The time I cheated on my long-distance girlfriend with my best friend [FF]

Disclaimer: This was a few years ago. Obviously some memories are stronger than others – I took a couple of “creative liberties” (mostly dialogue for flow), but I swear this story is 95% true. Look for **[SEX HERE]** to get to the naughty part faster.

A few years ago, I was finishing up my bachelor’s degree. I had been with this one girl, Katie, for about a year. She graduated a year ahead of me so we decided to do long distance for a while. It was a bad idea because our relationship was already on the rocks – in my mind, the space would be refreshing or whatever.

Well, while my girlfriend was on the other side of the country working at her new job, I stayed behind to finish my degree and rekindle my friendships. I had “nested” with my girlfriend – we weren’t really leaving the house very often and we were having friends over even less often, so when she left, the first thing I did was hit up all my old friends to see if they forgave me enough to hang out.

Of course they did! I invited my two gay guy friends (whose names don’t matter in this story, haha) and my lesbian friend, Marie. Marie was my age, sexually inexeperienced and, more importantly, smoking hot. I had always been attracted to her but she was sort of a “commodity” in our lesbian friend group in that everyone wanted to date her – she knew this about herself and chose to date no one at all. I felt like I was “out of her league” anyway because I’m a little more on the butch end of the spectrum and she had always expressed an interest in extremely feminine women.

I digress.

We were good friends for my whole undergraduate career though. I think she trusted me a lot because I never chased her around like that. I asked her out once when we first met, she said no, and I said, “Ok, cool, wanna go to the dog park with my friends anyway?” and the rest has been history. I never hit on her or tried to flirt with her or anything – I valued our friendship way too much to cross boundaries she set. Plus, once I got a girlfriend, it didn’t really cross my mind anymore.

Then one night, it all changed.

So like I said, me, my two gay guy friends, and Marie were hanging out at my apartment. I lived alone in a 1-bedroom apartment (a decent IT job for a student in a really cheap, rural area). We drank and played board games and the two guys said they were gonna go home and fuck (not even lying – they were so blunt about their relationship that it was unreal). Marie and I giggled and stayed up chatting and sipping on our drinks. She was too tipsy to drive and planned to crash on my couch.

Something you should know about Marie is that she never drinks much so, that night, the two or three glasses of wine she drank had her feeling pretty good. We both were – I was taking shots with the guys all night, but my tolerance was WAY higher than hers. We got tired of sitting at the table with the cards and moved to the sofa. We decided to put on a shitty documentary until one of us felt too tired to stay up. I don’t remember what we watched, I just remembered her moving closer and closer to me as the show went on. She would get up to go to the bathroom or get another drink or whatever and when she came back, she’d be closer than she was when she left.

At some point, she was so close to me that her hair was tickling my neck – I had short, edgy hair and she had long, thick, curly hair. She was almost on my lap. It was bizarre – this was my best friend and, as lesbians, we never really got close to each other to avoid “crossing the wires,” so to speak. I’m not sure if it was the booze or Marie’s closeness, but I felt very warm when I realized how close to me she was.

We realized it at the same time, I think, because she suddenly giggled awkwardly and sort of moved away – only a few inches, though. I said, “What was that about?”

“Nothing,” she said as she took another sip of wine. After a short silence, she said, “I’ve never had sex with anyone before.”

I laughed because I already knew that. “Yeah – is this you trying to hit on me?” I said, half-joking.

She stared back at me. She held eye contact for an almost uncomfortable amount of time. “Maybe,” she said. After another short silence (where I awkwardly decided what to do next while she stared straight into my soul), she said, “I’ve never even made out with anyone before.”

I suddenly found my courage. I forgot all about my girlfriend in that moment. I just knew that my absurdly hot best friend was trying to flirt with me. I said, “We could change that right now if you want.”

She giggled nervously. I stayed serious. This was a bad idea. We were both tipsy. I had a girlfriend. She was a total virgin.

