious channels, which would often result in a temporary ban. Other times the dare might be to engage in some kind of sexual scenario with another more-or-less willing participant, all typed out sexting style, out in the open for the enjoyment of all. You get the idea.

When Shan showed up, she had a display name that was sweetly naive and would be a little cringey these days; feminine and wholesome, a statement of herself that was going to get her taken advantage of. She chatted and played the game, sometimes embarrassingly honest but other times pretty funny. She never took a dare that I know of.

So we chatted and flirted a little, talking more and more about real life stuff. She was a beginning nurse of some sort and worked a nurse’s variable hours, so she was available at surprising times that matched up with my tech support schedule, or not. She was sort-of-engaged to someone who had been her sweetheart through middle school and high school; the only guy she had ever been with romantically. They were trying to buy a house but he had some kind of injury that brought with it some disability pension, not a lot, so she was the primary breadwinner. They lived in a small town on the rural side of a west coast state; no beaches or mountains but plenty of farms and orchards that mostly got worked by seasonal workers from down south. About a 4 hour drive from me, but who’s counting. She was 22, I was 34.

That corner of IRC was a pretty, umm, stimulating environment in those days. People were trying to hook up of course, but a lot of it was sexting, or cybering as they called it back then. Lots of roleplaying, a fair amount of decent erotic writing. And a million teenage boys who were easy enough to spot, especially when they pretended to be girls and trolled for faux lesbian fantasies. But the fact remained that we were surrounded by people who were there to masturbate together while trying to be creative and sexy and type with one hand. Everyone knew it, and eventually talked openly about it as just another part of any healthy life.

It was weeks before I virtually sexed Shan up, one morning when she was relaxing with a bottle of wine after a night shift, and I had the day off. She was a little nervous, she said, didn’t really know what to say. But wanted me to. I started slowly, describing soft kisses and gentle touches in the first person, asking about where she was in her apartment (lying on her bed with a laptop) and what she was wearing (men’s flannel pajamas) not for my own voyeuristic pleasure but so I could better describe things as if they were happening right there, right now. Her responses were mostly of the “mmm yes baby” variety but that was fine, Maybe she’d never done this cybering stuff before, who knows, but I was having fun and it seemed like Shan was too. So I went on in loving detail: slowly undoing buttons on her flannel top as I kissed my way down her neck, playfully kissing a nipple, then sucking and nibbling before returning to explore her mouth with my eager tongue, my body pressed against hers now.

I started breaking the 4th wall from time to time, instructing Shan to undo the last buttons and take off her top as I painted a picture of me doing it for her in a fantasy world of candlelight and slow simmering passion. Her hands became my hands, traveling over her body as the story progressed. Being careful to describe the hand pushing slowly between her legs as being outside her sleep pants at first, and letting her know she needs to touch herself the same way, be my hands. I didn’t tell her again when my virtual hand crept beneath her waistband, fingers pushing past a curly full bush (yes, I knew this detail from a previous conversation and was glad I hadn’t needed to ask), her legs parting slightly as I kissed her more deeply and slid fingers into her warm moist flesh. But I’m pretty sure she was following right along, and the long silence from her keyboard was promising. And when I knelt beneath her and peeled those soft flannel pants away, she volunteered “yes im doing it”.

Before long it was all about lips traveling slowly down her body, gentle kisses that approached teasingly, strong hands lifting up her knees and spreading her open to the most intimate kiss of all, etc. I was feeling more than a little meta myself, imagining her lying spread out on her bed, fingers working while she reads all this and is hopefully following right along.

“dont stop”

At some point you have to trust your timing, if she’s really lying on the bed and really into it she’s probably going to close her eyes at some point and write her own ending. You can’t tell. For now, keep control of myself and keep going, tell her about my tongue swirling in her soft flesh, long slow licks that begin at the rim of her asshole and end at her swollen clit, burying my mouth in her and sucking. How hard my cock is, how it throbs with wanting her.

Eventually I trail off, but not before describing the lead-in to a glorious orgasm, her body overcome as I devour her. The rest is up to Shan now, and I stroke my cock thinking about her there. Hoping she really felt it. Hoping she got where she wanted to be.

“Is this one of those good, comfortable silences?” I type after a few minutes have gone by.

“Hmm, very good. Very comfortable.”

“I’m so glad to hear that.”

Then after a little more of that good silence, Shan again. “I didn’t know it was going to be like that. It sounds sort of silly what you hear. I’m glad it was you.” A realization then. “Are you ok? I mean, are you, did you…”

“I think this was supposed to be for you, baby. Next time. Are you good though?”

Typing away, maybe backspacing and starting again. “I don’t think I ever came so hard in my life. Lol.”

