Red Rock Camp [MF]

When I was in my late teens, I started volunteering for a typical summer camp in the midwest. The campers were mostly in the 10-15 year old range. Some of them came from low-income social programs, some of them were just dumped there by their parents who wanted to be childfree for a couple weeks in the summer. The camp was co-ed, meaning that the daily activities and meals were shared between boys and girls, but the sleeping arrangements were separated. The boy cabins had a boy counselor, and the girl cabins had a girl counselor. This was back in the 90s when gender stuff was still pretty binary, and having a young adult male supervise younger girls at night would have raised many eyebrows.

My first summer as a counselor, I was shy and insecure. My low self-esteem probably radiated out of my skinny teen boy body that was always draped in baggy black clothes. They asked me during counselor orientation what I wanted my “camp name” to be, and I froze up at the question. You see, each counselor got to pick a nickname that the campers would use to call us by. It helped to add a layer of respect between the kids and the counselors, kind of like how they would never call their school teachers by their first name. But it still kept us relatable because they didn’t have to call us “Mr. Johnson” or “Ms. Smith” like they did for some of the older full time staff at the camp (office workers, cooks, managers, etc). Other counselors had names like “Lily”, “Cool J”, “Maverick”, “Hot Dog”, “Fairy”, stuff like that. When it was my turn to come up with a camp name, I sluffed off the question in classic teenager fashion with something like “I dunno, that sounds dumb…” I remember the administrator who was leading the orientation looked me straight in the eye with a slight smile, and said “how about ‘Turbo’?”. Some of the other counselors let out a chuckle, obviously pleased by the juxtaposition between my appearance and anything related to the word “turbo”. Looking back now, I think the administrator had a pretty good idea of the impact of these nicknames. We were still kids too. Being a counselor didn’t pay in money, it paid in life experience. I think he used that nickname as kind of a “goal” for me. A more confident persona that I could grow into as a result of my experience at the camp. And it definitely worked. That day I was born Turbo, and over the several years that I volunteered there developing life skills and social skills, I became Turbo.

But that’s not why you’re here. You’re here because you want to know how I ended up fucking the hottest counselor that Red Rock Camp had ever seen.

Skip ahead several years and I was already the most experienced counselor at the camp, and it showed. I was now in my early-to-mid twenties, my body was still slim but also muscular. More importantly, I walked and spoke with an air of confidence. The campers loved me because I was fun, the camp staff appreciated me because I was capable, and the other counselors respected me because of my experience. I won’t lie you guys, I felt like a bit of a rockstar at the camp, and I loved the attention.

I arrived for counselor orientation, greeted my friends who had stayed on from last year, and introduced myself to the new faces. Then she walked in, and my jaw dropped like right out of a RomCom movie. She was average height, with long brown hair in loose curls. Her lips were full and pink, her nose was small and slightly curved up. She had big round eyes that sparkled from a combination of a healthy amount of makeup and their own natural dark blue color. Her body was fit, and her skin was amazingly smooth: evenly tanned from top to bottom and not a single noticeable freckle or blemish. She was in a pair of super short black athletic shorts and a tight, light green tank top that showed off the outline of her bra which held a modest sized pair of tits. I was hooked, and I wasn’t the only one. It seemed like all the other guys and some of the girls stopped to admire her as she took over the room. You could tell that she knew she was hot, or at least was used to people staring, as she didn’t appear uncomfortable at all when she signed in and took her place with the rest of the other “newbies”. When it came time to pick her camp name, with everyone watching her, her eyes slowly scanned through the crowd before meeting mine. “Luna”, she said, without breaking eye contact.

The days progressed and the camping began. As a counselor, my responsibility was usually 1 cabin of 5-6 campers who stuck with me throughout the whole camp. I slept with them in a small cabin, took them to all the meals and activities, and generally just hung out with them. My batch this year was a great one. They joked around a lot but were obedient and listened to me, which is all I could hope for. We rotated through different activities. Sometimes your cabin would group up with another cabin for a day of soccer, sometimes your cabin was off on its own for horseback riding. It was all very structured and planned out, which made being a counselor pretty easy. You just had to make sure you had your whole squad present for whatever activity was going on. Meals were different. Everyone ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner together at the same time in the mess hall. This seemed to be the only time I would catch a glimpse of Luna. But a glimpse was usually all it was, as she ate with the other newbies. And with the activities so scheduled and diverse, I honestly expected that a quick glance at breakfast would be the only interaction I’d ever get with this stunning girl.

