Fucking [M]y Best Friend (Part 5)

Link to part 4: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/c8945a/fucking_my_best_friend_part_4/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/c8945a/fucking_my_best_friend_part_4/)

Nicky, as it turns out, was also an Engineer. I would see her around the same time every day walking to class. We would walk together, talk, flirt. It was refreshing to be with her.

I liked her. I liked her long blonde hair. I liked the way her voice had sultry, almost raspy, overtones. I liked the way she dressed.

I liked that she was new.

I also really liked how she looked at me. I liked how she was just so excited to be making friends, living in a new place, really being on her own for the first time. Being with her made me think back to when everything was less complicated. Back then, I was dating Sarah. I was best friends with Ella. Brian and I were getting into the normal amount of trouble. Nicky didn’t know anything. She was just having fun.

We separated in the usual spot. I continued up the staircase while she went through the double doors into a big freshman lecture hall. I took a seat in the back of my class upstairs, put my bag in the seat next to me, and took out my phone. I had a text from Nicky and a snapchat from Sarah.

<Ugh, my prof cancelled class.>

<Wow, I feel so bad for you. How will you ever get through such a hardship?>

<Haha fair, but he could have sent an email so I didn’t have to come all the way down here. Ya know?>

<True, plus you had to spend all that time walking with me.>

<lol yea, you’re the worst.>

Let’s open that snap. The caption just said “Should I?” over a picture of the butt plug I bought for Ella, sitting on Sarah’s bed. I knew Sarah well enough at this point. I knew what she was trying to do. For a moment, she succeeded. I pictured her tight, athletic, dancers body. I pictured the rose colored gem pressed between the soft skin of her ass. I pictured her walking around campus with a secret. I was picturing Sarah as a sexual being again.

For so long I had fought the urge to think of Sarah like this. It never ended well when I did. I decided not to respond. I knew that she’d see I opened it. I knew that she wanted to pull me back in. The thing is, I didn’t trust her. How could I?

So many questions where whirling around in my mind.

How could I trust that this wasn’t an attempt to manipulate me? Why was I feeling so threatened from an attempt by my own girlfriend to be sexy? Was I the one making *her* feel threatened? Was I the one being manipulative? Why wasn’t I *really* responding? If I left her hanging… Would she send me more? Would she push herself further? How *far* could I push her?

No. I wasn’t going to think about this right now. I just wanted to keep texting Nicky. I figured I’d deal with Sarah later. It wasn’t a problem for right now. I wasn’t doing anything wrong. She was the one who wanted this form the beginning. It was her idea… Fuck. I really wondered. Was all this actually her idea?

I should just text Nicky. Nicky. Text Nicky, I thought as I opened up my messages.

<flag_of_japan_emoji ?>

She never actually responded to me. I just left. I picked up my bag and walked out of class. My face was hot. My teeth were grinding against each other. The lecture hadn’t even started. It was hotter outside than it was on my walk down. I didn’t enjoy the breeze. I was annoyed by it. I didn’t smile at strangers passing me, I wanted them out of my way.

I got up to Ella’s place. She still hadn’t answered me.

<Ella? You home?>

I stood there. I felt like I had no choice. I stood there and just fucking waited.

<Sorry I was taking a nap.>

<I’m outside. Can I come up?>

Nothing. No response. I was holding my breath. I was holding my phone. I was gripping it so tight and holding it so close to my face. I felt like if I took my eyes off of it for even a second I’d miss her response. I felt like I had to hold it up higher so no one could see what it said. I just fucking stood there, not blinking, barely breathing.

Then, someone walked towards her door. He must have lived in the building. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his key card. He swiped the card. The light turned green. He opened the door. He turned around while holding the door.

“You need to be let in?”

My heart was pounding. I did need to be let in. I really really really fucking needed to go inside.

“..No… Thanks though, I’m just meeting someone out here.”

He nodded. He let the door close. Fuck. Fuck… FUCK!

I wanted to scream.

My fingers were twitching. I fumbled at my phone and was struggling to type without putting a hole in the screen.

<Soooo, since your class got cancelled, wanna go get some lunch?>

<Yea! Don’t you have class though?>

<I’m not really feeling class today, I’ll just leave now to go meet up with you. Front of the library a good spot?>

<Oh shoot, I actually have to go meet with my adviser about declaring my major. Rain check?>

Fine. I’ll bite. Sarah then.

