All I want for Christmas is you… Part 1 [MF] [True Story] [Adultery] [Car Sex] [ONS]

**This is a true story, originally I posted about this 6 months ago [here](**

*I’ll write a continuation if there’s enough interested*


I sat at the bar drinking a coke, contemplating what to do next. I didn’t want to go home. Back to her, back to reality. Self-destructive, looking to ruin things before they could end; I was lonely, but just wanted to be alone.

Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound. I sat back and resigned myself to my fate as I asked Barman Bill for yet another coke. Still at least Bill liked his job. Chatting with women and making cocktails, but also listening to the sob stories of idiots like me sitting there drowning their self-inflicted sorrows.

“Is it happy hour?”

“Duos Porn star Martini por favor”

Hey you alright?

What’s your name?

Oh Danielle, nice. Oh, you’re here with your work friends?

Who am I here with?

Oh, yeah, my mate Jack. He’s just outside in the smoking area outside.

Oh, when’s he coming back? I don’t know, he’s been gone a while.

I think he said he wasn’t feeling too well.

Oh, you need to go back to your table?

Oh, hey wait do you fancy a drink?

No? Oh, ok maybe see you later…

Urgh pathetic. I didn’t beg her not to go, but I was getting the vibes that she thought I was a little strange that I was here alone because I had no reliable friends left. I’d given up relying on people. If I wanted to do something, I would just get on with it and go for it.

And this was no different – I wanted affection and was determined to find it. Even if it means sitting in a bar at 11pm on Christmas eve-eve drinking alone, swigging from a bottle bopping my head to 50 cent as if I was some super successful businessman who had made it in the big city. Reality was I was a contractor barely a temp who struggled to hold down a job for more than 6 months. It just became routine to me, starting over and leaving the same type of job every couple of months. I almost expected the worst of people.

I sat staring at the beer bottle label, squeezing the condensation tenderly with my thumbs, peeling back the paper.

“Did you know, that subconsciously means you’re sexually frustrated?”

“Yup.” I muttered, scraping my nail across the barcode.

“Is this seat taken?”

“No, you can take it if you want.”

“Mind if I join you?”

I looked up at her. Pretty petite teen with black hair and a mesmerising smile. She caught me off guard.

“Uh… Are you sure?” I stuttered and cleared my throat “ I mean… sure.”

“Hey, my names Eve.” She spun the bar stall around to sit down.

“Hey, my name’s… “ I hesitated… “John.”

It was an alter ego name that I sometimes used. I didn’t want to be myself, I wanted to pretend to be someone else.

“Nice to meet you John” she extended her hand.

“You too… “ Suspicious of her intentions I shook her hand “What brings you to this place?” I questioned her quizzically.

“Tinder.” She replied. “Hey Bill, can I get two double whisky on the rocks? Please.”

“Whisky? I guess it didn’t go to well then.

“You could say that….”

“What happened?”

“Hey bill – can I get two tequilas to go with that please?”

“Wow, I guess it really didn’t go well, did it?”

She sat back in her chair and sighed, relaxing as she leaned back, her legs swinging in the air as she almost slid off the leather chair.

“I was supposed to be meeting a guy here. It’s been 45 minutes and he’s not showed up.”

“Wow… What an arsehole”

“Everything happens for a reason – and I’d rather not talk about it. Take my mind off of it John. Tell me… What do you do for a living?”

“I’m an IT contrac…”

I paused for a moment. She didn’t know me, I could be anyone I wanted to be.

“I’m an IT Infrastructure analyst for a bank.”

Ok not much better, but at least it was vaguely true – it was a job I could do if I had been luckier in life and given the chance to shine. A permanent job in a respectable organisation; long term stability where I’d be respected was all I really wanted, from both a relationship and a career.

“Impressive.” Eve replied, handing her contactless card to Bill. “And two limes please, and salt”.

“So, what about you Eve, what do you do for a living?”

“I’m a student.” She answered whilst licking the back of her hand.

