Sara’s Self Discovery (Part 7)

 As I watched the other couple walk towards their room the man kept looking backwards while his wife yanked his arm, dragging him forward and trying to keep his eyes aimed forward.

  “Oh my God!” Little Slut exclaimed.

“At first I was so scared that I would be caught, I had visions of me being dragged from the hotel, through the lobby naked and in handcuffs.”

 “But as soon as I started my walk, I got really hot and turned on, being naked in a public in a place where nudity wasn’t allowed was so exciting. When the elevator opened I was ready to wet myself.

But the couple that came out were so cute holding hands that I just knew that they were safe.

The gentleman’s eyes burst out of his head and I am sure he sprung a woody.”

 Will looked at his watched and muttered “Shit, I have to go, their going to wonder what I was up to, not reporting back to my post after making my deliveries.

My shift ends in about an hour, would it be OK if I came back after my shift ends?”

 “My boy you are not only welcome to return, I must insist you return.”

For the next hour we kept Gem on the edge of her orgasm yet never allowing her to slip over the edge, this frustrated her to no end and she would keep begging for release.

 Shortly thereafter there was knock at the door.

When I opened the door I was greeted by Will returning to us,

“Will, I’m so glad you decided to come back!”  

“Sir, I don’t think you could have kept me away!” He said.

 Having released Gem from her bonds earlier, I asked her to come over to Will.

“Gem, why don’t you strip him and keeping him nice and hard.”

Having unfettered Gem from her bonds and blindfold she walked over to Will and began to strip the clothing from his body.

 Now I have seen strippers and I have watched others undress but Gem brought this to an almost stage performance of eroticism.

 Starting with the top button of his shirt she pushed it through the eyelet, as she did this she pulled his head down to her nipple and had him suck her nipple for just a moment before pulling away.

For each of the remaining buttons she would repeat this, first one nipple then the other.

 As she undid those on the cuff of his sleeves she buried his face between her breasts and had him lick the space he found there.

 Removing his shirt, she placed it upon herself. 

With each button she buttoned she would lean in and suck and tease his nipples with her tongue and lips.

 This had Will’s cock straining to burst out of his cargo shorts.

Gem next knelt and began undoing his belt and cargo shorts.

Opening his pants she leaned in and began to feast upon his engorged cock.

While Gem was working upon Will’s cock, I Had “LS” standing in front of me watching Gem at work.

As she stood there, I would play with her body, tweaking her nipples or teasing her clit.

On occasion I would dip a finger into her pussy just to keep her on her toes and drive the heat in her body to the boiling point.

Wrapping my left arm around her upper body and pulling her in tightly to me, I reached my right arm 

between her legs from the front I tugged on the plug that was inflated and in her ass.

Alternating with DE-flating and then pumping up her plug, each time pumping it up a little fuller.

This had the effect of making her absolutely crazy.

The larger I pumped it up the greater her moans, causing her to shiver in my arms as she began to have a series of small orgasms one right after the other, until she collapsed in my arms.

 I was holding up dead weight, “LS” was limp as a rag doll.

Tug and release, over and over again, each time drawing it out a little further before I allowed it to snap back into place, each time it popped back she let out a little moan.

 Looking over at Gem and Will I could see that Will was begging Gem for release.

 “Gem, stop what your doing to Will and come over here.”

As Gem knee walked over to my side, she curled up at the base of my legs much as a cat would.

 Will turned to me and began to protest and asking Gem to come back.

“Will, it’s not your place to make requests.”
“If I asked Gem to stop, that’s what she will do.”

 Sitting down on the edge of the bed I told Will to stand next to me.

As he stood by my knees I pulled him down and across my knees.

As I did so I watched his face register a look of shock.

Down went my hand, the whoosh of air sharp as my hand landed squarely across both cheeks of his bottom.

“Umph” he uttered.

Over and over, each blow measured to increase his tolerance and up the sting.

 As the spanking went on I felt his cock growing more ridged by the second and my leg getting soaked with pre-cum.

 Will kept attempting to grind his cock on my leg that he might cum and find relief.

Yanking him upright I slapped his cock just hard enough to knock down his hard on yet not cause him any pain.

Instantly his erection fell and his cock shriveled.

“Will, you will cum when and only when I allow it, is that clear?”

“Yes, Sir.” he replied.

 “Will, lie down on the bed.”

