An auction in a free use world. [Freeuse, Objectification]

{disclaimer, this is fiction, written by me, from the hollows of my mind. I do not condone actually abuse of women or any other outlandish idea my mind came up with.}
If this is the wrong thread, tell me and I’ll gladly move it.

Hello, this is my first shot ever at writing erotica. Pointers and comments welcome. I rather enjoyed the challenge it brought trying to actually write a story rather than just a written play-by-play of a porno.

Alex woke up early this morning. As a 19 year old collage student, fresh on summer leave, and a trust fund child from old money, he didn’t really have a reason to get up. Except the auction! Oh yes, the auction. He had nearly forgotten. It was a stroke of luck that the date and time of the auction and his free time from school, lined up. His family usually only went to one of the bi-yearly, Capercoa Auctions. Alex’s father always said the products and wares sold in the winter were never as good. Alex was often too young to understand or attend. Depending on the wares sold on particular days, children were barred from entering. But now that had passed and he was old enough to participate fully. The New World laws had laxed some and he was eager to see what these changes brought.

Alex rolled to his right side, and came face to face with a luxurious pair of DD breasts. He recognized them as belonging to his personal bed warmer. He knew this by the unique style of his house symbol. It was a tattoo on the side of one of these soft, inviting pillows. It designated it’s job as a bed warmer. And the design and color of the tattoo marked it as his. He tapped his bed warmer on the side, waking her. “Move, I must get ready.” She hopped out of his bed as if compelled by some force. “Sorry sir, yes sir. Shall I make it for you? Or do you wish me to bend over it first?” “Bend over it first.” He said, with as much energy as one would order a meal. She immediately complied, first wetting her slit and then Alex’s morning wood, before skilfully leaning over the foot of the bed and spreading her legs. As he rounded the bedpost, Alex picked up his phone, texted an order to his personal chef and said “I am feeling like I would like tighter this morning.” “Will my ass be sufficient? Or should I bring in one of the younger, smaller options?” as she slightly lifted up to an elbow, in anticipation of his answer being in the affirmative. However, he shook his head and said, “no, your’s will suffice.” She obeyed and only winced slightly at the pain of her owner’s cock slamming into her ass. Alex finished on the bed warmer’s lower back and slapped her ass, leaving a hand print. She stood up, bowed at the waist, acknowledging his ownership, and thanked him.
Alex then entered the expansive bathroom made in marble and glass. There he was greeted by a smile from the slight, also fully exposed woman, short in stature, kneeling at the toilet. He patted her on the head and closed the door.

After a….very refreshing shower and being dressed in a nice, tailored suit, Alex is dropped at the entrance of the excessively opulent auction house. As the limo drives off to wait, a beautiful, fully nude woman, a full C-cup and hairless, from the neck down, walks up to him. Her glowing red hair swept into a twisting bun appropriate for this event. “Hello sir, I am your guide for today’s auction, my master calls me Cyan, but if you wish a different name…” He stops her mid sentence. “Cyan will do. Now, show me to my seat please.” She walks slightly behind him, showing him where to go, only by gesturing in the proper direction. She clearly has been intensively train in the new etiquette of the new rules. She guides him to his seat in VIP. Here another woman, well really a girl, is on all fours. Also naked but with her brown hair cut in a short pixie cut, framing her face. She is bound on her hands and knees, by a sort of horizontal stocks. Alex looks at the young girl, then at Cyan. “Honestly, I prefer more developed breasts in my furniture. I can see the apeal to the flatter models though.” As he says this he grabs the young girls flat chest and squeezes where her tits would be, eventually. She winces and a yelp escapes her lips. Alex releases his grasp and takes a step back as if he had received a shock from a plug. Cyan too gasps, horrified. Almost reflexively, as one would swat at a fly, Cyan’s foot snaps forward and strikes the chair in the jaw. Her head goes limp. “Oh my, it seems you’ve broken my chair!” Alex remarks with a smirk. “I am so sorry sir!” Cyan exclaims. “I will have another fetched immediately!” “Nevermind that. what you may do is retrieve for me the manager of this auction so I may speak with him. But, do have a traditional chair brought up.” Alex waits a very short time before the manager arrives with a worried, contrite look, dominating his expression. ” Sir I so greatly appologize for the inconvenience… however (his face changing to quizzical) you requested a… traditional chair?” A burley man is pulling a large recliner-like chair on a dolly. Alex smiles, “yes, please place it here.” Gesturing to an area next to the unconscious, young chair. “And no worries, I would like to purchase the malfunctioning one, however. Even though it was your guide that broke it, I am still interested in it’s design and I want to see if I can either improve on it, or maybe reshape it to something different. It has decent bones. It may yet be something.”
After a couple of refusals by the auction master and Alex still insistant, an amount was found, paid and the chair was uprooted from it’s base, and placed beside Alex. It’s ID tag was changed on the spot. Harold, who always accompanies on outings of this sort, placed a collar on its still unconscious neck. This will show ownership untill the house symbol and be permanently driven under it’s skin.
Now settled in the traditional chair, Alex flips through the auction broscure to see the wares. He sees a variety of very young girls, then he flips to the celebrity section. “Harold, I would like you to bid on a couple of these younger girls. I want to focus on these celebs (pointing out a few in the booklet)…it might be fun to have a couple of these too. Parade them arround at parties, or show off to my friends. Wouldn’t you say?” He waves Harold off, “be sure to get a wide selection of colors. I don’t want to get bored with the same hues.” “I don’t know what I would do with out him.” Alex said as he looks down. At his knees, is Cyan. She has undone Alex’s zipper, and with the aid of a ring gag and a hair tie, she has her hand wrapped in the former chair’s hair and is pushing the little limp throat down further on his hard prick. “I’m glad he is an asset to you, but…” And she pauses for permission to pose a question. This being another rule in place from the new order of things. “Go ahead.” Alex nods. “Well sir. I have never seen a man do that job. Is he your property too?” Cyan asks as she leans down, pushes the chair’s head all the way down and starts flicking her tongue, expertly across Alex’s “details”.
Alex laughs. “Hah! No, not ever. He is a remnant from the old era. But, after the NWO change-over, Harold did not want to relinquish his position. So my father made him head of the help, with disciplinary powers and everything. When my father passed, I tried to make him CFO of my company, but he wanted to stay the butler.” “Aaaahhhhh” Alex grunted as his sperm shot in the mouth and throat of his new chair. “He runs my day-to-day planning, helps with disciplinary action on my help and furniture. He handles the tasks I either don’t enjoy doing or dont have time to. Besides, a man is always going to do a better job than a split-tail.” Alex grunts as Cyan pulls the head of the chair, sputtering and choking, from his cock and let’s it fall to it’s side. Cum drooling out it’s mouth, still held open by the ring gag. Cyan deftly sweeps up the lingering drops from the glistening head of Alex’s cock. Then presses her lips to the tip and kisses, both a sign of respect and to remove any remaining inside. Alex places his feet on the, once a chair, now a stool, and motions for Cyan to kneel next to him as attention is turned to the commencement of the auction.

Tell me what you think. I may write more if it strikes me as fun and we’ll received.



  1. More please I thought it was very well done and I can’t wait to get to read more

  2. Kinda interesting setup going here. Does make me curious about the world more. I could see myself reading this as an entire novel.

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