Getting jerked off in the ocean [MF] (pic)

My wife and I have been continuing our [sexual adventures]( [in public](, flashing each other and playing around whenever and wherever we can get away with it. We haven’t had a story worth sharing for a while, but that changed yesterday when we took a spontaneous trip to the beach.

It’s been hot as balls where we live, and we’ve been wanting to go swimming for a while. Yesterday morning, we spent a good hour trying to find a good public pool to visit, but we were coming up short. Finally, my wife turned to me and said “screw it, let’s just go to the beach.” The coast is certainly farther away than our local pools, but close enough for an impromptu day trip.

Within minutes, we had packed a bag and were ready to jump in the car. A few hours later, we found ourselves lying on a sandy beach mere meters from the ocean. We settled into hardcore relaxation mode, sunbathing and enjoying the day.

Periodically, we’d return to the ocean to cool off, and once in a while my wife would flash me her tits underwater. I wasn’t anticipating anything beyond that, because the beach was already pretty full of people and was only getting more crowded as the day went on.

After several hours of sunbathing, I got up to head to the water. My wife perked up and said “I’m coming too!” This didn’t raise any flags at the time, but I now know what she was plotting. ;-)

We got into the water slowly, taking a moment to get used to the temperature. There were a lot of other folks in the water at this point, playing catch and what-not. Despite the crowd, my wife still found a couple opportunities to flash me a nipple, or to grope my crotch. Every time she exposed herself, she would go “oops!” as though it were an accident. I soon joined her in the game: grabbing her boob or pinching her butt and saying “oops!”

At this particular beach, the water was pretty shallow. We were probably more than twenty meters from the shore, but the water was only up to my wife’s chest and just above my waist. Thankfully, the farther out into the water we got, the more secluded we were from the droves of people playing in the shallows.

As we waded out farther, the water got slightly deeper, and my wife climbed onto my body to keep her head above the water. This naturally led to more overt groping and teasing as we played in the sea. My wife reached in my shorts, grasped my semi-hard dick, and said “oops” before letting go. I pinched her nipple through her bikini top with another “oops.”

She wrapped her legs around my waist and grinded on my crotch. “Oops,” she said. I grabbed her ass and pulled her close to me as I grinded my rapidly-hardening dick against her pussy. She reached down and grabbed my cock to feel how hard it had gotten. “Oh, he’s hard now!” she joked. “Oops,” I said.

Keeping my dick inside of my swim shorts, I tried to be as subtle as possible as my wife rubbed her crotch against mine more and more aggressively. I remember slowly turning around, keeping an eye out for anyone looking our way while simultaneously enjoying the gorgeous ocean view as we were grinding in the water.

By now, I was rock hard and in definite need of release. Thankfully, my wife was prepared to take good care of me. She reached into my shorts with another “oops!” and pulled out my cock. We’ve had bad experiences trying to fuck in water before (that’s a story for another time lol), so I knew that was off the table. Instead, my wife wrapped her fingers around my dick and began to stroke it faster and faster. I wrapped my arms around her petite body and played with her ass, but I was quickly consumed by pleasure as she mercilessly jerked me off.

The combination of being in public, being in the ocean, and being stroked off by my gorgeous wife put me over the edge in no time flat. Through soft grunts, I managed to warn my wife “I’m almost there.”

“Yeah? Are you gonna cum for me?” she said as she tightened her grip on my cock. After mere minutes, all I could do was moan weakly as I orgasmed into my wife’s hand.


We stayed out in the ocean for a bit longer to make sure we got rid of any evidence and to give my still-hard dick a chance to go down. Finally, we returned to our beach chairs to dry off and head home.

Since this delightful encounter was completely unexpected (not to mention the fact that it occurred underwater), there was no way to capture photographic evidence. As proof we were at the beach though, here’s a photo of [my sexy wife sunbathing earlier that same day.](

PS, since we always get questions about this: we still have yet to go all the way in a public place. It’s just a matter of time, though, until we find the perfect opportunity to fuck outdoors. :-)


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