Krossroads Inn Part 1 [Ghost story, masturbation]

Built in 1803 by pagan settlers, Krossroads Inn has been responsible for over ten thousand untimely deaths. Rated the number one haunted location in the world, according to the spirit guides. Rumor has it, that the consequences of spending one night at the Krossroads Inn will result in death or even worse.

She read the pamphlet again and again as the Greyhound bus hissed through the pre-dawn darkness.

Laura had always been obsessed with ghosts, ghost stories, and the supernatural. Growing up with that obsession made her an outcast in school and as a result, she didn’t have many friends growing up. When she graduated high school she was relieved. When she moved away to college she was excited for a chance at a new start.

As she thought back to the events that lead to this trip her eyes drifted from the pamphlet to the window and she watched the road pass. It was her first week at school and she was still getting used to dorm life. He roommate Mayra was a nice girl from Texas with an accent Laura found cute. Mayra was quiet and shy, much like Laura, and they had a lot of other things in common as well. Laura imagined they would get along great and looked forward to getting to know her new friend. It was as she was lost in thoughts of the fun things she and Mayra could do together in the coming year when the bright green flyer posted on the bulletin board in the dorm hallway caught her eye.

“Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night?
Do you experience feelings of dread in your dorm room or the showers?
Have you or your roommate ever seen a spook, specter or ghost?
If the answer is “yes,” then don’t wait another minute. Head to the quad at 8:30 PM every Thursday and talk to the professionals…
Ghost Hunters Group!
We’re ready to believe you!”

The poster made her giggle out loud. It was a parody of the Ghostbusters commercial in the original film. She was about to walk away when she read it again. “Ghost Hunters Group” a group of people that wanted to experience the supernatural just as much as she did. She giggled again and rushed to her room when she realized it was Thursday and she had about twenty minutes to get dressed and make it to the quad for the meeting. Laura rushed into her room still giggling.

“What’s got you so giggly?” Mayra asked, startled at by the way Laura rushed into the room.

“I just saw a flyer for a ghost hunters group!” Laura said, “Want to come to check it out with me?”

“Ghost hunters?! I don’t know that sounds terrifying!” Mayra replied, “I can’t even watch horror movies. I’m too squeamish.”

“Awwww come on Mayra, it will be fun.” Laura said with a pout, “Think of it as a bonding experience.”

Mayra reluctantly agreed and they left. When they got to the quad there was a group of 3 guys sitting at a table with camera bags and a large black Pelican case.

“Ghost hunters?” the tallest of the guys asked excitedly.

“Yeah!” Laura responded with a squeak, “This must be the place.”

“That it is,” another one of the guys as he walked up to the girls, “I’m Tony, I guess you can say I’m the leader of this ragtag group.”

“Nice to meet you,” Laura replied, “I’m Laura, this is my roommate Mayra.”

Mayra waved and smiled shyly.

Tony was a cute but nerdy looking guy, thin and clean cut with blonde hair and brown eyes.

“Nice to meet you ladies,” Tony said, “Let me introduce you to the rest of the guys.”

Tony turned and pointed to each of the other guys in turn.

“This is Hernan,” Tony said pointing to an athletic looking Hispanic guy with black hair and dark eyes.

“Oh sweet! Girls!” Hernan blurted before his eyes went wide and his face turned red.

Laura laughed, and Tony continued.

“And this is Michael,” Tony said pointing to the tall boy who had greeted them earlier, as he nodded in reply.

“Welcome to ghost hunter group!” Tony said, “So, what brings you ladies to us?”

Laura explained her obsession with the supernatural growing up and her wish to have an experience with a ghost or spirit. Tony and Michael responded with similar reasons while Hernan and Mayra stayed pretty quiet.

“What about you, Hernan?” Laura asked, “What brings you to the ghost hunters?”

“The house I grew up in always had strange things happening,” Hernan started, “chairs would be pulled out from the dining table when you know you’d pushed them in, things would go missing then show up in random locations, and things like that.”

Laura noticed Hernan had a slight Spanish accent and she found it incredibly sexy.

“One day when I was 7 or 8 my parents sent me to my room for being bad around company,” Hernan continued, “I was sitting on my bed when I looked up and I saw a figure walk out of my bathroom. He was tall and dressed like a greaser. It freaked me out and I ran out of the room screaming but my parents just yelled at me to get back in my room. When I went back he was gone and there was no sign of him. I just want to know if that was real and I wasn’t just a crazy kid.”

