Holiday help from a friend [FF]

I was in over my head–just didn’t know it yet. At 22 I was living on my own for the first time in my life. My apartment was a one-bedroom claustrophobe’s nightmare located above an Indian grocery store on the east side. My job waiting tables barely brought in enough money to cover bills and groceries, and my student loan debt was growing by leaps and bounds every semester.

That being said, I was proud of myself and what I had been able to accomplish this year. By being extremely careful with my spending, I was able to set aside about $1000 over the course of about six months for Christmas presents for my friends and family.

Of course, whenever I feel like things are going well for me, life slaps me upside the head. On the very first day of December, I was driving through an intersection and a giant red GMC clipped my back end. I screamed out loud while my car spun around, and I just caught sight of the other car as it accelerated out of the intersection and away from the shitstorm it had just brought into my life.

The cost of the repairs totally wiped out my Christmas fund and cut my grocery budget in half for the month.

I was crushed. I called my best friend Alexis when I got home from the body shop, and she rushed over with two bottles of rosé to comfort me.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do,” I said, wiping tears from my cheeks with a wad of Kleenex.

“I’ll let you pick up a few of my shifts,” Alexis said. “You can make up a little money that way.”

I had met Alexis at the restaurant where we both waited tables. She was 5’5”, with gorgeous blonde hair that hung to the middle of her back. She worked out constantly, so her body was just about perfect, and she always wore low-cut shirts to show off her C-cup breasts. Customers absolutely loved her, and the wads of cash she took home each night was a testament to that fact.

I was envious of her in a lot of ways. Where Alexis was confident and charming, I was shy and reserved. My breasts were bigger, but I couldn’t bring myself to dress the way she did. I was 5’6”, with long, curly red hair. I didn’t work out nearly as much as Alexis, so my body wasn’t quite as toned. My skin was soft and pale, and I had a smattering of freckles on my cheeks and across my nose. Alexis always told me that I would make more money if I would just let loose and flirt with the customers, but I could never get enough confidence to do it effectively.

“Thanks,” I said, “but I can’t do that. I have finals coming up. It’s hard enough finding time to study with the shifts I already have.”

“Could you ask your family for money?”

I laughed. “Right. I’m going to ask my family for money to buy Christmas presents for them. I might as well tell them to go out and buy what they want for themselves.”

“If I had the money, I’d give it to you myself.”

I took her hand and squeezed it.

“I know,” I said. “You’re the sweetest.”

Alexis looked around my living room.

“Do you have anything you could sell?”

“Nothing of any value,” I said. “Just the camera that my dad gave me for my birthday. I feel like I just learned how to use it.”

We polished off the first bottle of wine watching *Friends* on Netflix. By the time Alexis opened the second bottle, I had a decent buzz going.

Suddenly Alexis sat straight up on the couch. I could practically see the light bulb switching on in her eyes.

“Oh my God,” she said. “I just had an idea.”

“What? What is it?”

I sat up too. Just watching her was getting me excited.

“Okay, so, you’re going to have to keep an open mind here.” She set her wine glass on the coffee table. This I knew was a precautionary measure; Alexis tended to become animated when she was really excited to share something. “I read on the internet about these guys who buy women’s panties. Like, they get off on it. You send them a picture of yourself wearing the panties, and they pay, like, ridiculous amounts of money. Twenty, twenty-five, thirty dollars a pop. You could make bank.”

I rolled my eyes and slumped back on the couch.

“I’m serious!” Alexis slapped my thigh. “I told you to keep an open mind!”

“I’m not sure my mind opens that far.”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“God, Alexis, I don’t know. Maybe I just don’t like the idea of some creeper sniffing my panties!”


Alexis picked up her glass and took another drink.

“Is that your main issue? The pantie-sniffing?”

“I guess,” I said. “Why?”

“Okay.” She set her glass down again. “What if you just sold pictures?”

I frowned.

“What do you mean?”

“Sexy pictures. Call them boudoir photos, if you want to class it up a bit. I mean, you have that nice camera and all. And guys on the internet will buy them, I promise you. You’re this sweet, innocent girl who wants to make some money to buy her family presents for Christmas. If you frame it like that, I guarantee you’ll find some sweet, kind-hearted perverts–and I mean that in the best possible way–to help you out. You post one racy picture, tell them there’s more where that came from if they pay up.”

