Ghouls and the Good Doctor [F] [Fantasy] [EU] [Witcher] [Group] [Stretching] [Deepthroat]

Another pointless fight because of petty land squabbles. Another long night picking through the field, hoping that someone was still alive. Walking among the dying was an odd experience, but Shani was always hopeful. That’s what you had to be. Hope kept people going. Someone reached out to her but passed before she could even console them.

It was dreadfully gloomy, the chill settling in as the sun fled. The fog started to creep in. It would be the last sunset for a lot of these men. She was so lucky by comparison. How many more sunsets did she have in her? Shani crouched next to a man who didn’t appear to be bleeding or maimed. When she turned his head, she saw his puffy black face and caved in helmet and already knew he was dead.

If she could share the rest of her sunsets with all these men, she would.

She didn’t recognize the colors they wore, just knew that she had to help them. That’s what being a doctor was about. Shani didn’t worry herself with too much of the politics anyway. Right now that didn’t matter. She had to find someone to help first. It wasn’t like any of the other nurses were going to help her.

Shani left those hags squabbling to each other in the town over, arguing about whether it was right to go so soon after the battle, about the dangers of looters and ghouls. When she thought about them, a nexus of anger formed behind her eyes. They could hardly call themselves medical professionals. They didn’t give a damn about the soldiers.

“Help,” wheezed a weak voice. It couldn’t have been a couple paces away from her. “Please.”

Shani scrambled, nearly tripping over a corpse and getting a face full of muddy guts in the process. That would be quite the sight, if she stumbled up to him looking like a ghoul herself. She dropped to her knees when she found him, ready to try and help him. Her throat tightened up though at the sight.

The soldier’s legs were bent behind his back and his organs lay strewn about, as if a child had dug through them looking for something else. It was a miracle he was even alive at all. His face, caked black with mud, broke out into a lopsided smile when he saw her. He was young, barely more than sixteen if she had to guess.

“Heh, didn’t think this was the last face I’d see.” He said.

“You’re going to be fine,” lied Shani. It was always comforting, and if she could comfort him even the slightest bit, then that was good. She held his clammy hand in hers.

“Yeah, you think so? Y’know, you go to war, and you don’t expect it to be you,” he leaned his head back. “It’s always the guy next to you.”

“Is there anyone I can send a message to for you?” Shani asked.

“No. There’s no one. If there was, I wouldn’t be here.” He said, and the answer was so simple that she almost felt a fool for asking. Before she could ask him another question, she felt his grip relax in hers. Dead.

Shani didn’t cry anymore at death the way she did when she was younger, but she still felt sad. It was a waste. An absolute waste of a life, even if the boy had gone on to do terrible things. She hated the deaths when working in the Radanian Army, and she hated it doing freelance work like this.

Composing herself, she got to her feet to continue her hunt for other survivors when figures in the trees stopped her short. It was only then that she realized dusk was upon her, the sun gone behind the tombstone trees. She tried to make out the shapes, desperately hoping they were wolves, but she wasn’t an idiot. From their shrugging gait and wide heads, Shani knew what they were.


As a battlefield medic, Shani was no stranger to ghouls, but she usually had a retinue of soldiers protecting her from them. Or a Witcher. All she had now was a dagger in her belt, which was good for absolutely fuck all if it came down to it. She glanced at the boy who just passed, his smile still plastered on his face, and she knew that the ghouls would probably eat him. What a waste.

As the shapes descended on the battlefield, she slowly crept back the way she came. They had good eyesight in the dark, but between her and them was a literal feast. They’d only go after her if she were desperate, or if there were some other corpse-eater around with worse intentions. She tried to count the shapes and got to a dozen before turning to vanish into the trees.

That didn’t work out, considering the alghoul that towered in front of her.

It was an ugly brute of a thing, even in the dark. Its mottled skin was stretched tight over its bulky form. Stalking toward her on all fours, its short claws dug into the dirt. Shani felt for her dagger in her belt. An alghoul was a much bigger problem than she would have anticipated. Its sunken sable eyes glittered as the moon appeared between the clouds. It didn’t have a nose or lips, wearing a permanent grin of crooked yellow teeth. They stared at each other, frozen like cats on each other’s territory.

The alghoul moved first, bounding toward her. With a shriek, she tried to stab it in the eye but it ducked and drove its head into her stomach. She fell back down with a grunt, the air knocked out of her. The dagger slipped from her fingers too.

Then she was moving, scrambling to get to her feet and turn over. Something tugged at her belt, and she felt the alghoul’s claws barely miss shredding her legs as it tore through her clothing. She dove for her dagger and turned on her back to drive it up in the alghoul’s neck when it pounced for her. Shani pushed with as much effort as she could, black blood dribbling out of the wound and onto her favorite green tunic.

It headbutt her and she saw stars.

So that was it, huh? She’d get eaten alive by an alghoul and then a whole pack. She at least afforded herself the dignity of waiting to feel it chomping through her bones before screaming. Then, she’d scream until she died. That seemed as good a plan as any.

