[MF] The Price is Right! [older/younger]


She looked different as she walked back from the restroom to the table we were sharing with her softball teammates, husbands, boyfriends and others. I couldn’t tell why, but the lens I viewed her through was now different than previous. She looked mischievous and had a bounce in her step that I had not noticed before. She had asked me to order her one last drink before we headed out, me dropping her at her apartment on my way home. This night was just like the others we’d enjoyed after games during the hot summer, a group of people joined in drinking and eating to celebrate another win (or loss).

The team was a collection of women, some younger (22), some older (32), some single taller, shorter, etc. Only two were married. Their husbands were two of the three coaches, with me being the third. My role was to support the players, encourage, teach, and generally have fun with them. As first base coach, I got to interact with the women constantly. As a team, they were better than average for this league, but not spectacular. They had a chemistry that worked, though, and that was most evident after each game at the bar.

Overall, there were 15 cute, sexy and friendly women. The uniforms were tight baseball shirts, white with red lettering and sleeves. The team name was displayed in script across their chests, “The Price is Right!”, a local bar that sponsored the team. The numbers all had dollar signs in front of them. Their tops were offset by tight-ish athletic shorts, red with with white piping, and knee socks. They had different backgrounds, some not having known their teammates until practices started, others tight within the core group. The after-game bonding sessions at the bar contributed to the camaraderie. For me, it was a play-land, full of opportunity as over half the team were unattached, all free agents from the perspective of a young guy just coming into my own at age 23, a relative novice with women.

She, was Penny, the oldest on the team at 32. She came out to play at the insistence of her younger sister Betty, who was concerned about and wanted to get her out in the world after a recent divorce. Red curly hair, lightly freckled, brown eyes, and a soft figure that was half-petite, and very sexy with curves right where they should be. She’d grabbed a seat next to me at the table, and we each knocked down a couple drinks before I needed to take-off, and since I was leaving early, she asked if she could bum a ride home to her apartment.

We were squeezed tight at the table, so I put my arm on the back of the bench, allowing Penny to slide in closer. The table was buzzing with people talking loud and others singing louder. I sat quietly taking it all in. Her head was turned the other way talking with her sister when I noticed her arm resting on my thigh, like she was using it as an armrest. I didn’t think too much of it, since we were sandwiched in a small space, until I noticed her hand beginning to roam more freely on my inner thigh and then in-between my legs. It felt great, and for a couple minutes, I enjoyed the heck out of it. That is, until I realized others might see, so I surveyed the scene to see if anyone had noticed, or if they cared. No one did.

Her hand was soft, probing and persistent, reaching from the inside of my knee up to my crotch. I wasn’t sure why she chose me, but her hand movements were beginning to have an effect on me. I was getting stiff and I think she could tell. We’d been friendly all season, and I liked how hard she played, but I would not have guessed that she would ever have the occasion to make me hard. With our age difference, I never imagined anything happening between us. As she continued to introduce her hand to my crotch, my hand dropped from the edge of the bench down to her shoulder. I traced a long, meandering line with the back of my hand slowly down to the small of her back. I wanted to see if she reacted, and she pushed back into my hand as it trailed down. Along the way, I didn’t feel a bra, something I think I would have noticed when she ran the bases during the game. Yeah, I would have noticed I told myself, and I wondered if her hand-action was related to removing her bra, which might have been related to a new interest in getting to know me better.

I leaned in to let her know it was time to go. As I did, I put my hand on hers and guided it back to my now hard penis, then observing her reaction She was unflappable in the moment. Saying our good-byes, I was confident no one was aware of the little fun we’d had, but I was now excited at the prospect of having even more. We left and as soon as we got outside, I reached around to pull her to my side, and she nestled in to me in such a sexy way. We walked slow, and I ducked her into a doorway to steal a kiss, a kiss that lasted a couple minutes. At the car, I opened the door and held it so she could get in. She asked if I’d be kind enough to buckle her in, and as I did, she pulled me close for another kiss. I turned the tables on her, as my hand probed between her silky thighs, pushing up into the softness of her pussy. I kept my hand right there for the duration of the kiss.

The short drive seemed to take a long time. On the way I was excited, and said that I’d like to see her all the way to her front door, instead of a drop-off at the curb. She smiled, looked at me with a wink, and said she’d think about that. We parked, and as she sat still, I walked around the car, opened the door, and reached in to unbuckle her. With one hand she drew my face to hers for a another kiss, and with her other hand to massage me. We were on the street in front of her building, so decided to take the action inside. Once in the elevator, we let the door close, but did not push the button to the 4th floor, and I cornered her for another kiss. As we kissed, I reached with my right hand around her back and under her ass to lift her left leg up, sliding my hand inside her shorts. To my surprise, she’d removed her panties also, and I now understood what looked so different about her when she walked through the bar after going to the bathroom. We were charged up, and foreplayed in the elevator for a few minutes before I hit the button to her floor.