“I don’t know, Alexis.”

“Come on, Ry. Let’s give it a shot, and if you don’t make any money, at least you’re not out anything.”

“Except one racy photo that I put on the Internet for everyone to see.”

Alexis shrugged. “Crop your face out of the first pic. Only paying customers get to see the real you.”

My heart was beating out of my chest.

“You know I’m too shy to do something like that.”

“I’ll help you. I’ll handle all of the online stuff, so you won’t even have to talk to the guys. You just sit back and let the money roll in.”

I downed my entire glass of wine in two big gulps. My palms were soaked, my mind racing. I kept thinking about the red GMC that had put me in this position to begin with. I had seen this scenario in countless movies–the butterfly effect. A butterfly flapped its wings in Peking, and somehow I went from having cash in the bank to begging online strangers for money. God, I couldn’t even imagine what my dad would think if he found out we were even having this conversation.

On the other hand, if the plan worked as well as Alexis seemed to think it would, then I would be able to buy gifts for my family and friends. Maybe I would even have some money left over for myself.

Alexis gestured with the wine bottle, and I let her refill my glass.

“Tell you what,” she said. “I’ll do it with you. That will be my Christmas present to you.”


My heart felt like it was going to break through my ribs. I wasn’t sure if Alexis’s offer made me feel less nervous or more.

“Sure. You’ll probably make twice as much. Guys eat that shit up.”

“What kind of pictures are we talking about here?”

“You know, like, sexy pictures. We’ll start out in nice dresses, and we’ll just strip down.”


Alexis laughed. “Yes, Rylee. Come on! It will be fun. Haven’t you ever done a striptease on like Skype or FaceTime?”


I could feel my face getting hot. With my pale complexion, that meant that my face was turning cherry red.

“Oh my God, it’s the biggest turn-on! You’re going to love it.”

I bit my lip. The thought of having Alexis with me was exciting. This was a surprise. Alexis was one of the sexiest girls I had ever met, but I had never had anything remotely resembling a sexual thought about her. Mostly I was just jealous of her flat tummy, her blue eyes, and her gorgeous smile. Now I found myself stealing glances at her ample cleavage.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

We brought the wine bottle back to my bedroom and raided my closet. Alexis found a short black skirt that I had worn last New Year’s and a sheer white blouse, left open at the top to maximize her cleavage. I wore a red dress with a more modest neckline. Even though we were preparing to strip in front of a camera, I still didn’t feel bold. I was still Rylee, the same nervous little mouse.

I set up my DSLR on my tripod and set the timer so it would take pictures every twenty seconds. This took longer than it should have–partly due to the wine, partly because my hands were trembling. When the camera was all set up, I focused on Alexis, who was already kneeling on my bed.

“Are you ready?” I asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” Alexis said. She swayed her hips back and forth in what I assume was excitement.

I took a deep breath, pushed the shutter button on my camera, and rushed to the bed. I jumped up next to Alexis, nearly knocking her over.

We both laughed, and Alexis put her arms around me for support. I felt the warmth of her body through the thin dress. Only then did I realize how turned on I was. I blamed the wine. The bottle and our glasses stood empty on my dresser.

The flash went off while we were still laughing.

“Here we go,” Alexis said, undoing the top buttons on her top, revealing a lacy black bra.

I followed her lead by sliding the straps of my dress down over my shoulders. We paused there to let the camera capture us, still giggling nervously. After the second flash, Alexis undid the rest of her buttons and held her blouse open. She could have been a model. Her stomach was perfectly flat, and her breasts were even bigger than I remembered.

I pulled my dress down over my bra. I was wearing a white bra and pantie set, to contrast with her black undies. Alexis stared at my chest.

“You have great tits, Ry,” she said.

She reached out and ran one finger across the top of my right breast. My lips parted, and a sigh escaped.

The camera flashed a third time.

Alexis threw her blouse to the floor and tucked her thumb in the top of her skirt, pulling it down just enough to reveal the top of her panties. I went a little further this time, sliding my dress down over my hips.

After the camera went off, Alexis unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the bed. I did the same with my dress. We knelt on my bed in our underwear, waiting for the camera to flash again. I put my hands on my hips, striking a Wonder Woman pose, and Alexis laughed.

“What? It’s awkward. I don’t know what to do with my hands.”