But she was so hot. I felt like it would be so stupid to stop it now.

**[SEX HERE]**

She leaned towards me. I knew she wanted to kiss me but she didn’t know how to start it. I leaned towards her. I got within centimetres of her lips. I felt her breathing. I put one hand on her neck and gently pulled her closer.

She was surprisingly good at kissing. My lips were on fire. My nipples were hard. I felt my pussy tingle.

I suddenly remembered we were both tipsy. I broke away from her lips to moved her hair away to speak softly in her ear, “Are you sure this is ok, Marie?”

I saw goosebumps on her neck. “Yes,” she said. “I didn’t know how to start this without liquid courage.”

“Technically, you didn’t start this – I did.”

“Shut up,” she said. She was suddenly more confident – almost cocky – and she bit her lip playfully as she leaned in to continue kissing.

I thought I’d try my luck further. I moved my hands down her sides and back. She responded with an almost imperceptably-soft, breathy moan. This was my green light. I started to slide her blouse up, feeling her soft skin under my fingertips. Then I realized it had buttons. She was two steps ahead of me – as I slid it up and realized this, she was already unbuttoning it. I reached back for the clasp of her bra.

She slid it off and it fell to the floor in front of my poor dog, who was trying to sleep. We giggled. I looked at her beautiful breasts and gently cupped them. Her nipples were already hard, but by the time I touched them, they could have cut glass. I alternated grabbing her breasts, tweaking her nipples, and feeling all along her back and sides. I wanted to feel as much of her as I could – her skin was so soft and warm, and her body responded to every touch I made.

She pulled my t-shirt off. I wasn’t wearing a bra because – well, honestly, because I just didn’t care to. It was supposed to be board-game night with my besties, not have-a-hot-affair night with my lesbian friend night!

I suddenly remembered I felt gross. When she took my shirt off, I said, “Let’s move this to the bedroom. I have to go to the bathroom. I’m so sorry.”

She giggled and moved to the bedroom while I freshened up.

I came back and found her under the covers with all the lights off except the lamp on my nightstand. I wasted no time jumping under the covers with her and noticed that she had removed her jeans. She was only in her panties now, and she was so wet I could see it through the powder blue cotton. “You ruined my fun!” I told her. “I can put them back on if you want,” she said. We resumed making out and I felt more confident to explore now that we were both more comfortable and I felt cleaner.

I explored every inch of her body with my mouth. I kissed each breast, spending time nibbling on her nipples when I saw her arch her back in response. She was gyrating her hips gently. I could tell she felt good but that she was still a little uncertain. I positioned myself between her legs, missionary-style, and grinded our pussies together as I leaned in to whisper in her ear, “You are so fucking hot. I didn’t know you could move your hips like that.”

I thought she needed some positive reinforcement, and I was spot-on. She grinded back against me and I heard her try not to moan in response. I repositioned myself next to her so that my arm was under her head and I had a hand free to explore while we made out. I ran a hand down her stomach towards her pantyline. She grabbed my head to make out with me more. She gyrated against my hand. She was desperate to be fucked.

I slipped my hand under the pantyline and moved ever-so-slowly towards her slit. She was clean-shaven and so fucking wet that my fingers were soaked almost immediately. In response, she dug her nails into my back. I took time exploring her pussy. I started to run my fingers up and down her slit and feeling her lips. They felt so perfect – I couldn’t wait to see them. As I got closer and closer to her clit, she actually moaned. “Stop teasing me!” she said – she was so serious, I felt like I was being ordered. I smiled and plunged a finger in her pussy instead.

She gasped and grabbed my hair. I explored a little to find her g-spot – when I did, I rubbed it the way I liked my own to be rubbed. I felt her pussy clench and throb around me. I felt her nails digging into my back. I felt her breathing in my hear and moaning softly. She was still trying to figure out if she wanted to be loud or quiet. She was so wet that I had a fleeting thought about the bed sheets. I felt her spread her legs as if she wanted more of my fingers. I slipped another finger in and rubbed her g-spot harder, letting the palm of my hand rest on her clit. She gyrated against my hand, which was quickly becoming covered in her juices.

