A Brat’s Tale [Mf] [oral] [light bratting]

She’d done it again. Stuck her tongue out at him when he walked by as she was making dinner. The dinner making was already a punishment she’d earned during the week, as she didn’t enjoy cooking per se, but was still rather better at it than he was. But that damn tongue. She’d been doing it all day. He’d been trying to ignore her antics, as that was one of the better tools in his kit he had for taming her when needed, but it’d been going on with it long enough he didn’t think he could ignore that kind of behavior from her any longer. So he continued to walk by the kitchen and ignore her and her damn tongue, but his mind was made up, and how she acted from here on out would determine exactly how he’d have to handle her.

Just as he’d made up his mind, he heard her calling from the kitchen, ‘Papa Bear, where are you?’ She knew he hated that name, and had been funished recently for using it in the past, just as she damn well knew where he was, as he’d just walked by. He continued to get settled at the table, and once he was finally comfortable he then announced to her that he was waiting on her to serve him dinner, and he’d like it now please, as it had just turned 6pm on the dot. She knew this dinner had been an assigned punishment, so without any further difficulties, she served him his plate and drink, then quietly took her place next to him while they began to eat. He complimented her on a job well done, and her perfectly timed meal as he’d requested as well. She couldn’t help but let out a small grin, and her tongue slipped out her mouth at him yet again. She quickly realized what she’d done, and put it back inside her mouth, but the damage was done, he’d seen her stick her tongue out again, while he was complimenting her no less! He slowly took another bite, as did she, while she secretly hoped the conversation would just move on naturally. As she started to bring up inane chatter topic #264 he just looked at her, tsk’d just once, and as she stopped mid sentence, he simply asked her if it had been worth it? As she paused to consider his meaning, he asked her to please continue on with her ramblings as she knew he found them cute, but he had a far off look in his eye now, as if he was lost in thought, perhaps about what was to come next?

After they finished eating in relative normalcy, and even exchanged some after dinner banter, he told her to stand up and strip, now. She was a bit confused, as she was wearing exactly what he’d told her yesterday he wanted her to cook dinner in, but she slowly stood up and began to untie her apron, pulling the neck strap up over her head and her ponytail. As she pulled it away, she looked down questioningly at the thigh highs and heels she’d been wearing underneath, and he nodded to those as well. As she stood there, shivering slightly under cool breeze from the ceiling fan, he told her to bend over the table, and he was going to give her 1 spanking for each time he’d caught her sticking her tongue out at him today, and 5 additional spanks for all the times he knew he’d missed it. 36 spankings that came out to, he announced. She began to fumble out something, anything, in an attempt to deny the truth of his words, but before she got far he simply told her to stop, unless she wanted extra punishment spankings for not accepting her original funishment. She instantly understood the gravity of his statement, and all pretense of pretending she hadn’t been provoking him all day was dropped. She bent over the table, ass straight out, head down with her cheek pressed against the smooth, coolness of the wooden table. She closed her eyes, smirked inwardly to herself, and began to take the smacks to her ass. He alternated between both sides of her ass cheeks, using varied force and speed to make her both sting and throb simultaneously. As her ass began to throb, so did her pussy. She could feel the blood rushing there, in turn causing her clit to begin throb as she couldn’t help but clench and unclench her pussy between blows. He also noticed her pussy moving in and out, the hole growing tighter and releasing as he got up to around 20 good hits on her bum.

He looked around, wondering what he could do to make sure she knew she’d earned this spanking, when his eye landed on the stress ball he’d just gotten from work and was still sitting out on the counter. He positioned her head away from the counter while telling her not to move, walked over to grab the soft squishy ball, and worked it into one of the condoms he’d brought down with him to dinner. He slowly inserted the new object into her, with only a little resistance, her pussy already wet enough for the oddly shaped toy. It was a bit bigger around than most other things he could put inside her, and boy did he like to put a lot of random things inside her, but the soft squishable nature of it meant once he’d gotten it up in there it stayed in place quite nicely. He leaned down, and quickly checked in with a whisper in her ear to make sure his bratty little bitch liked that in her pussy for him? As he got a small affirmative nod, he quickly resumed with spanking her. He worked just 1 finger in her pussy as he continued, and felt around in the space the ball had created between the soft fleshy walls that swallowed anything he put up there. He continued to smack her harder and harder, working her up into almost a hysterical fit of breathing by the time he was done, not stopping once from 21 to 36.

He pulled her up by the hair, still in the ponytail he had also directed she wear with her dinner cooking outfit; he’d known what it was for when he directed her how to present herself to him for the evening. As she stood there, he could see her eyes were red and watering from the beating she’d just taken, so he told her to leave the dinner mess and meet him on the couch in the living room. Instead of just heading in and waiting for him like a good girl though, she just had to ask him if he was sure he was done spanking her first? She wiggled her tush around a bit in a provocative fashion, and was starting to stick her tongue out at him as he walked right by her, ignoring her, heading off to the couch himself.

