First Post Here, New Writer! Untitled Story

Below is my first ever posted erotica story! Hopefully it’s just the start, but I’d really appreciate feedback and PM’s letting me know how you liked it. The more detail in your response the more rewarding it is for me and more likely I’ll reply. I’d like to hear from everyone who read it honestly. As you may notice, some pretty niche kinks are involved including a couple twists/things you wouldn’t have expected, which I hope is enjoyed.

Additionally, I’d be interested in roleplaying with people based on this little story, as well with any future pieces I post. It could be directly from the plot, a continuation of it, or an idea that was spurred by the story! If I enjoy the idea, I’d absolutely roleplay it. I am open to many kinks (better discussed in PMs) and roles (I play all genders and enjoy it). So without further ado, here it is – my first erotica story!


Anna, Rachel and Sophie gawked at each other in response to what they think they saw. “You guys see … that too, don’t you?” Anna asked with a smile on her face. “That guys huge bulge right?” Sophie replied energetically, sneaking another glance at his crotch. “Like, that’s not something in his pocket right?” She had to confirm the existence of this mans seemingly giant penis. “That thing is scary big,” Rachel says giggling. The three teen girls take turns peaking at the man from across the mall food court and exchanging ‘wows’ and ‘oh my gods’, all enamored with his mountain of a bulge. As he gets up to leave all of them take one last look – trying their hardest to burn the image of his more than impressive dick print into their minds. “Well that was a pleasant little, errr… big surprise,” Anna says laughing as they reconvene their attention back to each other around the table. “I want that,” Sophie says playfully, though meaning it entirely. “I don’t care if girls don’t wanna admit it but, yeah big dicks are where it’s at,” Sophie concludes. “Not that big, he’d hurt,” Rachel exclaims, though it makes sense coming from her. Rachel was the most innocent and inexperienced of the three. Sophie, the most experienced, whips her head around to face Rachel and side eyes her jokingly, “Umm no, I’d love for that man to come back and be the one to take me swimsuit shopping instead of you two,” Sophie jokingly bites her lip at her friends, and they all laugh together at the thought of that. The girls all decide to stand up, ready to finish searching for a new suit for Sophie before swim season starts. But the mans massive bulge was still on Anna’s mind. She wasn’t too experienced, but she knew what she liked. She had always been one who appreciated, maybe even obsessed over, the amazingly hung dicks she saw in porn, and heard about in real life. Her sexual past was not very extensive, but consisted of average sized guys. Which was completely fine, but the excitement of pulling down the boxers of a well-endowed guy was often in the back of her mind. Which this time she brought forward to share with her friends, “Why aren’t guys in our school that big?!” She asked them, exaggerating her frustration, somewhat jokingly. Rachel laughed, but Sophie looked at Anna, thinking maybe now was the time to tell her. “So I have a little gossip about someone I heard is absolutely huge from Reyna.” Reyna was a swim teammate of Sophie’s, and the swim team was always a little too close with each other when it came to this stuff. “Ooooo, who is it?” Anna asked grinning widely with excitement in expectation of some juicy gossip. “Well, about that.” Sophie says blushing already – she wasn’t sure how Anna would respond to it. She turns to Anna and puts on a smile, expressing a little awkwardness before she speaks, “Apparently your brother has a dick the size of Reyna’s forearm, she measured him.” Rachel gasps and laughs a little, but Anna’s jaw just dropped and after a pause closes her eyes and repeats, “Ew, ew , ew, ew ,ew.” Not ready to hear about her brother’s dick size and the fact he fucked someone she knows, Anna shakes her head as if she’s gonna throw up before looking back at Sophie, “Yep. I did not need to know that. I’m going to pretend like I didn’t hear that okay?” Anna puts on a funny fake smile, acting like she doesn’t have a care in the world before turning toward the swimsuit store, waiting for her friends to follow and end the conversation. But now that it was out, Sophie wanted to mess with Anna a bit more, finding her disgust of it all a little entertaining. “Apparently, he was really thick too, and fucked her really hard, she had to like stop him from breaking her,” Sophie says laughing hard at this point, coaxing out more horrified facial expressions from Anna. Even Rachel joins in now, “You know Anna, I was wondering if you could give me Anthony’s phone number,” she teases. Anthony was a senior in their high school, three years older than them, and didn’t associate with them too much except when they were with Anna at their house. Anna gave one last warning for them to stop and joked that she might throw up if they don’t. They agreed and went off shopping for Sophie’s swimsuit.

However, the words in Sophie’s mouth kept being repeated in Anna’s brain. The thought of now knowing her brother has a giant penis kept crawling into her mind, and she’d have to shake it away. But the unwanted thoughts started to increase in frequency. And eventually images… her mind worked like X-ray vision – peeling the clothes off her brother to reveal his long, veiny member. Guilt rushed over her as she tried to thwart the visualizations, but realized that she was obsessed with it now. “My brother has a big dick, what the fuck,” Anna thinks to herself. “He has a *really* big dick. Like, that’s a ridiculous size. As big as a forearm?” Anna can’t help but imagine what it looks like now, picturing her brother naked with a variety of penis shapes. “Does he have a big head? Is he shaved or trimmed? Fuck, it probably hangs between his legs like it does for pornstars…” Anna’s thoughts were unstoppable at this point, and she gave in to the fact that she… that she almost liked it – that it was turning her on. She expected to be embarrassed and awkward about the fact that a bunch of girls have probably heard the same rumor, but found herself enjoying it. She smiled as she realized it was actually making her proud. Knowing that she had an attractive, hung brother that the girls in school gave extra attention to pleased her. Of course she wanted to have a fit brother, one she could parade around for attention. Anna bit her lip as she imagined the sex between her older brother and Reyna, her big caramel colored ass riding and stretching on him.

To escape the situation of being horny for her brother around her friends, Anna ran into the bathroom of the swimsuit store, and closed a stall door. “What the fuck?” She thought to herself. She reached for the button to her pants, afraid of what she might find. But she already knows. She pulls her pants down and pulls on her panties to confirm her suspicions. A slick, creamy trail of her juice lines her panties. She gave up on fighting it and let herself fantasize about her brother, and how much she’d love to see it, and how much it turns her on to know her brother is that big. She knew what she was doing when she got home tonight…



  1. Yo this was incredible, you write so well and it’s really unique! Which makes me want to read more from you, so you should do that (I’m hopeful)

    Loved how exciting it was without even having a sex scene. Impressive

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