Fucking [M]y Best Friend (Part 6)

Link to part 5: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/c9z3qy/fucking_my_best_friend_part_5/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/c9z3qy/fucking_my_best_friend_part_5/)

“Yes, yes, yes, keep going!” Nicky wrapped her arms around me and closed her eyes as she did every time she got close to cumming.

She didn’t want it rough like Ella. She didn’t make desperate moves like Sarah. She wasn’t like the other women in my life because she was just, normal. She didn’t know everything, in fact, she barely knew anything about what was really going on. To her I was just Nate, a junior boy who she was hooking up with. To me she was just Nicky, a hot blonde freshman who I knew I was going to end up hurting.

She squeezed me tightly as I slowly pushed into her one last time. I heard the deafening silence that came with her orgasm.

“Ahh, that was so good! Did you finish?” She said.

“No, I didn’t, but that’s ok, I still have some alcohol in my system from last night, so I don’t know if it’s gonna happen.”

“Oh, ok… Can I give you head or something?”

“Seriously Nicky, it’s no big deal!” I pulled out of her and got off the bed.

I threw out my empty condom. I stretched my arms behind me and grabbed a towel off the back of my door.

“You taking a shower?”


“Can I come?”

“Sure, if you don’t mind the general grime of a fraternity bathroom.”

She grabbed my other towel and followed me into the bathroom. It was still too early for anyone to be up, so there wasn’t much risk of running into someone. Not that it would have mattered anyway. I opened up the door and Nicky hopped in. She flung her towel over the rail and turned the water on. I followed her in.

We kissed under the warm water coming down on us. Her red lipstick was running down her chin. She pressed her, frankly perfect, tits against me and reached down to take a hold of my cock. I didn’t stop her, but my mind was elsewhere. I was worried. Extremely worried.

Ella lied to me. She told me that her and Ryan were just having rough sex, the way I knew she liked it. The only problem was that I really did know how she liked it, but I never left a series of bruises like that on her. I saw his temper from time to time at parties. I saw the way his eyes became hot when he felt disrespected. It was a look that Brian was the cause of more often than not because of his jokes in regards to Ella. Until now, I thought nothing of it. Ryan was nothing but an annoyance, a prick that I dealt with because he lived in the same place as me. After I saw Ella’s naked body, covered in small discolorations, I saw him differently. I was worried about her. I hated him.

“Looks like my friend down here is ready to go again!” Nicky dropped to her knees and put my cock in her mouth. Her red lipstick was coming off with the water and staining the shaft of my penis.

I reached up and grabbed the flask I kept with my shower supplies. I took a long drink as Nicky started sucking me off.

It felt good, but it was, just good. I did like seeing her wet blonde hair bob back and forth as she took me into her mouth. I liked seeing her big perky tits dripping wet, jiggling as she moved her head. But it was just amusement. I knew she liked me and wanted to impress me. I knew there was a power dynamic between us. I didn’t want it, but there was nothing I could do. Well, there was, but I didn’t do it. I should have told her everything. I should have told her that I technically still had a girlfriend. That my girlfriend was sleeping with my best friend. That I was addicted to sleeping with my other best friend. That I was turning into a borderline alcoholic to stop thinking about what was always on my mind. That I was a manipulator.

Sarah was crying herself to sleep more and more when I’d see her. Ella wouldn’t answer my calls and if she did, she was too busy to hang out. Sometimes she would ask me to come over so we could fuck, but we didn’t watch movies after. I was a toxin to both of them. My mental health was worse than ever. I was losing control. My life was disjointed.

So I drank.

I drank and I drank.

I hung out with Nicky to play pretend. We’d have missionary sex and get bagels in the morning like I used to. Brian started dating one of her friends. They’d come with us pretty often.

All the while Brian and I were still fucking Sarah, sometimes together, sometimes apart. It didn’t matter. I’d seen his cock so many times I lost count. I watched him cum on Sarah’s face, in her ass, in her pussy, everywhere. We had no boundaries between us anymore. When I’d hang out with him and his new girlfriend I half expected to fuck her throat while Brian masturbated to us. I wondered if I’d ever feel the inside of her pussy, or if she’d put us both in her mouth and run her tongue between our cocks like Sarah did. The amount of times Brian and I had our cocks rubbing against one another’s in one of Sarah’s holes was enough that I could probably consider Brian to be one of my most frequent sexual partners. I didn’t consider myself to be bi-sexual, nor do I today, but my relationship with Brian was certainly sexual. The line was blurry to me.