Alexis grabbed my wrist and placed my hand on her hip. She placed her hand on my side, like she was about to pull me close.

After Alexis tossed her skirt to the floor and I discarded my dress, she said, “Let’s make this a little more natural.”

She put her arms around me, and I felt her fingers at the clasp of my bra.

“You do mine,” she said.

The heat of her breath on my ear sent an electrical charge to my nipples. Suddenly they were so hard they ached. She unsnapped my bra, and a shiver ran down my spine. As I put my arms around Alexis, our breasts gently pressed together. I was breathing heavy. I wondered if she could tell how turned on I was.

I fumbled with the clasp of her bra, feeling like a teenage boy. I had never taken off another girl’s bra before.

Finally the clasp sprung open. We pulled apart, each removing the other’s bra, and for a moment I froze, staring at her almond brown nipples. They looked as hard as mine felt. I wondered if she was as turned on as I was.

“Jesus, Rylee.”

Alexis was staring at my chest.

“You’ve got a pretty rockin’ body,” she said.

“So do you,” I said quietly.

“But I don’t have your tits.”

As she spoke Alexis reached out with both hands and caressed the sides of my breasts, tracing lines with her fingertips, coming close but never quite touching my nipples.

In a haze, half from the wine and half from the unfamiliarity of the situation, I followed Alexis’s lead. My hands were shaking. Starting at her hips, I let my fingertips slide over the smooth skin of her tummy, tracing the curve beneath her breasts, then caressing the top of her breasts, circling her nipples.

I felt an urge and without thinking I gave in. I pinched her nipple.

“Hey!” Alexis laughed. She retaliated by pinching and gently twisting both of my nipples.

I thought my legs were going to give out. My panties were soaked. I was so turned on that I had all but forgotten about the camera, the plan, the accident, all of it.

Alexis patted my hip.

“Stand up,” she said.

I followed her instruction without thinking. Alexis knelt before me and hooked her fingers into the elastic band of my panties. Slowly she tugged them down, now the right side, now the left side, exposing me inch by inch. When my pussy was exposed, Alexis lifted her head and we locked eyes. She had a hungry look, like she was ready to knock me down on the bed and have her way with me. And I would have let her. In that moment, staring into her sapphire eyes while my panties fell to the bed, I was hers. She could have done absolutely anything to me.

I stepped out of my panties and kicked them off the bed.

“Your turn,” I said.

Alexis stood, and for a moment we were face to face again. Our breasts brushed together, and I felt her nipples graze mine.

Maintaining eye contact, I knelt in front of her. I brought my hands up to her breasts and ran them slowly, teasingly down her stomach until I reached her panties. I could smell her, and I realized then that she had probably seen and smelled just how wet I was when she was in this position.

I broke eye contact and pulled her panties down, exposing the deep V shape below her stomach, a thin strip of blonde pubic hair, and finally her labia. I had never been so close to another woman’s pussy before. It was beautiful. Her lips parted slightly, covered with drops of moisture.

With one last tug, her panties came free and fell to the bed. She kicked them to the floor.

We locked eyes, and Alexis ran her fingers through my hair.

“Now what?” she asked.

I had just one thing on my mind, and it was something I had never even considered before. I wanted her. I wanted to lean into her, to breathe her in, to taste her.

Just then a knock came at the door.

Alexis threw her hands up.


I told her to wait a minute, and I rushed to my closet and threw on the shirt and shorts that I usually slept in. I padded to the door and stood for a moment, trying to regain my composure, before I opened it.

It was my dad.

“Hey Ry,” he said, pulling me in for a hug. “Mom told me what happened. Thought I could get you dinner tonight. I tried calling, but you didn’t pick up.”

“Oh! Um … “ I glanced toward the bedroom. “Sure, yeah.”

“Great! You go get ready. I’ll wait out here.”

He followed me into the living room and took a seat on the couch.

When I returned to the bedroom, Alexis was already dressed. Our moment had passed. She gave me a long hug and took my camera with her when she left.



  1. That was a pretty hot story, you tell it well. What ever happened between the two of you after that night? Did the pics make it out there and help you out? Did you and Alexis ever get to finish what you started?

  2. I don’t know if this is fact or fiction, but I’m now struggling to conceal my excitement at work… holy hell Ry…

  3. I would like to see some of the pictures lol. And another story please.

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