He got comfy, and as she then slowly followed him into the room, he directed her to come lie across his lap, because he was in fact, he informed her then, not done spanking her yet, after that little show of behavior in the dining room. As she got in position, he told her she was going to get 36 more spankings, just like before, and she was going to shut her mouth and take it. As he started, this time harder than he’d started last, he again worked a few fingers into her pussy to work the ball around inside her. He could feel her muscles flexing with every stroke of his fingers and every whack with his hand. He was playing her body like a fiddle, in a long, complicated dance of a seduction game they’d mastered with each other long ago.

When he finally got to 36, he removed his fingers as she shuddered slightly from the enjoyment of having gotten exactly what she’d wanted out of him. Her bum was finally starting to really feel a bit sore, and a good time to lay off him for a bit perhaps. As she started to curl up in a ball next to him and get comfy for cuddles, he again grabbed her by the hair, and directed her entire body around in a completely new direction. A few moments later, she was on her knees in front of him with a cock in her mouth, her pace being guided by the hand still holding her head by her ponytail. He was already good and hard by the time her mouth made it onto him, so he started with simple yet persistent strokes going down only about ⅓ the way of his shaft, guiding her head up and down for each and every one. As he started to feel her throat relax and open up, he shoved her face as far down the shaft of his dick as he could and just held her there, giving her time to adjust to the new sensation of a cock in the way of her airflow. As he felt her mouth relax even further, he told her to ‘Hold that position’ and began to work her head back and forth almost gently. While he was only moving her mouth about an inch up and down the length of his cock, he was buried so far down her throat he couldn’t help but almost blow his load right then and there from the sheer sudden novelty of it all.

Once he was able to get his head a bit more calmed down, helped by having her focus on licking just the tip like it was never ending lollipop she was trying to find the end of, he again grasped her ponytail and slowly, ever so slowly, worked her soft and willing throat over the entire length of his cock once more. He tilted his head back, eyes closed, for just a moment, to take in the full sensation of what she was doing. Holy fuck was that one of the best feelings he’d ever known. And as he opened his eyes, they were greeted to the sight of her naked body right in front of his, still working his cock even as he’d let go of her hair in that moment of pure bliss.

As she continued to slurp her way around, he let her know he hoped she was getting the same anti-stress benefits of his new toy as he had when he used it yesterday. She nodded as best she was able to with a mouth full of cock, without missing a beat in her stroking. She had him worked up to a decent frenzy by now, and he again grabbed her by the hair and shoved her head as far down as it could go, and just held her there while he again calmed himself down before he came in her throat. When he finally released her hair, he told her he wanted her to go wait for him in the bedroom, fingering herself while still squeezing that toy shoved up her pussy, but she was not to cum He slowly eased her mouth up from his cock, which was so hard it was almost sore now because he hadn’t actually cum right then, and asked if she understood? He’d seen that glint in her eye earlier all day, and wasn’t quite sure how she was going to take his direction tonight; if they were going to have to things the easy way, or the hard way. So, when she, instead of nodding in agreement, again stuck out her tongue while stating, ‘No, I don’t understand.’ he instantly had a further understanding how things were going to continue go tonight. He again repeated his directions, and again asked for understanding. She looked confused for a moment, before asking for clarity on what exactly he wanted her to do with her fingers?

At that moment, he’d had enough. He again grabbed her by the hair and had her mouth around his still hard as fuck cock so fast she couldn’t help but gag as it forcibly slid back down her throat once more. As he held her face there, not giving an inch as she struggled, he told her exactly what his new plan for her fingers was. He was done taking her backtalk for now, and he was going to go relax in his study while his dinner settled. She was to come in there, still naked, after having cleaned up the dinner mess, for her next funishment or punishment, he hadn’t decided yet. As he announced his plan, he slowly let up on her head, and only then was she able to properly cough it out and breathe again, and nod that she understood this time.

He got up and walked away, knowing his orders were soon to be followed. He went into his study, poured himself a drink, and sat at his desk, trying to think of what exactly he was going to do with his misbehaving little brat out there, for now so obediently following his direction. He knew he’d have her in that headspace for a while, but sooner or later tonight she’d come back down to her naturally challenging state again and start pushing his buttons. She always did. So he sat there, flipping through a few of his favorite porn videos while waiting for her to enter.