Everyone was silent for a moment taking in Hernan’s story and Laura felt Mayra shudder next to her.

“What about you, Mayra?” Tony said, breaking the silence.

“Oh me?” Mayra replied, avoiding direct eye-contact with anyone, “Nothing… Laura asked me to come… that’s all.”

“That’s cool,” Tony said, “Well, welcome to the group anyway.”

The rest of that first meeting was spent talking about places they’ve heard were haunted and places they’d love to visit. They talked about places like the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, the Howard Street Cemetery in Salem, and the LaLaurie in New Orleans. The boys showed off their cameras, and Tony showed them the contents of the black Pelican case. It had EVP recorders, EMF meters, multiple GoPro cameras, and even a full spectrum camera. The group hit it off well, it was all very exciting.

Laura and Mayra continued to attend the weekly meeting which consisted of trips to local cemeteries, abandoned hospitals, or other creepy locations. They filmed everything, both with the regular cameras they each carried and the full spectrum camera. The full spectrum camera was Laura’s favorite to operate. It functioned much like a regular camera but it had what is called an open filter that allowed the camera to capture the entire light spectrum, meaning the camera’s imaging sensor captured UltraViolet, Infrared and Visible light. She could capture some very beautiful images, and the prior week at the graveyard, she swore she caught auras around a few of the headstones.

As the weeks passed the group all became very close. Laura had developed a crush on Hernan and they spent a lot of time together as friends. Laura did her best to flirt with the oblivious boy he never made a move. Spring break was coming up and everyone was looking forward to getting away from school. It was the second to the last meeting of ghost hunters before spring break when Tony showed up excited about something big.

“Guys, guys, guys! Check this out!” He rushed up to the waiting group holding an envelope.

He emptied the contents of the envelope on to the table at which they met every week. The group all leaned in to see what had Tony so excited. It was a pamphlet for a haunted hotel tour. The Krossroads Inn “The most haunted place in the world,” the pamphlet claimed. There were pictures of the creepy Inn that gave Laura goosebumps from just looking at it. “Ghost hunters welcome!” and “Do you dare sign the cursed registry?” were printed in bold yellow letters at the bottom of the pamphlet.

“We gotta go check this place out!” Tony said excitedly, “it’s only a 4-hour bus trip away!”

The others in the group looked around at one another hesitantly. When Laura looked at Mayra the poor girl had gone white and looked like she’d seen a ghost.

“Are you ok, Mayra?” Laura asked.

“Yes, I’m fine,” Mayra responded, “I think I’ve just been studying too hard.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Michael said to Tony, “where did you even get this pamphlet?”

“It came in the mail!” Tony replied quickly, “Why? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, it’s just weird that it just showed up like that,” Michael said, “and what’s this about responsible for over ten thousand deaths?”

“It’s just stories,” said Tony, “but this place seems legit! We might actually make contact. Who’s in?”

The group looked around at each other again, but before anyone could answer, Mayra collapsed. Michael, who was always standing close to her, caught her before she hit the floor and helped sit her at the table. Mayra insisted she was ok, just drained from all the late night studying and bad snack foods.

“I better get her back to our room,” Laura said, “Hernan, can you help me take her back?”

“I’ll help!” Michael blurted before Hernan had a chance to answer.

“Thanks,” Laura said, trying not to sound disappointed.

Michael and Laura walked Mayra back to their dorm while Tony and Hernan sat at the table talking about the inn.

When they finally made it back to their room, Michael helped carry Mayra to her bed. Laura thanked him again before he left. Laura sat on the edge of Mayra’s bed and asked again if she was ok.

“Don’t go on that trip, Laura,” Mayra warned suddenly, “I haven’t been able to sleep lately. It’s not because of all the studying, I’ve been having nightmares. About a hotel. About that hotel! Promise me you won’t go.”

“Wait, you’ve heard of that place before?” Laura asked surprised.

“No, but I’ve seen it before,” Mayra said, “it’s always the same place in my nightmare. That creepy hotel and we’re all trapped like it’s a maze, and there is a lot of blood. When I saw that pamphlet I knew that was the place from my dream. Please don’t go.”

“Ok, ok,” Laura said, “I won’t go. I promise. Now get some rest.”

