So this happened a couple years ago around Christmas. Not the longest story but it was definitely something I look back on regularly.
I was a manager in a call center and was stuck after hours finishing up time cards for the week. Got a text from a coworker asking if I was still there because she forgot her purse and was locked out. Of course, being the nice guy I am, I go let her in the office to get her belongings and go back to my desk to finish up my work. I didn’t notice her follow me back to my desk and was surprised but didn’t mind the company.
About 20 minutes of mundane time cards go by with some small talk and light flirting and she sighs and says that doing all this work must be really boring and asks if she can do anything to help pass the time as she puts her hand on my leg. I laugh and say I saw a porno recently where a hot girl was sucking the guy off under the desk and said that would be fun to try, but probably inappropriate and dangerous since it was about time for the security guards to make their rounds. She says she’s never done anything like that before and I can see her processing the idea and thinking it over.
After about 5 minutes of heavier flirting and sex talk about past escapades she says she hasn’t done anything past fingering herself in 4 years and she wants to do it and pulls the top of her already low cut shirt down to tease me with her somewhat small tits. She was maybe a b cup but they were still fun to look at and play with. Especially her one pierced nipple. Then she works her way under my desk and starts rubbing my inner thighs, working her way to my growing bulge and zipper. She pulls my zipper down and I reposition so she can get my pants down enough so they aren’t in the way. My cock is throbbing by this point, and when she finally pulls it out of my boxers it practically springs up and almost smacks her in the face. She starts stroking it and rubbing the underside of my head on her nipples. Then she sucks me into her mouth about halfway and slowly works her mouth up and down my shaft, sometimes taking it out to lick or suck up and down the sides and flick my head with her tongue. Now of course I can’t focus on anything except her, and she tells me to get back to work or she won’t finish me off. So I struggle to get back to work and she goes back to giving me some of the best head I’ve ever gotten. A couple minutes go by and we hear that familiar beep of the badge reader and a door opening. Security guard decided to make his rounds a few minutes early, which sucked because I was close to blowing my load down her throat and just needed another minute or 2. I expected her to stop and work her way back up next to me, but she sinks further under the desk and pulls my chair forward, forcing my whole cock down her throat and slowly bobbing her head up and down. Security guard asks if I’m enjoying my late night paperwork, and the only thing I can say is “more than you could imagine. Almost done with a giant load” and I hear her snort a little and start to gag on me. Guard moves on with his rounds and we hear the door shut in the other side of the room. She pushes my chair back out and goes back to deep throating me. I warn her that I’m about to cum and she goes back to sucking me about halfway in and licking my head. I start to shoot my load in her mouth. She pulls my cock out as the last spurt is coming out and it lands on her cheek. She wipes it off with a finger and sucks it off to add to the mouthful of cum she’s working around with her tongue. She swallows it all and let’s me know that she had a really big cum play fetish and was glad that she got to have such a big load again. She licks up any residual cum oozing out of my dick and I stand up and fix myself and we head out of the office, passing the same security guard in the hall in the way out. He gives me a sideways smile when it clicks that she was there the whole time as the elevator doors start to close.
Unfortunately this the only time she sucked me off in the office, we had plenty of other opportunities. But I did get those timecards finished!
Security camera prob caught the whole thing, dude knew what was happening
Yeah this didn’t happen
…”definitely something I look back on regularly.”
FTFY, jerk off to regularly