How it almost ended with[M]y sexually repressed Catholic girl[F]riend. Backstory [anal/spanking]

Fair warning, this is a different type of story from the normal /r/gonewildstories submissions. I chose to go with more backstory in this one because of the significance and meaning that led up our sexy moment. If it’s not your thing, more power to you and sorry for the long text. To the rest of you, I hope you enjoy. My wife and I love this moment.


I came from a semi-religious background. My faith was part of my upbringing and I got to choose to go to church rather than be forced too. In contrast, Chelsea’s parents were the ultra-strict, mass attending followers who maintained firm discipline and a perfect public image. Father always wore a suit + tie, Mother wore neck high blouses and a tight bun with not a hair out of place. Her childhood followed the strict and authoritative doctrine of the Catholic church, hell bent on shame and guilt to keep the congregation subdued and cowed. Naturally their only daughter turned into the rebellious teenager. She disobeyed her parents, smoked behind the school bleachers and did the opposite of everything she was told to do, just out of spite.

She was every bit the stereotype outcast dissident, from her anti-social behavior to craving sex simply because it was against the rules. It bears repeating, that college-bound Chelsea participated in the ever so famous religious loophole with her boyfriend. Yup, she willingly took it up the butt and gave blowjobs for years to avoid the “true sin” of having sex out of wedlock. While free from the influence of her parents ruling thumb, college life taught her that If it was taboo, frowned upon, or her parents disapproved, she went out of her way to do it during these years.

By the time Chelsea and I met after she graduated, the rebelliousness habits she grown up with during that past decade were engrained within her. Hiding her whereabouts even if perfectly acceptable, half-truths or misleading statements that were completely unnecessary, giving outrageous excuses for things she didn’t want to do. I constantly caught her in white lies because she had been so used to them in her own family life. Bringing them to her attention would cause her to go into a defensive tirade that led to huge fights. All the problems a young budding couple faced combined with a feisty strawberry-blonde that was stubborn to her core. My patience with her was growing thin and I didn’t know what to do.

We had real relationship problems as a couple. Combine that with the other massive issue that I didn’t know how to address. Chelsea’s sexual repression. It dominated her life in and outside the bedroom, consumed her thoughts so that nearly every decision we made centered on if we could sneak back to my place or not. If you’re thinking, what the fuck is wrong with that? Trust me, I said the same thing. Limitless experimentation sex with a woman whose libido was higher than mine, there is no down-side. Right? The problem was, her motives and desire for having all this sex was the fucked-up part. No amount of book reading, counseling and internet research could fully help with a woman who thought sex was for getting back at others.

To her, the many sessions we had were a way to exact revenge on those that suppressed her throughout her life. Blow jobs were exciting because it was something Mother and Father would wholly disapprove. Getting shameful enjoyment from being tied down and fucked was absolute bliss to her. Taking guilty pleasure from being spanked warped the original meaning into something new. One time, she rented a nun and priest costume just so she could be spanked and ‘sodomized’ in it. Later claimed it was one of the most thrilling roleplays, and yes, that really happened. Sex was anything but normal with her. Anything related to the act was a twisted version of what normal individuals do to bond and grow closer. Awesome and yet highly disturbing at the same time. I saw the signs and things needed to change and soon.

Now that you have a better understanding of her history and our background, let me take you to the moment all this came to blows. It happened during a particularly kinky moment where Chelsea and I did our verbal foreplay, got into the scene, and things were going well. My girlfriend was naked from the waist down and happily taking paddle swats while bent over my couch. It was about ten to fifteen minutes into the session when the mood took a sudden change. A repressed memory from her past was triggered and her face went ashen and pained. She stood up from her position with tears welling in her eyes and I could tell it wasn’t from the paddling. I immediately broke character and hugged my girlfriend tight. I consoled her as she fell onto my arms in an embrace that lasted far too long for a quick emotional outbreak.

We talked on my couch, trying to find the root cause of her pain but she kept shrugging it off saying she didn’t want to talk about it. I told her that what just happened was not ok and we should talk about it. This was just one of many times where she would stop everything to deal with her emotional past, not just during sexy time. She grew angry and lashed out at me for not wanting to continue. I sent her home to think about what happened and what she wanted out of our life together. Chelsea didn’t speak to me for days and I thought we were done for at that point. I was devastated emotionally, mentally and physically thinking we were broken up.

Finally, she came around and we agreed to meet at our local café to talk. To keep the story flowing, we discussed things in length about why so many memories pained her so. With respect to my wife, I won’t discuss those here but I can wrap it up with this. Chelsea had no control over her life, her parents, her church, her school, her memories, even her boyfriend who told her No to sex. This was causing her act on an incessant need to control the rest of the world around her, especially to those that cared for her. This was laid out as respectful and gentle as possible over several conversations. Careful to come from a position of love and respect where she got to connect the issues, not told them.

After our heart to heart, things began to slowly sink in that we were going to be all right. That in order to move forward, things needed to change for the both of us. We both promised to help the other grow so that we could be a real couple. But her breakthrough in particular didn’t come as an overnight transformation. It was a subtle thing that would take years to fully work its way through. She was willing to work at it and that alone allowed me to hang on through the bad spells when she was acting out. A little at a time, she gave up the control issue she was struggling with and trusted me with what was best for her. It wasn’t always easy but our love for each other began to grow and it started that day at the restaurant. Take care of you so that you can take care the other, or so the saying goes.


