So, uh, you guys remember Gremlins 2? [commission]

There was no good that could come from Gizmo being back in our lives. I had told Billy that. He had assured me that nothing would go wrong as long as we followed his ridiculous rules but as I stood there and watched three of those gremlins tear apart the studio kitchen, I couldn’t help but think that I owed him the biggest ‘I told you so!’.

I dragged Mr. Katsuji with me as we made our escape. Despite his insistence that he continue snapping polaroids – a habit, which I might add, had gotten on my nerves about ten minutes into today’s tour – I made sure he was safe before I left to find Billy. I was intent of giving him a piece of my mind, though I was sure he was probably already in more trouble than that.

I rushed through the halls to the elevators and tried to put as much distance between my self and the batch of freshly-spawning monsters. I knew that they would soon overrun the floor and, not long after that, the building as a whole.

The elevators, like everything else in Clamp Tower, was automated. The familiar, computerized voice asked which floor I wanted to go to and I responded, telling it to take me to floor thirty-eight. The automated system responded with a confirmation. I tried to put the idea that its voice was distorted and eerily gremlin-like out of my head. I was paranoid, and certainly had good reason to be, but if I could find Billy, we would be able to tackle this issue together.

I tried to maintain my composure as the elevator rose through the building. I felt like I could hear the giggling of dozens of little gremlins all around me but couldn’t be sure over the sound of the elevator moving rapidly between floors. The panel across from me lit up with bright green numbers as it kept track of the location of the elevator. Those numbers ascended as rapidly as the elevator did until they moved past my intended destination.

Nervousness came over me. The systems in this building very rarely malfunctioned and I knew from my experience back in Kingston Falls that the gremlins’ penchant for mischief and terroristic antics often led to them breaking or sabotaging anything they got their hands on.

“Elevator, stop!” I said and, to my relief, the system responded to my voice commands. The lift came to an abrupt halt and the lights shut off. I exhaled slowly and tried to relax. It seemed as though the elevator was, in fact, undergoing a simple malfunction. Regardless, that didn’t change the fact that I had to make my way towards Billy. Now I was stuck in this elevator, at least until someone from maintenance could come and give me assistance.

I clasped my hands over my abdomen to calm myself. I just needed to get out of this mess. There was a lot of trouble on the horizon but as long as I took things one step at a time, we should have been able to manage it. The first step was to get out of the elevator.

“Sound alarm,” I said. The sound would attract anyone nearby to help as well as alert the central systems office that there was an issue. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too long before a technician could be dispatched in order to release me.

The alarm sounded but, as soon as it did, I knew something had gone wrong after all. The taunting of the gremlins rang out as they yelled at the top of their high-pitched voices to mimic the alarm. They were mocking me. They knew I was alone and stranded. Worse yet, their voices came from all around. I was surrounded by what must have been dozens of the little, green creatures.

Their dangerous mischief was on my mind. They had no concern or respect for anyone or anything’s safety and I knew that I would be in danger if they made it into the elevator. I backed into the corner and tried to think of a way to get myself out of this mess. I wasn’t sure if anyone else would be coming so I had to do it myself.

I had no idea where to start, though.

As the thought crossed my mind, one of the gremlins banged on the wall of the unit. I screamed and pulled away from the point of impact. There was no way that the gremlins were strong enough to break down the metal walls but they seemed intent on trying. I backed to the far corner while the elevator rocked back and forth. Something seemed to have gotten them riled up and they were stirring themselves into a frenzy.

Seconds later, a drill penetrated the wall of the elevator. I screamed and backed away only for the head of an axe to burst through mere inches from my face. My mind raced. They had the tools needed to get to me and I could only imagine what horrors I’d go through if they got inside.

I felt a pair of slimy claws clasp around each of my ankles. They were from two totally separate gremlins that had made their own holes near the floor of the unit so they could grab hold of me. “Make a wish!” one of them screamed and I imagined they would find it hilarious if they pulled hard enough to break my legs.

The two gremlins that had used the axe and drill to penetrate the walls had stuck their hands through the holes. Thankfully, they were too impatient to make the openings large enough for their entire bodies to fit through but I screamed as they groped the air and searched for me.

My eyes fixated on the ends of their long limbs where each had a pair of long, menacing claws that could easily tear through my clothes. I was sure they would also make quick work of my soft flesh. They swiped at the air and I heard a ripping sound as shredded my jacket and tore open my blouse. I gasped and breathed heavily as I felt the tip of their claws raking against my skin. They weren’t gentle and left small scratches along my abdomen.

