The Bad Doctor (Parts 1-3, revised) [nsfw] [unconscious]

I don’t know what came over me. I’m an educated, smart, moral, and logical man. Before that day, I had never even asked myself if I knew the difference between right and wrong. If someone would have told me the things I would think about—much less do—I would never have believed them. I am a professional. I am a Doctor who took the hypocratic oath. I would never take advantage of any of my patients nor would I let a patient get the wrong idea about myself. Or so I thought. I believed.

On this particular day, something was just different. My body—NO–my primal instincts—overpowered my brain and I felt myself becoming someone else. It was as if I was watching myself from a television screen, unable to stop or change my behavior in any way. And even though I knew I was risking it all, I really just didn’t care.

My secretary had called me as I drove into the office that morning and told me that there was a young woman outside the building asking for me. Asking if she could see me. I didn’t take walk-ins but I also didn’t have a 9am appointment and so I accepted.

I walked in the front door and dropped my umbrella in the bin. It was drizzling just enough outside to wet my umbrella, bag, shoes and the legs of my suit. “Good morning, Diane,” I greeted my secretary. She nodded to acknowledge my greeting, handed me a cup of coffee, and went back to her game of solitaire on the computer. She was in her late 60s but did a decent job. Diane was satisfactory for me. “She’s waiting in your office, Dr. Yorke,” she nodded towards my office door—the only office in the building—without even looking up. I walked down the short hallway and did a gentle tap on the cracked open door. I pushed it open slowly and walked straight to my desk without yet glancing at my new patient.

“Good morning,” I said, dropping my briefcase onto my chair and taking off my suit jacket, draping it over my desk chair. I turned around and in the first electric moment that we made eye contact, I changed. She stood up and outstretched her hand to me for a formal introduction. “I’m sorry for dropping in. It’s narcissistic and rude and I don’t blame you if you don’t want to meet with me again,” her words seemed sincere as she shook my hand firmly and rested her other hand across her chest on the nape of her neck. I realized some days after this first meeting that though she apologized for popping in and insisting on a walk-in, she never did actually give a reason for doing so. She was smooth, she knew her beauty and used it to her advantage no doubt. I had no problem with it. Rich men use money to do it all the time–this is no different.

“You know what? It’s okay,” I smiled at her, reminding myself to break eye contact so I didn’t come off creepy. I motioned her to sit back into the chair she’d been waiting in, but she instead pointed to the somewhat dark reading corner of my office. I had a three-seater couch with a small, Tiffany book lamp sitting on a table next to it. “For some reason I articulate myself better when I’m lying down,” she said, smiling somewhat coyly, her eyes asking me for permission. “Sure,” I said, grabbing my notepad and rolling my desk chair across the room to sit nearer to her. She laid back on the couch.

What are you picturing? Is it something like, DD breasts in a tight black sweater dress that barely covered her ass—which, by the way, was curvy and delicious. Are you seeing long, wavy, gorgeous blonde hair that smells like coconut and somehow always lands perfectly around her face and neck to make her look like an absolute Playboy bunny goddess? And if you’re also picturing huge brown eyes, natural make up that makes her seem like she is walking off a beach, and full lips that pout and part so perfectly? Are you picturing a body thin with muscle tone? Are you thinking hot younger mom (around thirty-three years old)? If that’s what you were picturing then you are RIGHT ON. She had a cool, Lana Del Rey vibe but made you feel somehow like you were with Marilyn Monroe. An indescribable energy, too.

I was behind the couch in my chair, the Tiffany lamp now on and illuminating my notepad. She began talking and I wanted to listen to her, I really did. I’ve never not listened to any patients, as much as I hated what I heard a lot of the time. With her, I just couldn’t focus. My eyes wandered down her top where a few inches of cleavage exposed teh top of her fleshy mounds. Her breasts were full and perky, they looked real. I guessed at her age, those breasts had probably been full of milk, with an infant suckling at them for a few years. How could a woman like this not be married with kids? I went back to that image.

I envisioned her wearing a white night gown. It’s summer and she’s dewy with sweat from the eighty degree air that is wafting through the open windows. Her child cries out for her and she swoops him up into her arms, holding the child to her bosom as she shushes him, walking to the rocker. She sits down and gently drags one night down strap down with her pinky, exposing a massive and perfectly shaped breast. The areola was a light tan that blended nicely with her glowing skin tone. A single drop of milk dripped from her nipple and rolled down the bottom of her breast, getting lost in the fabric of her gown. She raised her son’s mouth to her body and he latched, sucking on her full breast while she rocked him, her eyes closed, a smile resting on her full lips.

