The Punishment. Chapter 1 [captive][cruelty] [rape]

The rain splashed in the muddy puddle that had formed under the wooden saddle that had been installed in the center of the court yard. Atop it was a young women, whose pale flesh stood out against the dark red ground that surrounded her. Her arms and legs were bound by thick wet ropes tied tight against the rough wooden post the saddle sat on. She was naked, sparing a wooden plank hung around her neck that read “WHORE.” It hadn’t stopped raining since they put her there, and she didn’t even realize she was shivering, her body was so numb to the cold.

Her only comfort was that if she tipped her head just right, water would run down her lips. She sucked droplets in and ran her tongue around her mouth. It was hard to believe that only 4 days ago she was laughing and drinking by the fire in her ladies chambers. She long for the taste of sweet milk and bread. She had been the bed maid of her lady, sleeping by her side. Until that greedy bitch Beth had went running to the lord of the house, telling tales of the bed games she had been playing with his lady wife. She hadn’t even liked them. At first anyways. But her lady was a restless sleeper and Annaoften found her self waking up to her rubbing her wet against her leg, or using Anna’s fingers to pleasure herself. Eventually she had given in, and had used her mouth to give the lady pleasure. The noise she made as she reached her moment must have awoken some of the other girls, because the lord had found out and had put her lady away in a tower cell, and Anna found herself down in a damp jail cell beneath the Keep.

She never could have believed anything could be worse than her cell at the time. It was damp, and there was no furniture. The first night there, one of the guards had slipped into her cell and started touching her hair. She had slapped him, and the next thing she knew a leather clad fist had hit her across the side of her head. Falling to the ground she had started to beg, and the man had jumped on her, ripping her dress and handling her puffy and sensitive breast. He was gentle like her lady, and he left big bruises on her ribs and chest. She had started crying as he flipped her on her stomach and after a bit of a struggle, mostly her kicking and trying to squirm away, he had forced his way inside. She wailed as he vigorously pumped inside of her, and she felt a warmth of blood as her maidens flower spilled away between their legs. He had released in her and quickly stood up. “Ah, the little whore is a women now.” He had chortled as he did up his pants. “Someone had to do it, get ya ready for all these other fellows that want a turn at ya.” He kicked her water over as he walked out, laughing as he shut the door.

The next few days did not improve, guard after guard had come to take turns with her, some coming together in twos or threes. One man, with a particularly large member had taken her mouth, forcing his way down her throat while another man fucked her from behind. Anna had gagged and tried to force out a scream but there was no air. Her eyes had felt like they would burst and she had pushed and clawed at the man but that only seemed to further his earnest. She had thought it was the end, light was slipping from her as the man let out a loud groan and he started spilling warmth into her. He quickly pulled out as the darkness surround her and she felt a lurch in her stomach as sick spilled out onto the floor. The man fucking her from behind quickly pulled out, exclaiming “what the fuck you ass, id of finished in a minute. The large membered man had laugh with such cruelty, she could still here it out in the courtyard.

She had at least had food and drink. The day she spent out in the courtyard had been nothing but hunger and thirst. People had come through all day, jeering and throwing mud on her. Women she had played cards with at court had come and yelled jeers at her such as “slut” and “harlot.” One man who she had seen selling breads on the market, had the audacity to show her his cock and smack her on the ass before a guard had thrown him back with the shaft of his halberd. Anna had liked that man and the smells of bread and her lady had stopped and gotten her a sweet roll. She weeped. She could not imagine how life could get worse, but she was sure that it would.


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