Sex with Ella was just as good as it always was. Maybe even better. We fucked until we couldn’t move. Ella learned everything there was to learn about my penis. She knew how to squeeze it, how to bounce on it, how to get every drop of cum out of it. But she was more careful about what she showed me. Sometimes not wanting to take off her shirt, sometimes wearing long sleeves to cover the evidence of what I imagine was her cutting again. Nonetheless, I couldn’t stop it. We fit together like puzzle pieces and would fuck for hours. I doubt any woman will ever cum on my dick, my face, my hand, or anywhere more times than Ella did. I must have pumped every orifice of hers full with gallons of my semen. We were physically irresistible to each other.

Despite the sex, I missed the real Sarah. I missed the real Ella.

I didn’t feel like I’d ever miss Nicky. I didn’t truly care about her and I knew I should cut things off, but I didn’t.

As my balls hit against her red lipstick stained chin, I came in her throat. She struggled to keep her head pressed against me. Some of it dripped out of her mouth onto her perky tits. She smiled as she stood up and spit the semen that didn’t go down her throat into the drain.

I took another drink from my flask.

A few months passed and nothing changed. Everything just stayed, painfully, the same. I was forgetting more and more. I was addicted to Ella. I was losing track of my schoolwork. I was fucking anyone who would have me. I was forgetting who I was. Brian and I passed Sarah around like a joint.

I became a personality. I was a nickname more than a person. I was trying to put one foot in front of the other, continuously telling myself that if it wasn’t a problem now, and it wouldn’t be a problem tomorrow… well…

Unfortunately, I couldn’t see it was a problem already.

One night I saw a girl at our party that was looking at me with interest. I squinted in her direction and could make out long brown hair, a small tight shirt, and an amazing ass. I moved in her direction. I put one foot in front of the other. I didn’t fall down. We talked for what must have been no more than a few minutes. We started making out.

I felt a hand on my back and turned around to see a blur of blonde hair and red lipstick. I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but she was angry.

I turned back to brown hair. We kept kissing. I went home with her. We fucked. Apparently. I woke up and saw her laying there next to me. She looked at me as we woke up and she laughed nervously before asking me what my name was. I sat up without responding and took a long drink of water. I felt a stinging sensation from my back and reached my arm behind me. When I brought my hand back around I saw blood on my fingertips. I looked at brown hair and saw her long nails with traces of blood staining her black nail polish.

“Oh, sorry about that. You kept asking me to dig into your back. You seemed really into it and kept wanting me to dig harder…. Are you.. ok?”

“Uhh, yea, don’t worry about it. I’m Nate by the way… Are you.. uh, on the pill?”

“Yes, don’t worry about that.” She told me her name, but I stopped listening. I couldn’t remember her name later that day.

I watched her walk down our road towards her dorm. I took a long drag of a cigarette before reaching back around to feel the cuts scabbing up on my back. I took another long pull on my cigarette. I looked down at my phone and saw a text from Sarah.

<Can you come over?>

<Is everything ok?>

<Yes, I just want to see you.>

I put out my cigarette and walked over to Sarah’s.

I opened her door and she was sitting at her desk with one of her textbooks open.


“Nate, I’m worried about you.”

“I’m fine Sarah.”

She got up and stepped towards me. Her eyes were red. She looked tired. Her up tight bossy posture was somewhat diminished.

She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed. She squeezed a little too tight. I winced.

“Are you hurt? What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing, seriously.”



“Take off your shirt.”


“Nate, take off your shirt.” She stood up straighter.

I sighed. I took my shirt off.

Sarah covered her mouth with her hand.

“Who did this to you?”

“I don’t know.”

“Was it Ella?”

“Sarah… I’m fine. And… No… It wasn’t.”

“No more.”