Contact with my skin seemed to excite them and the two gremlins groped at my chest while my feet were secured in place by the pair lower down. Their moist skin left trails of slime across my torso as they manhandled me and I screamed as I tried my best to beat their probing hands away.

“No!” I shouted. I had never even had another man touch me beside Billy and I certainly wasn’t going to let these little green menaces have their way. They were stronger and I hated the feeling of coming in contact with them. The more I resisted, the more eager they seemed to grab at me. They cackled wildly as my futile protests only served to let them know that this particular brand of mischief was effective.

As though fed up with me beating their arms away, the two up top grabbed hold of my forearms. Their clawed fingers clasped around my wrists and they pulled my arms away from my torso, leaving my chest exposed and undefended. I whimpered as I heard the tools from earlier being used all around me and, soon after, I was surrounded by several more prying hands.

I gasped as they tore at me clothes. My bra lasted only as long as it took one of the gremlins to snag it. The elastic didn’t hold and it was torn from my chest soon after that. My breasts fell free to the cold air and the gremlins grabbed at the soft mounds.

“L-let me go!” I whimpered, but obviously it was to no avail. I was ignored, even as the gremlins touched me. One of their hands grabbed my left breast and squeezed it hard while another used its long nails as though it was teasing me; it dragged the point of its claws slowly along the curvature of my breast until it found my stiff nipple.

I bit my lip as the gremlin tortured me. It pinched my nipple before pulling on it. The sharpness of its claws gave it a firm grip on my skin and my breast lifted as my nipple stretched out. I cried out in pain as it did, and attempted to get away by turning my chest opposite to where the that particular gremlin was pulling me. I yelped as my nipple slipped from between its claws and sucked air in sharply as I felt it sting. It was already raw from abuse and the cold air only made it burn more.

The gremlins did not take lightly to me putting up a fight and they pulled on my limbs even more firmly. I felt the joints in my hips, shoulders, and elbows ache as I was pinned into submission. My stance was open as my legs were pulled shoulder width apart.

I heard a tearing sound from behind me. “Stop it!” I yelled but my own voice was drowned out in the din of the gremlins’ raucous laughter. My skirt was pulled on by two or three hands and it didn’t take long for the seams to split. I felt the fabric tearing along the outside of my hip and within seconds it was stripped away with my pantyhose offering the only modesty. “What are you little freaks doing?” I asked in vain as more hands explored my body.

I felt more gremlins hold onto my torso while another’s hands grabbed hold of my neck to keep me still. A final hand grabbed hold of the back of my head and I began to panic. Not being able to look around freely made me nervous, especially as I felt the gremlins inspect the smoothness of my legs.

Their nails snagged on my pantyhose and tore several small holes in them as they stroked along my curves. I would have kicked them away if only they would release my ankles, but those two steely hands held firm while the others had their way.

“Leeeeggggsss…” I heard one of the gremlins say in a raspy tone. It was he who was most interested in my legs and it was evident by the way he touched me. He casually inspected the back of my calves and wrapped his hands around my knees as though trying to get them to buckle. When I stood firm, he moved his attention up to my hips.

His long fingers moved up the inside of my thigh and I grunted as I felt my skin crawl. “Please don’t,” I said, but as usual it was to no avail. The gremlin grabbed at the fork of my legs and I pressed my thighs together to clamp on his bony wrist. He seemed to enjoy me putting up a struggle because he squealed with delight when I put pressure on his forearm.

Meanwhile, the other gremlins continued groping at my legs. They scrapped and scratched at my thighs and calves until my pantyhose were practically torn apart. I gasped as I felt the claws grab hold of my pubis and rake themselves downwards between my legs.

A loud ripping sound filled the elevator as my pantyhose were torn open. I cried out as I felt the sharp nails being dragged against the crotch of the white, cotton panties that I wore to work. Two more gremlins grabbed the waistband of my panties and they easily tore them while I tried my best to twist my body in order to deny them their fun.

My panties fell away, leaving my lower half completely naked save for the ruined pantyhose that still clung to my legs. I felt so many hands reach between my legs and I bit my lips as their talons and slimy fingers prod and poke at my sex. I tried to keep my thighs pressed firmly together in order to keep them away from my cunt but they grabbed at my knees. Despite my best efforts, they were able to easily pry my legs apart.

I felt a gremlin’s finger slide itself along my slit. It pressed itself between my lips and rubbed me from back to front. The tip of its finger stroked my clit and my legs trembled in response. I was used to Billy’s light and gentle touch when we had sex and wasn’t prepared for the rough manner in which the gremlins groped me. I was even less prepared to enjoy it.