Over time Shan was online more frequently, but couldn’t stay long. She was stationed at a hospital and at night there were always computers available, with internet and no real security (this was 25 years ago), and she was finding me on her breaks. I was working when she was at home, so there wasn’t any repeat of the fun we had that one morning. We didn’t really talk about it either, not from feeling awkward but just because there was never time for anything but idle chitchat. I was friendzoned and that was OK. I’d never even laid eyes on her, after all, and now she was officially going to get married in a few weeks.

So it was kind of a shock when Shan messaged me, “would you want to meet?” I didn’t really put a lot of thought into my response, just sort of said “sure, ok. When were you thinking?” I had some vacation time and could get covered at work pretty easily.

“Well if you want, I can get the weekend after next off” was her reply. “I could meet you part way.” She suggested a town a couple hours from where she lived, a city named after a lake out in the middle of nowhere. She’d be off work Friday morning and be there at 10. It was a date.

I left at 6am to get there early. We were to meet in the parking lot of a popular park on the aforementioned lake, a public place where there would be some people presumably in case I visibly resembled a mass murderer. Leaving early didn’t work out though; she was already there. She knew what car I’d be driving, and watched me park and get out to approach her. Dirty blonde hair, past her shoulders.  Nice smile. A little thick in the hips, and a hint of baby fat everywhere that probably just made her softer. We came together with a hug, just like friends might, holding each other for a moment. “Shan.” “Paul.” “Did you eat?” “Yeah me too.” Etc.

“You know I’m getting married in 3 weeks. He’s my best friend and Iove him, I’ve known him all my life.”

“Mm hmm…?”

“Well that’s the thing. I’ve known him forever, and now we’re going to get married, and he’s all I’ve ever known. I just want… I don’t want to… I’ve never been with anyone else Paul, and I need to know if I’ve been missing anything. And I’m getting married in 3 weeks and I want to know. It’s my last chance.”

The hotel was better than I expected, and as soon as the door closed behind us we were in each other’s arms, standing there in the middle of the room kissing. I was hard already, and made a point of pressing close enough that Shan could feel me against her hip, her tummy, and know the effect she was having on me. The way she kissed told a story that fit with the earlier confession of her situation: tentative, slow, so very curious. Like she was 15 and had only practiced kissing with a giggly bff and didn’t know if she was going to be any good at it. I asked if she would like to stretch out on the big king bed, relax together, and she said that sounded great.  I pulled a couple of pillows from the great pile at the head of the bed and we settled in, her on her back and me beside her.

I think it was somewhere around that time that I began to develop an understanding of how this was going to be: neither of us were virgins, and I was pretty far from it at that stage in my life, but Shan was feeling her relative inexperience and perhaps missed out on some things, things most people discover in the course of the sexual exploration of youth. We were going to be teenagers together, and discover things together, explore a brave new world and see where it took us. So we made out like teenagers, kissing and only over time putting our arms around each other, putting hands on each other’s bodies. Shan’s top had buttons and her bra unclasped from the front, so that all came off bit by bit as I kissed my way down her neck and came to her breasts, nipples hard and aureoles wrinkled and tight as I sucked first one then the other, then nibbled playfully. She was the first to cross a certain line, her hand first grazing then rubbing my cock through my increasingly tight jeans, and when my hand in turn reached between her legs to caress and rub her there I was rewarded with a moan, which I smothered with a deeper kiss. Tongues dancing and probing, hands between each other’s legs, wanting so badly.

It was still Friday morning and we had until Sunday afternoon, with nothing to do but explore and enjoy each other. So we savored each moment of discovery, kissing endlessly and removing items of clothing only as they got in the way. Her body was lush and soft rather than toned from exercise (Shan was rural small town, but not a farmer or a farmer’s daughter). After the initial passionate grope through her jeans I teased her mercilessly, touching and kissing everywhere else, even when I could see and feel her legs opening for me in longing anticipation. Whatever Shan wanted, I was going to make sure she wanted it more than she’d ever wanted anything before she got it. Kissing my way down her tummy, teeth tugging at the waistband of her plain cotton panties, I pushed them down and away but only teased around the edges of her untrimmed blonde bush. Rolled her over and massaged her feet and calves, kissing the clefts where legs met full round ass. On her back again, kissing her with my naked body fully against hers, my cock hard against one thigh but not moving even when she wrapped her arms and legs around me and strained to pull me where she wanted me.

I detected a bit of shyness and uncertainty when I positioned myself at the foot of the bed below Shan, nudging her knees up and apart and kissing my way up the inside of her thighs.

“You are so beautiful and sexy baby, and every part of you that you share with me is more perfect than the last.”

She relaxed a little bit. Then the softest kiss imaginable just where her pink flesh emerged from beneath the furry bush. Soft and almost reverent. Then another.

“Are you ok baby?” She still seemed a little tense.

