Gay Bondage Surprise 3[gay][reluctant][hot tub]

I laid in bed for hours after that intense day. I looked up at the ceiling and went over what had happened over and over, remembering the last words that Myles had said to me.

“Let me know if you ever want some more. Or better yet, have a taste of your own.”

I couldn’t get my mind off of his mouth, his technique, and how eager he was. There was something so wrong with everything that had happened. I knew I wasn’t gay, I just knew it. I couldn’t be. I had been with so many women in my life, I had had a handful of serious girlfriends and dozens of flings and one night stands that were incredible. Tall, leggy blondes with pouty lips and a massive chest, petite brunettes with perky tits, pale redheads with curves, I had had them all. But, as I went over all my sexual encounters in my mind, I realized something disturbing. None of them sucked cock like Myles did.

I went over the last twenty-four hours in my mind and agonized over every detail. I had gotten so drunk the night before, more drunk than I had ever been in the past. Had I really said all of those things to Myles that he claims I did? Did I really admit all of those things to him or was this is all some elaborate plan to convince me that I wanted him to do what he did? Was he lying? Or, is it possible, that I had really had all of those thoughts in my head, that I had really had these latent desires inside me all this time and finally revealed them to my gay roommate in my drunken state?

I didn’t know what to think or what to do. I laid on my bed for what seemed like days, rubbing my sore wrists and trying to figure out what to do next. Finally I got out of bed. I looked down at my cock, still erect and engorged from the best blowjob of my life. I decided to do the only thing I knew, go through my daily routine as if nothing happened and hope that these disturbing thoughts would go away.

I pulled my plaid fleece robe on and peeked out of my open bedroom door. I was sure I heard Myles rummaging around in his own bedroom, so I tip-toed down the hall to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and turned on the shower, ready to wash away the shame of what had just happened.

I stood in the shower with my palms flat against the wall. I leaned against the tile, my head bowed underneath the hot water that ran over my face. Steam filled the shower stall and flashes of the evening jumped through my brain. I suddenly remembered a moment where Myles helped me onto my bed while I wobbled and ranted drunkenly. I caught a flash of myself slurring something about men in the shower at the gym and I shuddered. Maybe it was all true after all.

The water was hot on my skin and I began to wash my cock. Every soapy stroke reminded me of Myles bobbing his head up and down on my stiff pole. I closed my eyes and remembered every detail of his face. His eyes looking up at me with satisfaction and victory, his lips surrounding me and his tongue teasing every inch of my throbbing member. I lost myself in the memories and before I knew it I was no longer washing myself. I was stroking my cock and gasping for air as I stroked myself to the thoughts of my roommate blowing me better than any woman I had ever been with.

“What the hell am I doing?” I asked myself out loud. I shook my head, turned the shower to freezing and slapped myself back into reality. I finished my shower and went on with my day as if nothing had happened. Things were awkward around Myles for the rest of the day, and things didn’t get much better over the next week.

Myles started to tease me around the apartment. He would walk around wearing nothing but tight boxer briefs, his firm ass and bulging package on display for me to obsess over. I would walk into the kitchen and see him cooking in nothing but an apron, acting completely casually and talking to me as if everything was normal. He would leave the door open while he bathed and showered, even masturbate loudly in his bedroom so I could hear his moans. I would walk around the apartment anxious, wondering if he would be dressed today or if I would hear or see something inappropriate. Soon, I began to find myself getting hard at the thought of running into him in the bathroom after a shower.

I stuffed those feelings down and did everything I could to suppress the thoughts I was having. I would watch Myles bend over, his tight underwear hugging his manly backside, and something would stir in my crotch. I would wander into the bathroom without knocking, hoping to walk in on him showering or getting undressed. I couldn’t admit that I wanted more, I was just curious. I knew that something strange and unfamiliar was going on in my head but it just couldn’t be as simple as it seemed. I wasn’t gay, I just knew I wasn’t. It must have been because of what he did to me, some residual hormones or something from cumming for the first time in a mans mouth. It was temporary. I am not gay.

I did everything to convince myself of this fact every single day. Until, one day, something happened. It was a few weeks after the first incident in my bedroom and I decided I really needed to relax. It had been a long day at work and the stress and confusion of what had been going on at home had me tense. My mind hadn’t been calm for weeks and all I could think about was the aching questions in my brain about my sexuality. Why had these events been so difficult for me? Would anything ever be the same again? I couldn’t agonize any longer over all of this and I just need to lay back and relax for an evening.