I groaned and gasped because in my mind those sounds were better than moaning. Once more, I felt gremlins begin to massage my breasts but their savage touch only served to excite me even more. “N-no,” I cried meekly, “stop it…”

My protests would have no effect but I said it more for myself. I couldn’t believe I was enjoying this and it was as though I needed to remind myself to fight back.

Two hands grabbed hold of my backside, each taking a single cheek in hand as they spread my ass apart. I cried out as I felt my tight holes stretch. Being exposed like this in front of these monsters was more thrilling than terrifying, and I hated that I could feel wetness begin to drool from my cunt.

I heard a gremlin giggle and laugh. “Up you go! Up you go! Up you go!” it said, and I soon realized the meaning of its words as I felt its knobby finger slide up my cunt. This gremlin’s talons were short and blunt – thicker than Billy’s cock and smooth to the touch – and I felt shivers along my spine as it was shoved inside my hole. I gasped as I felt my entrance tremble. I clenched but the gremlin didn’t relent and soon my walls gave into its prying.

Once the talon was inside, I felt the gremlin’s followed by working its knobby finger into me. It was slimy, covered in all sorts of misshapen bumps and warts, and my sensitive flesh felt every imperfection on the extremity. By the time the finger was inserted up to the first knuckle, I was already panting like a bitch in heat. I felt wetness dripping down the inside of my thighs and I struggled to bite back each and every moan. Whenever the gremlins would giggle or utter their little taunting phrases, I hoped they wouldn’t notice how wet their mischief had made me.

The finger played with my hole for a few seconds, moving in and out, before it shoved even further. I cried out, not in pain, as I felt the bulb of its knuckle stretch my entrance and pop inside my cunt. Nothing had ever been this deep inside me before. The tightly wound coils inside my hole spasmed as the gremlin explored places Billy could never reach. “Oh…oh gosh!” I cried as I felt myself climbing to the edge. I pressed my thighs together and worked my legs back and forth. The thought to press back on the gremlins finger crossed my mind several times but I was too tightly restrained to do it…even though it would have been incredibly shameful to do so in the first place.

Being fingered by the gremlin was an entirely sickening experience, which is why I was so disgusted by how wet it had made me. Even over the noise of the gremlins’ laughter, I could hear the lewd squelching emanating from between my legs. The gremlin felt my walls quiver as I grew weaker and weaker to its attack. My response to its probing only served to embolden it and it shoved deep until the tip of its talon hit my inner wall.

I yelped as sharp pain shot through my body directly to my brain. My knees trembled and went weak. Soon after, I lost all strength and only the gremlins’ strong hands held me upright. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and I had what might have been my first climax since Billy and I moved to New York. “Oh my Goooodddd,” I moaned as my walls spasmed and I came hard on the gremlin’s finger.

I sighed and bucked my hips as the gremlin tried to shove deeper inside me. The pain was worth the feeling of the gremlin’s blunt talon scraping my insides and scratching at all my sensitive spots. When I was done cumming, I caught myself drooling. I wanted to wipe my chin but the gremlin didn’t relent. Its finger ploughed my cunt until I came again. This time I didn’t bother to hold back and moaned loudly.

I practically lost track of the amount of time the gremlin spent fingering me. I slowly became lost in the pleasure of how recklessly it treated my hole. The way the gremlins’ hands treated my body – scraping, groping, pawing and clawing at every bit of exposed flesh they could find – drove me wild.

When I was just about to lose myself in pleasure, the gremlins released me. They let go of my head and my hands first but held onto my legs, keeping particularly strong grip on my ankles. My knees were still weak from the fingering and having climaxed several times now and I fell forward as soon as there wasn’t enough of them holding me upright.

I managed to orient myself so I would fall to my back and I hit the floor of the elevator hard enough to have the wind knocked out of me. I didn’t have a moment to rest, however, as soon after I felt a gremlin’s strong hands grab hold of my hair. “Ah…hair!” It said as it tangled its clawed fingers in my dark locks and tried to pull me towards itself.

I reached up and screamed as I tried to break its vice-like grip but there was no strength in my hands. I heard the walls being torn open as what must have been dozens of gremlins stormed the elevator. I only looked around for a few seconds as I saw a sea of green and brown bodies crawling through the holes they had made. Even after I closed my eyes, the nightmare didn’t stop. I could still hear their voices and feel them all over me.