“What do you study?” I replied as I licked my hand also.

“People.” The single word was firm. She poured the salt over her hand before passing it to me. I laughed nervously as I salted his own hand also.

“You’re nervous.” Eve stated.

“Nope.” In one swift motion I chugged the tequila and bit down on the lemon, then took a swig of Amstel to chase.

“Your turn.” I smirked at her.

Eve put the shot to her lips, tilted her head back and swallowed. She licked the salt off her hand, patted her chest, bit the lemon, then let out a slight cough.

“You’re not used to it are you?” I laughed.

“No…” she blurted out between coughs. I reached forward to rub her back then handed her my coke to sip.

“Thanks” she spluttered.

“Then why order a shot?”

“I like to try new things.” She smiled suggestively.

“Really? So, what else can you do?” I raised one eyebrow and tilted my head playfully…

Eve stared back at me, glancing at my body longingly before she looking into each of my eyes twice, then once at my lips.

“I can read minds” she said in all seriousness, a smirk ran across her lips as she briefly raised both her eyebrows.

I slapped her knee, recoiled and laughed. “Yeah right. Ok, what am I thinking now?”

“Not a chance.” she laughed as she playfully pushed my hand off her knee.

I sipped my beer, forcing a smile to laugh off the rejection and trying to think of a new approach to flirt with her. As I sipped, I admired her curvy slim petite body, long black hair, green eyes, grey skirt and white buttoned blouse – her top button was undone, exposing her red bra and shapely cleavage ever so slightly.

“So, you’re on tinder. You’re single. You’re chatting with a guy you don’t know. Why are you here?”

“Same reason as you.” She sipped her whisky without breaking eye contact, her head lowering submissively, neck protruding forward suggestively, brown eyes peering over the glass.

“What’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?” I leant back and relaxed, spreading my legs to make myself more comfortable. This wasn’t going great, but I had nothing to lose, so might as well relax and enjoy the ride.

“Who said I’m nice?” smirked at me, whilst she took another sip of whisky.

I paused for a moment and half smiled back. I leant forward and whispered.

“Alright. What’s a bad girl like you doing in a place like this… “?

She laughed. “I’ll let you decide that.” she smiled at me again.

“Good answer.” I laughed, rewarding her for a reply. “So, what’s the reason you’re single?”

“What makes you think I’m single?” she smirked once again. I didn’t like playing games.

“I can’t work you out. So many questions… so little answers.”

“Fine. I’ll tell you… but only if you get me a drink.”

I’m not one for buying affection, it just makes the encounter feel more force.

“Nah I’m good. I’m sure your story isn’t that interesting anyway.”

“Suit yourself…”

With that, she placed her arms on the chair, hoisted herself up, jumped to the floor, taking her one and a half whiskies with her – I watched as she got up and walked away. She tipped one whisky into the other, equalising them as she sauntered across the room, back to her table with a whisky in each hand. She was there with another guy. What a waste of time that was – at least I hadn’t brought her a drink. Actually – she had brought me a shot, so maybe I should have bought her a drink back.

We made eye contact as she sat down and handed a whisky to another guy. She cheersed with him whilst glancing in my direction. I raised my bottle in her direction and smiled briefly. Then turned away from her, almost wanting to roll my eyes at the confusion she left me in. She was interesting… I couldn’t work her out yet.

“Hey Bill, can I get another drink please?”

“Sure, Amstel?”

“No thanks – I’m driving in a couple of hours…”

Bill tutted at me as I handed him a tenner.

“Can I get a Redbull…. And a water please?”

“Redbull? Mate it’s almost midnight… you won’t sleep!”.

“That’s the plan!” I laughed at him, he smiled.

“Suite yourself… One red bull coming up, do you want ice?” he smiled with me, at least I was polite and left a tip. The night was still young, even if it was fairly quiet in this bar.

“Yes please.”

