You Were Right [FM] [Cheating] [Oral]

Isaac started messaging me a few years into our marriage. I remember loving the idea of reconnecting, I hadn’t heard from him in years. You disliked the thought immediately, and I couldn’t really understand why. “Why would he reach out to you now? It’s a bit inappropriate,” you would say. I didn’t really think so. I was his babysitter for much of his youth, and a friend of his family’s for years after. I never thought it inappropriate for us to be chatting now that he was older. It was nice to catch up and learn what a young man he had grown up to be, and the thought of anything else never crossed my mind.

I kept it secret, but with good intentions. Silencing my phone so you wouldnt hear his notifications. It all started innocently enough, him asking about my day, where I lived now, what I did for a living. It was sweet how interested he was in me. It felt genuine. When you found him liking my pictures on instagram, you were upset how he only seemed to like pictures where I was alone. I didn’t think much of it. Why would he like pictures you’re in? He doesn’t know you. You asked me to talk to him about it, but I never did. I found it flattering.

By the time he asked for my snapchat, the conversations were different. Things were more intimate. He was asking about my aspirations, if I missed our hometown, if I missed him; it didn’t feel wrong to say I did, we were friends afterall. I added him on a new snapchat I created, and was fond of the idea of our conversations autodeleting. It felt safer, and a bit more secretive. It didn’t take long for our chats to turn darker. He first asked me what my favorite position was, and I told him doggy. He wanted to learn every bit of me, and I him. Just playfully exchanging secrets, and nothing more. Though I knew now where things were headed. He told me he’s always thought me blowing him, ever since he was young. He complimented my lips endlessly, so I would occasionally send him pics of me blowing him a kiss. “I need those lips” he would flirt. His fixation on them was incredibly attractive to me.

He messaged me on Tuesday, and asked what I was doing that upcoming weekend. I told him my husband I were out of town to visit family, and he got sad. He was celebrating his 19th birthday, and wanted me to come. When I read ’19’ my heart nearly stopped. He really was ten years younger than me, but it didnt feel like it up to that point. He wasn’t even legally allowed to drink. And I’ll admit for the first time, your suspicions began to worry me. Was this boy reaching out just to manipulate me? To find his way into my life? To fuck me? I bit my lip, almost hoping he was. It was nice to feel wanted. And I began to think about how it might actually happen. He was legal now, that wasn’t a problem. But I knew his family. And I was married.

As an adult, you don’t have to try very hard. I faked sick around Thursday, and Friday morning, I apologized profusely for staying behind. You were sad to see me stay, but you wanted me to feel better. As soon as you left, I messaged him through snapchat. I asked him who was going, where we’d be, etc. He gave me two options then, it could be at his place if I was coming as a friend. Or it could be at a hotel if I wanted to wish him a happy birthday. That night, I kept reassuring myself that I was loyal. I shaved, all while admitting this was wrong. And I picked out my lingerie, all while thinking we might not even do anything, that this was all a test for me. I was his babysitter when he was in grade school, but this was something else. I left our house wet and excited, but nervous to hell. He asked for my reddest lipstick, and I sent him a quick snap for approval. The most unimaginable scenarios kept playing in my head, you coming back home, you waiting at the hotel to catch me. I was so nervous. This was the first time I had ever done something like this, and with someone so young. I packed enough to sleep the night and drive back tomorrow. It would be playful and romantic.

I picked him up because he didn’t have a car. The first time we had seen each other in years. We awkwardly hugged inside the car, and I began to regret dressing the way I did, I clearly came to fuck him and he knew. He was just wearing a tshirt and jeans, but smiled at me and made me feel warm. He again complimentend my lipstick, and I gave him a wink. We arrived at the hotel a bit early, so we left to grab some coffee first, then I drove us back. We were both just as nervous, and that helped my anxiety. He asked if you knew, and I said no. He asked if I knew what he wanted me for, and I said yes. He then asked if we could ditch the hotel idea and just “do it in the car” instead. It felt rushed, and the change of plans didn’t feel too great. When I asked to keep the hotel, he was unbuttoning his jeans on the passenger seat. He was staring at my lips the entire time he started stroking himself, instructing me then to go down on him. I was really doing this. This was really happening. I leaned in and tried to kiss him, but he turned away, instead pushing my head down towards his lap. I was embarrassed, I thought maybe we would make out first. But no. I kissed the tip of his cock, and slowly started circling my tongue around him. I was so excited to relax him and teach him a few things. He made himself comfortable on the seat, and placed his hands on my head, guiding me as if I didn’t know what I was doing. I couldn’t believe this was all happening at the parking lot, but was hoping we would eventually move indoors and have a bit more privacy.

Before he finished, he got a bit more aggressive. He pulled my hair, choked me a bit while I tasted him. He instructed me to open my mouth wider, and just shoved himself entirely into my mouth. I could barely swallow him. He talked about how long he’d been wanting to do this, how nice of me to give him such a warm birthday present, as in, my mouth. He held my hair in a pony tail and rapidly led my head up and down. You always like it much slower than this, but I figured it couldn’t last too long. I kept myself composed and kept up the pace. My lipstick now smothered everywhere. Inbetween breaths, I playfully asked to move inside our room so I could show him a few more things. I had already paid for it. He wouldn’t listen. He’d fix his hold on my ponytail again, and continued fucking my mouth. There was a desperation in how he held me. As if he didn’t have enough time, or he had somewhere to be. I was dizzy from the constant head throbbing, but he wouldn’t slow down. It was his birthday and he needed this. I asked him to warn me when he was about to finish. He didn’t. He held my head in place while he shot down my throat, and I tried to push away with no success. I moaned and whined while he held me there, his eyes shut and his lower body vibrating onto my mouth, filling my mouth up and not allowing me to breathe. “Eat it” he kept saying “Suck it up like before”

When I dropped him off, I didnt even get a goodbye hug. He waved me goodbye, and entered his house before I drive off. My mouth was sore, and his smell was all over my neck and cheeks. My makeup was a mess. I felt used and upset. It’s like you knew all along this is what he’d do. I got home and showered, and texted you goodnight but you didn’t answer. I got on snapchat, no message from him either. A few minutes pass and my phone vibrates, he tagged me on a new facebook post.

“Bucket list updated. Guess whose mouth I just came in ?”

You were right all along. I just didn’t listen.



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