We took some time off from the bedroom stuff so that we could work on our issues. Chelsea would come over, not for sex, but so that we could spend time with each other. We watched movies, talked, enjoyed each other’s company while we figured things out. One night, we made out on the couch and naturally progressed to normal sex. Not rough, not kinky, not perverted or our usual roleplaying. She got to see how sex is meant to be about love and tenderness. It was bonding experience that both of us remember fondly looking back. For several weeks afterward, we initiated normal sex between us while spending quality time together.

One evening while over, she carefully mentioned she liked this knew way but missed the fun stuff we did together. I told her in a matter of fact voice, “who says we can’t do all that old stuff?” Chelsea gave me this surprised confused expression. “It’s not about how kinky we could make things in bed. But how it’s used to grow and bond as a couple falling in love.” She understood and it was as if a weight was lifted off her shoulders. Sighing in relief, my girlfriend laughed because she thought the sex we were having was always going to be this new “boring” way. Far from it, I told her if she wanted, we could do all the old stuff so long the purpose was for use to bond and grow as a couple, not for revenge. We kissed and agreed that the following week would be a night to remember.


The anticipation could be cut with a knife as the days counted down to our next date night. Chelsea snuck out earlier than normal and arrived at my place hours before our agreed upon time. She was that ready to go. We kissed deeply and felt each other up while outside my door. She greeted my dog per usual while I made ourselves a quick breakfast as she forgot to eat. The effort she was making not to jump my bones as visible and I prolonged the moment out as long as I could. I’m evil like that. Breakfast finished and I cleared the table and saw her anticipation grow.

In a bold move, I told her to stand up from the table, head to the bedroom and strip down completely naked. Chelsea’s beaming smile told me that she was ready willing and able. Never looking away, she got up, casually took off her top while walking down the hall to my room. Dropping her shirt, bra and tossed shoes to the ground. I followed at a short distance behind and she strip teased the pants off while inside the doorway. In just her panties and socks, she strolled into my room and turned to sit seductively on the edge of the bed. I enter still fully clothed and stand before her, staring at the future love of my life.

I lean into her and passionately kiss her lips, neck and bare chest. Chelsea is gasping and moaning loudly while letting me take the lead. I take one of her legs in my arm and pull it up so that she falls back onto the bed as I mount her. That move and the ones after it is what Chelsea uses when she wants to get into the mood even to this day. My fingers move her panties to the side and I start to finger her. She’s soaking wet and her grool is dripping onto my hand and sheets. She’s moaning louder, caught up in the moment while letting me take control.

Minutes later, she’s gasping out an orgasm and has to shove me off at how intense it was. Chelsea hasn’t been particularly sensitive in her pussy area so for her to cum that fast shows how riled up she was. I get stripped out of my cloths while she enjoys the afterglow of that short but intense climax. Moments later I’m entering her from on top and we make love. Going at it for a while, we switch positions to doggy and I start the first kinky act we’d done together in over a month. My thumb slides into her ass and Chelsea moans out a satisfied “yeeeessss!”. She bucked wildly and we nearly climax together within a few minutes. Her back sprayed with my cum.

We rinse off together and cuddle naked while lounging on the bed. When both of us are ready for more, she asks for the paddle. There is a subtle difference in her mannerisms when asking. She wants me to give it to her, not her roleplay fantasy, not her memory and not reinventing a past event. But me doing it for her and us. Bending over my lap while on the bed, she presented her ass to me while looking over her shoulder with a happiness present. I gave her the spanking she desired and the excitement it generated was unlike any other time from the past. The moment was all about the two of us connecting in the moment. Chelsea’s enthusiasm had her squirming and grinding as I playfully swatted each of her large cheeks.

Her energetic movements peaked and she got up off my lap suddenly. In the same motion, she bent over to kiss me deep on the mouth. Both of us were caught up at this new level of excitement. I bent her over the edge of my bed and she assumed the position by gripping the sheets and spreading her legs to get at entering height. I entered her pussy for the second time that day and we fucked with renewed passion. I pulled out and applied an ample amount of lube to her rear hole.

Chelsea’s reaction as I slide the head of my cock into her ass beat the normal sex moment, we’d been having that past month. She loved having anal, doing it with me gave her the most intense orgasms. My dick slid in and out of her, building up speed as she open-mouthed gasped in pleasure. The first wave hit her hard and I kept up the intensity. Her ass constricted yet again a minute later but I kept going. Her hands reached back to spread her cheeks open wide. My que to start going in hard and deep.

My groin slapped into her ass still pink with my hand prints on it. Her groans turned into a solid crescendo of continued moans. Her leg jittered and shook as a large orgasm shot through her body. I matched her moans with sounds of my own as I shot my wad deep in her ass.

I collapsed on top of her bent frame, cock still quivering the last drops of cum. Her arms and hands felt all around the bed and sheets. Enjoying the moment for what it was.


From that moment on, we enjoyed a health amount of normal sex along-side a dose or two of kinky stuff as well. This was our favorite time because it was the first gonewild moment after our heart to heart.



  1. Gonewild meets heartwarming. Both of you are a hot couple. I remember your original story once I got past the first paragraph.

  2. This was not just an enjoyable read, it was quite special. Relationships are not just about sex, or weddings. They are definitely not about appearances or revenge. They are all about the people involved.

    This is actually the type of story that I look for. :)

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