I screamed and kicked but there were too many. Once again, they grabbed hold of my limbs and kept me still. I grunted in pain as I was manhandled by several of the creatures and rolled to my stomach. It took them a while but they seemed to put their small brains towards teamwork and eventually forced me to my knees.

One of them sat on my head, keeping my cheek pressed to the cold ground while two of them grabbed onto each of my wrists and forearms. They pulled my arms apart and others sat on them to pin my shoulders to the ground as well. I couldn’t keep track of how many gremlins surrounded me. Countless hands and bodies worked together to kept me face down with my ass in the air. I almost suffocated under the weight of their bodies but was still aware of the fact that they had a keen interest in my backside.

They grabbed my ass and pulled it apart once more then took turns stuffing all different kinds of objects in my cunt. Some of them were large and stretched me to my limit, others were small, like pens, of which they would stuff almost a dozen inside me until I couldn’t fit another. When my hole clenched and forced the pens out, all the gremlins laughed at their game. I felt a gremlin climb onto the small of my back and opened my eyes. Against part of the reflective, metal wall of the elevator, I could see it.

The gremlin that mounted me was dressed in a uniform resembling one of the Amish. It set its feet on my ass while two others helping it by keeping me spread apart, and lifted a long rod above its head. My eyes widened as I saw it angle the rod towards my cunt and shoved downwards. I screamed as it plunged the object into me and I struggled to tear myself free from their grip.

“Churn it! Churn it! Churn it!” I heard the Amish-gremlin say while the others laughed and bounced all over my body. My eyes rolled back in my head as the tip of the rod beat on my most sensitive spots. It was as though the gremlin knew exactly where my g-spot was and grinded against it deliberately.

I came hard, squirting onto the floor. Billy had never given me pleasure like this, and I was sure he never would. The gremlin showed no mercy other than to slow down curiously as I shot my fluid like a shameless whore. When I was done, the surrounding gremlins shouted, “Again! Again!” and the Amish-gremlin picked up his pace once more.

“Please stoooooopppp!” I yelled. Tears streamed from my eyes as my pussy clenched again. I came, squirting a second time. I couldn’t recognize the sounds coming from my own throat as I felt the liquid splash onto the ground and begin to pool around my knees.

This time the gremlin didn’t slow down and continued to churn my pussy throughout my orgasm. I could feel my pussy juice being whipped into a thick, frothy cream that slowly flowed down my slit. The feeling of the viscous nectar dripping off my clit was enough to drive me crazy, far less for the fact that this little demon was beating my hole up with its…whatever it was it held in its hands.

I came several more times, squirting again and again until there was nothing left. Even when I was totally empty of fluid, I kept cumming long past the point of pleasure. Each orgasm caused my body to be wracked with pain but my hole wanted more, and the gremlin kept giving. It got to the point where I started cumming before the spasms from the previous orgasm had ended. I was overwhelmed by pleasure and pain to the point where it felt like my brain had gone totally numb.

“Stop! Stop! Please, stop!” I cried. The sound of my shouting only seemed to excite the gremlins more and they screamed as though mocking me. They leapt and bounded around the elevator unit while yelling at the top of their lungs. All the while, the Amish-gremlin kept churning my pussy.

“Get down from there!” I shouted. “Down!”

The elevator lights came on as the automatic voice came to life once more. “Going down,” it said.

“What?” I said out loud. “No, no, no!”

I felt the elevator moving as I was pinned to the ground. The gremlin continued working at my cunt while the others either held me down ran, shouted, or bounced off the walls wildly. “Get off me,” I cried.

“Next stop: the lobby,” the automatic voice said, causing me to wonder how it could have possibly misheard me that badly.

I strained and struggled as the elevator descended rapidly through the floors until finally slowing to a stop. There was a ding and the doors started parting. I was able to lift my head up just as the doors opened and I saw two women looking at me. They seemed to be simultaneously confused, shocked, and disgusted.

“H-hi,” I said as I gave a half-smile. I was stripped mostly naked, covered in gremlin slime while dozens of the creatures sat on me and held me down. The Amish-gremlin still churned away at my pussy which, now that all the gremlins had suddenly fallen quiet, continued making the loud, disgustingly wet, squelching sound. As the women looked at me, the fluid that had squirted from my cunt during my long, continuous orgasms flowed out through the open elevator doors.

They clutched their purses close to their chests and looked at me with utter disgust before one of them finally said, “W-we’ll get the next one…”

“O-okay,” I said as the elevator doors started closing once more. The gremlins screamed with laughter and continued rocking the elevator, all while I resigned myself to be their plaything until Billy rescued me.