While her head swam, she waited for the inevitable to happen. When its shadow lifted off of her, she glanced up in confusion, mud sticking to her bright red hair. The alghoul was yapping toward the others, and they crawled over, mouths and hands slick with fresh blood. Maybe now she could start screaming.

Yet, instead of lunging for her like starved dogs, they just formed a circle while they leader paced toward her again. Shani propped herself on her elbows, slowly wiggling backwards and trying to ignore the cold mud on her now bare ass. There were faint claw marks in her thighs from when it tried to grab her.

It shot forward and shoved its head between her legs. Before the panic or confusion could set it, she gasped when she felt its tongue slip into her pussy. A wave of disgust rolled up her body, skin prickling with gooseflesh.

“W-what the hell?” Shani cried but this was a necrophage, hardly capable of understanding what she was saying. That same long tongue that they used for sucking the marrow out of bones, was now exploring her depths. Its noseless face pressed against her pussy and it felt like it was eating her from the way it opened and closed its mouth. “S-stop!”

Worse of all was her body betraying her. Biology could be such a bitch, she knew that as a medical professional. She wasn’t enjoying that knowledge, as waves of pleasure mixed with the feelings of disgust. Worse of all, no matter how far or quickly she crawled, the alghoul was there, stomping after her and lapping at her cunt with its absurdly long tongue.

Her crawling came to an end when she bumped into another ghoul from the ring around her. It was a lot smaller than its leader, and its skin was lighter, but being face to face with a ghoul was still the last thing she wanted. They shared a look.

Then its tongue was down her throat too, her eyes opening wide. She started to thrash, but it grabbed her arms and pinned her down. Her hips bucked, toes digging through the soft earth as the alghoul had its way with her. The ghoul’s tongue snaked over hers, pushing down her throat and making her gag. It tasted vile, just like corpses. It sucked on her lips, and she found herself drooling uncontrollably as she continued to gag on its tongue.

Against all of it, Shani found herself tensing up, and she tried her best not to cum. Tried her best, but the feeling of the alghoul rubbing against her was too much. Moaning into the ghoul’s mouth, she bucked her hips, flexed her thighs until she thought she was about to have a cramp, and then came on the alghoul’s face. It kept eating her out in the process, and what should have been a one-off orgasm turned into an avalanche of pleasure.

When it finally stopped, the two pulled their tongues out of her. She gulped in air and spit out the taste left over. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” breathed Shani, suddenly very weak and still very aware how many ghouls were surrounding her. She never would have imagined a necrophage would bring her to orgasm. A knot of disgust formed in her chest, but it quickly turned to fear when the alghoul pulled away from her with its lipless grin.

Underneath, its cock stuck out. Shani didn’t even *know* they had cocks. What was the purpose? The evolutionary need for that? It was longer and thicker than anything she’d previously had before, and as the alghoul stepped over her she saw bits and pieces of flesh falling off the rotten dick. Its nuts hung, ballsack full of gods-knew-what. She wanted to throw up at the sight.

“No!” Shani cried as it lowered itself, and she lashed out with her foot and kicked it in the dick. Given that her dagger was still wedged in its neck, she didn’t imagine a swift groin kick would do anything, but as a woman old habits died hard. It worked for men of all species, so maybe it would work for monsters?

Evidently not, considering the only response from the alghoul was a twitch of the eye. Her hopes dashed, her stomach dropped. Shani tried in vain to wiggle her hips this way and that, but the ghoul above her held her fast and restricted her movements. The alghoul’s face got very close to her, its toothy a smile a permanent fixture on its knobby skull. The tip of its cock rubbed against her.

Now she could start screaming.

Her shriek got caught in her throat as the necrophage shoved itself inside. She had to spread her legs wide just to make it bearable. It pushed up to her cervix, grinding uncomfortably against her. As it dragged itself out, she took another breath to complete her screams. The alghoul’s thrust knocked the air from her lungs and stole from her any ability to cry for help. Not like anyone would come. Even an experienced Witcher would be hesitant to approach such a large group of ghouls. Shani was on her own here, at their mercy.

She grunted with each thrust, watching with horror as her stomach bulged. She certainly wasn’t a virgin, but she’d never been stretched like this. Between thrusts and her animalistic grunts, an unwelcomed feeling of pleasure began to creep up on her. Was she liking this, being taken by an alghoul ad used as a plaything? All her other times had been so hot, so passionate, under the moon or in a dimly lit room like the stories promised.

Shani had to angle her hips up just so it wasn’t unbearable. The grinning alghoul didn’t make any noise as it fucked her, just staring at her with black pits for eyes, its cock stretching her out. She realized that the pain had started to fade, and she was moving her hips willingly against it. Gods, she *was* enjoying this, wasn’t she? Her breasts jumped in her tunic as she lied on the ground, made a bitch by the necrophage.

It came inside her without warning, and the sudden warmth in her womb made her tremble. “O-oh, fuck,” her voice shook, and she dug her nails into the dirt, ripping up loose dirt. The necrophage didn’t so much as make a noise, which would have unnerved Shani if she wasn’t trying to rationalize her pleasure. It was a biological reaction. She wasn’t enjoying this. By the gods, she was being raped by ghouls, how could anyone enjoy this?

