She cured me of sea sickness [MF]

So I have written about Jen and I before. As a recap, her and I worked together and started hooking up on a business trip. She is about 5’3″ with dark hair and a smokin body. She is skinny with amazingly toned legs and an amazing ass to boot. Not big boobs by any stretch of the imagination, but very perky and round.

It had been a while since we had hooked up. We had just sort of grown a little apart and weren’t working together as much in the office. It mostly had to do with her desk getting moved across the office indtead of right next to mine. So one day I come into the office and I see familiar face back at her old desk. It was nice to have my friend to talk to close by again. We quickly caught up about what had been going in our lives over the past few weeks. She said its a good thing she got moved back over near me. She was taking out a friends sailboat and wanted to know if I wanted to join. I dont know anything about sailing, but it was going to be a beautiful day and I hadn’t spent time with Jen in a while, so obviously I agreed.

Saturday comes around and I meet her at the dock with a few of her friends. Its a beautiful warm day, so everyone was in their bathing suits. We all get onto the boat and get settled. I find a nice spot to sit and just enjoy the ride. I was not going to be much help with the work on the boat. We pull out into the lake and get going very leisurely. Jen comes over and asks if I’m having fun. I told her I was but I was feeling a little light headed. She giggled and said I would be alright. Then she proceed to take off the T-shirt she was wearing to reveal a sexy white bikini top. You could see just the outline of her nipples. I pushed through the sickness and had a great time on the boat. Jen and I flirted a little, but nothing to make everyone else uncomfortable.

After a few hours on the boat, we headed back to the dock. When we got back, I was not feelign great, and Jen must have noticed.

“You don’t look so good,” she said.

“I feel awful! I don’t know what happened. This has never happened to me”, I said.

“I can’t let you drive home like this, let me take you to my house and you can rest their”, She said.

I agree and hope into her Jeep. We get to her house after a short drive and she has me lay down in her bed. She gets me some ginger ale and tucks me into the bed. I fall asleep pretty quickly after I was able to get the room to stop spinning. Suddenly I am awoken by a familiar feeling. The softest lips hit my lips and immediately wake me up. It was obviously Jen who had climbed into the bed to check on me.

“Feeling better?” she asks.

“Now I am”, I say.

“Good, I think I have a cure for your sea sickness”

“Oh yeah, what’s that”

Then I feel her hands enter my pants. She begins to gently play with my cock and we start to make out. Its not long before my shorts are off and and she is on top of me. Still wearing the bikini top, I feel her perky little tits. I untie the top and pull it off her. Then I slide her shorts and bottoms off partly with my feet. I reach down and feel that she is already a little wet. I position my head right at her pussy and give it a few rubs. Then I slide easily into her pussy. She rides me fast, not giving me much of a choice as to how this is going to go. With all I had been through that day, I get ready to cum. I motion to her that I am close and she gets off and finishes me in her mouth. We lay back down and enjoy the rest of the evening in her bed.