With that, Mayra rolled over and drifted off to sleep.
Once Laura was sure Mayra was asleep, she went to her side of the room and grabbed her phone. She called Hernan and asked what he was doing. He said that he and Tony were still planning the trip and asked if she was going to come. She hesitated and looked over at her sleeping roommate, bit her lip and said she would think about it. That night she had a restless sleep, tossing and turning under her covers. It was a chilly night, but her body was covered in a layer of sweat. Her dreams were confusing. Images of naked bodies entangled on a bed, in an old room that looked like it was furnished with antiques, voices calling her, moans of pleasure, moans of pain, flashes of light. She woke up with a gasp, her covers kicked to the floor, her hand between her thighs with two fingers stroking her clit to the verge of an orgasm.

“Ooooh fuuuck,” Laura moaned quietly to herself.

She slid her fingers across her clit and gasped at the feeling of pleasure it brought her.

“Mmmmmmm.” She moaned, biting her lip to keep from moaning out loud as she came.

“What the hell was that dream about?” she thought to herself. Then suddenly she remembered where she was and looked across the room. Mayra was asleep and facing the wall. Laura breathed a sigh of relief, shook the thoughts of that dream out of her head, and closed her eyes and fell back to sleep.

The next morning, Mayra was feeling better and they both went their separate ways for the day. Laura found it hard to focus on her classes as she was hornier than usual, and visions of that dream kept coming back to her. Where was it? Who was in it? What was the flashing light? The day went by in a blur and before she realized it she was walking back to her dorm. On the way, she was stopped by Tony and Hernan.

“So, are you coming with us, Laura?” Tony asked.

“I don’t know,” she said, “I promised Mayra I wouldn’t.”

“Awwww come on, Laura,” Hernan replied, “you have to come. Michael said he isn’t coming and neither is Mayra, we need you to join us.

As he said it he smiled at her. She melted and agreed to go.

“Awesome!” Tony said, “I’ll order the bus tickets now.”

When the bus turned off the paved road it snapped Laura back to the present. She heard the gravel crunch below the bus tires as the large vehicle lumbered up the winding driveway toward the huge, beautiful, old-fashioned inn. They had arrived. She looked over at Hernan and Tony who were both slowly rousing from their sleep.

“Looks like we’re here, boys,” Laura said.

The bus parked and they got off, retrieved their luggage and equipment, and made their way to the inn. Laura felt an overwhelming sense of dread as they approached the front doors. The inn looked much bigger than it had in the pictures, and as she got closer she felt as if she was approaching a slumbering wild animal. The inn felt alive, it had an aura surrounding it that stilled the air and made everything around them silent. She hadn’t even heard the bus pull away, leaving them there on their own.

“Come on guys! You ready to do this?” Tony said, breaking Laura out of her daze. He already had his video camera in hand and was filming everything.

Hernan nodded and took his camera out as they all entered the lobby of Krossroads Inn.

“They say that there’s a curse that whoever signs the ledger with their full name will never be allowed to return from whence they came!” Tony narrated as he filmed the rustic lobby.

As they approached the front desk, they were greeted by an attractive redhead. She appeared to be in her mid to late ’40s but could pass for younger.

“Welcome to the Krossroads Inn!” she said in a dramatic tone, “the most haunted place in the world!”

Tony trained his camera on her and captured the moment perfectly.

“I’m Sherry, how may I help you?” she said. “would you like the tour or do you all plan to stay the night?”

“We plan to stay for a few nights,” Tony replied.

“Excellent!” said Sherry said, “let’s get you checked in. Please sign the ledger, first initial and last name only.”

Tony laughed and approached the desk. He held his camera in one hand and recorded himself as he signed with the other. Defiantly, he signed his full name with a flourish, almost as if he was signing an autograph. Or a death certificate. Sherry shook her head with a frown but said nothing.

Once they had all signed in Sherry showed them to their rooms. The inside of the inn looked even bigger, as they passed what seemed like dozens of crisscrossing hallways and corridors before arriving in the wing in which they would be staying. The boys were going to share a room and Laura would have her own. Hers was a large room filled with [r: antique furniture, and one large four-post bed in the center of the room, complete with a white lace canopy.

“Is there anything else y’all need?” Sherry asked with a smile. “I’ll be leaving at 11 pm so if you need anything before then, give me a call. There is an emergency contact number if you need anything after I’m gone.”

“How many other guests are staying in the inn?” Laura asked.

“Just you three,” Sherry said cheerfully, “you’ve got the whole place to yourselves.”

“Perfect!” Tony said, “Thank you, Sherry, you have an excellent night!”