Fuck. My own fantasy had prohibited me from listening to her troubles. And even worse—it had made me hard–very hard. I turned onto one side of my ass in the small office chair, hoping the adjustment of my position and pants would provide some less-exciting vibes for my now too-excited dick. But as I shifted, she too shifted and her breasts jiggled in the commotion. Ah, when you see luscious DD breasts wiggle under a tight black sweater… well, it doesn’t matter if you have a PhD or not—you get a hard on. But since I already had one, I was now starting to feel very horny. Just as I felt my cock grow to it’s maximum length, she said: “And this part is going to be long but it’s so important.” Uh oh. She was going to tell me more important things and I wasn’t listening AT ALL. When I realized that I wasn’t listening to a patient I wondered who I even was? But before I could soul search, I had someone else talking to me.

My raging hard-on. I hadn’t had a raging, fully-erect, throbbing hard-on for so many years. I had dated a little and had some sex of course, but the truth of it was I was lonely. I coughed a few times to disguise the sound of me unzipping my slacks. She was only a minute into her time so I knew that I had the time that I needed. And on that day, I felt I had no choice. I had to get sweet release.

I set my notebook down next to me on the table and began slowly stroking my cock. The head, now bright pink and dripping with precum, was pointed toward the back of her as she rattled on about her life. I stroked slowly and purposefully as I imagined her rubbing on her sweet clit. What would I have to say to her, I wondered, to make her start masturbating right then and there. Some patients got obsessed with their therapists, I could hope for that. In the meantime, I imagined she probably was the type to stick a finger into her vagina as she used her thumb to strum on her perfect little pink button. Her beautiful titties probably jiggled as she fucked her own hand, letting out feminine moans along the way. I imagined her speeding up greatly as she got closer and screaming “I’m going to cum” as she approached her orgasm. I envisioned her being a sexy goddess in an unintentional type of way.

The more I thought about her, the more my grip tightened as I jerked my throbbing 9” cock. I was leaking so much precum that I could actually see a tiny spot on the carpet, underneath my cock head. I felt my aching balls tighten in my slacks. I wished I could see her rubbing on her pussy. I bet when she makes herself cum she is still horny after and ready to go again. I bet that if she saw me stroking my cock right now she’d turn around and suck it dry, being flattered that I had an erection because of her. Imagining this, along with my own slow tugs on my dick, sent me over the edge. Before I could put my cock in my pants I started to shoot long ropes of cum all over the side of the couch she was lying on.

I couldn’t believe I had masturbated in my office to a patient who could’ve caught me. I didn’t know what to do from there but as soon as I finished coming I put my cock in my pants and zipped back up, and just in time too because she turned around and looked at me nearly right after: “could I get a Xanax? This next part is really tough.” And it was that moment I realized: I could drug her and fuck her if I really wanted to.


I know what you’re probably wondering. How can I call myself a pretty normal and smart guy after doing what I did that day. Well, I don’t know what to tell you. Sometimes things happen in life and you just can’t explain it. That particular day, I couldn’t rationalize or talk common sense to myself if my life depended on it. That woman did something to me—body and mind—that I still can’t explain. I think what scared me the most is not what I did but the fact that I planned on doing it again… and taking it further. I didn’t end up giving her a heavy dose of Xanax but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t occur to me. Really, I just didn’t have too much on hand. It’s not like the movies. Shrinks don’t just have drawers of pills. Not every patient is a basket-case or is even anxious at all. But I made sure to get some more pills for my drawer for our next appointment. Lots. Because I had plans.

After I ushered her out of my office that day, my cum splatter painted all over my own couch, I set her up with my secretary to make another appointment for just three days away. “I think we can start sorting out all these things,” I said to her, “and I’ll make sure your insurance knows its an absolute necessity.” I lied. Hey, everyone lies. She felt safe and reassured, I could see it in her eyes. It was exactly what I wanted from her. I gave her a non-threatening hand shake and smile, and watched her walk down the hall and out the door. I let my seed dry and stared at it the rest of that day. Just looking at it made me hard for her and the experience again. The three days I had to wait to see her again? Both miserable and exceptional. My grown daughter was staying with me for a few days so I made sure to lock my bedroom door, turn on the TV and run the shower while I jacked my dick madly, morning and evening, like a teenager. I was busting massive loads every time and getting hard again so quickly. I’m here to tell you folks, at 56 years old it doesn’t usually work like that… if it works at all. So this was… tremendous. But every time I came in a tissue, I lusted for those sweet tits and plump ass so much more.


