Trivia night with Steph (part 1) [MMFF, Incest, ATM, Fiction]

Friday night was set. Stephanie and I were joining some of her friends to do trivia. She had concocted this plan as an opportunity for us to meet again. Meeting had become quite tough after her husband had decided to come clean about his indiscretions and try to make it work with her. Now, he was home every night, and was trying to pay more attention to her by calling her at work, an attempt to make up for all the distance he had given her. This made midday hotel get aways and secret evening visits impossible. It had been weeks since we last met. She had decided to work on things with him, but she was not about to let that stop her from enjoying herself with me. She felt our interactions had little bearing on their relationship, it was purely physical, and it was a feeling she had missed since she got married. It’s the same reason she wasn’t actually angry when she found out about his indiscretion in the first place. If I had to guess, she was upset he had this need to clear his conscience, and would have rather went forward being married, but sleeping with other people. I fully understood that and agreed to be her occasional “side-piece”, it wasn’t as if I was monogamous to her either. She said she would tell her husband she got too drunk and went to her brother’s place and passed out. Her brother and his wife knew about us, and were supportive of her choices, and they’d cover for her. This was not surprising as Steph told me about how they had an open relationship, and encouraged Steph to tell her husband that is what she wanted.

Outside of her brother and wife, I was being presented as just a work friend to fill out the group. We met there separately. When I arrived, I waited at the bar for Steph as I didn’t know the group we’d be joining. I had a bourbon on the rocks with a Diet Coke chaser and watched TV, I knew I was a little early, but was enjoying the scenery. A little while passed and Steph came through the door. She was looking her normal down played yet attractive self. Her long fine light red hair was straight and down, done plainly. She wore sparse makeup showcasing her smooth snow white, near translucent skin. It was near flawless outside of a few light freckles and the very early signs of crows feet at the corner of her eyes. Her Scottish features have always been striking to me, defined jaw line, with taught cheeks and high pronounced cheek bones, a thin small nose and fat pink lips. She was wearing a form fitting tank top underneath a long unbuttoned sweater, showing only a hint of cleavage on her small breasts and pare of jeans. This was hiding her tall, lean figure, which she rarely showed off. She looked every bit the 30 something married mom that she was, going out to meet friends and not a hint of her looked like a woman set to meet a man that she will be enjoying carnal pleasures with later in the evening.

This was a contrast to myself, with my large, but very neatly groomed beard, tight v-neck shirt showing off my tanned physique, with a sport jacket and fitted, but not overly tight, Levi jeans showing myself as someone who was still caring of current fashion trends. My look hid my age and background, but certainly showcased me as someone who was likely open for a little adventure, and had a few coins in my pocket.

I raised my hand and caught Steph’s eye. As her big bright blue eyes met mine, her plain Jane looks were shown to be a facade and she flashed that same look she did the first night we were together. She looked at me like she wanted me to rip off her clothes and bend her over the bar right there. I could see her rub her legs back and forth before approaching me. She knew she had to be careful here, as to everyone, I was purely a guy from work, and no one could know there was anything more to it. She whispered, “you look good enough to eat” when she was close enough, to which I replied, “I’ll be the one doing the eating tonight”. She shot me a smirk, and we walked to the dining room to meet her friends.

At the table there were multiple people, more women than men, but a group of friends, that were only loosely aligned with Steph, her brother and brother’s wife being the common thread. Steph’s brother Brian stood upon our entrance and gave Steph a tight hug and kiss on the cheek and said a joke I didn’t hear which made both laugh. With his arm still around Steph he extended a hand to introduce himself to me. He pretended to have no idea I was coming, and Steph explained I mentioned I liked trivia at work and the team could use some more brains. Steph and Brian were one of those pair of siblings that looked like twins. He shared her complexion and hair color. He was certainly more masculine looking but was only an inch or two taller than Steph and had a pronounced masculine chin, but similar jawline and piercing sky-blue eyes. His skin was harder, and had seen more sun than Steph’s, but their resemblance was almost off putting, due to the number of times I’ve put my penis into the female version of this man standing in front of me. His wife, Hannah, was next to introduce herself, she was shorter, with dark hair and skin. She had a Mediterranean or middle eastern background. She appeared quite busty, and curvy, but that was more due to her very small frame, standing at only 5′ tall or so, in reality she was quite petite. She was quite the contrast with Brian, who was shorter than be, but at least 6′ tall. She was very attractive, and feminine, obviously younger than Brian, who was already a couple years younger than Steph and myself. Her grip was light, and they way her dark brown eyes looked into mine and she shot me a coy smile as she gave me her name was almost flirty. The remainder of the introductions ensued, but everyone else stayed seated. There were a couple of female work friends of Hannah, one of Brian’s golfing buddies and his wife, and a friend of Steph who she went to high school with. We sat around the table and I was next to Hannah and Brian’s friends wife.

