{MF} Lake Flaccid (a humorous tale)

I heard this story first-hand from a friend who had a small role to play. The main character is a young woman, 27 years old, named Alex (changed to protect her privacy). Alex has an unusual sexual proclivities. She is straight and she loves a good penis, except when it’s hard. You see, Alex loves a softie. When a penis is rock hard, she just finds it disgusting. She often thinks how anyone could put something so gross in their bodies. Now a softie on the other hand, she could suck on it for hours. She loved the way it felt in her mouth, like a warm marshmallow that was just the right consistency. To her, a softie was a beautiful thing. Just one problem: when she put a flaccid penis in her mouth, it didn’t stay that way for long. She often asked her lovers to jack off before they got it on (she provided pictures, she wasn’t a bitch). But even then they soon became at least semi-hard and oh so gross.

So poor Alex was consigned to only ever having sex with much older men who couldn’t get it up anymore (at least not without some drugs). Make no mistake, she would have loved a young stud in his mid-20s with bulging arms, flat abs, actual hair on his head, a tight ass and a flaccid penis. Unfortunately, there just aren’t that many guys who ticked all the boxes and Alex felt it would be almost impossible to find one. (In case you were wondering, yes, she had posted on Reddit and found no takers.)

And so Alex did what everyone does and decided to settle. She figured she would date guys her own age and be upfront about her needs and see how it goes. She did this for a while until she met Bob. He was, in many ways, the perfect guy. He was charming, quite good-looking though not conventionally so, had a good job, could hold an interesting conversation and, importantly, accepted her for who she was. Also, and this was a big plus, he didn’t get hard too quickly. She could play around with his dick for a full five minutes before he started to get hard. This, for Alex, was a good compromise. However, Bob had some (rather conventional) sexual needs and wanted to cum in her mouth and pussy. So Alex figured it was best to let him have other girls for sex as long as she was his only life partner. It seemed an acceptable compromise for all concerned and it worked quite well (Alex was not the jealous type). Things were going great for Alex and Bob and they were both very much in love with each other.

Now folks, as I am sure many of you know from experience, true love such as this is hard to find (pardon the pun). So Alex and Bob enjoyed each other and the months flew by until it was soon their second anniversary. They decided to do something special together and take a week off at a secluded romantic getaway. They found what seemed like the perfect location, a remote hot spring in Northern Idaho with nothing around for miles. Getting there a bit of a challenge, but they were up for it. And it was as beautiful as advertised. Gorgeous views, ad unspoiled hot spring with the water at a perfect temperature, secluded coves to skinny dip in, a nice hotel manager (Cathy, a woman in her mid-60s) and just a couple of guests besides themselves. They fell in love with the place and immediately went down to the hot springs for a bath.

After coming back to their rooms, Alex was feeling particularly sexy. She started kissing Bob and immediately move down to his dick in order to get her precious five minutes before it started to get hard. And she has his penis in her mouth and is enjoying herself immensely. A few minuted pass and Bob’s penis doesn’t start to get hard. A few minutes later, bob is a little concerned it’s still not getting hard and starts to stroke it. Alex meanwhile is too busy enjoying herself to notice. After about ten minutes of flaccidity, Bob pulled away, very concerned. But Alex calmed him down and said its probably temporary because he’s tired from the long journey and she went back to work putting the penis in her mouth. She had a blast, the best sex in her life and to top it all, it was with the man she loved! After she had cum about four times, she finally let Bob have his dick back.

Poor Bob was beside himself. He never had a problem getting it up before and for it to happen as suddenly as it did, he felt sure it must be a serious problem. He went down to speak with Cathy, the hotel manager, and asked if there was a doctor around. There wasn’t but Cathy was a registered nurse and would be happy to help. What was the problem? Bob was shy, he wasn’t sure if he should say. He finally worked up the courage and told her what it was and Cathy nodded understandingly. She said it said she had see this condition before and would be happy to help. She asked Bob to come to the back room, the “nursing area” as she called it and asked him to drop his pants. She then bent down and proceeded to take Bob’s dick in her mouth. Bob was aghast! What was she doing?!? Cathy explained that the only way to fix this problem was to “suck” the poison out. It would take an hour or so she told Bob. But Bob said that his girlfriend had already sucked his dick for an hour and it hadn’t helped. It finally dawned on Bob that Cathy, like Alex, also liked a limp dick.

The truth finally came out. As Cathy told Alex and Bob, the hot spring had some peculiar qualities, one being that it made any dick limp for about one or two days. There didn’t seem to be any other adverse health effects, just this one. For Cathy, this was the perfect place as she could “nurse” her limp dicked guests back to health. But, as Cathy put it, she was getting old now. She saw in Alex a kindred spirit and so made her an offer: if Alex wanted to, she could stay with Cathy and help her “nurse” her male guests back to health and eventually take over running the hotel.

Bob, of course, thought this was stupid. He didn’t see a place for himself there and made ready to leave for home. Alex was left with a choice: stay and feast on limp dicks for however long she wanted or go back with her partner, a man she truly loved, knowing that she would never be as sexually fulfilled at home with him. What should Alex do? What would you?

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ccj62e/mf_lake_flaccid_a_humorous_tale