Drunk Wifey blows [M]e after a party while I drive and order our [F]ood.

I have written for this sub a few times now, and I really enjoy it. It’s pretty cool knowing that even a few people are interested enough to read what I have to say. I hope these stories excite you as much as they excited my wife and I while they were happening.

I tagged it as “funny” although it could be “public” too. Not really sure how the tagging goes.

Just to give a bit of a disclaimer again. My stories have been pretty lengthy. I do my best to give details and paint the pictures as best I can. The stories I write up, with never be “We had sex. It was great. The End” Although, any contribution to this sub is appreciated. That is just not my style. My style is to try and be as real as possible. I want people to believe what I’m writing and never worry as to if it happened or not.

I’m not Brad Pitt and my wife is not Scarlett Johansson. We are extremely average people. But, to each other, we are not. I haven’t used our names yet, so I apologise if anything seems “off” with the story telling. I don’t want to use fake names, as that to me, seems disingenuous. I apologise for any grammar issues, forgive them and enjoy the story if you can.

Bit of back story, then on to the point. Ready? Begin.

My wife and I were going over to some friends of ours that were throwing a party. No real reason, other than to get drunk with some friends from work. Sounds like as good a reason as any for a party, if you ask me. As the night went on the drinks kept getting drunk. I have a pretty standard policy, if I have more than just a few drinks over the span of a few hours, I don’t drive. 1 drink or 2, an hour, if I’ve eaten, is my limit if I’m gonna drive. Unless I can feel it more, then we call for a ride. I usually stop drinking an hour prior to leaving and would switch to water as well.

Tonight was no different. My wife was enjoying her Apple Ale, and I, some wonderful Miller High Life. Off topic, but an interesting point non the less, I am ridiculously good at Beer Pong. My wife is pretty great herself. The two of us, can rarely be on the same team. It’s just not fair for the other party goer’s. If you aren’t familiar with Beer Pong, look it up, but if you do know, you usually only drink when the other teams make a cup. My wife and I would get bored playing, so we would just drink casually during each game to keep the playing field even.

So after several games of Pong, Flip Cup, and other standard drinking games, my wife was pretty toasted. I was working a pretty decent buzz myself. Our night was going to be coming to a close, so I started my closing ritual. I grabbed a water bottle and downed it. Grabbing a second one almost immediately. This one, I would casually sip while we started saying our goodbyes to others leaving the party. My wife still had a drink and a half left. I was not about to let that go to waste so she kept drinking. About 45 minutes and 2 more bottles of water later, we were ready to leave. We thanked our hosts and got ready to go home.

I was tired. It was nearly 2am and all I could think about was getting some sleep. Unfortunately, we were responsible for getting our friend home as well. She didn’t know where the hosts lived, so we caravanned to the party. This meant our ride home would be stretched out even longer due to having to get her into a part of town she recognized. We shoulda just driven her, but I’m glad we didn’t.

The passenger door closes and my wife says, what every man wants to hear.

“If you get me food, I’ll fuck you.”

Done! Off to the drive thru we go!

I was no longer sleepy, I was horny. I guess I could eat too, but mostly, I was horny. My wife has a way of knowing the way right into my pants. It’s right though the zipper…I’m a very easy lay. If she wants to, I will.

I asked her what she wanted to eat. She told me that if I picked she’d suck my dick.

Uhh….Check! Guess we’re goin to McDonald’s. Simple, easy, and cheap. My pants started to tighten. It was in the middle of Fall, so the night was crisp and cool. We both were in blue jeans, and t-shirts. She wore a sweatshirt to help with the chill.

After we got out of the subdivision, she told me she wanted to get something to eat. I explained that she was drunk and that we were on our way to McDonald’s as we spoke. She screamed in joy and was “so happy I had even already picked a place!”

“Babe, we just talked about this? How drunk are you?” I asked.

“I’m too drunk to drive, that’s for sure!” She said. “Not too drunk to blow you though.” she added.

“Umm, I might pass on the blowjob tonight honey. I certainly don’t want you to feel taken advantage of.” “Who even knows how you’ll be feeling when we get home.” I said. “I wouldn’t want you to promise something like that.”

“I’m your wife. There is no taking advantage.” She responded. (Still dissagre with this, but anyway) “Is Jamie still following us?” She questioned.

“Yep. We need to guide her home, remember? I’m gonna call her now to let her know we are stoppi…..hey! What…what are you doing??!?” Is all I could get out before he unbuckled her seat belt, climbed over the center console, undid my pants, and began to jerk and suck the head and shaft of my decently, semi-hard dick.