The game was pretty uneventful outside of having about 3 rounds of drinks. The conversation was flowing and Brian, Hannah and myself were definitely the trivia people at the table. The three of us often debated answers trying to come to the right one, with each of us having strong suites in opposing subjects. It went well and we took second place. There were laughs and good times by all. Steph would occasionally flash eye contact my way which let me know our private time later in the night was very much on her mind, especially after she had a couple of drinks. We were all having a good time.

As the game finished we all had one more drink before some of the other people began to clear out. By the next drink all that was left was Steph, Brian, Hannah and myself. We all were having fun at this point, we were all feeling pretty good, but none of us was fall down drunk, or slurring words, just loose, animated and feeling like we were still in the early stages of a night of partying. At this point Brian made the suggestion to go back to their house and play some cards. They had a full bar, lived around the corner, and once it gets later Steph and I could take an Uber back to my place. Steph shot me a look indicating she was open to it, but it was up to me and I agreed. We got up, Brian put his arm around Hannah and we left, with Steph cuddling up to me once we had gotten some distance from the bar.

The walk was short, and we had begun to discuss movies and TV. With Hannah stating her unyielding love for everything Game of Thrones. As we entered their house, we began to go into details on all the characters and giving our takes on what will come in the last season. We all hated Cersie and loved Jamie and Tyrian. Hannah made a statement about all of the incest in the show. Brian piped in stating “the show would be better without that”. Hannah’s response was “It’s why it’s hot, that it being taboo is what makes it so sexy”. Steph said “but in real life that’s just gross, if Brian and I would hook up, it would just be icky”. Hannah replied, “It would probably be hot, your both hot, but you two would get so in your own head, you’d never enjoy it”. To which both Steph and Brian replied “ewww”.

With that I asked what there was to drink. Brian directed us downstairs to reveal a fully stocked built in wet bar along with a really fun basement set up. It really was an awesome area. There was the bar with stools along. An area next to that with a collapsible table next to sliding glass doors to the patio and back yard. On the other end of the room sat 3 black leather couches in a semi circle with a large projector TV screen on the adjacent wall. That area was a little different as instead of a coffee table, there was a large padded ottoman at the center of the couches. The room appeared to be built for entertaining, cards, football games, really anything, with ample room and seating. I went behind the bar and mixed up cocktails for everyone, Brian and I were both drinking different varieties of Bourbon, mine on the rocks with a chaser and his with a dab of simple syrup. Hannah was having gin and tonic, and Steph was drinking an assortment of drinks all night, this time an Alabama Slammer.

We all sat down and decided to play a game of spades. About half way through the game, we all seemed to simultaneously reach the drunk stage, where our personal filters left, and the conversation started to take a turn for the blue. Steph just flatly asked Brian what it was like to watch other guys fuck Hannah, which made him spit out his drink as he was sipping it. Hannah busted out laughing and talked about how he barely notices since he’s usually got his dick in some other girl. We all laughed at this, but then Brian confessed they had only slept with other people one time in front of each other, and that really, the whole open things wasn’t their regular. Hannah then piped in saying they would love to do it more, but it’s hard to find people who can keep their mouth shut.

This caused a bit of a lull, to which Hannah blurts out, “Steph tells me you have a really big dick”. Now it was my turn to spit out some of my drink. Brian also jumps in stating, “that’s all Steph could talk about last month, what type of hog you got down there?”. I really didn’t know how to respond, to which Steph crawled onto my lap and said “oh are you shy?” in a high pitched voice while stifling laughter. I really never have been talked to like this, but I just responded, “she is overselling a bit, he’s bigger, but not some monster or anything”. To which Steph goes on about how I’m not like some of the black porn stars, and this sends the conversation down the path of how those are way too big and thankfully the spotlight off of me.

