Dan and the NCR [Fallout] [EU] [Sci-fi] [Voyeurism] [Stretching] [Inflation] [Anthro] [Mind Break]

“My boots!” Tom lamented as he stepped ankle deep in a puddle of rad water. He had been staring at his Pip-boy when he lurched forward in the hole in the road. Someone should really fix these, they were a serious hazard! His socks got wet as the water leaked through the cracks in the old leather. He hopped out, shaking his legs like a dog.

“Oh yeah, there was a puddle in your way.” Alli noted, casually stepping over the same hole. She wore her blonde hair in a messy bun today and wore some cracked sunglasses she found off a corpse a couple days ago. As her senior, Tom tried to warn her about diseases and the morality of looting the dead, but she declared ‘they’d look cool’ and took them anyway. The youth these days.

“You should have warned me!”

“You were playing with your watch.”

“It’s a *Pip-boy*, for the thousandth time, and I wasn’t playing with it, I was making sure that we were in the correct place. I apologize profusely for wanting to make sure we were in the general area that our dear Deathclaw friend happens to be roaming around!” Tom snapped, tearing a boot off and dumping out a splash of water.

“Per-foosly?” Alli repeated, brow furrowing at the pronunciation.

“Don’t think to hard. Our immediate concern is that yes, our Deathclaw is here –”

“You mean Dan.” Alli corrected him.

“…And we must be alert,” finished Tom. Even though he would never admit to Alli, calling D-1567-AR-826, Dan, was quite convenient. It even had a decent ring to it, Dan the Deathclaw. Even though Tom was a scientist, he could appreciate a little bit of alliteration in his life. He didn’t believe that Alli did it on purpose. Tom guessed she didn’t even know what the word alliteration meant.

They were in the ruins of an old town firmly in the middle of NCR territory. You could tell from the impaled raider corpses right outside, eyes and tongue picked clean by carrion birds, large swarms of bugs buzzing around them. The road was a cracked, shattered mess, and the original paint lines were just barely visible. Old cars, their rusty bodies warped and twisted from weather and radiation, littered the street just like the raider corpses. Tom was careful to avoid the cars. He had a gun on him but didn’t want to run the risk of spooking a ghoul that might be underneath one.

Tom was a man of stealth at heart. Some scientists liked to be loud, bombastic, declare their discoveries to the world. Many of those scientists were often shot by rivals. It was quite the cutthroat profession, everyone trying to be better than their colleague. It’s one reason Tom kept his Deathclaw musings to himself and hid his discoveries like a radrat hid its nest. This translated into his life, where he was content to hunker down and slink along. More so especially with the NCR in the area. And Dan.

He tugged his boot back on. “Ridiculous that people kill over places like this. I suppose I can understand the strategic importance of holding on to ruins like this, but really,” a piece of a building fell off, clattering against a car. “I don’t get why the NCR are so anal about their territory.”

“Hah, anal,” giggled Alli. “Why’re you suddenly talking about butt stuff?”

Tom’s face reddened. “No, Alli, not *butt stuff*. Anal, as in –” Tom started to explain but Alli’s face scrunched as she tried to suppress a laugh. She spun, sticking her butt toward him and wiggling it back and forth. Alli made farting noises with her tongue. He pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Just follow me,” grumbled the scientist, turning as Alli started backing up on him, giggling the whole time. He didn’t know how old she was. She could be fifteen or twenty-two, it was anyone’s guess. Alli was on the smaller side, maybe five-foot-two, and probably only a little over a hundred pounds. That made Tom a whole foot taller. That could be from malnourishment stunting her growth. If she wasn’t so eager to kill things or had a macabre sense of humor when it came to corpses, Tom would have guessed she was twelve. She certainly acted like it!

She whistled out of tune while they stalked down the streets. Tom adjusted his hat. This one was a tattered white ball cap. He lost his other one while running away from some ghouls the other day. It wasn’t a tragic loss, he hated it anyway, but it was a lot easier to see a sweat ring on the ballcap. Tom took it off and wiped his scalp with a sleeve.

“You’re really sweaty,” observed Alli.