She fumbled for her keys and in an instant we were inside her apartment, a tidy, feminine space. Again we kissed and I walked her backward against a wall, pinning her while we continued. Her tongue was wet and delicious in my mouth, and I was humping her hard. I pulled her jersey front up over her head, and played with her soft breasts and hard nipples. With both hands, I lifted her up, with her legs now around my waist, still thrusting into her and kissing her lips and neck. We were hot and horny, and the time had come. I lowered her feet to the floor, pulled her toward the couch, then pushed her forward and down over the back of the couch. In one quick motion, her cute little shorts were down around her ankles, and my hard cock was pushing into her soft, hairy wetspot. It was hard for me to believe that, in no time, we’d gone from playing softball to fucking.

I started slow, but was soon pounding into her from behind as she quietly talked dirty to me, saying things I never heard a woman say, things I’d only imagined. Talking about speed, force, angles, motion, moisture, heat, friction, momentum, and other less measurable things such as touch, desire, intensity and passion. She uttered softly between her grunts and moans, and then loudly. She said “yes, and fuck yes, and harder, and ooh, and don’t stop, and deeper, and don’t cum in me, and I want to you to cum in my mouth.” And I did my best to address all these things. As I got close to my release, she started talking again, panting “harder now, and fuck me, and “ohohohohohohohohohohIamcumming!!” I waited as long as I could wait before I pulled her up, to drop her to her knees, to shove my hard cock in her mouth, so I could let go. I held my cock to her lips and she opened and clamped down, grabbing my shaft and holding me still while I pumped into the back of her mouth. She then held me in place for a few minutes, licking, sucking and swallowing. I noticed a drop of the sticky stuff at the corner of her mouth, waiting to be licked back in, the final morsel of a sexy interlude.

Just after, we had a quiet moment, enjoying each other’s company. Still young and inexperienced, I felt awkward now that we were done. I’d done fine in the lead-up, and during sex, but now I was out of material, at least with this older, sexy woman. I wanted to stick around, but didn’t know the protocol. Do I wander around with my shorts off so she can see how manly I was, or do I put them back on? What about her shorts? Are we going to do it again, or are we done? She straightened her jersey, her shorts were still on the floor, and she still had her cleats and knee-socks on! Her ass and legs looked terrific, and she wandered around like she’d just returned from a day at work, tidying and such, getting ready for whatever was next. Whatever was next was what I wanted to know. I wanted her to clue me in about what was next, but didn’t know how to ask, so I stammered that it had been great, really special, thanks for inviting me up, but I needed to get going. She looked at me with a sad face and asked if I’d consider staying for a bit, suggesting she was not finished with me yet. That made things much easier, so I sat down on the same couch we just fucked on.

The lights were low, and after a few minutes, she came out from the kitchen and handed me a bowl of ice cream with two spoons, her ass nestling into my lap. She said, very casually, that ice cream would cleanse her palette of the salty taste I’d given her. “What a fucking night”, I blurted out, and that made her laugh. We ate, cuddled and cooed for a bit when she got up and told me we could change venues, from the living room to her bed. I still didn’t know why, why me, why tonight, why did she initiate?

We settled on the bed and continued playfully getting to know each other, reaching my hands under her jersey to fondle her soft torso, breasts and nipples. I learned a bit about how we got here. She told me she had been depressed, and when Betty got her out and on the team, she started realizing she could enjoy things more, even if her sadness was still with her. Her old man did not treat her well, and after a lot of soul searching, she decided to pull the plug. Her life had been rough for about a year. The warm summer nights, the physical outlet, and her teammates helped her to realize more and more that she was coming through the worst. So she decided that I could be her avenue back into feeling good about being with a man, even for a night, because I’d been kind to her … and she liked how I carried myself. Tonight was her first adventure, and she decided to be confident and assertive.

We were fully naked now, lounging skin-to-skin on the top of the bed, lightly stroking, teasing, talking and listening. I learned how difficult it was for her to decide and then make the split, but how proud she was now for having made the decision. While it cost her financially, she felt she now had her own life and wanted to make the most of it. I told her how her advances came as a surprise to me, at the same time pleasing me more than she might have imagined. She said she was just one of several girls on the team that would have done the same thing with me, if given the opportunity. She used my leaving early as her chance to get me alone, and used her left hand to get into my head and plant a seed. It was clear I was part of her re-entry plan, a practice partner, so to speak.

After a bit of this, she told me she wanted more of me, for me to be both soft and slow and hard and fast with her. She outlined boundaries, but wanted me to make decisions about what happened within those boundaries, telling me to take the lead. I asked about fantasies, and she wanted me to act on mine, not hers. With that, I thought for a second and then asked if she had nylon stockings and a blindfold. Motioning me to her top dresser drawer, she told me to get what I might need. I opened it, rustled through the drawer and removed what looked interesting.

Returning to the bed, I turned off the lights, slipped her sleep mask snugly over her eyes, and with the nylons, secured her wrists above her head to the bed frame. In we started in with round 2 ……………

Penny’s look-alike: https://imgur.com/ofPfkeU

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ch4yzh/mf_the_price_is_right_olderyounger


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