“What’s the appeal of these drinks anyway? I can’t stand the stuff…”

“Well, If I can’t get drunk, might as well get a caffeine buzz going on…”

“Each to their own.” he sighed as I collected my change.

“We each have our own poison…” I shrugged at him. “Thanks Bill”

I stood at the bar and downed a glass of water before heading outside to the garden.

I there in the cool breeze, a little depressed. It was December and I didn’t have a coat – of course it was cold. I should have known better… maybe I should head home, this night wasn’t really going too well. I pressed the heater button and stood under it, red light illuminated as I enjoyed the warmth on my neck. Too much. I was too tall. It was burning, I moved away a little.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, more of my elbow region.

“Can I borrow your lighter?” I heard a familiar high-pitched voice.

“Oh, you again.” I laughed. It was Eve. “No.”

“Don’t be such an arse!” she laughed.

“Don’t you know smoking stunts your growth?” I smiled at her.

“Didn’t stop you though, did it?” She laughed. “But I’ve heard it can cause erectile dysfunction…” she paused.

“You’re right… it doesn’t affect me…” I pulled on the cigarette, blowing it in her face, then reluctantly handing her my lighter.

“Thanks.” she muttered.

“I’ve heard it can cause women difficulty with orgasming too.”

“Doesn’t affect me.” she smiled, cigarette dangling from her mouth “What shit are you drinking now?”

“Redbull. Bill warned me it could keep me up all night though…”

“So can I if you let me.” she winked, as she sucked on her straw suggestively.

“Oh fuck off you tease.” I laughed, “You’re just hitting on me because you think I’ll buy you drinks in there and make your tinder date jealous.”

She laughed awkwardly now that I’d rejected her, but it was a soft, apologetic humph of disappointment.

“He’s not my date.” Eve replied.

“Just some schmuck that’s buying you drinks?”

“What like me?” She pouted “You still owe me a drink.”

“Yeah I’ll get you one when I’m next at the bar… but I keep losing you.”

“Take my number, then you won’t lose me again… I definitely want to see more of you.” she winked.

I opened my phone quickly, punching in her number as she read it out to me, then called her. Her phone rang – it wasn’t fake.

I paused for a moment, drawing out the last of my cigarette before stubbing it out in the nearby ashtray.

“How about a dance instead?”

“Sounds fair…” She smiled, I extended my hand to her, she smirked at me and placed her hand in mine. With that I took the lead, heading back inside, pulling her gently to the dance floor.


All I want for Christmas is you. Ouch, what a song. I knew my girlfriend Claire was born to this song and here I was grinding up against another woman to it.

But I was angry. Selfish. Pissed off. Upset. I didn’t care. I hadn’t told anyone else apart from Jack about her hitting me, and his reaction had left me somewhat embarrassed. I was supposed to be the big bloke who could took a beating from a girl. This wasn’t about physical pain exactly, although we both weighed over 200lbs, so she wasn’t exactly small; it was about respect, and for me that was the tipping point. I was bottling up my anger, and this was my therapy : this was my way of making myself feel confident about myself and my insecurities.

As I put my hand around Eve’s waist, of course I thought of Claire. Eve smiled up at me, I didn’t care about Claire any more.

Fuck you for hitting me. Fuck you and your family for accusing me of cheating when I’m innocent. You want a fucking reason to leave? Here’s one and good riddance. Be careful what you wish for because it just might come true.

I had so much pent up frustration from Claire treating me like shit and denying me of affection. I was so done with her treating me like fucking shit and emasculating me. Claire’s pussy didn’t belong on a pedestal, and if she really thought that sex was the only reason that I was still with her and that she can just use her cunt like a box of dog treats to reward me like some little bitch then she was very much mistaken…

What did I want for Christmas? Someone else. And that is exactly what I was about to find : Eve. A heartbroken girl who just split from her boyfriend 4 months ago and was trying her best to get over someone by getting under someone else. Especially at Christmas, it can be a lonely time…

Not that Eve knew much about me of course, and she didn’t ask, and she didn’t need to.