Luckily, a friend had gone away for work and had given me his keys so that I could watch his house, water his plants, and collect his mail. He was the successful guy in our big group of friends and was well off, with a big house and, conveniently, a giant hot tub under a wooden gazebo.

The yard was private with tall fences and I knew this would be the relaxing moment that I needed. A stone path led to the cedar gazebo, surrounded my shrubbery and flowers. The hot tub was framed by mahogany, and the surfaces around the tub contained cupholders, ice bucket, and even a mini fridge. Music played from speakers under the roof of the gazebo and I cracked open a beer as I sat back and let the heat calm my muscles.

Everything slipped away and my mind went blank for a moment, while the bubbles surrounded me. After a few relaxing moments, Myles popped into my head again. I heard his voice in my head saying dirty and depraved things to me, making me wonder if he was right about everything. I thought about how good it felt and how right he was about men knowing what a man wants. I thought for a moment and decided that looking back fondly on the experience was not such a big deal. It wasn’t about the man blowing me, it was just about the skill of the blowjob itself. Besides, everyone knows that getting a blowjob isn’t gay, as long as I never suck a guy then I’m totally straight! Remembering the pleasure I felt was normal and definitely had nothing to do with being gay. It was fine.

I closed my eyes and looked back on that day. The rush, the feel of a playful mouth wrapped around my throbbing erection. I relived the sensations and began to stroke myself, the bubbles covering my long awaited ‘me’ time.

Everything was nice and calm and I stroked myself slowly thinking about the best blowjob of my life. After a while, I couldn’t separate the actual act from the man who gave it to me. I pictured Myles’ face looking up at me, his eyes, his mouth, and his voice. In fact, I could swear I could hear his voice in the air, whispering to me and saying my name, as I imagined his skilled tongue flicking against my tip. He called to me, saying my name over and over in my head. I opened my eyes for a moment and realized, it wasn’t in my head.

“Hey you. Getting a little dirty in the hottub huh? My kind of guy.” Myles stood at the entrance to the gazebo in his tight orange speedo with a towel over his arm. “I don’t imagine you would mind some company since you’re moaning my name as you jerk off.”

I jumped, not realizing that I had been moaning anything or that Myles was even here. I looked around to make sure we were alone and I stared up at Myles in disbelief.

“Wh-what the hell are you doing here?” I asked, stuttering. Myles simply smiled and stepped cautiously into the hottub. He sunk down into the water and laid his arms out on the edge of the tub as he looked at me with a coy grin.

“Well, Anthony gave me a key as well because he thought you might be working. He asked me to check up on the cats if you were too busy for a day or two. When you didn’t come home I figured you were staying late at work. I decided to come enjoy the hot tub after feeding the cats. Little did I know I would find you here going at yourself while thinking about me.” Myles winked at me and stuck his tongue out as he chuckled at my discomfort. I squirmed in my seat, realizing that I was completely naked as I thought I would be alone.

“I, I mean, I wasn’t. I swear that’s not what I was thinking about. I just…” I sputtered. I couldn’t admit to him that I was thinking about how he pleasured me. I couldn’t even admit it to myself. “I thought I was alone. And I keep telling you, I’m not gay. I mean, what happened before that was against my will. I couldn’t help it, I totally didn’t really like it. But, anyway. Let’s just forget about this.” My blabbering got the best of me and I tried to just shut up and end my humiliation. I started to stand up to get out of the tub, but suddenly felt self conscious that I was naked. I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea or think that he could touch me again.

“Listen, you don’t have to worry about anything. I don’t plan on sucking that cock tonight, trust me.” Myles tittered. “I’m really not interested.”

I nodded, relieved, and tried to relax back into the tub. But something nagged at me, and for some strange reason I couldn’t shake what he had said.

“Um, what do you mean, you’re not interested?” I asked meekly. Myles chortled and tilted his head playfully.

“Mm, you sound a little sad about that.” He smiled. I could tell that he thought I secretly wanted him to be into me, and for a split second, I wondered myself if that were true.

