Daddy knows all part 2 (D/l MFF spanking)

Alice shivers at Daddy’s glare. She knows she made him mad. She glances over at her sister, bent over the desk. Siren’s ass has red welts on it from the belt and 3 purple welts from Daddy’s new toy. Her face is red and covered in tears and snot.

“Alice join your sister on the desk. Tail up and hands flat by your head,” Daddy calmly tells her as he moves around to the other side of the desk. Alice takes one small trembling step while trying to find a way out of this. “But Daddy, I…” she starts to speak when Daddy interrupts. “NOW ALICE!,” he orders. She moves quickly into position not wanting to disappoint him more. She knew her dinner excuse was lame as everything would be cooking for the next hour without her.

She turned her head towards Siren and looks at her sister. The thoughts pop unbidden into her head. What does Daddy see in her? Siren is bratty, spoiled, and loud. She doesn’t like to do chores and always tries to get Alice to take them. She doesn’t want to dress pretty, preferring simple plain clothes. Even her tail is plain! No fur, straight, and all black. Daddy’s boice breaks through her thoughts, ” I can see what you are thinking about your sister Alice, do you need to apologize to Siren again?”

At that question Alice quickly mumbles no Daddy and blanks her face. The last apology was horrible! She spent 2 hours giving Siren oral. She almost drown when Siren kept cumming in her face. No to mention her tongue felt weird for the next 3 days. Nope no more apologies to Siren, Alice told herself.

Daddy laid the new toy in front of them. It was rough and ugly looking. Floggers, whip, dragon’s tails; they all had a gracefulness to their design. This thing look like someone grab a thick piece of leather and all they was cut part of it in 2 and knot them at the connecring point. Nothing nice about this. “Now girls this is a quirt. I found it at our local feed store”, Daddy explained, “You see I knew Siren was playing for spanking because she liked them, just like you stick your tongue out at me when you think I am looking.” Alice startled at that piece of information.

“See girls, Daddy knows all. You are getting away with anything. I’m just planning and waiting for the perfect time. So Alice since you wanted to eavesdrop today I am going to give you the choice. You take 25 spankings with the belt as punishment for both you and Siren or you both take 12 spankings with the quirt. You have one minute to decide.”

Alice quickly glares at her downtrodden sister and thinks now I have to take her punishment too. She looks towards Daddy and says, “I’ll take the 25 belt spankings please.”

Daddy grabs the belt and moves behind her. “Ok Alice count them out and Siren for each count you will repeat Daddy knows all. Let’s start.”

“Daddy knows all!”

The mantra and crying fills the air along with the smack of the belt. Of course Daddy knows all.


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