With that Sherry headed back to the front desk and they got themselves settled in. After they unpacked, the boys joined Laura in her room and they busied themselves setting up their equipment. They sound-checked the EVP recorders, calibrated the EMF meters and, of course, set up the cameras. They decided to set up multiple cameras in their rooms to record everything.

Laura set up three cameras in her room. She placed the first camera in the corner, facing the door, so it covered half the room. The second camera was located in the opposite corner, to cover the other half of the room, including the bed and bathroom door. The third camera was the full spectrum camera. The boys decided to let Laura use it because it was her favorite and she’d become the most skilled at operating it. It was set up on the dresser facing her bed from the right. The full spectrum camera had a wide-angle lens so it could capture the entire room.

It took them most of the day to calibrate and set up their equipment but it was still early in the evening when they were finally finished. It was only 9:30 pm so they decided to investigate the inn on their own, to get a feel for the place. Laura brought along a single hand-held camera and was casually filming their stroll, when she thought she heard hushed voices coming from down a dark hallway.

She turned in the direction of the voices and whispered, “Did you guys hear that?”

The boys did not respond and Laura felt a hand on her lower back, not pushing her, but definitely urging her in the direction of the voices. She didn’t look back to confirm, but assumed it was Hernan’s strong hand and got goosebumps at his touch. She walked slowly toward a door which was slightly ajar. As she approached, she swore she saw movement in the dark room. The voices got louder but she still couldn’t make out what they were saying. She slowly opened the door and entered the dark room.

It was empty. The voices had stopped, there was no movement, just a cold chill and the flickers of moonlight through the curtains. The door slammed shut behind her and she turned to talk to the boys and realized she was alone. Her body went cold and she was frozen in place with fear, and the room felt as if it were getting darker. Suddenly everything was light again and she was able to move. She reached for the door and noticed her camera was on the floor, but she didn’t remember dropping it. She picked it up quickly, and left the room. She called out for the boys but there was no reply. She found them back by their rooms knocking on her door.

“Hey! There you are!” Hernan said, as they both rushed over to her, “Are you ok? Where did you go?”

“I heard voices and I went to investigate. I thought you guys were behind me,” Laura said, “how did you guys get back here so fast?”

“Laura, we’ve been searching for you for 45 minutes now.” Tony said, “We just now came back to the room thinking this was the only other place you could be.”

“What?” Laura replied shocked, “No way… I was only in the room for about 2 minutes.”

She checked her phone and looked at the time. It was 11 pm.

“No way was I in that room that long,” she thought to herself.

They went into her room and Laura told them exactly what had happened. Both boys said neither of them heard her say anything about voices and neither one of them had put their hands on her.

After her experience, Laura was definitely freaked out, but they were all even more excited to catch something on film. They spent the rest of the night talking about what they hoped to capture, and teased Tony about being cursed. It was just after 2 am when the boys left for their own room. Laura wished Hernan would have stayed, but either he wasn’t interested or he really was that oblivious. Either way, she was left incredibly horny and alone in a haunted hotel.

After she checked her cameras and EVP recorders one last time, and set everything to record, she went to the bathroom and changed into a tank top and shorts, then got into bed. She must have been exhausted because she fell asleep the second her head hit the pillow.

The next morning she woke up with a start, gasping for air and feeling like she’d had too much to drink the night before. “Great, hungover without the party,” she said to herself and struggled out of bed.

Once she was on her feet, she took a second to get her balance. She walked around the room a bit a and then remembered the cameras. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and shrieked. Her large breasts had become tangled in her tank top and were exposed and she figured she had kicked her shorts off in her sleep as well, because she was only in her panties now.

She moved to fix her top, but as her hands made contact with her soft skin she couldn’t resist the urge to feel her big heavy tits, squeezing them and letting her fingers slide over her hardening nipples. She gasped and bit her lip as her right hand moved from her breasts, down her belly and into her panties. Her fingers had just brushed against her sensitive clit when a knock at the door startled her out of the moment. She shook her head and looked around confused.

“Give me sec!” she yelled through the door, frantically looking for her shorts and putting her breasts away.

When she opened the door, Tony and Hernan were standing there already dressed.

“Good morning Laura!” Tony said excitedly, “are you ready for the tour?”

“She’s not even dressed yet,” Hernan said, his eyes moving up and down her body, “for a hunter you’re not very observant.”