“No more of this. No more sleeping around.”

“What? I..”

“No. I don’t want this anymore. I miss you. I love you. This is literally killing you and… it’s killing me.”

“I love you too. I… I’m sorry. I don’t…”

“You smell like smoke Nate. Are you smoking now too?”

“Sarah, I just had one… No I don’t smoke… I..”

“Nate! What the fuck is going on with you?!”

“Sarah! Stop inter…”

“I am so worried all the time! I slept with Brian for you! I wanted to spice things up. I wanted you to FEEL something. To get angry or jealous! Anything!”

“You slept with him for me?!”


“What about all the times since then? Was that for me?”

“I wanted you to notice me Nate! But you use me like a toy and treat me like shit!”


“Nothing to say?”


“Yea? What?”


“Are you angry about Brian?”


“…I love fucking Brian. You know that? I love when he bends me over and fucks me hard. He actually looks at me like he wants me! You just cum in me like I’m some fucking pocket pussy!”

“I’m sorry.”

“No you’re not.”


“No more sleeping around. From now on, if you want sex, you have to get it from me. Your FUCKING GIRLFRIEND.”

“..Ok.” I didn’t know what to say.

It was a wake up call. I never slept with Sarah again, but in retrospect I appreciate what she did for me that day. I had forgotten how this all started. I forgot about the looming explosion I always expected in the back of my mind. There it finally was. I was back together with Sarah, so to speak.

I figured I had to ‘break up’ with Nicky. I didn’t know at the time that she was already crying over me.

That night, I went out to dinner with Brian and some of our friends. I figured I could start cleaning up my messes tomorrow. I looked across the restaurant and saw Ella sitting with her two friends. She saw me almost instantly. I lost my appetite.

I waited outside the restaurant after we finished. Brian stopped next to me.

“You good?”

“Yea, I have to talk to Ella about something.”

“Alright dude, bagels in the morning?”

“Probably not.”

He lightly tapped my shoulder with his fist and went on his way.

I waited a little while longer.

“Ella, hey.”

“Hey Nate.” Her friends went ahead of her.

“I really, really, need you right now.”


“No.. not that. I.. miss you. I want to talk.”

“I miss you too.”

“Are you ok?” She looked right into my eyes as I asked.

“Not at all, you?”




Ella smiled and let out a small laugh. I smiled too.

“Fuck…” I said through a full smile.

“Get over here!” She held her arms out.

I gave Ella a hug and we stayed like that for a minute. I could feel her head against my chest.

“You know I love you so much Ella.”

“I love you too Nate. I hate not being friends.”

“Want to watch a movie, drink some wine, and talk about everything?”

“..Yea… I… Nate I want to have sex… one last time.”

Damn. One last time with Ella. My heart skipped a beat. I felt a heavy sadness come over her. I felt myself look down at my feet. Time slowed to a crawl.

“Ok.” I finally responded.

Ella waved to her friends and the two of us started walking back to campus. We walked past the coffee shop we’d been to a million times. We walked past the hill leading up to our freshman dorm where I first saw her cry. Neither of us knew where we were going. We walked a long way until I finally stopped her.

“How about there?” I pointed to a small pathway that was very secluded.

“Outside? Well, sure, ok.”

We walked into the small path and she leaned her back against the wall. She looked up at the sky.

“Crazy huh?”

“What is?” I responded.

“I don’t know, just everything. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had. I’ve fucked you more times than I can even count. I feel guilty saying this, but I wish I loved you as more than just a friend.”

“I really get that. I feel the same way.”

“We should make like a marriage pact, or a sex pact or something.”

“What, like if we are 40 and single or whatever?”

“Yea! We’ll fuck through the rest of our sad and probably fucked up lives!”

“Haha fine, but I don’t think it’ll come to that. You’re too much of a catch to end up single.”

“You’re not so bad yourself, any girl would be lucky to ride your cock the rest of her life. Trust me I know.”

“Ella, just promise me we will stay friends. I really didn’t like feeling like I lost you. The sex, I mean it was great, but..”

“No I know, I agree. I feel like it was almost too good. Like if it was a little less good, we could have.. I don’t know, controlled ourselves.”


