My [F]irst Orgasm

For a little background, I’m 20 F, engaged to a 20 (soon to be 21) M. We haven’t met irl but I’m applying for a visa to his country rn (the fact that I’m *this* close to finally being in his arms might have helped). If all goes well, we will meet (and fuck) in a month from now.

The story: I have been incredibly horny for the past few days. Well, I’m incredibly horny all the time, but the past few days were even hornier than usual. My fiancé, being as horny as only he is, never failed to engage in roleplay or sexting. Tonight, I had thought, would be the same. He wakes up, I ask for some rp, we do, I watch some porn or read some erotica, we masturbate on the opposite sides of the world, then I sleep while he goes about his day.

Oh boy, was I wrong. He woke up. We talked about my day for a bit: how my application process was going, etc. I told him I was eating dinner. In the next message, I said “I’d like to eat something else tho” with a smirk emoji. He immediately got the hint and we went into roleplay mode. And fuck, it was hot. It was hot as hell. Tonight’s roleplay was not like other nights. I asked to be face fucked. In the exact words of the text, “face fuck me into oblivion”, I said. That, and then PIV roleplay, then an ass fuck…was getting a bit difficult to keep a straight face already.

I was playing some card games with my 8 yo sister, her 9 yo friend and my mom while simultaneously rp-texting this sexy man I want with me so bad. I was wet, and I knew it. My panties were soaked. Thankfully, I had a dress on, so no pants to soak through. I feigned a sore throat (I have the flu rn anyway so it wasn’t difficult) and went to bed.

Immediately, panties came off. Still sexting, roleplaying. Once we were done with the rp, I wanted more. I got on reddit and started reading GWS.

Upon reading [this story](, I realized that this is totally something I’d do to him, and something he’d enjoy as well. I sent him the link. Reread it while still playing with my clit. I started tensing up, my entire pelvic region was throbbing in pleasure, and I stifled a moan as a rush of blood made my face flush and I came.

I told him immediately. The conversation after that was like this:

Him: You gave yourself your first orgasm

Kinda sad i couldn’t give you your first orgasm tho

Me: Aww…in a sense you did

Him: You were thinking of me?

Me: Ofc you

Who else?

Why anyone else?

Him: Not that just maybe you were watching porn lol

Me: No

1. Tonight’s rp got me all riled up

2. I read that story and realised that would TOTALLY be us

3. Could not stop thinking about you

Well, I got back on reddit and started reading other stories. [This one]( got me hot again.

I read it, then I linked it to him, to which he again responded with “OMG that would be us!!”

I imagined doing it all with him. Second orgasm. More intense than the first. I bit on my pillow to muffle my scream. I told him, and he laughed saying “someone is sensitive tonight”.

I wanted to go round three but I was scared I would make noise as now my whole family was asleep. So instead, I went into the bathroom to send him a few snaps of my glistening wet little pussy and the huge wet spot on my panties from earlier.

It all happened less than half an hour ago. I’m still wet as fuck. I can’t wait to meet this man and finally get my holes wrecked by him. Goddamnit, I’m a horny little slut. I am his horny little slut.



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