“Gem, why don’t you try on the harness in my bag and attach the cock piece to it.”

Strapping on the harness and the rubber cock Gem had a wicked look in her eyes.

While she was doing this I instructed “LS”  to place the ball gag into his mouth followed by attaching the spreader bar to his legs, keeping him at his most vulnerable. 

Hopping upon the bed she rolled Will over face down as “LS”  spread open his bottom and began working lube into Will’s ass.

I could see Will beginning to shake, wither from fear or excitement I couldn’t tell.

 As Gem scooted up. 

I had “LS” hold his bottom open for her.

Gem began by rubbing her “cock” around his ass.

Very slowly and very carefully she began to work it inward.

Will’s eye’s went wide and his groans grew in proportion to the depth she achieved on each forward push.

 It had taken a few minuets of patient work before she was fully in to will’s bottom.

The look on Will’s face was one of amazement mixed with fear.

 Gem began to fuck Will with a quickening pace, each thrust plumbing his depths with greater enthusiasm and mastery.

 Her pace became a relentless blur.

 “LS”, reach under and hold on to Will’s cock, do not rub it just wrap your fingers around it, now with your other hand grab his balls.” I instructed.

 At this point Will began to grunt, a sound I once heard a wilder beast make while I Africa.

Over and over Gem ravished his bottom, never relenting.

As for Gem, she was having her clit pounded into the base of her fake cock, which had the effect of sending her into orbit each time she bottomed out.

Sweat was pouring off her body, her hair was soaked and each time she whipped her head around the sweat flew everywhere, most of which drenched Will.

Not wanting her to feel left out,  I reached over and began to manipulate “LS’s” clit.

The three of them weren’t going to last long so I said, “Cum, cum now!”

 Within moments there was an explosive grunt from Will, followed by Gem screaming out “I’m CUMMING !!!”

Gem collapsed atop Will, both of their chests heaving, trying to gather enough air to keep from passing out.

 The only person who hadn’t gone off was “LS”, and that was due to me withdrawing my fingers from her clit, denying her, her orgasm.

“LS’s” disappointment was palatable.

“Not to worry “LS”, I still have plans to give you an orgasm that you will remember for the rest of your life!”

 “OK, the three of you get yourselves together and into the shower, that is if the three of you will fit.”

“I want you to clean up only, NO teasing or touching each other, is that clear!

One other thing, I want you to thoroughly clean the plugs that you wore.”

“Yes Sir, they said in unison.”
Twenty minuets later the trio came out of 
the shower, squeaky clean and dry.

 By now it was 2:30 in the morning, to late to do much, so I told the three of them to crawl into one of the beds and get some sleep, my no touching rule still in effect.

I took the other bed and minuets later all of us had crashed.

 I awoke at 7am. And woke the others up with a swat on each of their bottoms.

“OK, into the bathroom and make yourselves presentable.”

 When they returned, I had them stand in front of me naked while deciding what fun we could get into today.

  Gem dressed in a light pale green almost transparent sundress that went well with her “ginger” complication.

“LS” dressed in the blouse and short skirt she wore when she joined last evening.

Will also dressed as he had arrived the evening before, button down shirt and cargo shorts.

 “Now before we head out I have a task for Gem to do.

Will, “LS”, bend over the dresser.”

“Gem, you are to fill both their bottoms with the plugs and inflate them please.”

“Yes Sir.” was her response. 

 Flipping up “LS’s” skirt and pulling her panties down and off she inserted the plug and began to inflate it.

When she was satisfied it was properly placed and secure, she tossed aside “LS’s” panties with a little giggle.

Turning to Will, she repeated the process.

 “Gem I have a gift for you, take out the small package wrapped in tissue from my bag.”

Taking the package, and opening it she discovered a pair of panties along with a remote control.

“Put them on.” I instructed. 

“What does it do?”

“You’ll find out in due time.” I said.

 “Alright my three little sluts, why don’t we go and have some breakfast.”

 We found a small Mom and Pop local diner that was old and dingy, yet filled with many of the local residents. 

This alone bespoke of the quality of the food being served.

 Our waitress was an older lady who’s name tag read, Lois.

She had a quick wit and loved to chat with anyone willing to listen.

Knowing that we were visitors to the area she wanted to know our life stories and how we liked the town and people we found there.

 As Lois was talking I reached into my pocket and thumbed the switch on the remote for Gem’s panties.

