In the Parking Garage [MF]

Ext. – Walnut Creek, California – Evening

The weather started to cool, and autumn was finally here. As I drove down Main Street, I noticed how all the leaves had turned golden, and I knew it was only a matter of time before they started to pile onto the ground. I parked my car on level 5 right next to hers. I’m sure the security team that worked the structure was more than used to seeing the same two cars there. Perhaps we worked at the mall? Yet, we weren’t clocking in.

As I walked across the street, I held my jacket closer to my body as the wind whipped through the corridor. I made a mental note to make sure I wore a warmer sweater next time.

B&N was on the ground floor and a two-story location complete with a cafe on the top level. The girl I came to meet… was on the ground floor near the magazine racks. I came up behind her, with her deeply engrossed into the book she had in her hands, and pressed my lips to her neck while inching forward until I felt my full body connect with hers. She stiffened by then relaxed once she realized it was just me.

“Hi,” I whispered. Without a word, she fell back against me, placing a majority of her weight onto me.

Her hair black and short usually never passed her shoulders, but there was no doubt in my mind that I could pick her out of a lineup blindfolded because the shampoo she used was just… her, or was it her scent I was attracted to? It was likely the mixture of the two.

I took her hand, and we walked around a bit, aside from the break to the women’s restroom. I guessed to myself that she was probably in there taking a photo of herself in the mirror, dressed, of course.

While browsing books, I felt a vibration in my jeans pocket. A text… from her.

“I want you.”

Eventually, it became a game of hide and seek. I’m sure I passed by her a few times as she can sometimes blend into the scenery. You’d think she’s a chameleon. Yet, she’s amazingly cute, especially when wearing the hoodie w/ears from Emily Strange. I think I laughed out loud when I saw her wearing it for the first time. I always felt a comfortable feeling around her… as with this occasion. It’s hard to describe into words, but there is a sense of peace when I’m with her. Nothing else matters.

“Are you hungry,” I asked.
“Yeah, what would you like to eat,” She asked.
“Hmm, let’s walk around, and I’m quite sure we’ll find something,” I replied. There weren’t many selections in Walnut Creek but, the Italian place was nice, PF Chang’s, CPK, Stanford’s and some smaller areas up Main St.

CPK it was. I like the Singapore shrimp rolls and could probably eat all four but, being polite, I left two.

“How have you been,” I asked interested in to know what she’s been up to aside from what she writes about in her blog and photo journal.

“I’ve been doing ok with all the adjustments of changing jobs, moving, and adjusting to the heat,” She was just playing with her food now.

“Just ok, hmm,” I didn’t believe it, but I wasn’t going to push her on it. She hasn’t always been very forthcoming with her true feelings, and this time wasn’t going to be an exception.

“I don’t hike as much and in fact, the last time I went hiking I was with you,” I admitted which was something I wasn’t really that proud of. I’m not a couch potato, but I’m not America’s next triathlete.

She is the master of looking at you and not saying anything, but it isn’t a blank look as much as sometimes it seems like she is reading your soul. While I could see how that is a bit dramatic, it is true. Her dark eyes looked at me, and you could easily tell that she was somewhere else, maybe another time, place, …

“Where are you,” I asked not expecting a response or at least an honest one from her.
“I’m here with you,” She said. “I’ve missed you.”

I didn’t expect that, and I didn’t know how to respond, but something within me said to be straight with her for once.

“I missed you too,” I said, looking her in the eyes for a change instead of down at my plate. “You know, I’m sure “The Bee” missed us,” I mentioned while munching on the bread. She smiled a knowing smile, not a code word.. but just a place that was unique to us. It was a water fountain which she’d insist was the Bee’s ass. I just guessed the artist wanted to match the colors of CPK, yellow and black.

There were always moments between us where we’d ease into quiet, but it was just the company didn’t feel the necessity to press conversation.

“What do you miss,” I asked, knowing full well I was causing a mental collision with this question. This wasn’t a mental game as it was getting to the bottom of the truth since she isn’t necessarily the most forthcoming person I’d ever met.
“You,” She said.
I pressed for more information…
“Well specifically, I somehow had it in my head that we’d be together because I loved you that much and had never felt that way for someone. When you came into my life I made a lot of changes to accommodate you and then you went and ripped my heart out,” She said while putting her fork down.
“I didn’t think you wanted…” She cut me off.
“Bullshit. You damn well knew that I wanted to be with you, be your girlfriend and not just your lover. You knew I loved you and you stalled everything because of what, anger management issues, which by the way I think you have more issues than I do,” She edged that knife a bit deeper. I realized she was right. I did love her and I did want her to be my girlfriend but, … why…

“You were seeing other guys…” I accused.
“And you were seeing other girls…” She spat back.

I dropped my fork onto my plate and looked into her eyes. I could see the anger, but, I saw something else. This time it wasn’t scaring me… affection, love, and something I don’t think I’d seen from another woman before.

“I still love you,” and deep down I felt that and had for a long time.
“Sure, now you tell me… after I made all the changes in my life. I am done crying over you,”

We started to attract attention, so we changed the subject. She went to the bathroom… again.

Another vibration in my pocket…

“Forget about the past… focus on now as it is all we have.”

I started to respond back, but she was at the table again. She kept a very straight face while she pressed her leg against mine.

I drank the rest of the glass of wine, and we made our way around the building, and ironically, she grabbed for my hand. She was nervous… but I wasn’t sure about what.

The fountain was shooting water full force, and it drowned out a lot of the noise of people talking, but sitting on the bench, you could talk to one another. The benches were on either side of … the bee’s ass.

“I’m sorry,” I said, and I meant it.
“I know, me too,” She said.