As we danced. I pulled her close, she grinded on and teased me. I picked her up in my arms, she clung to my biceps and looked back at me longingly.

I knew once I picked her up it was game over. She threw her arms around my neck, then leaned forward to whisper in his ear

“I fucking want you inside me.” but I could barely hear her over the music.

“You’re so fucking gorgeous, I want you too.” came my reply as a put her down gently.

Her arms clung to my neck, she pulled me closer again. We began open mouthed kissing. It was sensational, as our tongues intertwined, she ran her hands up and down my abs.

“You’re so fucking fit!” she gasped and shouted to me over the music, with the biggest grin spreading across her face.

“You’re not too bad yourself!” I shouted back at her with a wink.

We resumed kissing again, just before she kissed my neck and began nibbling on my ear. It felt like an eternity, it easy could have been 5 or 15 minutes, the song must have changed a couple of times.

‘I’m so fucking wet right now…” she told me, as she moved her hand from my abs and began rubbing my cock through my jeans. This was a terrible idea… but I didn’t care, and I wasn’t going to stop her. “How about we get out of here?” She extended her hand to me, this time taking the lead.

“Sure.” I took her hand in mine, this was actually happening. We headed to the exit.

We got outside in the cold winter air and lit a cigarette again.

“How are you getting home?” she flicked open her phone and began loading up an uber. “I think my might be parents at home… how about your place?”

I panicked, my place wasn’t suitable as I lived with my parents, but I wasn’t that desperate either. I had her number, we could meet up again another time.

“I drove.” I took my keys from my pocket. “I’ve only had 1 shot all night, I’m fine to drive.”

We walked and smoked, heading back to my Car a few minutes away. She told me her rough address – it was in the same town as mine.

About 10 minutes of driving and small talk about each other, we reach our mutual town.

“Keep going down this road, turn left or right, doesn’t matter.”

I panicked. I was driving past Claire’s house if I turned right.

“I think left is easier – where now?”

“It’s the road behind this main road – do a right and then right again.”

Fuck. That really was leading me back towards Claire’s house. If I was caught now, I’d have no way to explain this – Claire or her brother might even have been out driving or giving lifts at this time.

“This one here – it’s about half way up the road.” Eve pointed.

I recognised this road. It was the other end of the road that me I’d randomly driven down with Claire when we had almost broken up in last week… Eve was literally a 5-minute walk from Claire’s house.

I stopped the car, turned off the ignition and the lights. I was expecting there to be an awkward situation of silence and awkward conversation … Nope.

Almost the same moment I put the handbrake on and turned off the ignition, Eve pounced on me like a feral cat. She threw her petite body towards me, grabbing my collar, open mouthed kissing ensured. My eyes rolled back in to my head as her tongue darted in my mouth, we sunk deep into each other, passion and lust flowing heavily. The windows of my car were steaming up from the condensation of the heat and sweat being generated between us. Her hands caressed my body, I wasn’t as confident enough to touch her first fearing a lack of consent based on my rejections from Claire, which was all I’d previously known and was able to compare to. I put my hands either side of her waist, and she wiggled and turned her body towards me, sitting on her knees as she leant towards me in the driver’s seat.

My head span with the confidence boost she was giving me, I had never experienced anyone so keen and determined to possess me, this was a next level of physical intimacy. There was no doubt she wanted this as much as I did. I gripped her slender body in my hands, kissing her deeply and running my hands under her blouse and along her back. She arched her back in excitement, I kissed her neck, hearing her grown and wince in pleasure was exhilarating.

She slid her hands south of me, grasping at my belt before undoing my buckle, making just enough room to slide her hand into my boxers. I could feel her tugging me gently as we kissed. We made eye contact as she bit her lip slightly, then pulled my cock from my boxers. She began to speed up, looking up at me for approval. She licked her lips slightly and we resumed kissing.