They all laughed, and Laura let them in.

“Sorry guys I must have slept in,” Laura said, “how did you guys sleep?”

“Not very well,” Hernan admitted, “I felt like there was something in the room with us, an energy.”

“Yeah I felt it too,” Tony agreed, “a strong presence, like a pressure in the room.”

“What about you, how did you sleep?” Hernan asked.

“Like the dead, but I woke up with a wicked headache,” Laura said, “maybe I just need some fresh air.”

When she looked at the boys she noticed they were both staring at her chest. She was afraid her tits had popped out again. Thankfully, they hadn’t but she noticed her nipples were still very hard and poking through the thin material of the tank top. Her whole body tingled at the thought of them starting. There was a long awkward silence before she spoke up.

“Well give me a few to get ready and let’s grab breakfast before the tour,” she said.

After breakfast they met Sherry who gave them a tour of the inn and told them the back story of the gothic manor.

Krossroads Inn was built by pagan settlers fleeing prosecution in the Eastern Colonies. It was meant to be a haven for their rituals. The story goes that many died during its construction and more died in strange rituals after it was built. No one knows exactly who the builders were or what type of religion they practiced, but based on writings found on the grounds they performed everything from blood sacrifices to lust filled orgies to please the deities to which they prayed. Sherry went on to explain that there are several hidden rooms and passages inside the inn and that they believe not all of them have been found.

The tour took several hours and they finished up just in time for lunch. After lunch the boys wanted to go over their footage of the night before. Tony asked Laura if she wanted him to format her footage for her. She normally did it herself but accepted his offer and gave Tony the memory cards from her cameras. Laura went back to her room still thinking about the tour and the many hallways they went through.

“This place really is like a maze.” she said out loud to herself.

She sat on her bed and sighed. This trip had been an adventure already and they really hadn’t seen anything yet. That’s when she remembered her hand held camera, the one she had with her in the room last night. She didn’t remember dropping it, and hoped it did not get damaged and continued to record while she was in that room. She quickly got the camera out and set it to playback mode. She plugged in her headphones to listen for the voices she knew she heard. She fast-forwarded through the footage of them walking the halls and pressed play at the point when they had split up. She listened closely and was sure she could hear something. Some kind of static. Was it what she heard last night?

She watched herself approach the room and she clearly saw movement in the crack of the opened door. She entered the room and nothing. She heard the sound of the door closing behind her, the camera spun around facing the door. A faint blue light passed for a split second and then her camera dropped to the floor.

The camera was on its side pointed up slightly. Laura saw herself standing there with her arms to her sides and her eyes closed. Her breathing was deep and slow. Suddenly she gasped and her shirt appeared to flutter against her belly as if a pair of invisible hands were moving beneath it. The movement continued up her belly and to her breasts. She watched as her breathing had become quicker and more shallow, the movement under her shirt circling her breasts, making it appear as though there were hands groping her tits.

While the movement continued at her breasts another point could be seen moving down her belly. Laura gasped as she saw her head roll to the side and the movement made its way into her jeans. She watched herself on the screen, her eyes still closed, the movement under her shirt continued while more movement began in her jeans. Her breathing was ragged and she was biting her lip now. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She watched herself tilt her head back and moan as some invisible force moved along her body. She realized her own breathing was shallow watching herself on the film, lost in some sort of trance. She heard herself moan again, louder this time, as her hips moved back and forth slowly. This went on for quite some time before she heard herself gasp and moan again. She saw her knees buckle, the movement under her shirt and in her jeans more frantic, then suddenly it stopped. Laura had opened her eyes looked around, then picked up the camera, and exited the room. That’s when the video stopped.

What was that? How did she not remember any of that? She had to tell the guys. But then they would want to see the footage. She wasn’t sure she could bear for them to see her like that. That’s when she remembered what happened that morning. Tony had the footage. He was going to see her right before they knocked on her door for the tour. She felt her face flush and she ran out of her room hoping to catch Tony before he got to her footage.

When she got into the hallway Tony and Hernan were talking quietly to each other. They stopped the second they saw her.

“Hey, are you ok?” Tony asked as he walked over to her.

“Yeah I’m fine, why?” Laura asked.

“You look pale,” Tony said.

“No, I’m fine.” Laura said shaking her head and smiling, “maybe a little tired is all.”

“Ok, cool,” Tony replied, “so we finished formatting your footage, there is something you should see.”

[Continued in Part 2](



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