“It’s great, Paul” she affirmed. “It’s just that nobody has ever done this to me before, and I want it to be nice for you too.”

“Are you serious?” I was truly a little shocked. “Didn’t Aaron ever…”

“Well he tried one time but he didn’t like it so he stopped.” (I hope I’m ok down there, the unspoken message.)

“Well he’s missing something special, let me tell you. Not only are you beautiful from head to toe, you are absolutely delicious. And I would love it if you would just lie back and relax and let me enjoy you for a while.”  And then another kiss, more serious this time, mouth buried in her and tongue sliding in soft moist flesh. With a low moan Shan did lie back, and she was truly delicious. And it went very much like our one steamy chat encounter some weeks ago, with a few notable additions:

– she had this endearing way of saying “damn… damn…” under her breath when it was really good. I thought she was probably brought up not to use the lord’s name in vain, and damn was probably the dirtiest word she felt comfortable saying. I wondered if I could get a “fuck me” out of her before the weekend was through.

– Shan’s initial insecurity was just that; it certainly wasn’t shyness. Towards the end her hands were wrapped around my head and she was bucking her hips, frantically rubbing her pussy against my mouth. She liked fingers in her, but ultimately I think preferred the full contact of my mouth with no hands and such in the way.

– her orgasm seemed to come almost against her will, starting slow then growing until every muscle in her body was clenching in rhythmic spasms. I couldn’t wait to feel that from the inside.

I took my time easing Shan down, wanting to prolong what she was feeling. Wanting to see if I could keep pushing her to the edge. In the end I was left slowly licking her, from time to time sliding my tongue up to her clit to incite another shudder. A final kiss and I left her to recover, rising to drape my arm across her as she stretched her legs out and shifted away from the massive wet spot on the sheets. I glanced around to see if there was something I could wipe my face with but it didn’t end up mattering as she turned to kiss me, my mouth and most of my face still shiny and wet with her. And she liked it.

I had a raging hard-on that was slow subsiding, and after a time of dreamy half sleep Shan seemed to take notice of it. Reached her hand to stroke, then grasp me.

“You are so damn good Paul. I didn’t know it was going to be like that, I never felt that good in my life.”

I kissed her with some heat, hands on her body again. Trying to go slow, not sure if she needed more time to recover, testing the waters by cupping her furry mound and feeling her spread her legs for my hand, fingers dipping now in slippery wetness. Then on top of her, her knees up on either side of my hips and my cock coming to rest against her warm flesh. Shan moaned and I began moving, hard shaft sliding against her, swollen head rubbing on the hood of her clit.

“Yes, do it. I want it. I want you.”

I don’t know exactly why, but when I penetrated her it was in excruciating slow motion. I think I was gaining a better understanding of how this needed to be, and I wanted us to experience every sensation, feel everything to the fullest. Almost like it was the first time for both of us. And I could see it in her eyes, kind of a realization or even an awakening. I fully understood that I was making love to a woman who was to be married to another man, and I couldn’t defend my actions on that basis alone; but at the same time here was a girl who, for one reason or another and through no fault of her own, seemed to have been missing all the best parts of physical love. Perhaps it was wrong but it was happening now, and I owed it to both of us not to let it be anything but beautiful.

So I pushed slowly, slowly inside her, feeling it more intensely than ever before or since. I intended to be looking into her eyes, but Shan’s eyes were closed and the expression on her face was plenty. Inch by inch until there was no more, and then I kissed her with my cock buried inside her, slowly throbbing. “Damn. Oh, damn baby.” We strained together for a tiny fraction more, grinding against each other. It was pretty amazing, and damn she felt good. So I did it again just as slowly as before, withdrawing almost entirely first so we could both feel my head push past her inner lips again before sinking deep inside her. We kissed in rapture and let ourselves drift away in the luxurious sensation.

I forced myself to stop after a little while, somehow never having picked up the pace despite my desperate need to give her the serious fucking she was going to get eventually. “I want to taste you again. I wonder if you taste any different now that my cock was just inside you.” Shan loved the idea, boldly spreading her legs wide and moaning in pleasure as I licked her. When I rose to kiss her she pronounced that she could taste it on my lips, the taste of my cock inside her, and although it couldn’t be true at this point it was a nice thought. And she seemed to like the idea too, exploring my mouth with her tongue and reaching her hand to guide me into her again.

Slow was still the word of the moment, and honestly it was pretty amazing. There was something about watching Shan’s expression change as I penetrated her, not to mention the way it felt. We kissed a LOT, and there was an intimate romantic thing going on that was addictive as we indulged ourselves in the wet friction of my cock slowly moving inside her.

