Yes, Officer. [Part 1] [Mdom][Fsub]

This is a story based on [this]( post. Thank you to all the people who kept requesting it and stuck with me during my extended hiatus.


Correctional Officer Sarah Hughes sighed as she pulled into the car park of the police training centre. She was looking forward to her weekend off, a rarity these days it would seem. A training day was always a good day for an officer, a day away from the chaos and danger of a prison or the street, plus a day away from all the paperwork and politics. But for Sarah a training day also meant something else. It meant a day being handcuffed and bossed around, usually by bigger stronger guys. Although she didn’t admit it to anyone, this pressed all of her subby buttons, and it drove her crazy.

She said a quick hello to the receptionist as she made her way hurriedly down the corridor towards the main hall area where the training was being held. She’d been held up doing an intake of new prisoners so she was running a little late.

As she pushed through the door she saw that the room looked full, “Shit” she muttered under her breath, it wasn’t usually a good idea to be the last one to arrive. The man at the front of the small crowd looked over at her.

“Sarah I assume?” he said, standing up from the small plastic chair that he had been sitting on, the proportions almost comical. He was much taller than Sarah. At least a foot taller than her in fact. Although, as she was 5′ 2”, that wasn’t exactly difficult, she thought to herself, nonetheless, his dominating presence gave her a rush as she mumbled her excuses.

“There was a new lot of…” she started, but he interrupted her softly but in a tone that commanded obedience, holding up his hand to silence her and making her heart race.

“Well, everyone’s here now” he looked around as he spoke “Although it would appear that we have an odd number, so I’m afraid Sarah, you’ve drawn the short straw and will be paired up with me.” He spoke softly to her “Why don’t you just stand over there?” he pointed to where he wanted her and she went without hesitation. Speaking to the crowd now he began the class.

“Hello everyone, and welcome to ‘Defensive Tactics’ training, I’m Sergeant Mark Cowell. You can call me Mark, unless you’re late to one of my classes, in which case you can call me Sergent Cowell” The room laughed lightly and Sarah felt her face flush red. “We’ve got quite a good mix of officers here I can see so I’ll go through a fair number of tactics, I’m sure you’ve all seen these before, but it’s important we keep you in the best shape we can. We’ll just start off with some basic exercises, kicks and punches mostly. If you haven’t already, grab your safety gear and your partner and I’ll do some demonstrations.” He gestured at the padding and Sarah and a few others grabbed some equipment.

Over the next few minutes he mimed the techniques against Sarah and she fought to keep her composure as he got rougher with his strikes. Then he let the class go, and they began scrapping all around the room. Now it was her turn to go after him.

As she fought with him, she tried not to think about how easy it would be for him to overpower her and just use her however he wanted. He easily deflected and absorbed her blows like it was nothing, and she knew for sure that she had no chance against him in a real fight.

After a few minutes of this he called the class around again.

“Now, we’re going to talk about making arrests. Most of the time when you go to arrest someone they are, for the most part, going to comply with what you say, and if they don’t we’ll be talking about that later. In order to make it more likely that they will comply there are several things you can do. One of them is giving clear concise orders in a way that tells the person that you are in control of the situation. We’re going to do a little demonstration on Sarah here.”

Sarah felt her heart skip a beat and she tried to look professional and hoped the rest of the class couldn’t see that she was ready to tear her clothes off, drop to her knees, and do anything this man wanted her to.

“Now that we’ve established that we have a reason to cuff the person, let’s do a quick demo of how a compliant person might act… Sarah, if you could just walk over that way for me please…”

Sarah did as she was told.

The Sergeant began talking in an aggressive and loud tone now “You! Stop there! Hands above your head! Don’t move!”

Sarah stopped on the spot, her hands flying into the air and her legs opening involuntarily. She felt the eyes of 30 or so other officers burning into her as he kept going with his commands.

“Spread your feet!” He commanded, although given her involuntary response it was probably not necessary. She stepped further apart, feeling herself get wetter as she did so. “Down onto your left knee!” She dropped obediently “Down onto your right knee!” Her heart was racing as she knelt, god she wished he would rip her uniform off and fuck her right there. “Put your left hand on the ground… keep your right hand in the air and slide onto your belly.”

Sarah was lying on her belly when Mark grabbed her right wrist, his knee applying gentle pressure to her back, pinning her in place. He closed the handcuffs around her right wrist and, breaking character, turned to face the captive crowd, “As you can see” he spoke a lot more softly now, Sarah still under his complete control, “I now have complete control of where her hand goes” he reinforced this by moving her hand around with the cuffs and Sarah let out a soft involuntary moan into the matting that covered the floor. She felt herself flush with embarrassment as she hoped the other officers thought it was a moan of discomfort.

“Sorry” he said to her, gently touching the back of her neck, which did nothing to stop the adrenaline pumping through her. Looking back at the crowd he continued “now that we’ve got this far, it’s very easy to get her fully into the cuffs.” He demonstrated, fully locking her hands behind her back. “Now we’ll rock her side to side and help her to her feet”

Once Sarah was stood up she knew her face was red with embarrassment and she couldn’t look at her colleagues around the room. Mark slid the cuffs off her and she rubbed her wrists as they clapped for her. “Are you alright?” She nodded, still staring off to one side, as he set the class off practising.

“Look at me” He commanded softly and she looked straight at him, gulping. He gently grabbed hold of her arms just at her elbows, lowering himself so that he was closer to her height “Are you alright?” he repeated gently.

“Ye..yeah.” she said, trying to compose herself as the rest of the room was filled with shouting and people being handcuffed. “I might just get some water”

“Sure” he said, standing up and letting go of her “take your time if you need it” smiling reassuringly as she walked quickly towards the door, trying to avoid making eye contact with anyone else.

Sarah raced her way to the bathroom, locking herself in a stall. “Holy shit” She said to herself under her breath, trying to regain some control. “Hooooly shit!” She undid her belt quickly and pulled her panties down a few inches, she could see they were soaking wet and she ran her fingers through the stick wet mess, gently brushing her clit and letting out a soft moan. She automatically started to masturbate, her wrists still sore from the handcuffs, her body still under the control of another man. She was so wound up that she felt like she would cum in ten seconds flat. It felt amazing and she felt a rush of blood as she got closer to the edge.

She was shocked back into reality as someone else opened the door to the bathroom, there was no way she could be seen, but she pulled her fingers away, her cum dripping off them, and pulled her clothes back on, quickly licking the cum off her fingers before opening the stall door and cleaning herself in the basin as the other woman went into another stall. She could feel how wet she was and the accidental edging hadn’t helped make her any less horny.

She splashed a little water on her face, left the bathroom and headed back to the hall, pushing open the door as she prepared herself for more one on one contact…


**[Part 2](**

I hope you enjoyed, if you did please vote as I decide what to write more of based on this. Continuations will be posted on my subreddit r/SirsStories so if you don’t want to miss any please consider subscribing. As always appreciate a comment or PM.

I am now back from my hiatus with things having calmed down in my real life. I will be trying to post twice a week, please see my **[meta post](** for more info.

See all my stories **[here](**.