Some time passes and the game of cards is finished, I get up to go the bathroom and plan to say we should call a cab when I come back. As I get up to walk away, Steph stands up aside of me and kisses me, deep passionate kiss, and with my back to the table reaches down and grabs my dick through my jeans and strokes it up and down my leg. It throbs immediately as she does this and begins to push on the leg of my jeans. We hold this lewd embrace for at least 30 seconds. I take this as her sign the night here is over, and our fun will begin. I go to the bathroom and take a little time to drink some water out of the faucet and come back to the table. I see all three of them have another round of drinks, Steph shoots me an “I’m sorry” look. Brian immediately picks up on this and yells “You’re not ditching me to fuck my big sister just quite yet! One more round buddy!” And to that I sat back down across from Steph on the small card table, bourbon waiting for me.

At this point the conversation was flat out lewd, we all agreed to tell our most embarrassing sex stories not with each other. Hannah talked about initiating sex with this fat old married guy when she was 13 and on a family vacation just because she thought her boyfriend was cheating on her. Steph talked about this time in her early 20’s that she had a drunken devils threesome in the bathroom of a dance club. I brought up a time when I was doing coke in my early 20’s and wound up in a drug fueled orgy, and was sure I crossed swords with my buddy.

Brian, however, talked about how when he was in middle school he always jerked off listening to Steph fucking her high school boyfriend. Steph was so embarrassed, she turned beet red. Hannah obviously knew about it, because she immediately says, “I think it’s hot” and I reply, “You would” and playfully punch her arm. At this time Steph is still beet red and Brian is just looking at her with this look of, “well it’s the truth”. Hannah now punches me back playfully to which she suddenly looks as though she remembers something and proclaims “Oh yeah! When are we going to see that big dick of yours!?” To which both Brian and Steph, both happy to change the subject, jump in yelling for me to pull it out. I flatly object, but a part of me really wants to do it. My drunken mind thinking of that hot little Hannah staring at my dick with pornographic fantasies of her grabbing it rushed into my brain. Steph has seen it and Brian is definitely the type of guy that seems fine with it, so why not? But another thought crosses my mind. “How about some strip poker, you wanna see it, then beat me”. Hannah immediately says, “We’re in!”, Steph and Brian just hoot and laugh in approval.

I grab the cards at the center of the table and begin to shuffle. I state, “Five cars stud, best hand wins, if you are in and you have the best hand win a piece of clothes back, if you lose, then you take off a piece of clothes.”

Hannah interrupts “if you take it off, then you don’t get to put it back on”

“Then what do you get for winning?” Steph says. “You can cop a feel of whatever just got uncovered you want” says Hannah.

We all shrug in response, maybe starting to think we all may have bit off a bit more than we could chew.

Brian pipes in pointing to me and Steph “You have to take off your jacket and sweater, same amount of clothes for everyone.”

I state “but the girls have bras?”

Steph says “not me”, and Hannah replies “I’m not wearing underwear, and socks don’t count as clothes boys.”

“Alright, 3 pieces of clothes each” I state and deal the cards.

First hand was a good one for me, pair of kings, everyone calls and they all lost some clothes. Everyone stands up and takes off their shirts. Hannah’s dark soft body looked amazing with a the black lace bra she was wearing, showing ample cleavage.

Brian and Steph take off their tops showing their alabaster skin. Both are hairless, with almost flawless skin with light freckles on their shoulders. Steph’s small breasts with diamond hard pink nipples, and her flat stomach, contrasting Brian’s semi muscular chest and small beer belly. Both were tall, with long torsos and overall slight frames. I motion Steph to come over to me and give a nipple a pinch, which she yelps. Brian and Hannah laugh and in response Steph squeezes one of Brian’s nipples in response.

Next hand Hanna wins getting my shirt and Steph’s pants. She locks onto my muscular hairy chest and licks one of my nipples, eliciting a howl from the siblings and makes me all tingly.