When I woke up the morning of our second appointment I felt downright evil. I masturbated to orgasm within the first five minutes of opening my eyes. I had thought of all of the things that I wanted to do in that office… both to her and with her… but I knew I had to see her and feel it out before I made any plans in stone.

I’d tell you what I was wearing and how I smoothed my hair and what I smelled like but do you care about that? I didn’t even care about that. That’s not to say I’m not a sharp-dressed, good-looking guy because I am. But you don’t care. And hey, I don’t blame you. You’re here to read about the woman and what happened next. Well. Here it is.

I sat behind my computer, answering some e-mails and shuffling papers, trying to not just watch the clock until her appointment. She was scheduled for 11am. I imagined she chose that time so that she could get up, put in some time on her elliptical while she watched the news, pack lunches for her children and shuttle them to school. She probably went to the grocery store to pick up something for dinner–she seemed like a pork chops with veggies and red wine type of woman. Her trim body told me that she didn’t just exercise but that she also ate well. She probably held a basket in the fold of her arm, her skin glistening with a light sweat as she plainly ignored the men eyeing her. She drove her SUV home and prepped her family’s dinner before stripping down in her white-tiled bathroom and stepping into a steamy shower. The hot water hugged her large breasts, swam down her tight stomach and slowly made its way down her curvy ass and strong thighs. She lathered her body which turned herself on a little bit but she didn’t allow herself that happiness anymore. Everything was a schedule. Every motion had a specific purpose. She got out, fixed herself up and headed to my office. If her reality was far from my guess, it would’ve surprised me. I see a lot of the same types, you know, and this just happens to be one of them.

My secretary buzzed. “11 o’clock is here,” she said a moment before my door was gently pushed open. There she was. The most intoxicating woman I had ever laid eyes on. It’s funny, isn’t it? You’d think she’d need to act like Angelina Jolie, pucker her lips and expose a leg. But she didn’t. She seemed a bit shy and reserved, she definitely had no clue how beautiful she was. It was clear this woman had been told how hot she was but she clearly needed more. Why else would she be seeing me if she wasn’t living the life she needed and deserved? I wanted to be noble and help her, I really did. But my desire to grab my dick and tug it until I exploded everywhere just seemed to override any other desire. I might be a doctor but I’m also a horny man with a big, aching dick. What can I say.

So there she is, making her way to the desk when I instantly redirect her to the couch—the couch that I now mentally refer to as the cum couch, of course. “We had success on the couch last session,” I say smiling. Today she has chosen a plum colored dress, three-quarters length sleeve, deep v-neck exposing a bit of cleavage. It sits a couple of inches above her knees and she’s wearing knee-length brown boots with a brown librarian-like sweater draped over her purse. I wished the v-neck was deeper and the dress was shorter, yes, but she still looked heavenly. The plum contrasted her long, blonde hair and her big beautiful eyes. The dress was tight enough so I could see the outline of her thong above her ass before it discreetly disappeared into her sweet crevase. Fuck. I could feel myself get a woody just watching her walk to the couch. Today I’d left a chair behind the couch so I slunk into it immediately after she laid down.

“I’d like you to pick up where we left off last time,” I said, turning a page on my notebook to make her think I was beginning to sift through my notes. The truth was I didn’t take a single note last time. In fact, I didn’t even listen to most of what she said. “If you’re feeling nervous about going deeper into this, I can offer you some breathing techniques.” I wanted to come out and say have a xanax but I didn’t want to seem creepy. But the erection Gods smiled down on me. “Is it appropriate to ask for anything more? A xanax?” she said, turning her head slightly but not having the guts to actually look at me when she asked. She was fully lying down now, her tits pointing up to the ceiling and her ankles crossed. Her hair fell to one side, down off the couch. Everything about her made me rock hard.

“The only anti-anxiety medications I keep on hand in my office are very low doses,” I said, conveniently having stashed a few items in the drawer under the Tiffany lamp. “I can give you two of the lowest dose tabs which, for your medical history, will be mild.” She agreed, I opened a bottle of water behind her so she could hear the seal being broken. I had already dissolved 4 low-dose Xanax tabs into a bottle, hoping she’d in fact want to do this very thing. I handed her an additional two tabs. I knew if she drank all the water when she took the tabs, she’d not be able to stay awake more than ten minutes. I had already turned the heat up in the office by a few degrees to make it very comfortable. She swallowed the pills with ease and drank the entire bottle of water. Perfect. Watching her take that down made me wonder how she gargled a cock and swallowed cum. Like a champ, I bet.