“Nate, take your dick out. Let’s do this one last time.”

Ella and I rarely kissed lately, but this time. This time I kissed her deeply. I felt the passion that had sparked the addiction between us. I felt her melt into me as her hands grabbed the back of my hair.

“I really missed you.” She said.

“I missed you too bud.”

We both laughed as I helped her up onto a short ledge. I pushed the crotch on her shorts aside and felt her pussy with my fingers. She was as wet as ever. More importantly, she had a huge smile on her face. Her eyes were full of life. She couldn’t stop kissing me.

I took my cock out and pressed it against her.

“Hehe! yes yes yes! I love that fucking dick Nate.”

I pushed into her under that starlit night and felt her pussy swallow me like a vacuum. I unbuttoned her flannel shirt and pulled her strapless bra down. I played with her tits as I continued fucking her on this ledge, our lips barely ever coming apart.

It wasn’t rough. It wasn’t disgusting. There was no smell. It was just pure fun with my best friend again.

She stood up and pulled her shorts down to her knees and bent over with her hands on the ledge. I gave her ass a nice firm smack before I started fucking her again. I couldn’t make out every detail of her that night. I had to squint to try and see clearly in the darkness. I didn’t have to see everything though. This was Ella. I was having sex with her. I knew every inch of her.

“Nate, mmm, yes, I’m gonna cum soon.”

“Me too.”

“I want to turn around and look at you while we do.”


I helped her return to her original position as her shorts fell to the ground. I got close to her face so I could see into her eyes. I felt myself get swallowed into her again.

“MMMM yes!! Cum deep inside me! I fucking love feeling you cum deep inside me Nate!”

My fore head was pressed against hers and I could see her biting her lip as I made full definitive strokes.

She pressed her lips against mine and dug her heels into my back. I felt the walls of her pussy spasm as her legs shook against my sides. My cum filled her up as her hands pulled my face against her own as hard as she could.

We were broth breathing heavy with our faces no more than an inch apart.

“So that was the last time.” I said between breaths.

“It has to be.”

“I know… I really love you Ella.”

“I love you too Nate. I always will. But..”

“No, I know.. It’s ok.”

I pulled my cock out of her. My cum dripped down her leg.

We sat on that ledge and talked for a few hours after that. I walked her back to her room. I gave her a hug, and that was that. I never slept with Ella again. But I finally had her back.

“So tomorrow is finally the day?” She said.

“My reckoning I suppose. What about you, what are you going to do with Ryan?”

“Nate, I… I really love him. I…”

“Ella, it’s ok. I want you to be happy. I’ve seen you get so much stronger the past few years. I trust you.”

“Thank you.”

“Just promise me that if you ever need help you’ll let me know. And.. be careful… please.”

“I will.”

“Are you going to tell him about us?”

“I don’t know. I probably should…”

“Well, that’s your decision I suppose.”

“Are you going to stop drinking?”

“I don’t know… I probably should.”

“Yea, ok, fair enough.”

We laughed. I gave her a big hug again.

“She’s going to fucking kill me isn’t she?” I said with her still in my arms.

“Which one?”

“Fuck, you’re right. I guess either.”

I walked back to my house. I put one foot in front of the other. It wasn’t a problem now, but it was going to be a problem tomorrow. I finally accepted that.

(End of part 6)

Ok, for sure the next part will be the end. Sorry this one took a little longer to write than usual! I have been extremely busy with work, but I will have time to write part 7 tomorrow most likely, so expect the finale in the next few days!

I hope everyone enjoyed reading this part despite what it is. I have said it before but I really appreciate everyone’s comments and dms. It makes my day when I see someone letting me know that they like my writing and are feeling the emotions I felt when going through all of this.

I really do enjoy writing for you all, so when this series is done, I may recount some more sexual encounters of mine that happened over the various years. Maybe go into more detail about some of Brian and I’s encounters with Sarah or some of the experiences I had during the time covered in this part.