I didn’t want her to cum yet, though. She told me she masturbated before, so I knew she was a one-and-done kind of girl. With my fingers still inside, I asked, “Can I go down on you?”

She grinded her hips into me and said, “Oh, fuck.” Then she hesitated. I saw insecurity in her eyes and remembered this was her first time. She said, “What if I taste bad?”

I pulled my hand out and licked her juices off, right in front of her. “You taste great,” I said. She looked totally dumbstruck and said, “Oh fuck, that was hot.” She layed back on the pillow.

“I wanna hear you say it,” I said.

“Oh, fuck. I want you to do it.”

“Do what?”

“Fuck. I want you to go down on me.”

“What was that?”

She was frustrated now. “Fuck!! I want you to go down on me. I want you to fuck me with your fingers while you lick my clit. Ugh, fuck.” Even in the dim lamplight, I saw her fair skin turn pink with embarrassment.

“Such a dirty mouth,” I told her, grinning. I could tell she was embarrassed, but too turned on to stop herself. I bit her ear before making my way back down. I threw back the covers and pulled her panties down, careful to throw them on the dresser across the room (NOT on my poor dog). As I peeled them off, I noticed they had a huge wet spot. I pushed her knees apart and wasted no time putting my face in her pussy.

Her smell was… intoxicating. I briefly remembered my girlfriend and how they smelled similarly clean, but the thought was lost as her hips gently gyrated. She was so horny that she couldn’t even sit still. I wrapped my arms around her thighs and went to work. I licked from the bottom of her slit all the way to her clit. When I reached her clit, I made tiny, gentle circles around it. I needed to figure out what she liked.

I could tell she liked the circles because I kept hearing her say things like, “Oh, fuck” and “God” periodically. I took one hand off her thigh and plunged two fingers back into her pussy.

I’ve never been very good at multitasking this way, so I put myself in a rhythm where I rubbed her g-spot with two fingers and made circles around her clit with my tongue. She was like a different person. Her hands were everywhere but on me – they were grabbing at the sheets, pinching her nipples, covering her face, pulling her hair back…

I caught one of her hands and put it in my hair. She got the hint immediately and pushed my face into her pussy. Fuck, it was so hot. She arched her back. Her juices were dripping down my chin. I felt her pussy tightening around my fingers – I knew she was getting close. I tried hard to maintain my rhythm, to not change anything. She grabbed my head with both hands and held me down. I thought I might suffocate. I repositioned slightly to get more air.

When I inhaled, bringing cold air around her clit, she gasped. Her thighs stiffened. She was getting so close. I ran my other hand up to her nipple and pinched it – she moaned, “Oh, fuck, that felt good.” I felt my own pussy drip in response. I quickened my pace just a little – my fingers were getting tired. She wrapped her fingers in my hair and stopped breathing for a moment. Then, she moaned, “Oh, fuck, I’m cumming,” and her hips instinctively twitched away. I pulled my hand off her breast and used it to hold her down by her hips. I wanted to feel her finish her orgasm in my mouth.

Her pussy gushed as she came, and I felt her pulsing around my fingers. I gradually slowed down as her breathing evened out. I pulled my fingers out, wiped them on the sheets, and came back up. I wasn’t sure whether she wanted me to kiss her, but before I could start to overthink it, she kissed me. We made out gently – I tasted a mix of her pussy juices and the wine she was drinking as we kissed.

We stopped and I laid on my back as she cuddled where my shoulder meets my neck. We alternated dozing off and kissing gently. At one point, she started to run her hands towards my crotch area, but before she could get there, I stopped her and said, “How about we make tonight all about you? We could try the strap-on next, it’s nice and clean in the nightstand…”



  1. I <3 your account name. Hottest goddamn character pretty much ever.

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