“N-no, no! Just, after everything you went through, tying me to my bed and teasing me, and…well, sucking me off like that. You obviously wanted to, I mean, you were so enthusiastic about it. I know I have never had a woman blow me that was so eager and…fuck, never mind. I don’t know what I’m on about.” I tried to suppress my growing boner, but Myles could see beneath the bubbling water that I was getting hard just talking about our shared experiment.

“Hmm, it seems as though you liked it. You want a little more, don’t you?” He taunted me. I shook my head and waved my hands in disagreement.

“No, no! I swear I don’t want that again. I mean it felt good, but I don’t think about it or anything. I don’t think it was a big deal, something like that doesnt make me gay so it’s ok.” I justified. Myles’ lips curled into a smile and he waded across the hottub and sat down beside me. His proximity made me recoil and I felt uncomfortable with how close he was. Our thighs were pressed together and my erection was noticeable. I worried that Myles would try to touch me and grope me in some way, or even, try to kiss me.

The environment was just so private and almost romantic. I shuddered at the thought of Myles taking this opportunity to get more intimate. What if he wanted something more, what if he tried to kiss me and start something more? This didn’t feel teasing and sexual like when we were in my bedroom, this felt like he wanted to do something less dirty and more…gay.

“Am I making you uncomfortable? Or is this turning you on?” He asked, reaching over and placing his hand gently on my knee. I continued to shake my head and shut my eyes tight, swimming in the shallow waters of my own mind trying to convince myself that I didn’t want this.

I felt his fingers on my skin and my cock twitched beneath the water. I stared blankly into the bubbles and my heavy breathing was audible. I thought about what this would mean, what if he leaned in? Would it be homophobic if I just freaked out right now and jumped out of the tub and ran? But, would it make me gay if I stay here quietly while he groped me and kissed me and touched me all over. I thought about his tongue in my mouth and his hand on the back of my head pulling me in closer. I found myself getting lost in the imagery and when I snapped back to reality I realized that Myles had slipped his hand further up my thigh. His fingers were now nestled against the base of my cock, and he massaged my leg, caressing my balls subtly.

“You-you said you weren’t interested.” I mumbled. Though I was in the most relaxing location possible, I was more tense than I had ever been. “What are you doing?”

“Mmm, I said I wasn’t interested in giving you a blowjob.” Myles explained. I furrowed my brow in confusion and sheepishly looked over at him.

“Then, what do you want?”

Myles gave me a sly grin and with one last squeeze of my thigh, he stood up.

“Wait, what are you doing?” I asked, my eyes darting up and down between Myles’ bulge and his playful gaze. Without a word, he tucked his thumbs into the waistband of his speedo and before I knew it, he too was completely naked.

“You like what you see?” He asked, flinging his bathing suit over the edge of the tub and onto the wooden gazebo floor. I stared in awe at the incredible sight before me. Myles was well endowed with a gentle upward curve that intrigued me. I couldn’t bring myself to look away, and Myles stood there with a sense of satisfaction as I gawked at his package.

I still can’t quite comprehend what was going through my mind at that moment. There was a cacophony of intrusive thoughts and feelings mingling in my brain and I ogled my roommate for what seemed like hours. I had a strange urge that I couldn’t understand. I licked my lips and stared so long that Myles chuckled.

“Wow, you weren’t lying about being curious were you? All that stuff that you said about wondering about other guys, wanting to look at dicks in the locker room. You really wanted to take a nice long look, didn’t you?” He took his now erect member in his hand, showing it off and stroking it slowly as he teased me with his eyes. “I think you’ve been curious about more than just what it looks like, though.”

“Wh-what? I mean, no! It’s just, dude, you pulled your cock out it’s weird it’s just I didn’t know what to do here. I don’t…like it, or anything.” I convinced him, and myself. I knew it was just the odd situation he was putting me in that was making me act so strange and curious, there was no way I actually wanted his dick.

“Hm, you think so?” Myles tittered. “Because you haven’t taken your eyes off of it for a second. You’ve been staring, licking your lips and imagining how it tastes.” He asserted, a playful smirk spreading across his face.

“What! Oh my God, Myles, man. I told you, I’m not gay!” I started to get frustrated and defensive at his crazy suggestion. “What you did, I mean, getting a blowjob isn’t gay! Giving one, though, I mean, putting a dick in my mouth? Now that, that is just super gay, man. No offense, but I’m really straight, I swear!”