It happened nearly as I predicted. She started rambling about something, I started rubbing my completely rigid cock through my slacks and the moment she dozed off, I put my plan into action. I had to prepare for the chance of her waking up. What would I do? Inject her with a medicine I had on hand to knock out patients that needed to go to a psych ward. The needle was loaded and I pulled it from the drawer and laid it across the table. I was so fucking hard and horny I didn’t even both taking off my slacks. I unbuckled my belt, pulled my pants and boxers down just enough and stood next to the couch, my massive throbbing cock dangling above her fat tits. I spread her legs apart and lifted her dress to her waist, exposing her black thong underwear. I slid my finger between her pussy and her panties and pulled it to the side, exposing her shaved pink lips. I let out some sort of noise or moan, which is a complete blur, and then I lowered myself to her and pushed my dripping cock tip inside of her. I wanted to explore her tits and taste her pussy but I didn’t know how long she’d be out. This was just the first try. I knew if it worked then in the future sessions I could do more.

Her pussy was both so tight and so deep. I thrusted in and out of her slowly, whispering to her as I fucked her unconscious body. “Baby, I have been jacking off to your body non-stop since I met you. You make me cum so hard. I can’t wait to fuck you every week.” I wanted to make it last but the fact I was fucking her in my office was just too hot. I could feel my balls tighten. I couldn’t unload into her, she’d be dripping cum all day and she’d figure it out. The nearer I got to coming the more I wanted to just shove my cock into her sweet mouth and fill her up. But she’d gag so I knew that was out. Instead I pulled out and jerked my dick behind the couch and came all over the back of the couch, yet again. I may have moaned pretty loud because she twitched a little. After I tucked my dick back in my slacks I put her thong back in place and pulled her dress back down. I inspected her carefully to make sure there were no traces of me or my big dick anywhere to be found. I sat back down in the chair and waited. The plan was to launch mid-way into a long explanation of something so that when she came-to, she’d think she fell asleep while I was talking. While I waited for her to wake up, I started planning what I’d do to her next week.


Okay I’m sure you have some questions. Hell, I had many questions after that second appointment. The first one being what the hell did I just do and the second one being how soon can I do it again. I know, I’m bad. But you really have to see this woman. Shit, you really have to feel this woman. So tight and wet and deep, oh man. Okay, okay. I’m getting sidetracked. I know what you’re thinking. What happened when she woke up? How did she not feel sore and stretched out from my massive rod? Well, I guess I didn’t and don’t know about that second question. As for the first, well it went just as I thought it might.

I watched her until I saw her twitch slightly, signs she was awakening. I started out talking very low and gradually raised the volume of my voice to low-indoor conversation. Ask me what I was talking about and I couldn’t tell you. My heart was racing, I was so worried somehow she’d immediately know. Then when our session ended and she pretended to never even have fallen asleep, I realized I was golden. Getting away with it felt almost as good as doing it. Almost.


It was the morning of her 3rd appointment. I told myself that I needed to listen to her this time, so I could give some real feedback. I knew if I didn’t give some actual shrink input then she’d stop feeling heard and validated, and stop coming. And if she stopped coming, I’d stop cumming and we all know I wasn’t ready for that. But I also knew me. And I knew my cock. As soon as she’d walk in I wouldn’t be able focus so I got out my trusty recorder. I would start it when our session began so that when I lost interest in her voice, I could listen to it later and take notes. Yes, brilliant. Another slam dunk by me.

So here she comes, walking in the morning of our third appointment looking smoking hot. She was wearing one of those pencil skirts that looked like leather and it hugged her booty so nicely it made my heart race. She had this off-white silk blouse tucked into her high-waisted skirt and she wore black patent pumps. She looked like a woman who was either going to court or about to film a porno. Little did she know I was going to have my own little porno with her in a few minutes.