“I didn’t notice!” Tom snapped, aggressively putting his hat back on. “Now *shush*, Alli. I don’t want to alert Dan to our location. I do enjoy being alive, even if it is miserable sometimes.” Alli shrugged. Ruined buildings flanked them, sun-bleached brick crumbling and cracked. Bullet holes decorated the sides from old firefights. They made their way toward a gas station, its sign crooked and paint peeling off. Sometimes there would be bottlecaps at the stations. When Tom was younger, he used to check if there was any oil considering how valuable it was. Liquid bottlecaps, basically. Too bad all the oil was siphoned off a long, long time ago. He crouched, pulling out some tools to gut the pump and see if there were any goodies hidden inside.

“You hear that?” Alli asked. Tom pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Alli –”

“No, shush, listen!” She said, and Tom cocked his head. He *did* hear something. It was faint, coming from the main building next to the pumps. He glanced over at it, with its cracked windows and papers stuck to the side. What sort of beast made those noises? Tom stood up, quickly tucking away his tools.

“We should go.” He said. If it were some ghouls or a Super Mutant, they’d be dead and Tom’s quest for scientific discovery would meet a very bloody, very painful conclusion. The sounds continued to float over the abandoned station, some sort of haunting, huffing beat.

Alli ignored him, crouched low and dashing toward the window. His protests caught in his throat. Best not to alert what was inside. Looking left and right, convinced no one was around them, Tom quickly tip-toed after her. Her childlike curiosity was much like his scientific curiosity, and as the two of them made their way around the side, keeping the building to their left, he couldn’t help but feel excited at what might lurk inside. A new mutant perhaps?

“Woah,” breathed Alli, who got to a better window before he did. She lifted up her cracked glasses. Excitement at its height, Tom practically tripped while scrambling to the window. He peered through, heart thumping in his chest, skin tingling in anticipation.

It was just two people fucking.

Like a balloon released of helium, Tom deflated and was left feeling lightheaded. He nearly slapped himself for being such a fool. Alli was stuck to the scene, eyes wide and hands cupped against the dirty glass. She rubbed her thighs together. Well, they were over here. Might as well see what the fuss was. Tom mimicked her stance, cupping his eyes.

The man was grunting nearly as loudly as the woman. Tom noted they wore the tops of their NCR uniforms, but their pants were mysteriously absent. The woman was bent over the register, her hair gripped tight so her head was yanked back. Tom and Alli watched from the side, so he saw her stretched out neck, teeth clenched, fingers gripping the register as the flesh of her ass shook with each thrust.

“F-fuck yeah, your cock is so big,” she grunted, rocking back against him. “Fuck me.”

He slapped her ass, which caused Tom to wince. They were being loud. He tried to ignore his sudden erection, even twisting away from Alli while keeping his eyes on the scene. Tom felt a little odd watching. He’d never been a voyeur, but science was all about watching, wasn’t it? Alli glanced over at him.

“Want me to help you out?” She offered, nodding toward his crotch.

“What?” Tom hissed. “No, just…Watch.” He said. Weird order to give, but Alli grinned and turned back. The woman knocked the cash register over, sending the ancient machine to the floor with a clang.

“Yeah, you like that bitch?” The man grunted.

“Yes! Yes! Fuck me, Dan! Make me your little soldier whore!”

Alli and Tom shared a look.

“Huh.” He said.

“What’re the odds?” She said.

They turned back at the same time. With his right hand, Tom pressed his pants against his erection. The way the fabric rubbed his cock felt divine, and he wasn’t *really* jerking off, so he wasn’t a total pervert. Alli had her hand down her pants. Barbaric. He tried to keep his breaths to a minimum so that the glass wouldn’t fog up so bad that it’d block his vision. A small dark spot formed on his trousers from where his precum was leaking out. Tom licked his lips, mouth dry as he rubbed himself near completion, watching the NCR woman cry out, her tanned body rocking against the man’s, her mouth open, eyes so wide the whites showed, and the way she shrieked when she came, how she begged Dan to keep fucking her. Alli moaned a bit next to him.

His Pip-boy dinged, snapping Tom out of his near-orgasm trance and he glanced over at the little green screen. His cock shriveled up as he stared at the rough map and the flashing message. Tom grabbed Alli. She yelped, tripping and barely getting to her feet as Tom covered the parking lot and practically threw her behind one of the gas pumps. Somehow her glasses stayed on her head. The zipper of her pants was still undone. She glared up at him and opened her mouth. He slapped his hand over it, heart threatening to crack his ribs and sweat dripping down his face from heat and panic.