She pressed her head against my shoulder, and we continued to hold hands for at least an hour. The moon crossed over a bit to where we were coming out from the shade of the building, and it was then I realized that I had finally told her what I felt… without guilt, without remorse, and without something stupid to hide behind as to why I didn’t have to.

It was liberating.

“You’re the only woman I’ve ever felt this way for,” I admitted.
“Really,” She said sounding as though I was Don Juan with a can full of lines.
“I’ve known for a long time how I felt about you, but I couldn’t get the words out, and even if I had I didn’t know what to do,” I said.
“You could have had me any time you wanted, and all you had to do was just say it,” She said, “But you didn’t, and now it’s complicated beyond belief because I’m still unable to comprehend my feelings.”
“I thought it was a done deal…” I said.
“This isn’t over,” She said, holding me closer.

I stood up and took her hand. “Let’s go.”

She stood up and took my hand, and we walked around the corner to the stairs, which lead to the parking garage.

Given the distance between both our houses, it wasn’t sensible to go to one or the other… so, the car was the best choice. If you’ve never snuggled in a compact car, then you haven’t lived.

I opened the door for her, and she pulled her long coat inside then I shut the door thinking to myself that this probably wasn’t a good idea.

Once inside, I closed the door and turned on the motor to warm up the car. It wasn’t long before the cold air outside, and the warm air inside along with our breathing fogged up the windows.

While waiting, I took a chance… and I leaned over to kiss her. My hands started with some of the buttons on her black button-up, and she worked her coat off. As her coat slid off, I noticed her tattoos and her breathing was heavy.

“Kiss me,” She knew what she wanted… just to feel my lips on hers.

We stopped to unbutton the thousand or so buttons, and I admitted something else she didn’t know.

“Do you remember the last hike we went on,” I asked.
“Yes,” She replied.
“Do you remember being in the backseat and changing clothes while I was in the front,” I asked.
“Sure,” Wondering where I was going with this…
“I was just a second away from climbing into the back seat and fucking you…”
“James, I am quite sure that isn’t the only time you’ve thought of fucking me,” with that she grabbed me and pulled me practically on top of her. It would be easier to write than actually demonstrate since a compact car doesn’t allow for ease of moving from one seat to another unless you’re in the back and we were not.

After some acrobatics, I managed to end up in the seat she was in side by side, a familiar position since we also cuddled like that sometimes as well.

I eased my hand toward her nipple… and remembered how she liked it touched, simply rolling my hand over it and lightly circling with my fingers. She closed her eyes and let a slight moan escaped her lips.

Feeling myself pressed against her, I leaned in a bit to let her feel my erection through my jeans. I wasn’t going to extract it, yet I just wanted her to know.

We kissed passionately, and it started out rushed, but as it started to slow, I stopped and looked into her eyes. The light from the moon and garage lights were able to penetrate the car window and onto her body. She was always beautiful with or without clothes.

“Is it even remotely possible to make love in a car,” I asked.
“Let’s try,” She said, I liked her attitude.

I slipped her jeans off, and they were so tight and snug on her that her panties actually went right with them. She was glistening wet, and she took my hand and placed it between her thighs… breaking the seal.

Wetness gushed out over my hand…

“How long have you been thinking about this,” I asked.
“God … too long… fuck me.”

The seat was at a perfect angle, and she inched herself a bit down to where I unbuttoned my jeans and slid myself inside her all the way to the base… to which we both gasped out loud. I’m sure we both watched the connection as I slid myself in and out of her.

At first, it was just animalistic fucking. Had someone passed by the car, there would be no question on what was going on.

It slowed some and I looked into her eyes once more and thought to myself that I was lucky, not just sex, but… to have someone in my life like her. While I had tried, there wasn’t anyone else who could compare.

Could you make love in a car? We did… for over an hour. How many positions can you get into while in a Honda? Several. It was too cold outside to put her on the hood, and there were cameras in the garage anyway. Ironically we always chose the location to park where the cameras for the garage were blind.

Towards the end, I picked up to the point to where I was forcing her back against the seat, and it wasn’t long before I released my cum inside of her with a minute-long orgasm that rocked my entire body. I felt her right hand come around and grab my shoulder.. holding me inside her.

“Don’t pull out yet.”

I could feel her squeeze until it seemed she was able to get every drop. She milked my cock with her pussy.

We laid there for what seemed forever as I was sure it was past 2am. Her sweat mixed with mine and I smelled like her which was something I loved.

“What do we do now,” I asked about the future, and she surprised me by being verbose.
“James, nothing is in stone… and anything in our future is possible if you just want it to be. I don’t have all the answers… but you should know how I feel about you, and that has never changed.”
“When can I see you again,” I wanted to know if it would be any time soon.
“I don’t know, but I’ll be back up here around Thanksgiving and Christmas to spend with my family,” She said.
“I’m sor…” She cut me off again.
“Stop being sorry and this time DO,” She said. “Above all, James, be true to yourself. I think last time you made every excuse as to why you shouldn’t be with me… maybe now you can figure out the reasons why you should,” as she lifted her ass off the car seat to slide her panties back on.

“They are going to be wet…,” I said as I watched them glide over her hips.
“They always are,” She smiled while sliding her jeans on. “I can’t seem to get you out of my mind.”

“You wasted so much time being with every girl BUT me, and now you see where that got you,” She made a good point. “They are not me, they will never be me, and you know what? There isn’t another girl out there like me. So, now that you have that figured out…what are you going to do?”

“Stop pretending I could replace you would be a good start,” I said… knowing full well that she was right.

She leaned over and kissed me… deeply.

“I’ll see you soon, I promise,” She said, looking into me. “I want to,” She reassured me… because I doubted it.

And then she was gone waving one last time before she left the garage.