One day we were scheduled for archery, so I rounded up the boys, provided them with medieval weapons, and let them have at it, taking turns shooting at balloons taped to a big haystack.

“Hey Turbo”, came a silky smooth voice from behind me. I spun around and reflexively choked out a “h-hey”.

There was Luna, standing in front of me with the sun on her face. She was wearing only sandals and a super tight red bathing suit. Even though it was just a one-piece (as was camp code for the ladies), it looked so damn sexy. Her athletic legs worked their way up into an amazing hourglass figure. Her tan was slightly darker than on day one due to all the outdoor activities. Her hair was straight today, and thrown over one shoulder.

“What’s the code for the lock on the beach hut? I forgot it and I need to grab life jackets for canoeing”

“Forgot already? Tsk, tsk. It’s <some code that I forget now>.” By now I had caught myself and tried to exude more confidence. Despite feeling like I was standing in front of a goddess, I didn’t want her to feel like I was just another lame boy caught gawking.

She paused for a few seconds and raised her eyebrows. “Can you come help me grab some?” Looking back now, she definitely could have grabbed them herself. But young me was eager to help. I told the lads to keep shooting and that I’d be right back. I told them if anyone gets hit with an arrow just scream as loud as they can. Luna smiled at my lame joke.

She turned and led the way to the beach hut, and I got my first good look at her ass. Although the bathing suit was technically following code, it really shouldn’t have been allowed. Her round, full ass hung out the sides of the bottom of the bathing suit. Like the rest of her, her cheeks were completely smooth and tanned.

We got to the hut and I unlocked it. The air inside was cool and musty, as the hut was shaded in the trees behind the beach. Far too many spiders lived in this thing, I had seen plenty over the years. I grabbed her the life jackets she needed and turned to make my exit, but she was still standing in the doorway. I looked at her, expecting her to step aside, but again she just paused. It was very quiet in the hut, and I caught myself checking her out. This time I admired her collarbones and how they fit her frame just perfectly. Meanwhile she was still just gazing up at me, one hand on her hip. She really liked to do this “pausing” thing, I noticed. I think it’s her way of letting the tension build. After what felt like 3 minutes but was probably 3 seconds, she smiled and turned around and walked out in front of me. She thanked me for the help and swayed her hips walking back down to the beach with the life jackets in tow. Meanwhile, I felt a familiar stirring in my shorts as my dick woke up from its slumber.

That night, at dinner, she sat next to me. This wasn’t exactly shocking or taboo, but it was the first time we ate next to each other. Her hair was wet and she was wearing loose sweatpants and a graphic t-shirt with no makeup. Even for just getting out of the shower, she was radiant. We chatted back and forth for the whole meal, barely touching our food. I learned about her family (only child), her age (19), why she was here (she loves kids), her plans for the future (personal trainer), etc. Again, she used her pausing tactic liberally. I would ask her a question and sometimes she would wait 2-3 seconds just staring at me before answering. If she wasn’t so hot, it would probably come off as weird. Since she looked amazing and carried herself with confidence, it came off as intriguing. We were some of the last counselors to round up our kids and take them back to our cabins.

As me and the boys are lying in bed falling asleep, one of the older, more rambunctious teens calls out into the darkness “did you guys see Luna today? Holy shit she’s hot”. The other boys burst out laughing and I did too, but I had to be professional and calm them down. I have caught way too many boys “man-handling the ham candle” throughout my career and I didn’t want to encourage any more of that happening in front of me. Also, a part of me honestly felt a bit jealous. I know it was silly, but I was thinking “fuck off little Timmy, that girl is mine.”

The days went on and we kept flirting at mealtime. My crush was really starting to take off. I started to feel sad about camp being over soon, as we lived in different cities and the distance between our hometowns would make things tough to continue. Remember this was the 90s, before cellphones, so mealtime was really the only time we communicated together. Occasionally I saw her in passing around the campground, leading her troop on to the next activity. In these moments she would throw me a wink or turn and do a cute pose to show off her ass.

