My [M] one and only massage by a [M], unexpected. (Really happened, a bit long)

I was just over 30 at the time, unattached and often went to different massage places. This was way back before the State of Oregon decided to legislate the massage profession, so it wasn’t really that difficult to find a woman willing to do a happy ending. In fact, most places had a receptionist out front that told you the rates and how much it was with a “hand finish.”

That actually was nice, a single guy could get the edge off without having to go through all of the wine and dine stuff. There was one place in south Portland I really preferred, it was clean, they had showers, and the price was right so if a guy struck out on an evening’s hunt for a one nighter, stopping off on the way home was a sure thing. I was young and in shape, had a few bucks in my pocket so usually I could find a friend in one of the clubs, but this night I was having no luck at all, so around 2 in the morning I drove down. The place was always open, I never saw it ever closed. Those of you that knew Portland back then will know about it, it was named after the creek nearby, same as the road it was on. The first thing I noticed was the parking lot in the back was full, I had to park down the street. I knew they usually had 3 or 4 girls on staff so it shouldn’t be a problem waiting, a few times before I had a short wait.

Inside, the receptionist told me that they were very busy, but one she called Dale would be available in a half hour, I could go in and shower and use their small sauna if I wanted to. I went in and showered, then stepped into the sauna. I was in there about 10 minutes when the door opened and a woman about 40 or so looked in. She was wrapped in a towel, so was I, she hesitated, then grinned and joined me, no sign of being shy. We talked a little bit, she mentioned she had just gotten a massage from Dale and it was wonderful, so I was thinking lesbian here, NBD.

Then I got called, I went in and undressed, lay face down, the place didn’t bother with drapes any time I had been there before so that never even crossed my mind. I put my face in the face cradle and got ready to relax, what I liked about this place is they always did a pretty good massage, good enough it was almost worth going there just for that. But the legitimate places were $15, this place was $30. That should give you an idea of how long ago this was.

Someone knocked, I responded, and the person came in. I glanced up and was surprised to see a young guy about 20 or so. He must have caught my look because he paused, then said, “Hi, I’m Dale. For your massage?”

I managed something in response, I don’t remember what. He told me all of the others were booked, so I thought, what the hell, and lay back down. Now, I have to say his hands were magic, by then I had figured it was just going to be a massage but he was good at it, in short order I was relaxing to the point of almost going to sleep. Hell, he even did my hands and feet, the women never did.

Then I was on my back, naked and for some reason not bashful about the idea of this being a young man instead of female that up to this moment I had always used. I also realized I had a partial erection, but there was no way to hide that.

Then he asked.

“Would you like me to do the hand finish?”

By that time, I was thinking what the hell, so I managed a nod. So he did, and I found out one thing.

Guys know how guy’s equipment works it seems, he managed to get two completely explosive orgasms out of me, I had my eyes closed the whole time and just went with the sensations. He did something with his hand, with my foreskin rolled back, his thumb rubbed the head of my cock while his other hand cradled my balls, squeezing gently and releasing, creating a mind blowing series of contractions. Next, he didn’t stop, just began again and the 2nd time was strong enough I nearly passed out.

I realized after a couple of minutes that he was gone, and I was alone to go grab a 2nd quick shower and get dressed. I left a 10 dollar bill on the table, which was at the time a very large tip, and left, spotting the huge grin on the receptionist’s face on the way out. I think my face was flaming a little.

Now, I am NOT gay, (At least I don’t think so anyway) but that was quite an experience. I did ask a couple of friends that I knew, it seems the place was also catering to some housewife types and some of the ones that came in that were gay. Of course, my friends had to know why I was asking and I got teased with no mercy for a few days.

I also always asked when I went back for one of the women, now, being far more mature I sometimes wonder why since seriously, that young guy was better than most at his job. It was only a couple of years later, Portland got a female mayor, she was homely as a mud fence and I doubt she every had sex herself in her entire life and by God she was going to see to it no one else did either.

So all of the places got closed down, damn shame. Now they are all “Asian” massages, most full of hookers. I went to one about a dozen years ago, worst rubdown I ever got in my life, she seemed to think hitting me was part of it.

Besides, I am married now and my wife sort of frowns on that stuff.

It was better back in the old days.

So, this is my confession, my one and only homosexual experience.


1 comment

  1. Thank you for sharing. The thought of those “forbidden” orgasms is so intense.

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