[f] My pussy has a birthmark.

I am new to posting in general, so be gentle (also on mobile if that matters).

NSFW link: http://imgur.com/a/5fR3vP6

(Sorry, front camera and it is blurry)

To start whenever I would shave my crotch / pussy area I noticed there was some discoloration of white and dark skin that is not my skin tone. I did not really think much of it other than it was just my skin not getting sunlight in that area.

The only reason why I just found this out was of the YouTube channel, ‘LadyLike’. They did a video of that most women only look at their vaginas from the top down; which I am one of. Earlier today I went on a bike ride and when I came home I took a shower. For whatever reason, I get hot-and-bothered when I get myself all clean from being dirty.

At first (in bed now), I was just looking at myself from the top down and started touching. Then I remembered that video and turned my black phone screen towards me and I was like, “They were right, it does look like a regular vagina”. Then some more time and I thought about using the front camera so I could see it in color and not from a black screen. I was looking at myself and I had the camera tilted more up, so I could see my tits. Then I thought about looking at my asshole too.

I spread my legs, tilt the phone down and see a dark blotch surrounded by really white skin, “What the… Is that a fucking birthmark?” I was very confused because I saw the discolored skin I mentioned before (which I always see from the top down) then this really dark splotch with stark white skin surrounding it.

After the confusion I was like, “This would be great for reddit”.

+For the dark mark, I think it looks like a figure of a man with a top hat. (Would this be good for r/pareidolia ? :) )

+Birthmark? or Cancer?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/c7y2zw/f_my_pussy_has_a_birthmark


  1. I do think I’d like to kiss it and see if it makes it better.

  2. I think I’ve solved the mystery? Did your parents ever tell you the story about how you were conceived? This looks like strong evidence that it involved a monopoly game. Your mom must have been thinking about the man in the top hat when you were conceived!

  3. For one great pussy and butthole. For two seriously I’d check with medical pros to be safe

  4. I think it looks like the symbol that Prince used in the 90’s. Beautiful pussy.

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