Anyway, Thank you all again! See you in the finale!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cdqmsc/fucking_my_best_friend_part_6


  1. Man… this is heavy. Thank you for sharing, I feel transported reading and I can vividly picture every detail.

  2. Finally! I’ve been checking this sub for the past week and left disappointed when I couldn’t find a new part of this. I don’t even try to jerk off anymore, I’m so invested in the story, I literally read it for the plot.

    What’s interesting to me is how this story shows, much like millionaires complaining about money, that whenever there’s too much of one thing, it seems like it’s unhealthy. You were really drowning in pussy and probably had more sex in a couple of months than some have in their entire life, but it was still unhealthy in a way.

    Cant wait for the last part and thank you so much for writing these!

  3. I’m not even here for the sex anymore… I’m here for the god damn plot, pornos could learn from you…

  4. Been waiting for this, so good, so deep and so
    Fucked up! Can’t wait till the end!

  5. Is it safe to say we as a sub are as addicted to his writing as Nate was to Ella? I swear I was checking back multiple times a day for this. So much emotion in the words. Will be better sweet reading part 7.

  6. I don’t usually comment on nsfw stuff, but massive appreciation for this series. It’s magnificently written, I don’t even care about the sex anymore. I am pretty invested by now, can’t wait for the next chapter!

  7. If you and Ella had gotten together before you and Sarah started dating, do you think it would have ended different with Ella?

  8. I have way too much sexual tension with my best friend…

    Somehow you made me fantasize about fucking her while realizing how fucked it’d be

  9. I am happy that you can reflect upon all of this with some perspective, but there’s heavy emotional stress here. Idk how this all is gonna wrap up, but I hope you’re doing ok, man.

    Also, fuck cigs, I really hope that didn’t stick around for you.

  10. You’re going to need to put all of this together into one story when all is said and done.

    Please tell me though that the abuse didn’t continue for Ella?

  11. If you don’t mind me asking, how long ago did all this take place?

    Brilliant writing btw! And I hope you’re doing better now.

    I know the feeling, especially in college to let something get away from you and so far out of hand. Props to you for realizing you were going too far!

  12. I think your stories are a marking of some history for this sub. There’s very few stories from here that I can say ive remembered but these will stick for a good while. Can’t wait for the end.

  13. Are you and Brian still friends? I’m more curious about this than anything else lol

  14. I hope HBO hires you as a screen writer for the G.O.T. season 8 reboot.

    You’re story series should be stickied to this sub. YOU HAVE SET THE BAR BRO.

  15. As much as I want to complain about how long this part took, I have to say it was worth everyday I spent checking reddit. You’re one hell of a writer so please keep it up after the finale part is finished.

  16. Daamn dud this this writting is PogChamp. Better than some books

  17. You fucking subbed me Nate, for the past week I was checking back multiple times a day and when I woke up this morning I dropped my phone off my nightstand because I couldn’t believe you’d actually wrote another part of this epic journey. I’m so excited to see what’s next for you.

  18. I almost dread seeing your stories because there’s so much raw feeling in them, but I think that’s actually a compliment in the end. Anyone who has ever made a mess of their lives at any point definitely recognizes some of this, and it hurts. But there’s also some catharsis, which I presume is why you’re writing these as well.

    It’s good that this all fell apart, though. This wasn’t good for anyone involved, and it had to end.

  19. I stumbled across this subreddit 3 hours ago and read part 6 in the title, ive read these over and over and the story is still good every time you read it. The emotions are so vividly put that you can almost feel it. I can say that we are 100% supportive of you and hope you are doing much better now Nate as well as your old/still friends.
    Looking forward to this next part

  20. This felt like a Shakespearean denouement – unbelievable writing. As they say sometimes fact is better than fiction, congratulations and hope you’re well

  21. You have no idea how much I’ve waited for this!

    Checked to see if you’ve finished it almost every day!

    Can’t wait for the end!

    Awesome writing skills mate!

    And awesome story!

  22. Are you an author? Because, if not, you should really consider sitting down and writing something of novel length. You have a way with compelling plots and writing styles.

  23. It’s crazy how much more connected and invested I feel with this story than some of the 500 page novels I’ve read. I know you said the ending isn’t completely “happy”, but I can’t help but hold out hope. Can’t wait for the last part!

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