I stood up, covering myself with my cupped hands, ready to jump out of the hot tub and get myself out of this awkward situation. My face was red, from more than just the heat, and I started to step carefully around Myles. But, I didn’t get far.

“Maybe you want to rethink that.” Myles stopped me with a firm but tender grasp around my arm. I stopped in my tracks, our bodies close and our eyes interlocked. He placed his other hand on my cheek and leaned in, taking me by surprise. I backed off instinctively for a moment but he pulled me into him. Our chests pressed together and our cocks touched and before I could pull myself away or protest, Myles kissed me.

Everything went dark and my mind raced. A million thoughts ran through my brain and I couldn’t feel my body. I couldn’t move or speak, all I could feel was my roommates tongue in my mouth, swirling and dancing with my own. His lips were soft and supple and his technique was exquisite. He had a pleasant taste and his palm cradled my jaw as he massaged my tongue with his. He wrapped one arm around me and played my spine like a piano. His touch was warm though the air above the water was chilling my flesh. I could feel his toned stomach against me and his soft groans made my tingle.

His hand slid down the small of my back slowly and he cupped my bare ass with his strong, firm palm. This was too far and I jumped as his fingers crawled inward. I pushed him away and collapsed back down into the water with a splash.

“What the fuck was that! That’s so not cool!” I protested, angry and confused. Myles stood in front of me again and chortled.

“Ha! It isn’t then why were you tonguing me like a horny teenager?” He asked rhetorically, making a disturbing point that I myself couldn’t even understand.

“I-I wasn’t. I didn’t!” I shouted, trying to out the pieces together in my head and remember the moments that just occured. Did I? I remembered him grabbing me and kissing me and after that it was all a blur. Did I kiss him back? How long was this going on for? I looked down below the bubbling water and saw my throbbing erection and wondered to myself if I had actually enjoyed what had just happened. I kissed a man! Or rather, he kissed me. Did this mean something? It couldn’t, it wasn’t my fault that he grabbed me like that and kissed me without my consent. I just didn’t want to freak out and seem intolerant, that was all. I wasn’t gay.

“There’s nothing to be ashamed of, honey.” Myles reassured me, lowering himself into the water and sitting next to me. “You liked that blowjob and you liked that kiss. It doesn’t mean anything bad, just that you are willing to experiment a little. Maybe you should open up a little more and give something else a try. Nothing too extreme, maybe just a little touching.” With that, Myles reached over and took my hand in his.

A shiver ran down my spine and I considered pulling my hand away and making a run for it. Something in my head told me that what was about to happen was too far for my comfort, but I told myself that I couldn’t offend my roommate. After all, everyone says that homophobes are secretly gay and in the closet. If I over reacted to a gay man touching me, it would seem as though I myself have homosexual tendencies, right? It seemed more reasonable to play all of this cool and let him do what he was going to do and keep calm. If it went way too far I could calmly turn him down and remind him that I’m straight. I relaxed a bit, reminding myself that I was doing the right thing and simply by letting him touch me a bit, I was just being tolerant.

“See, not so scary, is it?” He asked. I shook my head casually as he stroked my hand a bit. Soon, he was pulling my hand toward him and before I knew what was happening, I was holding his erect cock in my hand. I felt his pulse throbbing and pumping against my palm, his spongey tip engorged in my grasp as he held my hand firmly around his shaft.

His heat seemed to surpass that of the water in the hot tub and all The sounds of the yard faded away. The humm of the tub, the rustling of the shrubbery, and the bubbling of the water were all drowned out by the sound of my own heart thumping loudly in my chest. I was warmed by the heated pool but somehow I still felt a chill beneath my skin and I shuddered. My body tensed and my muscles ached and contracted all at once, not knowing what to do or what to say. All I could feel was the intense throbbing beneath my hand and the passionate stare of Myles’ piercing gaze.

Mere seconds had passed, though it felt like an eternity. I struggled with an array of emotions that flooded me. Confusion, questioning my own sexuality, curiosity, intrigue, and desire. I wondered internally what to do. Pull away? Leave? Sit there silently and wait for Myles to make his next move? I didn’t have to wonder long.

“So…” Myles started, sensing my indecision and discomfort.

“So.” I repeated without any real direction. And then, he asked the question that made my blood pump fast and my mind race.

“Want to have a little taste?”


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