My earlier ideas about drawn-out anticipation and creating uncontrollable wanting probably worked (I’d stopped thinking that hard about it long ago), but they worked equally well on me. The time came when I didn’t push inside Shan with agonizing slowness, instead thrusting into her once, twice with passion and desire. “Damn. Yes baby. Oh, damn.” The pent up need in both of us was more than apparent, and for Shan it might have been a lifetime. I couldn’t know what she’d experienced in her life (other than that it involved one apparently selfish and singularly boring man) but it wasn’t what she’d hoped for, wasn’t what she needed and deserved. Maybe Shan simply needed someone to not just fuck her for a couple of minutes and act like she should be grateful, or worse, like it wasn’t for her at all; maybe she needed a man to make love to her, to give her a taste of the pleasures of physical intimacy and discover together what she wants and needs.

I was no expert yet on what Shan needed despite my speculation (and she may have still been figuring it out for herself), but what she wanted was plenty clear and can be summed up in a word: more. Exactly what I wanted. No jackhammer action thank you very much, never been a fan or particularly capable, just finally allowing passion to take the wheel. Shan has an amazing pussy, not “careful or you’ll pop out” tight but responsive and muscular in ways that betray what she’s feeling and make it impossible not to become fully immersed. So each thrust was a highly distilled version of what had come before, still feeling everything about each other, just faster. Harder. More.

Shan seemed to be wired up with a direct connection between her nipples and somewhere between her legs; when I sucked on them, and then nibbled and bit, she gasped in pleasure and wrapped her hands tighter around my ass, pushing her hips up to meet me and arching her back to make something rub some better way.  Later that night I would remember, and reach around to grab her tits and pinch her nipples at crucial moments when I was pumping into her from behind.

The rest of this part is an automatic tldr (way too late, I realize); we fucked and fucked good, missionary style with lots of kissing and watching each other’s faces, and the fact of my less than perfect stamina luckily only made it better when the pauses I needed were spent sucking her delicious pussy until she asked for my cock again. I realized I had mistaken nervousness for upbringing (or maybe Shan had just let go of some things and come into herself) when I heard the words “damn baby. Oh god. Oh god I love the way you fuck me. Fuck me baby” and you know I did, fucking her hard and good. Hearing and feeling that she was close to orgasm from my cock alone was pretty great in itself, and as I pumped into her I could feel it coming, feel her tightening and clenching, her body starting to heave and shudder. I was feeling it too and before I could stop myself it was way too late and I thrusted hard again and again, feeling Shan’s body overcome with spasms of ecstasy as I pumped her full of hot cum.

Over the course of the weekend we learned a lot about each other, and what we wanted and needed. We did take some time to talk, and we went out to eat dinner (the taste of her pussy after a prime rib dinner with peach pie for dessert is a subject for another time), but mostly we explored each other and ourselves, an adventure. Over time I found Shan  especially liked a finger in her ass while I sucked on her pussy, and she knew enough to get on her knees and ask me to fuck her doggy style, another thing she had never experienced, and loved. She had an amazing, intuitive sense of how to use her mouth on me, understanding  that soft and wet and a creative tongue beat out sucking like a Hoover every time. We had talked about birth control (she had it handled) and we were the poster children for being low-risk for HIV and other nasties, so I had no second thoughts about fucking her bare and cumming inside her again and again.

We went out for dinner the once and breakfast a couple of times, but other than that we never left the room. We kind of forgot about the checkout time at the hotel two days later and spent the afternoon driving around with my hand in her pants, looking for places to fuck in the car with no prying eyes. I am probably one of a very few men to lick a girl to orgasm in the front seat of an 1994 Mazda MX-6 coupe.

We were lovers for many years, when we could make it work, even after she was married. We know a half dozen hotel rooms in the central PNW very well. She came to visit once for ten amazing days in my apartment, and it’s a miracle I survived. We took a few pictures that I cherish. She was transferred to Alaska of all places, but when she passed through my local airport on the way home to visit we planned ahead. We still talk over ICQ of all things, and I send her creative pictures and videos that I compile from mostly amateur porn and edit into something that she’ll like. Now she is back at the opposite end of the state where I live, and we are making plans.


Reading all this I do realize it comes off as a narcissistic tale of my “amazing” sexual prowess and how I brought some kind of ultimate gratification to a young woman, but that’s not the point. I was amazingly fortunate. I am 12 years older than her, sport an unremarkable cock (7″ on a good day), I need to be a little careful I don’t cum too soon and it doesn’t work out 100% of the time – really the main thing I have going for me is that I give a shit and get a lot of satisfaction out of the pleasure of my partner. And I happened to be what she was looking for, even though she didn’t know it at the time. And I wouldn’t change a thing.



  1. Should have asked her to marry you, right then and there, but that might have scared her and pushed her away. Still a great experience and story, being able to be the other man for so long.

  2. I actually read all that….. You two should have got married instead

  3. I love your writing style and this story has me all sorts of worked up. She’s a lucky girl. ☺️

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