The time I [m] decided to try to see my coworkers tits [f] PART 2

Part 1

The time I [M] decided to try to see my coworkers tits [F] PART 1 from gonewildstories

Recap part 1. Cute young girl at work. Tried and successfully secretly saw her tits on her phone. I know. Naughty perv, but it is what it is.

So to continue. I’ve seen the girls. If that’s all I ever get I’m a happy man. And I even feel bad for a bit and think that I’ll stop. That was enough right? Well soon I start to think about not having been able to save anything. I won’t remember this pic in detail 20 years from now. I need to at least see it again and who knows. Maybe more. Over the next month or so I repeat the process same as before. I wonder if she suspects anything? She might and just not care or could she even be into it? I’m hoping when this is all told I can maybe get her to write a little something about her point of view or at least tell me what she experienced. I doubt she’d remember the details like me as guys brains are wired for this shit but who knows. She a very sexual person who I to this day think about on a weekly basis.

So I manage to see a few more pics. And even am able to snap photos with my phone of them for safe keeping. I get probably 10 pics total. Mostly panties from behind of that juicy booty. The bath pic from the first mission is sadly gone forever but I think I had a few covered top less pics. No out rite nude boobs though and not a hint of what her pussy may look like. She’s got long legs that carry some weight but are shaped absolutely perfectly. And although I’m sure she’d have preferred to be about 10-15 lbs skinnier she carried it so well and by no means looked like a bigger girl. And she was such a pleasure to be around, funny, smart, and a very sexy playful smile.

I then have my second idea. She babysits for us about once every 2 weeks or so and I start thinking about if she feels the same as me. Is she lusting after me at all. Remember my dick is doing the thinking so it seems possible to my scrambled brain. I was a decent enough looking guy at her age and would have totally gone for her and I’d like to think I’d have had a good chance. But I’m 10 years into marriage and have let myself go a bit and then a little more. So if she thinks I’m a 5 I’m lucky. Maybe I get a 6 for being nice and funny.


Anyway I decide to do a little phone leave behind temptation the next time she babysits. I debate what kind of dick pic to leave and settle on a shower semi boner with soap on it to maybe lessen the shock of it all. I leave it as my last pic and then open a series of apps so that I can tell if she’s looked at anything when I get back. I leave the phone unlocked and next to the chair she sits in face down( sneaky right haha) and we head off to a movie.

It’s all I can think about while we’re gone. I can’t focus on anything. My head is filled with fantasies of her looking and even texting herself the pic. She wants to see it and she’s gonna look right? More dick thoughts. Haha

So we get back, pay her up and she leaves. I immediately snatch my phone and head to the bathroom. I open it up and the pic folder app is the first thing listed at the bottom. All other apps are in the right order. Oh my god!!! She looked. And she didn’t even try to hide it. I’m like 99% sure Kelly has seen ma dick! I’m certain I probably rub one out to this thought. Sounds like something I would do.

This excites me for the next few weeks. And I don’t remember entirely how this next encounter started but once again it wasn’t enough and I needed more.


Like I said I can’t remember how this started but I think we started talking about sexual things and maybe nude pics on our phones. I mentioned I had some that I sent to my wife Lauren. And even had some nudes of her too. This part is t clear but I think she mentioned some about sharing pics herself. She also mentioned that she had something unique about her tits that guys liked. After some prodding she told me that her nipples were no bigger than a dime. I played it cool and acted like I didn’t believe her hoping she’d prove it. And then it happened.

Kelly: James, I need to tell you something.

Me: what?

Kelly: one time when I babysat for you guys I saw something on your phone that I shouldn’t have.

She was being very sheepish about this convo. Embarrassed even. My heart began to race. Oh shit. It’s happening.

Me: what did you see?

Kelly: well your daughter was playing with your phone( oh fuck me, I said it wouldn’t all be good, it’s ok she was 3, she can’t possible remember that right?) and she handed me the phone and on the screen was a pic of what I assumed was your dick.

Me: (acting embarrassed) oh my god I’m so sorry. She fucking plays with the camera every time she gets our phones (true)

Kelly: I’m sorry but I just felt weird not telling you.

At this point I think she’s into it. I mean why bring that up if it repulsed you.

Me: what did you do save it haha( I’m fishing)

Kelly: no I closed it right away and put your phone up.

Well fuck me! It’s over. I didn’t think she was lying. If she doesn’t want to see that then this is going no where, but my little man won’t let me give up just yet. I try a flanking maneuver.

Me: well it’s not fair you see me but I don’t see you.( I know. Obvious line and desperate)

She thought for a second and said she guessed she could return the favor. Holy shit balls!!! I’m back in business!!! She goes into the bathroom and I wait on a few customers. When she comes out she sets her phone down next to me on the counter with a pic of her lifting her shirt up to her chin on the screen. Damn!!!! Tits even better than before. And yes dimes baby. They looked so good. She goes to wait on a customer and I realize this is my chance. I’m going for it. I quickly text the pic to myself and then delete the text on her phone. I fucking pull it off like damn Tom cruise mission impossible style. She comes back and I tell her how amazing she looked. I’m being very complimentary.

Then I decide to push for more. I ask about maybe seeing her bush. She immediately shoots that idea down. Not in a bad way so I think maybe she isn’t trimmed up or something. I then ask her what pic she saw and she describes the soap dick. I even pull it up and show her and she confirms. I then ask if she wants to see another and she lets me show her several full on pics where I’ve used the angles to my advantage. Haha. The talk stays sexual the rest of the day and I even end up showing her a short video of my wife giving me a blowjob. All in all I think we shared a dozen or so pics that day but I only got to keep the one I snuck. What a fucking day! I’m pretty sure I mentioned my wife’s affair that day so as to maybe lessen the doing something wrong feelings she might be having but she wasn’t acting like any of this bothered her. We were both saying things like it’s just pictures. No big deal.

Keep in mind this is pre me too movement and believe me I’ve done some soul searching the last few years about if this was truly consensual or if she felt pressure to participate. I really believe she was into it and liked it and I was always very polite and not demanding and all that but I’ve since thought about asking her about it all just in case she had some bad feelings about it. I’ll get into more of that at the end though. Time to move on the part 3 I think. This is the big one. We go nuclear. And I think I come across as a little pathetic maybe. If I haven’t already.



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