The second-last day of camp arrived, which is significant because it was the night where all the kids would get together for a big “camp farewell” party. It was usually just a nice dinner followed by a typical teen dance in the mess hall with a DJ. With all the campers under one roof, there wasn’t much responsibility on my end. All the counselors would be present sharing supervision duties of all the campers. So for the first time I felt like I would have some freedom from responsibility and could maybe sneak out and have some alone time with Luna. She had the same idea in mind, as she brought up how excited she was for the party at breakfast.

“Wait ’til you see what I brought to wear tonight”, she flirted.

“I hope it’s a big burlap sack” I joked back.

“You’re gonna eat your words.”

Spoiler: She was right. I ate them. When I arrived, she was already there, in a skin-tight black dress that didn’t quite reach down to her knees, with spaghetti straps over her shoulders. This dress left nothing to the imagination in regards to her body’s curves. Definitely against code. But she didn’t care. And I wasn’t going to report her.

“Okay, holy shit.” I conceded. She giggled and we ate dinner together, again side by side. Later on, when the dance began, she pulled my arm to the dance floor and started grinding on me. My boys (bless their hearts) started whooping and cheering for me and I got embarrassed and pulled her aside.

“Not that I don’t love that, but I like being a counselor and I want to come back next year.” I said loudly into her ear as the music was blasting. She paused, and leaned up to my ear.

“Okay, let’s go somewhere more private then. Go be a responsible supervisor, and in half an hour, sneak out and meet me by the dock”. It was on.

30 grueling minutes later, I “went to the bathroom” and snuck out the back door. My heart was pounding like I was a spy on a secret mission. It was dark out in the wilderness, but there was enough moonlight and light coming off of cabins to get around. You could still hear the DJ tunes playing, but otherwise it was dead silent. The dock was empty, but she called out “hey” from the treeline nearby. Still in her tight dress, though barefoot now. Heels in the dirt probably don’t work too well. I practically ran up to her, my body was surging with hormones and adrenaline. There was no more “acting cool”, no more playful banter, I was desperate. She started saying something but I interrupted and kissed her passionately.

At first her lips didn’t respond but then they pushed back into mine. Her hands reached up and grabbed the side of my face, while mine found her hips. She moaned and whimpered as we made out under the moonlight. She finally broke the kiss, took me by the hand, and led me further down the treeline. There was a break in the trees with a small grassy area lit up with moonlight. Looking out from the area you could see the moon reflected on the calm lake. She stopped, paused, told me to wait here, and slowly walked over to a large blanket that she had obviously just laid out a few minutes ago. The girl was prepared, she knew what she wanted, and it was sexy as fuck.

As I watched, she slipped out of her dress as she walked towards the blanket, her back to me. She wasn’t wearing underwear, so I saw her perfect ass fully for the first time in the dim light. She reached back and undid her strapless bra and let that fall as she reached the blanket. She then paused, turned around, and slowly sat down on the blanket. Her tits were medium sized and looked perfectly proportional to her figure. Again, the red-blooded mammal inside me took over and I hurried over to the blanket, pushing her onto her back to continue our make-out session. I reached down to feel her tits, and her nipples were rock hard in the cold air. She grabbed at my dress shirt and pants and pulled at them until I got the hint to take them off as well. We were now both naked, my dick was full mast brushing against her leg as we resumed kissing.

She broke the kiss to catch her breath and say “holy shit”. She shivered a bit. This would be the first and only time throughout the entire camp that I saw her in a moment of vulnerability. She was excited but also nervous, and definitely too cold. I grabbed a side of the blanket and rolled it over the both of us like a big human burrito, our bodies still intertwined. She smiled and continued kissing. I was in heaven, our bodies tied together. She broke the kiss and paused, staring deep into my eyes. She pushed me so that I was on my back and she was on top, then somehow inside the burrito flipped around so that she was mounting me in a 69 position. I was finally face to face with her beautiful pussy. She had a bit of stubble, but it wasn’t much. Her pussy lips opened up and revealed her soaking wet interior that was just inches from my face. I felt a warmth around my cock as she took it in her mouth and started slowly sucking. I slumped my head back and moaned as she took me deeper in her mouth. At this point, something happened that I’ll never forget. I felt something wet land on my face. Her pussy was literally DRIPPING onto me. It was so sexy, I lifted my head and started eating her out like it was the last meal of my life.

