How an Engineer[M] met the goddess Persephone[F] (Part 3 Final)

Thursday we texted back and forth and she sent me a picture of her in her outfit for the night’s show and it took my breath away. I replied and told her how amazing she looked. **(You cant go to see her.)** **(Get her to go out on a proper date) (take her outside in the daylight)** my thoughts linger on her beautiful eyes. **(How magnificent those eyes would look in the sunlight).** Thursday night passed with us texting back and forth. A slow continuation of the conversation that started in the club.

Friday morning, I remembered she had a gig outside dancing and I texted and told her to have fun. She replied with a picture titled “me with my doggo this morning” The beauty of it almost killed me. The picture was of her in bed naked with her Dog next to her. I remember standing in my office. Our office was built into the factory and my window looked out over the final assembly line. I say my office loosely as this was the office I use every few months when I am in the USA. I hear a knock on the door and the general engineering secretary walks in.

“Hay Aidoneus. Your flights are booked, when will you be back” She asks

“Four weeks from now, I’ll be back for the validation build of our new product” **(Maybe back for good)** I think to myself remembering the half drafted email on my laptop addressed to HR asking for a permanent transfer here.

“Ok Good, I’ll make the arrangements. Same hotel?” she asks.

“Yes please. I despise change. If we can book the same room that would be great.”

“Will do” And with that, she leaves. I turn back and look out over the factory. Most of the workers are standing around and no really working but I give it half a mind. Production is a week ahead of schedule, its Friday, it’s extremely hot and quite frankly not my problem. I look down at my phone the picture still occupying the screen when I unlock it.

“Lucky doggo! You look amazing. Did you just wake up?” I text her

“In that picture yes” she replies. Something in the back of my mind feels uncomfortable. Like a hairline crack slipping over a smooth surface

“How can you look that great walking up?” I reply. The nagging in the back of my head getting louder. The crack was widening, anger slipping into my mind. **(Wats wrong with me) (Focus on the facts) (She is naked) (She sleeps naked remember she told you) (maybe it’s the picture?) (I hate it when the camera mirrors an image)** I look at the tattoo on her arm and remembering lightly tracing it up and down with my fingers **(No that’s not it, the tattoo is on the correct arm)** The crack widening anger now filling me and seeping into the atmosphere around me. It was like looking at a design and knowing in your gut it won’t work, even without understanding why you felt like that. **(What are the facts) (She is alone in bed with the dog) (She relay looks like she just woke up, none of that fake wakeup-with-makeup selfies) (She is completely naked)** my anger flairs a bit

“Haha I think I look crazy when I wake up but thank you!” She replies

There was another knock on the door and two of the junior design engineers walked in. Both carrying a couple of designs. They were both smiling when they walked in, infected by the Friday bug, but that soon changed. We reviewed the final designs in almost complete silence. The two of them only speaking when I directly ask a question or to explain something when the silence became unbearable for them.

“Why are all the measurements and tolerances in imperial,” I ask


**(Don’t take your anger out on them) (You don’t even know why you’re angry)**

“The designs look great. You guys can be proud of the work you did, given the time constraints on this project” **(A compliment and not a lie)** the two of them brighten up and start to leave with the designs

“Should we still change the measurements and tolerances from Imperial to metric?” one of them ask **(Yes you hillbilly! The whole world has moved on to the superior system of measurement) (Focus!) (What are the facts) (Don’t focus on your feelings)**

“No it’s fine” I answer and they leave. I sit down at my desk and open my phone again **(I’m spending too much time on my phone!)** I type a reply

“Crazy sexy maybe. Enjoy your gig. Let me know how it’s going if you get the chance”

I send the message and reopen the breathtaking photo of her. The anger threatening to boil over. **(Naked, check) (Tattoo on the correct arm, check )** then it hit me. One arm underneath her and the other was used to cover herself. **(Someone else took the picture) (someone else was in the room with her, while she was naked) (no shit Sherlock, what did you expect given her occupation?) (no but this is different) (only because you are making it different) (What did you expect, you talked about each other’s sex life) (She has probably slept with more girls than you did)** I place the phone face down on my desk.

**(Why would she change her entire life for you?) (she only met you three days ago) (But you changed)** I think while I feel the crack deepening to chasm inside me. **(I told you she would destroy you)** I sit up in my chair a weight settling on my chest. I start to pack my laptop.

**(A battle with oneself is usually the hardest or easiest battle you will fight. Luckily I always win)**

I left the office early. **(I might take up drinking today)**


When I created this account I thought to give myself the name Aidoneus. (Aidoneus meaning the Unseen one) It is one of Hades’ names. Hades Aidoneus Polydectes. Lord of the underworld, but most importantly consort of Persephone Praxidike Chthonios “The Iron queen”. I wanted to be her equal, the bane of all mortals, aspiring a position higher than what the fates destined for us.
