The Pill Part 1[cheating][sci fi][noncon]

I knew I wanted him the moment I saw him. Light, sandy hair. Piercing blue eyes. Slim, but athletic build. He was tall and handsome, with a casual confidence. He was also, my best friends boyfriend.

I met Max shortly after he started dating my friend Katy, and I immediately felt my heart skip. I had watched Katy walk around with a different man every weekend, for years, and I admit I felt a pang of jealousy over her many conquests. Max, however, was different. He wasn’t just another toned bad boy that she would be bored of in a week or two, she really liked this one. The jealousy formed an uncomfortable pit in my stomach, and as the weeks went on, it only built and grew inside me.

Until, one day last week, it overflowed. Max had never looked at me twice, though he was always friendly and polite with me. I knew if I wanted to get him to notice me, that I would have to start mimicking the kind of woman he was obviously attracted to. Katy was curvy and well endowed, though a bit plain. She wore copious amounts of makeup and always had her hair done perfectly, even on quiet nights in. So, I decided to take a page from her book. I showed up one evening to a pub night in a tight, white dress that showed off my figure. My breasts were pushed up to my neck and my dress ended just under my supple, round ass. My long legs were accented by a pair of silver platform heels. My strawberry blonde hair was pinned up in a messy bun, and my eyes were outlined with a thick, black eyeliner. My lashes were full and long, and my lips were painted in a glossy red.

My transformation seemed to have the desired effect. Max looked me up and down and looked surprised to see me in such a state. He told me I looked amazing and I smiled coyly. After a few hours of casual drinking and subtle flirting when Katy wasn’t looking, Max excused himself to the bathroom. I waited a couple of minutes, and then made my way toward the bathrooms in the pub. Max was just coming out of the men’s room and we were passing each other in the long hallway in the far corner of the bar. He gave me a friendly smile, and as I passed him, I grabbed his arm and turned him around. I quickly spun around on my heel and in a smooth, confident motion, I pressed both my palms against his chest and pushed him against the wall.

“Woah…” Was all he could say, obviously thrown off guard.

I immediately leaned in and pushed my chest against him. His warmth was palpable, and the sensation of his toned body under my fingertips made me blush. I had dreamt of touching him this way for so long, and it was as perfect as I had always imagined it would be. The forwardness of my actions made me tingle, as well as the gleeful shame of how wrong I knew this was. It was a rush. I slid my hands up his body and wrapped my arms around his neck. I went in for a passionate kiss, but Max stopped me.

“Jesus, what the hell?” He protested, grabbing my wrists and untangling my arms from around his neck. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Oh, um…I thought you wanted me to.” I stuttered. My face felt hot, and I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.

“You thought I wanted what? To cheat on Katy in the middle of a bar?” He pushed me backward, away from him, and shot me a disappointed glace as he shook his head and walked back down the hall.

I was shocked. The way he had looked at me when I walked to the table had made me sure that he would want me. I have never taken rejection well, and the embarrassment was too much to bare. I left the pub without saying goodbye to any of my friends, and began my long walk through town towards my apartment.

It was around midnight, and after about ten minutes of walking, I noticed a store was still open. In this area of town, very few businesses were open at this time of night on a weekend, and my curiosity got the better of me. I walked through the door, the bell ringing over my head to alert to proprietor of my presence. I looked around to see a fairly normal health food store, shelves and racks filled with vitamins, supplements and various organic foods and products. As I walked down the isles, I noticed a small, red haired woman standing in the corner with her arms crossed.

She appeared to be in her eighties, and her chilling smile intrigued me. She seemed to be watching me, which made sense, considering I was the only person in the store. I made my way to the back corner where she stood, and I scanned the shelf full of small coloured bottles beside her.

“Looking for something in particular, darling?” She asked, not moving from her spot against the wall. I shrugged and gave her a half-hearted smile.

“No, not really.” I mumbled.

“Are you sure? Seems you might be looking for a little something for a broken heart.” I looked over at her, furrowing my brow as I gave her an inquisitive expression. “Or, perhaps, we can have a little more fun than that.”

She reached up, balancing her petite frame on her tip-toes, and grabbed a bottle of pills from a high shelf. I took the bottle from her and admired the intricate designed on the label. The bottle was foggy and black, and I could just barely see through the glass at the small, white tablets. ‘The Pill’ is all that was written on the dusty label.

“One for you, and one for your lover, and he will never want another.” She tittered. I stared at the bottle and then back down at her.

“He isn’t my lover.” I sighed. The woman’s smile stretched across her face.

“He will be.”