Before she could come to her senses, the alghoul started to move again, causing Shani to gasp in surprise. Some of its cum spurt out of her, coating her inner thighs. She watched in amazement as it picked up speed, the head of its cock a clear outline against her abs. It had only been a couple seconds, hadn’t it? How –

Another cock dangled in front of her mouth, thin and withered like old tree bark but undoubtably dripping a thick green cum. Was that the color? She realized the circle of ghouls had closed in around her, all of them with large erect cocks underneath them.

By the gods, she was fucked.

The ghoul above her let her go as it shoved it’s dick down her throat. She didn’t have much time to become accustomed to it, forced to relax her jaw and throat to allow it access. There was no point struggling now. If she fought back too hard, they might eat her, and even though the taste of necrophage cock was enough to make her vomit, she sucked its cock eagerly.

It was less sucking, and more of letting the ghoul pump away as it pleased. Rocked by the spitroasting she was receiving, she was barely lucid enough to reach up and massage the ghouls nutsack in a small bid to get it to cum sooner. Globs of spit formed around her lips, her chin slick was its vile precum. Shani’s whole face was quickly becoming a sloppy mess.

“Hrk, hrk, hrk,” gagged Shani as the ghoul’s whole shaft slipped down her throat. “Hrk, ghru-urk!” She tried to beat against it as it held its dick in her mouth ands tarted to cum. With nowhere else to go, Shani was forced to swallow its throat, throat bulging and flexing as she swallowed her meal. When it pulled out, she sucked in a much needed breath of air. The moon was bright, the stars a glittering blanket above her. For a moment, she lost herself in the sky.

Shani was interrupted by another ghoul cock, yanked back to the reality of the situation. This was just what she had to do, and even though these ghouls ahd no ideaw hat to do besides thrust as deep into her as they could, she moved her head back and forth and fondled their nuts to get them to cum faster. It was sort of like a competition, seeing who would cum first.

It was also a bid for survival, as she wasn’t too keen on being fucked to death by a pack of ghouls. As she swallowed her second filthy load of the night, she found herself tolerating the taste. By now, snot bubbled had popped out of her nose, her modest makeup a runny mess, her lips and cheeks slick with saliva and precum. The alghoul, the leader, continued to rut her, and her toes dug into the earth as she came again around its cock, breathing heavily and trying to suppress a moan.

That was her life for as long as the night went on. She’d desperately suck a ghoul’s cock, hoping to milk it as fast as possible. At the same time, the alghoul would cum in her, wait a couple of seconds, and then continue fucking her. Shani fell into the rhythm, moving her hips in rhythm with the necrophage and cumming occasionally from the rough treatment. The ground around them was slick with cum, and it literally dripped out of her in globs. It soaked through her toes, and when she was too tired to keep her hips up, it smeared all over her thighs.

Shani didn’t know how long she was there for, or how many cocks she sucked. At one point she stopped tasting the cum, just swallowing it because that’s what she’d been doing for the past several hours. Her face was a caked, runny mess, and her tunic was sweat through, smeared with cum and dirt. Shani’s legs were sore, and so was her abdomen as the alghoul never really stopped fucking her. She wondered how stretched she was.

Still, Shani didn’t complain or even fight back as another ghoul offered her its long, ugly cock. Like a brainless animal, she opened her mouth and did what she had to do, even if her jaw hurt, her throat was tired, and her stomach bulged from the sheer amount of cum she had ingested. Shani moaned around the dick as she came for another, unknown time around the alghoul. That seemed enough for the one in her mouth, as it blasted another hearty amount in her mouth.

Then the alghoul pulled out of her for the first time since this all began, and she felt the literal torrent of cum dribbling out of her stretched, abused cunt. With cum leaking out the corner of her mouth, Shani propped herself on her elbows to inspect her gaping pussy and limp lower body slathered in jizz. For a moment, she wondered why the ghouls had all stopped.

The sun cracked over the trees, a lance of light shining on her bulging belly and chasing off the last stragglers of the pack. Dazed, Shani just lied there, watching the shadows vanish into the trees. She shuddered as another splurt of cum was squeezed out of her when she flexed. Exhausted and numbed, Shani fell back to allow herself a rest.

Part of her was glad it was over, and another part of her was disgusted that she enjoyed the treatment at all. Shani prepared to pull herself up, so she could sneak off to the camp for a much needed show. She stopped when the ground shook, heavy footfalls vibrating in her bones. A moment of terror caught in her chest, but she was too tired to scream. A shadow fell over her, blotting out the morning sun.

Shani looked over her shoulder, straight at a looming Fiend with horns like tree branches, and an erect cock much more akin to a tree trunk. She gulped.

“Fuck,” was all she could saw before the Fiend snatched her in its claws to carry her away.


1 comment

  1. Super hot horror fantasy erotica! Excellently written. Reminded me of a Warhammer book I read some years ago. Thanks for writing and posting this.

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