Once she finished cleaning up the dinner mess, she slowly approached the door to his study, giving it a timid knock. She heard him from within tell her to enter, and she did as she was told. As soon as she came into the room, he directed her into one of his favorite punishment routines that she was long familiar with. He told her she was to stand at the wall in ‘time out,’ while holding a coin to the wall with her nose for 10 minutes. If she ever dropped the coin, the time would start over, so when this task was assigned as a punishment more than a funishment he’d often come over and spank her at the same time. So she trudged over to the wall, standing there in time out being funished for being such a damn brat. She knew she was to use this time to reflect on the actions she’d taken that had led her to this point, but instead all she could think about was that damn squishy ball still shoved up inside her. As she stood there, nose to the wall, he stopped with the videos he’d been enjoying to take a moment to appreciate her. Her naked body, perfect ass (to him at least), her ability to just know what to do to keep him turned on all the time. She couldn’t help but push his buttons, it was just how she was, and they were a great fit for that reason. But for now, she was standing there silent and in an uncomfortable position at his behest because she hadn’t been able to keep her tongue in her mouth all day. 36 times! ‘That was almost as bad as 37 dicks’ he laughed to himself, remembering a movie from his youth.

After her 10 minutes had passed, he told her to come over and put on the nipple clamps he kept so handily in his desk drawer. Once she had the hardware on, he directed her to get under his desk, now, and quietly. That if she asked any questions, such as ‘Why?’ or ‘Make me’ or any other sort of favorite phrase, he was going to beat her ass silly and cum down her throat, and she wouldn’t be allowed to cum for 3 days. In other words, she got his point, and instantly and quietly got down under his desk so he could use her mouth while he got off to watching his porn some more. She took advantage of not having his hand guiding her head this time, and slowly worked her tongue around every inch of cock and balls, taking the time to really relax him and get him in a headspace to want to play, not just want to cum. As he watched other girls on the screen in front of him take cock after cock after cock, he finally told her to come on out from under there, and to wait next to him.

She knew how to wait, even if it wasn’t her favorite. He allowed her to sit comfortably but still, and she was to use this to time sit silently and focus on his cock, what was to come, how she could better follow his instructions without bratting at him, and generally just get herself worked up. She knew he often used this time to calm down when she had gotten him a little too excited recently, or maybe when he needed to figure out exactly what was up next. So she sat next to him, waiting patiently, thinking of how much she’d just enjoyed being allowed to suck his cock while he got off to the porn, especially enjoying the idea that he seemed to have forgotten he’d had her put on these nipple clamps, and maybe even forgotten she had this damn squishy ball shoved up inside her still. It was a calming feeling to know that she continued to get off from these things he had her do, even if he had perhaps forgotten he was having her do them. So she continued to sit, remaining as still as she was able, thinking of the ways his cock was going to fill her pussy later, and the delicious feeling of feeling his cum seeping out of her all evening as well. She pondered the idea of trying to do exactly what he asked of her exactly when he’d asked it earlier. She knew if she’d just gone into the bedroom and started fingering herself when he’d told her to earlier they would have already fucked by now and she’d be in experiencing that nice post-sex glow right now probably. But no, she had to go and run her mouth and now she was sitting here just getting to imagine what his cock would feel like in her pussy, not actually getting to experience that. Oh well. She’d had it in her mouth a few minutes ago and that had been a nice treat!

She wasn’t quite able to tell what he was doing up there. She still heard the porn noises, but he didn’t seem distractedly blissed out like he would have been if that’s what he was watching. She couldn’t quite risk a direct peek up at his screen while in this position, she knew better than to brat from this position, as the welts she’d had on her ass for almost a week the one and only time she had tried were a testament to. So she continued to stare at the ground and think about all the delicious ways her pussy was going to feel later, and allowed herself a small inward smile.

She was right about him as well, that he was no longer engrossed in the cocks buried in asses going on on his screen. He had found a note he’d written to himself. That he’d intentionally saved in his porn folder. The note was from a few months ago, reminding him of a session where she had bratted especially hard, and he had not been happy at how he had given in to her demands as they played. He ran the show, and while he often did things specifically to make her happy, that was not the first priority many times in their relationship. So while he read over his notes and the details of that long past day came flooding back into his mind, he sat up a bit straighter and also let a small grin creep over his face.

He looked down at his little brat, so proud that she’d actually managed her time out, dick sucking, and waiting so well. He felt bad for how things were going to end for her for the briefest of moments, before memories of that past day crept back in and told him not to feel bad for how things were going to end. He looked down at her, smiled gently, and told her to go get the flogger, and he’d meet her in the bedroom. She nodded, almost as if she knew better than to stick her tongue out again after her quiet reflection time. She knew she was expected to behave in the time period coming out of that position, so she quickly stood up and went to fetch the requested toy.

When he finally met her in the bedroom, he couldn’t have been more pleased. Not only had she placed the flogger right where he’d know to look, but she’d already assumed the ass-up position with a pillow under her hips he preferred for such play. He again felt a twinge of regret, before he laid into her back and buttocks 36 times non stop. He varied the pressure, intensity, and placement of his impacts, but he did not let up for 36 non stop, repeated impacts. Once he was done with the flogger, he calmly told her to prepare for more, and repeated his performance with his hand this time.