“Great to see you again,” I smiled, shaking her hand, “I hope you had a nice weekend.” She didn’t hesitate to walk straight to the cum couch and lie back, setting her bag on the ground beside her. “I hope you don’t mind,” she said, adjusting so that her hair—which was pulled back into a sexy, low bun—rested gently on the couch with disrupting it. The trick would be getting her to take the Xanax every time. I knew if she really was a tired housewife, there would be no problems getting her to take it. Hell, if I had pegged her correctly (no pun intended), I figured she may even ask me for more. At this point I transitioned from anxious to determined. The noise her faux leather skirt made as she crossed her legs on the couch sent a shiver down my spine and made my dick start to get hard. “Are you comfortable?” I asked, in my most harmless-fifty-something-year-old voice I had. “Can I get you anything? Water?” I asked, a bottle of pre-laced water next to my foot.

“I’m a little embarrassed” she said, not turning back to see me. “I think I may have dozed a little last time I was here. Maybe coffee instead of water? Do you have coffee?” there indeed was a bit of embarrassment in her voice. I needed to reassure her. “Oh don’t worry, that actually happens far more often than you may think. The comfortable couch and the feeling of emotional safety… it allows a deep rest to wash over you.” I stood up and held a “one minute” finger to her as I stepped outside and poured her a cup of black coffee. Don’t worry—if you’re thinking she foiled my plan then think again. I was planning for many scenarios. Before I stepped back into the office I pulled 4 tabs of Xanax from my pocket and dropped them into the coffee and I watched the swirl and dissolve within a few seconds. Because the coffee may offset some of the side effects of the drug, I also had a small vial of a sedative that I discreetly poured into her coffee. Hey, it would be worse for her if she woke up when I was…. examining her… than it is for me to just slip her a little something extra. And the way I figure it is that she probably wants to rest, anyway. A busy mother of young kids with a spouse who probably gives her more doubt than love… yeah, you guys, she needed this. I was doing her a favor in a way.

So I hand her the coffee, which she devours promptly. The sedative may have been a bit stronger than I realized because she was out within a few minutes. I took a cold bottle of water and held it to the nape of her neck to see if it shocked her awake. It didn’t. I smiled at her sleeping body. It’s go time.

I began unbuttoning her blouse, exposing a white lace bra underneath. I gently pulled the cups of her bra down, one by one, exposing her full, creamy, luscious, nude breasts. They were exactly what you’d imagine. Full, soft, the areola a perfect circle, and her dark colored nipples were hard and looked me right in the eye. I knew what I had to do.

I unbuckled my pants and slid out my erect manhood and drug it across her chest. I let the tip of my cock find its way around her nipples and in between her breasts. I was rock hard when I did this next thing. I put my pointer finger in between her lips and gently opened her mouth. She didn’t move at all. I kept my finger in her mouth in case she decided to bite or wake up and have a reflex. I used my other hand to guide the tip of my cock between her soft lips. Her red lipstick was rubbing off on my head, making the precum ooze out onto her tongue and teeth. I gently worked my throbbing cock head into her mouth an inch or two and slowly moved it around. Her face was motionless as I felt her damp tongue tease the underside of my cock head. My balls tightened, my heart raced, my precum rampant and I’m telling you guys—I could’ve cum right then. Instead I decided to have a little more fun.

I took my cock out of her mouth, pushed her breasts together and spit on her fat, naked titties. Using my own spit as lube as I tit-fucked this gorgeous, unconscious woman and it felt so good. Her mounds jiggled wildly with every thrust of my member, sending a chill through my entire being. I had never been this hard when having sex with any other awake woman. Taking advantage of this woman while she was unconscious was the fucking hottest thing I’d ever experienced.

Feeling I was nearing a complete cum water-hose situation I pulled myself away from tit-fucking and sat on the edge of the couch next to her. I slid my hand up her soft thighs and found her panties. I slipped my finger underneath them and found her wet hole. The fact that she was wet told me her body was reacting to what I was doing to her and it got me that much harder. I began slipping the tip of my finger in and out of her beautiful little cunt, using my other hand to stroke my own fat cock. After a few seconds I knew I was going to blow. I stood up and directed my hose onto her tits and unloaded, rope after rope of thick semen. After what seemed like minutes of cumming I looked at her; her tits and neck were covered in my spunk. It was so fucking hot, you have no idea! I grabbed a towel I had planted under the couch and gently wiped her up (but not before snapping a photo of course), tucked her tits back into her bra, buttoned her up and sat back in my chair behind her. Now I had to wait for her to wake up. In the mean time, I slipped my finger into my mouth and tasted her. God, her sweet, sweaty taste made me hard again. I could not wait to taste the source at our next session.


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