“Umm… yeah. I can do that.” [MF]

This is a continuation of the New Orleans girl… for the sake of continuing anonymity, I’ll call her “X”.

After the New Orleans encounter, I called her up and told her I enjoyed her company. She answered back the same. We pledged to stay in touch and “who knows? It’s all fun and games, right?” So, we did keep in touch. We sexted and sent each other nudes and video’d jacking and jilling off one night and we schemed about meeting. We loved getting away with these texts and plans; it’s not optimal to cheat but it was necessary for us.

I live in Atlanta, and she lives in a major metropolitan city, about 10- 12 hours away. We are both cheating spouses who travel for work. What are we supposed to do? Meet in the middle, in some scenic town in Virginia or North Carolina and fuck our brains out throughout the night?


As the scheming took place over a few weeks, I asked her if she had any fantasies. She replied that she was kind of living it out now, but asked me if I had any fantasies. “Uh, yeah. I got one.”
She encouraged me to indulge and reveal my innermost desires.

In short, the fantasy goes like this: a woman has to do whatever the fuck I say. This is all before the sex… So, as it goes, I check into the hotel room first, right? Everything is all prepared on my end. Not a single hair out of place, I look and smell like a million bucks, the music is perfect for fucking and there’s light enough to see everything. Her responsibility is to say “yes sir” and follow my commands. She is to know what hotel to meet and that’s it. I text her what to do or call her and all she can say is “yes sir”. If she goes down the hallway, it’s only because I told her to do so. “Hey, turn left you fucking beautifully horny angel kissed slut”. She’s says what? You got it— “yes sir”. Stop walking. Face the door. (Door is unlocked). Walk inside and set your bags down.

….You get the picture. Aside from breathing, she does what I say.

“Walk in front of the bed and stand there”.
“Yes sir.”

“Strip naked. Slowly.”
“Yes sir.”

“Get up on all fours, arch your ass and present your pussy. Don’t look back. Continue to face forward.”
“Yes sir.”

My fantasy is to get her to play with herself and then the first touch, the first time she sees me, or hears my voice or anything— it’s a sexual one, as I slide inside of her. That’s my fantasy. It’s followed up by voracious fucking that has been let loose since the building up of all this tension. Weeks of tension built into 20 minutes of command…That’s it. Girl X listens to me describe it and whispers on the phone, “umm, yeah. I can do that.” Really? I thought it might creep her out. It has the total opposite effect. “It’s hot”, she breathed. Shes eating it up. (Life hack: since then, it appears this fantasy is a winner with every girl I talk to…)

She made the hotel reservations and she booked and paid for it, and listed me on the room so that I could prepare for the fantasy. She’s all in.

Rewind 1 week. I bought her a peekaboo lace teddy that reveals her athletic ass and it wasn’t inexpensive. It is most seductive piece of lingerie she has now and many times over the most sophisticated looking sexual garb I’ve seen… I’ve been talking about it with her and getting her all pumped up. And now? It is fucking on. I can’t wait to see her naked, then fuck her and redress in this outfit and fuck again. This gorgeous mom of two, still has a 9.0 body, a 10.0 ass and an extremely pretty face and a smile that melts your soul. …she wants to lose sleep and fuck me continuously. I oblige her…

Part II, coming up….

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cjuu5w/umm_yeah_i_can_do_that_mf

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