Next hand I win again with everyone calling. Hannah immediately pops off the clasp of her bra and unleashes two of the most perfect breasts I’ve ever seen. They were two even round globes with small dark brown nipples, standing on her tiny frame. They barely fell at all. Steph also noticed “and said you better cop a feel of those, god damn!” I felt like paying her back for the lick she gave earlier and leaned over and put one of her nipples in my mouth while cupping her other breast with my hand. I gave it a quick suck, and it immediately hardened. She reacted by sticking her chest out a bit, and almost purred as she smiled naughtily at me while I moved away. Next Brian and Steph stood up, both you could tell was a little bit nervous. Steph standing with only a blue pair of panties, her long thin legs exposed, just did the deed and pulled them down to the floor. Brian intently watched as she bent at the waste with him having a view from behind as he began to pull his own pants down. Steph stood up, did a little shimmy with her arms outstretched and feet apart with a big smile on her face. She put her hands at her hips without an ounce of shame. Her patch of trim red pubes just above her mound and visible clit for all of us to see. We all were staring and as Brian kicked his pants off he had an obvious erection straining sideways in his boxer briefs. His hands in front trying to hide it I blurted out, “alright show us the goods bud”. To which he mimicked Steph’s shimmy and let everyone see his normal sized hard on and grey boxer briefs.

As Brian and Steph sat down, I stated the game was over due to Steph being out, which received jeers from the whole table. Steph lamented she still wanted to play. Hannah immediately said she could play, but if she loses it’s a dare ordered by the winner, and Steph in her drunken state agreed eagerly.

Next hand Brian folded, and Steph won. Hannah eagerly pulled off her jeans revealing a completely hairless pussy, she even gave us a little turn sticking out her ass showing her thick bottom expanding from her very slim waist. She had a perfect curvy shape, with just a touch of baby fat all over, just on a small scale. Her short torso leaves little room between her waist and bust. Her carmel skin was smooth and flawless, with the only mark on her, the indentation from her jeans that was still showing on her hips. I watched this as I unbuckled my jeans, pulling them down showing my bulge through my boxer briefs. My cock hanging off to the side. The vision of Hannah’s ass burned into my mind adding some blood downstairs, but the alcohol I’ve drank, keeping it from a raging hard on. I was standing in front of the group, showing my tanned and muscular physique, with chest hair making a trail down to my underwear. After turning, Hannah stared at my crotch, and yelled “Booooo, where’s the hard on!”. Brian piped in, “can’t get wood after that show, c’mon dude”. I was drunk, and under major performance anxiety, from a couple I wasn’t even fucking!

Steph jumped in to my rescue saying “And now my reward for that win!” walked up to Hannah, gently place each hand under those perfect tits, leaned down and kissed Hannah’s neck, slowly as she made circles with her thumbs around Hannas nipples. Steph softly, licked up and down Hanna’s neck, barely touching her. You could see Hannah shudder and close her eyes under this sensual assault, tilting her head to give Steph better access to her neck. Hannah’s hands moved up, and lightly stroked up and down Steph’s back, only touching her with her finger tips. Hanna let out a moan as Steph moved her mouth up and nibbled on Hanna’s ear lobe, eliciting an expressive moan from Hannah, to which Steph promptly pulled away with a smirk on her face, and Hannah audibly muttered “you bitch” under her breath. Brian and I watched this display, and I could tell he was slowly playing with himself. I quickly sat down, to which Brian stated “we gotta do one more deal dude”. Thinking about the implications of that statement was definitely turning me on. This guy, was playing with himself over his sister and his wife messing around. It was so wrong, but considering my own intoxicated state, I understood, was so sexy.

It was my deal, I handed out all the cards, and looked at my hand….3 of a kind. It goes around, Brian calls, Steph in her state will call just about anything, and Hannah folds. Hannah leans over and looks at my hand, and looks up at me with a huge smile. I call, Brian has an Ace high, Steph has a pair of 7’s, and I lay down my hand. Hannah, immediately starts dancing in her chair, and Steph starts laughing, saying “okay guys, what do I have to do? C’mon, lay it on me? What do I gotta do?”



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