<So? Did you?>


<Show me.>

I got a snapchat from Sarah… She did.

<I’m coming over.>

<No, I’ll come to your place.>

I was scared. I was confused. I was really fucking angry. Most of all, I was horny. I pictured her again. I pictured her tight ass, and her toned legs bending over in front of me, in front of Brian. I pictured her dropping her bra and letting her firm perky tits be on display for me, and Brian. I wanted her to fuck me, and fuck Brian.

I sat down on my couch. She came in a few minutes later. We barely spoke.

She took her clothes off. She turned around. She reached her arms up high and stretched herself out. Sarah was really fucking limber. She started to bring her arms back down slowly until they were sliding down her legs. She grabbed her ankles and started to widen her stance. There it was.

I stood up and walked over to her. I firmly placed my hands on her ass.

“Be gentle.” I heard her whisper.

Was she afraid? Was she afraid of sex, or of me?

I took my finger and slid it up her back. As I passed between her cheeks, she shivered ever so slightly. My finger reached the shiny gem in her ass. I pushed on it lightly.

“What do you want me to do?” I asked.

“I want you to pull it out.”

“I’m going to text Brian first.”

I was surprised I actually said that.


“…” She thought for a moment while I was silent.


How far could I push her?

I pushed on the gem a little harder. She moaned. I knew when Sarah was faking. I knew her too well. She wasn’t faking.

I gripped the edges of the gem and began to pull. I felt her tight little hole resisting. I pulled a little harder. I saw the edges of the silver spade begin to peak past the sides. I stopped for a moment. Her pussy was on full display in front of me as she gripped harder at her ankles. I took two fingers and slid them inside of her with ease.

“Do you want to be filled up?”

“I do.”

I stopped pulling on the toy. Instead I took my finger, and pushed it back inside of her ass. It popped right in.

“Oh fuck yes.”

“I don’t think today is your first time using this toy Sarah.”

“Well… Today is the first time I’ve used *this* toy.”


“When you sent me that text, this summer, by accident… I got kinda… curious.”


“What I’m saying is… I’ve practiced. You can fuck my ass Nate.”

“You’re wet.”

“So then fill me up.”

Bossy as always.

I didn’t hesitate. I plunged my cock deep inside her pussy. I had never felt her this wet.

She was still bent over with her hands on her ankles. My hands were gripping her waist. My dick was as deep inside her as I could go. I could see the shiny little gem right in front of my face. She was squirming. She wanted more.

“Take the toy out.”

“Why, do you not like it?”

“Babe, I really want to feel a dick in there.”

*A* dick.

My door opened. Sarah stood up effortlessly. She was standing there with a plug in her ass, my cock in her pussy, fully on display for Brian who was now standing in my doorway. She began to grope at her breasts.

“Plus, now we need to make room for Brian.”

I looked right at him. He looked different. This was different. This was going to happen.

Brian turned around and closed the door. He locked it this time.

“Well, make some room then.” He said as he began to take his clothes off.

I pulled the toy out in one swift motion. Sarah’s entire body twitched. I pulled my cock out of her. I sat down on the couch. Sarah walked over to Brian and put her hand on his now exposed cock. She stood up on her tip toes and kissed him as she stroked him. I felt like I was looking at a stranger. Was this really the same Sarah that I knew?

She turned around to face me. She bent over in front of Brian as she had done, playfully, so many times before. This time, she wasn’t teasing him. He was fully erect as she slid her ass up his legs and against his crotch. There was an intensity in the room I had only felt once before. My first time with Ella.

Brian took his hands and wrapped them around her waist. I knew, but Brian couldn’t have known. Sarah’s midsection was incredibly ticklish. She was fighting the urge to break her sexy performance but it must have been too much. She quickly wiggled away from him.

“What? Are you ok? Oh god, I’m sorry Sarah.”

“No, no, it’s not that, I’m just really ticklish there!”

“Real smooth man.” I said, laughing on the couch.

There it was. The tension was gone. I knew what happened next. I almost felt like I should leave.

Sarah, finished giggling and dropped to her knees. She took a hold of Brian’s cock, gave it a kiss, but this time, slid it into her mouth without hesitation. I watched his expression change as my girlfriend began to suck him off. I watched this happen and felt my mind start to drift again. I looked at my phone.