This caused a small vibrator built into the panties to begin stimulating Gem’s clit.

Gem, startled by this she shot upright in her seat just as Lois was suggesting places for us to visit.

“Are you alright dear​” Lois said in response to Gem’s sudden movement.

“Um, yes, I just had a sudden cramp.” she replied.

Gem was doing her best to keep a straight face while the vibrator pressed against her clit did it’s thing.

 As Lois went towards the kitchen window to place our order Gem shot me a look of confusion. 

“With our waitress standing right next to us, I thought I was going to die from embarrassment.”
She said. 

Will and “LS” thought this was funny as hell and were laughing their heads off.

Gem shot them a look that said “NOT FUNNY”.

However their laughter was contagious and a few moments later Gem joined in on the laughter.

 “You know, I had a sudden thought, each of you has been given a new name with the exception of Will.”

“Girls, I now task you in the naming of our newest member, make it a good one, he will have to live with it from here on.”

 Both the girls put their heads together and started whispering to each other.

Just then our food was brought out and their task momentarily put aside as we ate.

The three of them ate ravenously.

Last nights activity had depleted them of more energy then they realized and spent the next few minuets stuffing themselves.

Breakfast finished I paid our tab and left Lois a generous tip and then we were off.

As we were walking the girls hung back and continued there whispering, picking up where they left off in their task of naming our third member.

 Soon enough they rejoined us.

 “Sir,” Gem and “LS” said together, “Might we suggest the name, “Sub,” it’s not fancy but it is apt.”

“Hum, well I suppose it will do.”

 As we wandered around town the girls spotted a pet store that had some puppies in the window.

After a lot of ooh’s and ahh’s from the girls we went inside. 

I swear to God if you ever need to bring out the softer side of a girl, place them in the presence of a load of puppies. 

 If you ever have an argument that you can’t win, bring home a puppy and all will be forgiven. 

While they were playing with them I found something I needed to buy and payed for my item without the girls noticing. 

Both Gem and “LS” wanted to buy a beautiful Golden Lab puppy.

After much debate and consternation it was decided that at this time neither of them had the proper time and lifestyle to raise a puppy.

So with tearful eyes we had to take our leave.

As we were leaving, I thumbed the remote in my pocket just as Gem was telling the salesgirl thank you.

Once again she jumped and made the salesgirl wonder what was up with Gem.

 As we were walking down the street the girls noticed the bag I had in my hands.

Asking what I had bought I slowed my walk and reached into thee bag and pulled out a beautiful new collar.

It was a decorative collar it even looked like a collar that a woman could wear as an accessory, thin black leather with a small brass plate so one could engrave a name on.

“ “LS”, turn around.”
As she did so I reached up and placed the collar around her neck and fastened it.

 “LS” turned and looked at her reflection in the store window we stopped in front of. 

With a huge smile on her face she threw her arm around me and smothered my face with butterfly kisses.

 Now I had two girls with me both of whom were collared.

Now I had one more person to mark, that was “Sub.”

However I was at a loss as how best to do this and what form of mark would suite him.

Oh well I’ll think on it, I’m sure I’ll come up with something.

 Checking “Google” on my phone I found an “Adult” store nearby.

 Not telling them where we were going, we rounded the corner and walked the two blocks to the store in question.

When they saw where we were headed and the girls squealed with joy. 

“Sub” wasn’t so sure, for some reason he was looking a bit sheepish. 

 This was a very up-scale store, one that had quality items on display and it’s location in the center of town spoke volumes. 

 “Alright girls, go in, look around and see if there is anything you can’t live without.”

“Sub” and I stayed outside for a moment.

“OK, “Sub” what’s wrong?

I see the look on your face and I can see you have concerns.”

“Sir, this is all new to me and I am a bit overwhelmed.”

“Sir, don’t get me wrong, I have never felt this sexually charged.

Truth be told I’ve only had sex once before and it was done in a hurry and we just kind of fumbled through it, so it just lost it’s enjoyment.”

 “Will, I think I understand.

Yesterday you knocked on the door in a hotel and were ushered into a situation or better yet an awakening. 

You did not ask for this, on the other hand you did not run away from it.

I think you are struggling with the unconventional activities and the idea that this turns you on immensely.”

 “Nobody in our little group will ask anything more of you then you are willing to give.

If at any time you find yourself uncomfortable or afraid say something and it will be addressed.