“Wha’ the ‘ell,” Alli tried to say, but Tom fixed her with a glance.

Then came the footsteps.

Once those started to pound through the air, Alli’s eyes went wide. The two of them peeked over the pump, Alli trying to zip up her pants and move at the same time. A car shrieked as it was knocked aside, Dan thumping down the street. The Deathclaw didn’t notice them, thank God. Then he ran *through* the wall of the building.

Tom stared in shock, metal and rock flying as Dan rammed through the side. He trumpeted, the air vibrating with the sound. Underneath it were drowned out screams. Glass shattered as a body was flung through the window. Dan – human Dan – was very much dead, chest caved in like a papier-mâché ball. The half-naked corpse ragdolled its way past them, rolling, crunching, and otherwise just being an unpleasant sight and making terrible noises.

He fumbled with his notebook, taking it out as not-human Dan ran through the glass doors, sending pieces flying and twisting the metal. In the hot sun, the reptilian Deathclaw’s tar black skin seemed to glow. It held the woman in one hand. She was screaming, shaking her head and crying. Dan lifted her to his face and took a long, deep whiff of her. She punched him in the snout but that didn’t seem to do much.

“Holy shit, he’s gonna fuck her isn’t he?” Alli asked, staring over Tom’s shoulder. He wrote quickly as he observed the behavior. Was Dan drawn to the two because of the smell? Did that mean he possessed an ability to smell when other species were in heat and at their peak arousal? From the way he smelled her, from her head to her crotch, that seemed to be the case.

“Help! Help! Somebody!” The NCR woman – who Tom gave the name ‘Jacket’ since she was still wearing hers – called out. Of course, no one would come help, and even a squad of soldiers would have a tough time with a Deathclaw. Dan sniffed her crotch again and then opened his mouth. A long, thick pink tongue rolled out. That made sense, considering their genetic makeup of chameleon DNA. He ran it over her pussy, and Jacket whimpered in surprise and pleasure.

Tom and Alli watched Dan’s massive horsecock grow from its sheath as he ate her out. Holding her like a doll, he nodded his head up and down, dragging the full length of his tongue against her. Jacket groaned loudly, grabbing ahold of his horns to try and support herself. Each long lick was accented by his slurps. Clear liquid dripped from his mouth, either spit or her juices, Tom wasn’t sure.

Jacket gasped as Dan moved his tongue up inside of her. She drooped her head back, chest rising and falling with each thrust of his tongue. Tom observed her moving her hips into Dan, clearly enjoying herself. Alli started to moan and he turned to see her hand was down her pants again. He pulled her hand out and she glared.

“Hey, what gives?” She whispered. “I wanna cum.”

“I believe Dan was attracted *because* the two NCR were fucking. It’s the smell. You cum, we die.” Tom said. Her brow furrowed and she reluctantly pulled her belt tight.

“That’s lame.”

“What? I’m keeping us alive!”

“Whatever.” Unable to put up with her childish antics, Tom turned back to the scene. Jacket was practically sitting on Dan’s face, grinding against him while that thick tongue pushed deep inside of her. She didn’t seem to even notice his cock underneath. Maybe she was getting tongue fucked just so Dan wouldn’t eat her. Smart woman. Tom watched and wrote at the same time.

Dan finally seemed to tire of tasting her and picked her up again. His tongue slid out of her, a strand of clear liquid attaching the two. Jacket had a starry look in her eyes, practically drooling. She spotted his cock and seemed to be aware of where it was pointing. That snapped her out a bit.

“Hey, w-” Jacket started to protest, but Dan pushed her down. He missed her pussy, and instead got her ass. Not like he could tell the difference, but she certainly could. Jacket let out a terrible wail and Tom watched with wonder as her body was stretched around the massive cock in her ass. He found it fascinating how malleable some people were and wrote that down. Jacket had a clear outline of cock in her, jaw clenched and body tense as Dan lifted her back up and dropped her back down. Spit dribbled down her chin from the corners of her mouth.

Similar to Mohawk, Dan gripped Jacket by her arms and yanked her down on his cock like she was little more than fleshlight. Her tits bounced with each thrust, little grunts escaping her mouth occasionally. Dan snarled and widened his stance, speckled horsecock pumping in and out of the poor woman’s guts. His heavy nuts swung with each thrust. Her asshole swallowed his cock as she had the privilege of being a Deathclaws cocksocket.