“Call.” “Her.” She said in between her bobs.”

I did as I was told. I called her and let her know the situation.

“Hey I juuuuust wanted to lllllllllet you kkknow that wwwweeeeeeee are goooooing to get something to eat quick.” Is what I tried to say as my wife started sucking me down aa far as she could. She had since pulled my pants and underwear all the way down to my ankles.

“Okay, sounds good. Where are we gonna stop?” She responded.

Why the fuck didn’t she just say, “Okay, thanks. I got it from here. Thanks for the help” oh well…

“Welllllll, I thiiiiiiink we aaaaaaaare gonna go tooooooo McDonald’s.” I said.

“Mmmm, sounds good to me. I’ll keep following you guys.” “Did your


“Holy fuck babe.” “This is so hot!” ” But if you don’t want to keep going, I totally understaaaaaaaand!” I started to pant.

“Nah. It’s fine boo.” “I love your dick.” ” Plus I feel like Jamie can see me, that’s pretty hot!” She explained.

“Holy shit, this is awesome!” I exclaimed as I drove down the road. We came to a stoplight. My wife is kneeling on her seat plunging down into the driver’s seat as if she dropped something down by my feel and just HAAAD to have.

After about 10 minutes of driving, we pulled into the drive thru. I go to pull my pants up and I’m met with shouts of anger.

“What do you think you’re doing?” “I’m not done here.” She said.

“Umm….babe, I gotta order us our food.” “You said you were hungry, remember?”

“Of course I remember! ” “You know what I like” “You do the talking, I’ll do the sucking.”

As soon as she said this, her hands and tongue went into hyperdrive. She jerked me as fast as she could. Sucking and slurping the head of my dick as best and fast as she could. Her other hand, not only was being used for support, but also to sternly hold by balls.

“Yeeeeeeah…let me…oh my god, yeah, ummm…..let me get 2 McChickens, a…..fuuuuck…..a large fry……and a Coke.” I barely got it out. I looked up to see a camera in the lane that would have been impossible to miss our little show.

We pulled around the building. I told her enough was enough. No matter how much I wanted her to, I wasn’t going to have her make me cum in the drive thru. She agreed and sat back up. I covered my cock and balls in just enough time to make it to the window. The kid looked at us, smiled and asking if we were having a good night?

“Eh…my night has kind of blown” my wife snickered.

“I’m sure it has.” “Need any extra napkins in the bag?” The worker said.

“Ha! Thanks, but no thanks.” We both laughed.

Witin a few minutes we got our food and she began to eat. We pulled off the the side into a parking space. Jamie pulled up beside us.

“You guys seemed to have a fun ride over here!” She laughed.

“Oh yeah! It’s a shame I dropped my Chapstick.” “Took me forever to find it.” My wife replied.

“Yeah. Sure.” “Chapstick.” Jamie said sarcastically. “You enjoy your meat and get home safely.”

“I will!” My wife yelled to her as she drove off.

The ride home was then spent with her eating fries and babbling about how much fun she had at the party.

God she’s cute when she’s drunk.

We get inside and I’m expecting a night of crazy, drunken sex. Instead i’m met with seven simple words.

“Make me cum, then it’s your turn.”


She gets onto the bed on her knees. I start to fuck her from behind. I know I’m not going to last long. I pull out of her. I then start to lick her clit while fingering her pussy all while she is still kneeling in front of me. After 5 minutes or so of this, she is ready to cum.

“I want you to fuck me, and cum with me!” She exhaled.


I stand back up, next to the bed, reposition her just how I like and start going to town. With one hand on her left hip and the other reaching around. I start to work her clit with my fingers while fucking her. She is going crazy!

She cums with loud moans right as I start to bust. The fullness in my stomach builds and gets to a pressure I can no longer contain. I start to cum. Filling her pussy with all I have to offer. The last few pumps I have, have slowed down greatly and with a lot less force. I finish the last thrust and pull out of her slowly. I smack her ass, tell her “good game” and pass out on the bed.

I wake up a few minutes later to her telling me good night and that I should go clean myself up a bit. I check myself to see that my dick and balls a still soaked from our cum. I got up and a quick smack hit my ass. “You too.” She said.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/c7yrk3/drunk_wifey_blows_me_after_a_party_while_i_drive


  1. >I’m your wife. There is no taking advantage.” She responded. (Still dissagre with this, but anyway)


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