Take me now. (MF, bondage, predator/prey)

(This is my first time posting)

I watch you across the room. Watch as you weave in and out of the crowd. You prowl through the room looking for prey. You look up staring into my eyes, letting me see the animal inside. You have chosen and the chase is on.

I try to pretend I was watching, and even more so that my breath didn’t hitch when you caught me. The my pussy didn’t start to drip knowing you were coming for me.

I rush down the hall to put as much distance as I can between us. I might be the prey, but I won’t make this easy for you. I smile and weave through the crowds; stopping to talk to friends as I go. Friends are introducing me to different guys telling me why they are perfect for me to date. The problem is I don’t want gentle and kind. I want to be used. I want to feel.

I can feel you getting close to me. It is like the electric buzz of a storm coming. My skin feels like I touched lightening. I don’t want to let go. In my desire to escape I made a wrong turn. I face a set of dark stairs, and before I coudl decide you grab me.

I feel you arms roughly pin mine to my side. You start sniffing down my neck, nipping at me as you go. I struggle to break free and your grip turns bruising. “Start walking down”, you growl into my ear, ” don’t worry I won’t let you fall. I have plans for you”. I can’t see anything as I go down the step. I hear a door close and the lock turn. I fell into the trap so easily. I am yours.

To be continued…….

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/c7nur3/take_me_now_mf_bondage_predatorprey

1 comment

  1. Looks like a good start. I like your writing style. Keep it up!

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