I had a text from Ella.

<You can come up. I tried to do it on my own. I can’t cum. I need your cock to cum.>

Just like that. I was in another world. I remembered how angry I was. My girlfriend was sucking my best friend’s cock right in front of me, and I was angry about being there with them. I wanted to be fucking Ella. I stood up.

“You sit back down Nate.” Sarah said as she wiped her mouth.

She got up after giving his cock another kiss. She walked over towards me and grabbed my bottle of KY from the nightstand. She squirted some onto her hand and started stroking me. I’m sure she could tell something was off, but at this point, there were so many things it could have been, that I don’t think she cared.

She turned around and sat on my lap. My cock was poking between her legs and she was breathing in and out discreetly. She spread her legs and put them up on the couch. She raised herself up above my dick. All I could think is that if I fucked her ass, I couldn’t go fuck Ella. Too late. My penis was poking at her tight hole and she was pushing more of her weight onto me.

“mmmm fuck.”

I was in. Sarah slid down the length of my cock. I could feel her squeezing me. I could really, really, feel her squeezing. It took her some time, but she reached the base. My entire dick was in Sarah’s ass. Brian walked over to us.

“Your turn.”

He leaned over her. His arm brushed against mine as he steadied himself. I thought it would be weird for him, but it wasn’t. He didn’t even move his arm away from mine. He aimed his cock at Sarah’s pussy. I thought this would be a bigger moment for them, but it didn’t seem like it was. I guess I understood that too.

Like he had done it a thousand times before, he slid his cock deep into her wet pussy.

“Ohhh my fucking god yes. Fuck me boys. Fill me the fuck up.”

Brian started to move. I could feel him through her. I could feel him sliding in and out, pressing against the walls inside her, unintentionally massaging my cock with his. Part of me wished we were in the same hole so the feeling would be more intense. Maybe we could try it sometime, I thought. It felt good. It felt really good. Even so, all I could think about was Ella. I noticed his arm was still against mine. I suppose we were past that.

I felt like I was reliving act one. I felt like I was intruding on Brian and Sarah as I remained still, completely filling her ass as he fucked her hard on the other side. I was a prop to them. I was there so that this would be ok. I was there so that they could fuck each other without feeling like they did something wrong. I guess I understood that too.

The sensations were getting more intense. He was fucking her hard and deep. They were kissing passionately. They were having fun. She was squeezing me, he was rubbing against me. I felt the pressure building up in my cock, but my mind was somewhere else. I wished Nicky had been free earlier. I wished Ella had texted me sooner. I was stuck here, under them. I felt myself on the edge of climax, but that’s it. I didn’t feel anything for Sarah anymore. Her and Brian, they were the same to me. They were just my friends. I was fucking my friends again.

With Brian’s tongue down her throat, and his cock deep in her pussy, I came. I unloaded my cum deep into Sarah’s ass as she clenched me tight and he kept sliding against me through her. She didn’t stop kissing him. He didn’t stop fucking her. I felt so relieved.

I pushed Sarah up off of me slowly. She moaned, still invested in this. I’m not even sure if Brian ever exited her. I think he managed to stay inside the entire adjustment. But somehow there she was, riding him on the couch as I stood next to them wiping myself with a tissue. I looked over and saw what they were to me again. They were both really hot in this moment. I loved seeing their raw sexual energy on display right in front of me, but I didn’t love them. I didn’t love anyone.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. I walked over and gave Sarah a kiss. I winked at her, and gave Brian a thumbs up. They looked content to continue without me. That was fine. Better than fine actually. I caught a glimpse of my cum dripping out of her ass, down her legs, and onto his, as I left the room.

I hopped in the shower. I cleaned myself quickly. I got out, dried myself off, and walked back into my room. Sarah was bent over my bed while Brian fucked her from behind. He was smacking her ass and I could see her biting her lip. I wonder if she’d cum with him? I hoped so. I forgot neither of them technically lived in this room, despite how often they were there.

I grabbed a pair of loose sweats and a t shirt, threw on some flip flops and walked out of the room. I could hear Sarah begging Brian to play with her clit as I left.

I looked at my phone.

<Please come help me. I’m sorry I didn’t respond earlier. I’m yours to use. I’m sorry. Please come use me. I need to cum.>

How far had I pushed *her*?