Tom wrote vigorously, partly because he was fascinated by this attempt at reproduction, and also because he wanted to try and ignore his burning erection. He’d have blue balls after this, no doubt. That was happening a lot now a days. Tom lifted his hat up slightly to shade some more from the sun. Alli squirmed next to him, no doubt dealing with her own blue balls. Blue cooch? Pussy piquing? Cunt complaint? Vagina vacancy? What *did* women call it for themselves? Tom wrote that question down.

Jacket had gone limp, her arms and legs jumping as Dan had his way with her. Tom got a good look at her then. She was tan, most everyone was out in the wasteland, with long brown hair and a sharp button nose. By conventional standards, the woman was gorgeous. That was uncommon out here, where most people were missing teeth or worse. She had big tits too, which Tom got a good look at considering her sweaty shirt stuck to them.

He continued writing as she was yanked about, as limp as the poor bastard who had been killed by Dan initially. Her ass was stretched to its limits, and whatever resistance it had been putting up before was gone now. Dan bucked his hips and gutfucked her, and her body was open to it. Each motion elicited a guttural rumble from Dan. As the noises turned into a constant staccato, Tom began scribbling what might be coming.

That thing being Dan. He skewered the poor NCR bitch one last time before roaring. It hurt Tom’s ears and gave him a headache. Jacket, just like Mohawk, started to inflate like a fucked-up balloon. Jacket lifted her head to watch her guts get filled with cum. Tom thought she opened her mouth to scream in terror, but instead she burped and a bubble of cum popped and splattered her face.

“Holy fucking shit,” muttered Alli as cum began dribbling out of Jacket’s nose and mouth. After what could have been minutes, Dan finally pulled the woman off and dropped her on the pavement. Tom got a good look at the cavernous mess that was her asshole as it drained cum. She curled in a half ball, foot twitching. Dan loomed over Jacket, then turned toward Tom and Alli. They ducked back down.

After a couple frightful seconds, the thunderous footsteps faded, and Tom allowed himself to peek out from behind and watch Dan vanish behind a building. His Pip-boy stopped flashing the ‘close proximity’ message. Alli hopped up first to rush over to Jacket.

“Woah! She’s got cum *everywhere*.” Alli exclaimed.

“Yes, well, Dan is quite spunky.” Tom brushed some dirt off his knees as he made his way over.

“Hehe, spunky. You said spunk,” giggled Alli. Tom rolled his eyes, ignoring her and instead looking down at Jacket. Even though she was still pretty, her face was covered in white nut and her eyes fluttered. She opened and closed her mouth, maybe whispering something but Tom wasn’t sure. Dan’s cum crept toward his boots, and Tom took a quick step away. The woman was still alive, even through being so thoroughly filled. That was a small price to pay for living. Better than what the guy got.

“Am I gonna, you know…” Alli made a little finger gun and put it to her temple.

“What? No! You aren’t going to execute this woman! We need to keep Dan’s partners alive to see what the long term effects of Deathclaw cum are!” Tom shouted. Alli inched toward her rifle strap anyway, only stopping once Tom started aggressively waving his hands. Giggling, she pranced off and stuck her tongue out.

Tom turned his attention back to the NCR woman. Truly, she was blessed with this experience. She seemed to enjoy it too, but that could just be delirium. Or shock. Or perhaps there was an aphrodisiac in the cum? Tom scooped a bit of it into a small vial for later testing. Maybe he could make a serum out of this. It would sell like crazy in New Vegas!

“Are we gonna go?” Alli whined as he wrote down a quick business idea for Deathclaw aphrodisiacs.

“Yes, yes, we’re leaving. We don’t want him to get too ahead of us.” Tom stood up and jogged over to Alli, staring at his Pip-boy and watching Dan’s dot pick up speed and take off into the wasteland. Alli pulled Tom out of the way of a pothole while he stared at the Pip-boy and his notes. One question nagged at him as they put the skeleton buildings behind them, pavement turning to dust and dirt. Was Dan only attracted to humans, or other species as well? Would there be other, more dangerous things later? Tom was lost in his head, and then slipped on a rock and rolled down a small hill.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cjvdci/dan_and_the_ncr_fallout_eu_scifi_voyeurism

1 comment

  1. More fallout please. Just picked this game back up last weekend lol

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