“Not yet.” I whispered. I gently pushed her off. I didn’t want her to do any more to me, and I didn’t like receiving oral even if she was about to offer it. I didn’t fancy getting naked in a car seat on a residential road either.

“Let me play with you first…” I whispered. I gently pushed her back in her chair, running my hand up and down her tights as we kissed. Slowly but surely, I worked my way up under her skirt, teasing her and giving her plenty of time to decline.

Part of me wanted to continue… Part of me wanted her to stop me. I was still thinking about Claire. Every part of Eve I was comparing to Claire who up until now had been my only sexual partner… I couldn’t get her out of my mind, but Eve was so fucking keen I just couldn’t refuse.

But she wasn’t saying no. Instead she just let out slow whimpers of excitement, she leaned forward and kissed my neck, her breath heavy in my ear.

“Stop being a fucking tease…” she muttered under her breath as she learnt down under her skirt and removed her tights, then sat back in the chair and parted her legs, taking my hand once again leading me in to temptation she pulled her panties to one side and slide my hand under.

The consent was now crystal clear. She clung to my neck, our bodies intertwining as I massage and rolled her clit between my thumb and index finger, my middle finger gently hovering over and flicking her pussy lips.
“Fuck, you know what you’re doing!” She gasped and arched her back in surprise. “Right there.” She whimpered in ecstasy as I sped up to the tune of her soft moans.

I knew what she wanted. I darted my middle finger between her pussy lips, slowly massaging from top to bottom and reaching in towards her cervix.

“Oh fuck!” She cried out as she tightened her grip on me by digging her elbow in to my back. As she held on to me, I sped up.

“I told you I was fucking wet for you.” She whispered in my ear.

My cock was now fully erect and throbbing from the enjoyment of her sexual pleasure, she reached her hand back in my boxers and began tugging me lightly. My boxers were full of precum from the excitement.

I slide my index finger inside her also and pulled upwards. I now had two fingers deep inside her tight teenage cunt, whilst I created friction on her clit using the palm of my hand as I furiously pulled upwards towards her g spot, her slim teenage body moving with the strength of my forearms firmly controlling her.

“Holy shit! Don’t stop!” She cried out as I kept thrusting my fingers and up and down inside her, I could feel her g spot swelling and pushing back at me. Being inside her felt different to Claire, Eve was tighter and more responsive, her cervix was more wet and agile, and as her body weight was half of Claire’s, I could apply more force to her and lift her with ease…

“I’m fucking cumming!” she yelled, it wasn’t long until I felt her body twitching vibrating in my hand as she lost control.
She let out a groan, her inner walls tightening on my fingers as she came – for a petite girl she was fucking loud, screaming hard briefly in my ear as she pulled me close whilst her body shook. Her orgasm and satisfaction was obvious – she was nothing like Claire. I felt like Eve was taking my virginity all over again.

She eventually let go and collapsed back in the chair, fully satisfied with a smile spreading ear to ear. I took a quick look out the car windows – all was quiet, and no one seems to be around

She whipped her hair back out of her face, looking at me lustfully. “That was fucking amazing.” She panted, then looked around the car windows. “Shit was I too loud?”

“You were a bit loud!” I laughed. “But I think we’re ok…”

We sat there collecting our thoughts for a moment.

“So…. I guess you want to get going? I’ve got your number, we should go for a coffee some time…”

“Oh I’m not done yet.” She smiled, placing her hand back on my groin. She must have felt my cock stiffen at the thought of being inside her

“How about you drive us somewhere a bit more private and we can put this to good use?” She smirked then released her grip to fasten her seatbelt.

I gulped hard then thought for a moment, trying to think of somewhere quiet where we wouldn’t be disturbed “I think I know somewhere…” I replied slowly as I eagerly twisted the keys in the ignition, my car roared into life as I rolled the window down for some air. Balancing the clutch carefully, I’m surprised I didn’t stall from the excitement, I kept my cool as I slowly turned the car around so as not to attract too much attention, we headed left… and left again towards a car park…