You can walk away anytime you want, with no hard feelings.

So think about what I have said and let’s go have an interesting day.”

“Yes Sir.” Will said.

 As we entered the shop the girls were in a flurry of activity, inspecting all the toys and acting as if they were ten years old and given an unlimited credit card to spend at “Toys R Us”.

Every once in awhile they looked over at “Sub” and giggled.

I think they were planning on using him later for their own pleasure.

I don’t have a problem with them thinking independently, I’m not an ogre or all controlling, I just want all of us to have fun.

 While there I bought a few things that I would spring on them later.  

 I gave the girls my credit card to pay for the items they wanted and told them I didn’t want to know what they bought until later that evening.

 As I was paying for my items the sales girl told me that she thought the four of us were an interesting group and if we were interested there was a club in town that was meeting later that evening where Dom’s brought their Sub’s for an evening of show and tell.

As she was telling about this gathering she handed me her business card with an address and time written on the back.

“I hope we will see all of you later.”

“Thank you, I believe that I will take you up on your offer.

Before we go would you mind if I used your changing room for a few minutes?”

“Most certainly you may.” She said.

“ “Sub”, Come with me please.”

I led “Sub” into the dressing room and had him remove his shorts.

From my bag I removed the first item, that item was a chrome platted chastity cage that slipped around ones cock and balls and fastened with a small padlock.

This held his cock in a downward position yet prevented him from getting hard.

The second item was another inflatable plug, this one for “Sub’s use.

“OK, “Sub”, bend over for me.

I placed a small drop of lube on the tip and worked it up inside him and inflated the plug until I heard him groan.

 Sticking my head out the door I asked the sales girl to come in for a moment, this caused “Sub” to shiver and look astonished.

 As she entered I displayed “Sub” to her and asked her what she thought of his chastity cage and was it a properly fitted?

 This whole time “Sub” had his back to her embarrassed to be seen this way.

 She put her hands on his shoulders and turned him around to face her.

“My, my, what a handsome looking cock.”

Reaching under his balls and lifting up she felt the weight and size of his package.

This caused his cock to try to harden, however the cage prevented this from occurring.

“Yes, I think this is a proper fit and it looks just wonderful on him.” She said.

“Thank you, I agree and I think “Sub” will find that this is a wonderful way for him to keep his mind on his cock for the remainder of the day.

 For the remainder of the afternoon we wandered around town looking in every store window and visiting at least half of those stores.

Every once in awhile I would thumb the remote in my pocket sending Gem into a momentary mini-orgasm.

 I usually did this as she was talking to someone or when she was bent over looking at something.

One time she was chatting with a couple of High School girls while looking at some skirts in the same aisle and asking what they thought of her choices.

When I hit the button, she stiffened up and began to squirm around in an attempt to shift the vibrator away from her clit. 

As this was going on the girls looked at her wondering what the hell was happening to this girl.

 When she could, she thanked the girls and made her way back to me.

As soon as she reached me she swatted me on the ass and called me a wicked naughty man, this she said with an evil grin and a small laugh.

 We made our way back to our room later that afternoon and I told the happy trio to undress and hit the showers.

 When the girls saw “Sub’s” cage they went wild.

They grabbed him by his hips and kept playing with his caged cock, this had the effect of causing him to harden and then shrink as the cage exerted pressure upon his training cock.

“OK, you three, into the shower with you, and no fooling around in there, we have something to do when you are done, so hurry up.

 When they returned from the shower, they discovered I had laid out their dresses for the girls and a suit and tie for “Sub”.

 As we left the hotel the trio were wondering what was up.
“Where are we going.” “LS” asked.

“It’s a surprise.” Was my answer.

 Arriving at the address written upon the card the girl gave me this afternoon, we discovered an

old red brick building that had seen better days.

It was about as nondescript as you could get.

Knocking on the door we were greeted by a lovely lady dressed in a classic “Little Black Dress”

much like the one Audrey Hepburn wore in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”

 “Welcome, we were told you were invited to this evenings gathering.

Come in and make yourself at home.”

 Upon entering we found the interior was elegant and well appointed.

It had the look and feel of a warm and inviting Victorian gentleman’s club.

I would guess that there were about 40 couples and various others in the main room.

 Everyone there was well dressed, the men in suits and ties and the woman all wore beautiful gowns and dresses. 