By the end of these 2 rounds, she was hurting. Her ass and her back both felt bruised and sore, and she was sure there were going to be marks tomorrow. This was a bit more intense than they typically played, and she hadn’t lost the meaning of the number 36 in each round either. She continued to wait on the bed, ass up, for whatever was to come next, hoping they would be moving on from impact play at this point in time. As she pondered exactly what direction things would be going, she heard him announce to her how the next 2 rounds of 36 would go. She would be on her knees in front of him again, her mouth an open and waiting hole for him to use. His hand would again be on her ponytail, and he would force his cock down her throat for 36 separate deepthroating jabs. After round 1, she would have 36 more times of his cock being jammed as far down her mouth as she could take, only this time at her down pace/direction, as he was going to cum all down her throat, in her mouth, and all over her face at the end. She quickly looked up at him, now finally understanding that some of her previous actions have had consequences for her today. Her pussy flexed at the disappointment of knowing she had to get him off but wasn’t going to get fucked herself. She knew she had no time to dwell on any of this though, so she got off the bed and over on her knees in front of him again.

As she knelt in front of him, he let her know she damn well better make she gets him off on number 36, and without a moment more he again grabs her ponytail and has her mouth around his cock. As he forcefully shoves every inch of himself inside her he can hear the gagging, suction-like noises that come with this type of facefucking. He grips her hair tightly, pulling her head back and slamming it down, back and down, repeatedly. 8….13….20…..27…. He knows he’s nearing 36, and just keeps pushing her head back down him faster and faster until there is a puddle of drool on the floor. When he finally reaches 36, he lets go of her hair, and she continues sucking him off like a champ. She’s using her arms to get her whole body into it, a hand pulling and cupping his balls as she continues to gag and choke all over his cock. Harder and harder she goes with her hands as her mouth and tongue work the tip and upper shaft. 15…16….17….As she gets closer to 30 she takes her hand away and gets his entire length down her throat. She bobs her head up and down faster and faster as she keeps him buried down her throat. 28…29….30….He knows she’s working up to the moment he asked for, when at 36 he gets to finally explode in her mouth, giving him the sweet release of cumming while buried inside one of her holes at least. She’s still sad that her pussy didn’t get the chance to be abused tonight, but she also still has that inner smile going as she continues to frantically work her mouth up and down his stiff cock. 32…33….She starts using both her hands as her tongue flicks whatever it can with all her frenetic head movement. She can feel he’s getting close….34….35…

.And perfectly timed for the last bob, she shoves her mouth as far down to the base of his cock as she can, feeling the sweet release of his pulsing cock in her mouth, warm, stringy, cum being shot down her throat as her mouth stays firmly clamped around the base of his cock to ensure she catches it all with the wild hip thrusting she knows is about to come from him. But instead of him grabbing her head and holding her mouth in place for her to catch every last drop, he pulls her head back by that perfectly placed ponytail one last time and watches his creamy white cum bubble up out of her throat as it continues to leak out of his cock into her open and waiting upturned mouth. Her face is perfectly positioned to catch the last of the cum as it oozes out of him onto her outstretched tongue. He slowly works out the last few drops from out of his dick into her waiting mouth, knowing there’s nothing he likes more than seeing his girl’s face covered in his cum. She waits there patiently, letting him admire his handiwork as the cum drips out of the corners of her mouth onto her bare breasts below. She takes a finger to the newly dripped mess, then slowly licks the fresh milky substance off of it before moving on to taking his cock in her mouth one more time. While staring him in the eyes, she slowly licks the rest of the cum off the tip of his cock, being careful not to let any of it that’s already in her mouth already leak out. Once she’s gotten most of it off of him, she takes his entire head in her mouth and slowly starts swallowing repeatedly until every last bit of cum left in her mouth and on his cock have disappeared.

Once she’s finally cleaned him off completely with her mouth, she looks at him, cum still creeping out of the corners of her mouth, and asks if she’s allowed to get off now? She patiently waits, most of the brat beaten out of her tonight by now, from both the actual beatings and from the cum that just exploded all over her. He considers her request, feeling bad about some of the marks he can see forming on her back from the flogging she took earlier. But then he remembers. He remembers the note to himself he left, for just such an occasion, when he knew he’d want to give in to her sweet ways, and how she’d left him wanting more in the past by not following his instructions. So he smiled down at her sweetly, and let her know that no, she would not be allowed to cum tonight. Nor would she be allowed to cum tomorrow, unless she earned the privilege. She could start earning that privilege tomorrow by waking him up in the morning with his cock in her mouth if she even wanted to consider being used for more than his personal cum dumpster tomorrow, or get any personal enjoyment out of the day he was sure would be in store for them. She stuck her tongue out at him.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cfoxj3/a_brats_tale_mf_oral_light_bratting