We continued like this for a while, the only sounds we could hear were the slurping of our mouths, some soft moaning, and the music from the mess hall. Eventually she stopped and spun around again, this time unraveling the blanket burrito. Good call, it was starting to get really hot in there and I was getting sweaty. So was she, apparently. As she sat up on my lap, her skin was glistening with sweat in the moonlight. She positioned herself above my cock, paused, and stared at me. I was young but not stupid, so I told her “I didn’t expect to need condoms when I packed for camp..” she just smiled, lowered her clit on top of me, started grinding back and forth, and said “it’s okay”. So I assume she was on the pill.

When she finally inserted me inside of her, I almost came on the spot. She was so tight, and so warm, and so wet. She must have sensed I was worried about cumming too quickly because she went super slow. She bobbed up and down and I reached up to grab her smooth, sweaty tits. After I got over the initial scare of cumming too quickly, my body calmed down a bit and I started to feel like it was going to give me some endurance. She could tell, as I was picking up the pace from below and squeezing her tits a bit harder. She made eye contact with me and my confidence came rushing back. I stopped her and gently pushed her off so that she was on her knees on the blanket in doggy-style position and I knelt down behind her.

She gasped, “Oh God yes, I’m ready baby. Fuck me like you’ve been dreaming about this entire time.”

I positioned myself behind her and put both hands on her perfectly round ass. The tip of my cock rested right at her entrance.

But this time, I paused.

She whimpered and started pushing back, but I moved as well to keep myself out. I was going to get revenge for all the teasing she did to me.

“Fuck me already” she demanded.

“Say please, Luna”


And so I slammed into her, and she practically screamed out. At this point, I no longer cared about my work as a counselor. I was going to fuck her like a guy named “Turbo” should. I grunted loudly as I pounded her, pulling out all the way to the tip and thrusting all the way back in, as deep as I could into her soaking pussy. She reached one hand back to play with her clit until she gasped and came, collapsing onto her front shoulders which somehow made her ass look even fuller and rounder. She kept rubbing and moaning for minutes after her orgasm started. Finally she got her strength back and propped herself up on her hands and started thrusting back into me.

I grabbed a fist of her long brown hair and pulled it back, bringing out another moan. I was getting close. She encouraged me.

“Come on baby, give me all your cum. I want you to cover me with all your cum that you’ve been building up.”

I didn’t need any more convincing, and I practically roared as the waves of pleasure hit. All the teasing and flirtation that had built up over the course of a few weeks had led to this one moment of bliss that I unloaded all over her flawless body. I jerked out rope after rope all over her ass and up her back. There was so much cum that it practically painted her whole back, all the way from the top of her ass to the bottom of her neck. I sighed after the pleasure was finally over and collapsed on the blanket beside her, my hand was wet with a mixture of both of our cum. She laid down on her stomach next to me and we made eye contact.

It was a beautiful moment we shared. She looked so sexy in the moonlight, her back still covered in cum. She kept smiling at me as the cool air calmed our hot bodies. We talked about how amazing that was and how much we both needed that. She told me she was really glad she got to meet me. Eventually we decided we needed to return to the dance or we’d rouse suspicion.

The next day, we said our goodbyes and I told her I hoped that she would be back next year. Unfortunately, she didn’t come back. But I’ll always cherish our time together that summer.



  1. Dude you left a bunch of young teenagers alone at the archery range…. if this story is even true

  2. Loved reading this! You are legit a wonderful storyteller. & now I want to share one of my old steamy camp stories!
    Been a slow af day at work, dozing off, the whole shebang… and this actually woke me back up, might be horny now… buuuuuuut at least I’m no longer sleepy XD

  3. I can’t be the only one who was picturing OP as Ken Marino’s character in Wet Hot American Summer

  4. You have some amazing writing skills, I was so lost in your writing, that was a great story.

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