 The only thing that detracted from the formal look of the place was a naked girl laying on a large table in the middle of the room.

Her body was the serving tray for an assortment of appetizers.

She was covered with pieces of Sushi and other tidbits.

 On the other side of the room was a group of naked men and girls carrying serving trays.

They circulated around the room serving food to each of the guests.

 As they approached our group “LS” reached out for a piece of fruit, as she did so the girl with the tray told her that since she was “Collared “ she would need my permission to partake of the food tray.

“You have my permission to allow any of my group to indulge in whatever food they choose.” 

“Yes Sir, thank you Sir.” She responded.

Both of the girls and “Sub” looked indigent at being treated as second class, yet grateful that I allowed them their freedom.“

“Look, this is a private club and we are guests here. 

They have a reason for these rules, and I think it is to enhance the atmosphere of a BDSM club.

So lets just play it by ear and see how this plays out, who knows we may just have fun.”

 As I was talking they moved the table with the naked serving tray over to one side of the room

off to one side I noticed someone lowering a series of ropes from the beams crossing the ceiling.

Attached to these were a row of soft looking wrist cuffs, all of them appear to be lined with sheepskin.

 From the sidelines two men and one woman walked their partners over to the hanging cuffs and locked their wrists into the cuffs.

 Two woman and one young man were now cuffed, as the person who first lowered the ropes raised each one just high enough that each one was almost on their tip-toes, but just almost.

 Now each of the partners stripped their respective Subs bare.

Now there were only two sets of cuffs left empty.

Another woman started walking her sub up to the cuffs, as she did this I took Gem by the hand and led her up to the last set of cuffs.

 As I was walking her up, she gave me a plaintive look.

“Trust me Gem, you will be alright, if at any time you want to stop I will have you removed from the cuffs and we will leave.”

Locking her into the cuffs, the master of the ropes raised her arms overhead and I stripped her of her gown.

 For the first time in her life Gem stood naked and vulnerable in front of a large group of people.

I asked someone what will happen next.

“Anyone may come over and inspect the subs, however while they may touch them they are not allowed to do anything other then a gentle touch without the express permission of their masters.

 Now many of the guests walked around those hanging and began to gently touch and lightly stroke those that were hanging there.

Gem looked at me with concern and I just smiled and nodded, while mouthing the words “You’ll be OK.”

 As the “New Item” on the menu Gem was a hit.

With her long red hair and pale white skin she was a novelty.

 Very shortly Gem had a cadre of admirers touching and stroking her body.

It didn’t take long before Gem was reveling in the attention.

 After a few minutes a woman approached me and introduced herself as June and that she was the “Mistress of the house”, she asked my permission to play with Gem on a more intimate level.

“I would love to begin her journey to her first orgasm of the night.”

 As she was talking I saw more people enter the main room and setting all the chairs around the outer edges of the room. Most of the people were dressd, however many of them had their “Subs” kneeling at their feet.

 I gave June my blessing telling her that this was Gem’s first time being in a public setting where she was to be toyed with by group.

 As June walked up to Gem the others stepped away to allow her, her access to her newest guest.

She spent a few minutes stroking Gem’s face telling her to relax and enjoy what was about to happen and that no harm would befall her.

This seemed to have it’s desired effect, you could see Gem relax and begin to writhe with excitement June began to play with Gem’s body.

 First concentrating her attention upon Gem’s nipples, she would stroke them to their full hardness and then slowly pinching and tweaking them causing her to moan and twist her body as she hung there.

 When June began to stroke Gem’s pussy, Gem became hyper excited.

You could see the moisture leaking from her sex and beginning to run down her legs.

 When June began to finger her it was all Gem could do to keep herself under control.

Sensing that Gem was holding back June told her to “Just let go, you are in a safe place and are free to allow yourself all the pleasure you can absorb.”

 As she was talking she was handed a medium sized vibrator and began to tease Gem’s pussy with it.    

Slowly she began to insert the vibrator into her pussy, as she did this Gem cried out “I’m cummmmming !!!”

As her orgasm overtook her she slumped forward, hanging by her cuffs it looked almost like she had passed out.

Yet, a moment later she lifted her head and smiled, June leaned in and began kissing Gem with undiluted passion.

Unable to use her hands Gem was doing her best to get her tounge as far down June’s mouth as possible.

My god I thought I’ve created a monster, I have never seen a kiss filled with such passion as I was witnessing now.








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