I texted Nicky.

<Definitely, rain check, how about tomorrow?>

<Sounds great! What are you up to rn?>

I put my phone in my pocket, I walked over to Ella’s place, and I used her body.

She could barely talk. She could barely make out a word. I didn’t even try. We just melted together. she came almost instantaneously. We didn’t stop. We just kept going until we were completely out of breath. I could barely move my legs. My cock felt sore. My arms were weak.

We laid down on her bed. We were naked, catching our breaths. Her hand was on my dick, fondling it casually. My hand was in between her legs. We couldn’t stop touching each other. I wanted to break lose. I wanted to talk to her, joke around with her, hear about her life. We couldn’t yet.

“Again?” She said panting.

“Yea, again.”

It hurt. I knew she was sore too. We couldn’t stop. It hurt, but it was perfect. I felt everything when I was fucking Ella. It was transcendent. We were disgusting. We were sweaty. I could smell all of it again. Her hair was sticking to the side of her face and she had removed her glasses a while ago due to the constant fog. She didn’t need to see anyway.

Whatever I had left I shot inside her pussy one last time. I collapsed. I couldn’t continue. She had one more in her. She struggled to get herself on her knees. She inched her way up to me and straddled my face. She put her hands on the wall to hold herself up, but it was barely working.

I could taste everything but I didn’t care. This is what we did. I flicked at her clit with my tongue. I used the last of the energy I had. I kept going. She was pressing into me harder and harder, until finally, I closed my eyes and held my breath. I continued to grind my tongue against her as her fluids began to squirt onto my face. I felt like I was drowning, but Ella couldn’t stop. She screamed out and squeezed my head between her thighs. Her ejaculate was filling my mouth. I had no choice but to swallow it and continue flicking her red, swollen clit.

She collapsed. We couldn’t breath. We were disgusting. We passed out from exhaustion.

I woke up an hour or so later. Ella was still completely passed out on top of me. Her bright red pussy was right in front of me. Despite what it had been through earlier, it looked perfect. I wanted it again. I lifted my arm with some newfound energy. I was still sore all over. I put my hand on her mound. She was wet again. I slid my finger inside her slowly. She began to wake up.

“mmmm that… feels… so… good.”

My arm stopped working. I felt it go completely numb.

“Ella, I can’t keep going, I’m too tired.”

Ella put my semi hard penis in her mouth. She was licking it slowly, being extra careful, fully realizing how sensitive it was.

Her head fell back onto my leg. She let my dick fall out of her mouth.

“I can’t either. I’m drained.”

“Wanna watch a movie?”


“Brian and Sarah were fucking in my room before I came here.”

“What? Really?… Are you ok with that?”

“Yea, I was involved at the beginning, but I don’t know Ella, I just don’t love her anymore.”

“Damn, that’s tricky. She’s so stubborn too, what are you gonna do?”

“I don’t know yet. I really don’t know. How’s Ryan?”

“He’s good. He really cares about me and I feel like we might actually become something real.”

“We should probably stop fucking each other if you do.”


“Ella, can I ask you something?”

“Yea of course.”

“Why do you have so many bruises on your body?”

(End of part 5)

Thank you all again for reading! Part 6 will come early next week most likely!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/c9z3qy/fucking_my_best_friend_part_5


  1. Jesus man. You’ve got me so damn invested in this. At this point it’s not even about the sex it’s the drama pulling me in. Please keep up this amazing writing

  2. Fack. You’re really one for the cliffhangers, huh? Not complaining. Excellent writing, as always. Very intense. And hot. And fucked up. Well done.

  3. In the future, our preference is to post all parts of the same story in the same post. Please reply back on how many more parts there are to this story.

  4. I’m so invested in this it’s just stupid. I want to know if all these people are as hot as I have imagined them!

  5. Nice stories. But to be honest, it really sounds like you had developed a sex addiction, at least with the Ella girl.

    Also, I wonder, how did your feelings for Ella change during all this? Did you still see her as just a friend, or more?

  6. I’d love porn if it was like this. I like story and drama and fucking.

  7. Sounds like that wasn’t the first time Brian and Sarah have gone at it?

  8. Damn, I just want to see the end. Although it really seems like things are starting to spiral into a bad direction. Getting a little worried for all involved

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