Fucking [M]y best friend (Part 3)

Link to part 2: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/c6m1y1/fucking_my_best_friend_part_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/c6m1y1/fucking_my_best_friend_part_2/)

Ella and I had one class together that semester. It was in her major but an elective for me. Needless to say, she was much better with the subject matter than I. The semester was coming to a close and our final paper was due in a few days. I never considered myself to be a particularly good student, which was supported by the fact that I had yet to start said final paper. Ella, thankfully, had already finished hers and agreed to help me.

I went over to her place around noon with two coffees and some snacks. We plopped down for about a half hour while she tried to pull a paper out of me. We were getting absolutely nowhere. For some reason I simply could not get going on this. Ella decided it would be best to take a break and stop trying to force it. We turned on Netflix and began to chat while eating some of the snacks.

“So Ryan has been texting me.”

“Really? Oooh, that’s fun.”

“I don’t know, he seems cool, definitely has the look I usually go for, but, I don’t know.” Ella said, as she was untying her shoes.

“We can all hang out again if you’d like? Might give you a chance to get a better read on him.” I replied, as I undid the button on my pants.

“Yea maybe, he seems really interesting honestly, I just, I don’t know, I get the feeling that I am not.. one second.. my shirt is stuck on my earring..

“Need help?”

“Nope, nope I got it, but yea, I just feel like I’m not seeing something.”

“New bra?”

“Yea! I just got it.” She reached behind her back and unlatched it.

“I know what you mean though, he definitely has something about him. I haven’t known him that long, but yea I get what you mean.” I let my pants drop to the floor and pulled my own shirt above my head.

“Well, hopefully it’s nothing and we are just being paranoid.” I said, before pressing my lips against her neck.

“Mmm I love that. I think you’r probably right. We do tend to be dramatic.”

I pulled my face back from her neck.

“Dramatic?! Me?! Um, that’s really offensive. I don’t know if I can forgive you.”

“I don’t need any forgiveness.”

“How about a punishment instead?”

“Choke me.”

I wrapped my left hand around her neck and pushed her back into the bed. I would apply pressure to her neck in a rolling motion as to give her a brief respite every few seconds to swallow or get a small hit of air. I moved my kisses down her body until I was hovered over her nipples. I released my grip for a moment and let my nails lightly run down the side of her neck.

“Mmm, fuck yes.” She whimpered, as she started moving her body under my caress.

I undid her shorts and pulled them down her long legs, kissing her thighs, shins, and feet as I passed them. I worked my way back up and pulled her thong to the side. I gave her a long slow kiss in between her legs before sticking my tongue deep inside of her. I pulled her panties down to her knees and she let them drop, kicking them off her foot and across the room into her hamper. If we were in sync with each other the first time we fucked, this was now a ballet.

Since the first time a few weeks prior, sex became an almost every day occurrence for us. We were insatiable. While our friendship had never been stronger, the sexual relationship between us was masturbatory. It was transactional. It was fucking hot.

I climbed back on top of her and wiped off my mouth on my arm. I could tell she was cold by the little goosebumps forming on her arms and stomach. The hardness of her nipples would have been a give away had she not been moaning for me to fuck her soaking wet pussy. I stuck my fingers deep into her mouth and pushed the length of my cock inside her. I pulled my fingers out when my cock had its base against her pelvis. I held myself there, not moving, while I again ran my fingers down the side of her face and neck. I slapped the sides of her tits, making sure to again lightly brush my fingers along the now red areas of her skin. I had come to know her body and desires well. I knew she was craving something rough. She was grinding her hips against me until I placed my hand on her lower abdomen and told her to stop. I wanted her to want it so bad that she needed it.

I stood over her, enjoying seeing the look in her eyes that she was submitting. I smirked as she did the same.

“You ready?”

“Are you?” She replied.

I put my hand back on her neck. I squeezed down tighter than before and began to fuck her hard and deep. The flowing synchronicity of our foreplay had turned into storm waves breaking on a rocky shore. The only thing that mattered to us was the metronome of her moans, my grunts, and the slapping of our two bodies together. I released my hand from her neck. She looked up at me.

“Cum in me. Let’s cum together. Cum in me. Please cum in me.”

Her legs were wrapped around me. She was squeezing me into her. Encouraging me to go harder, deeper. She began to shake ever so slightly. I felt it too. Her heels were digging into me and her back was arching up in the air. I pushed the length of my cock as far inside her as I could. The room was blurry, foggy, hot.

We were both perfectly silent. I finished deep inside her as she squeezed every drop out of me with her insides. I leaned forward and put my forehead against hers. We stayed like that for a minute while catching our breath, our genitals still locked together.

“Want to get back to the paper?” She finally said.

“Yea I guess we should.”

She hopped off the bed.

“I think your original topic is what we should focus on, we were making the most progress there.” She said as my cum was dripping down her inner thighs.

I only ever had one conversation with Sarah about it. It was a late night and we were laying in her bed, struggling to get to sleep.

“Did you have sex with Ella?”


“Was it good?”


“Are you going to do it again?”


“Are you?”

“We already did.”



“No, it’s ok. It’s.. Ok, I’m not mad. I promise I’m not mad. I told you to do it, I can’t be mad.”

“You can be mad.”

“No I can’t! And I’m not. Look, just, whatever. I get it, we don’t need to talk about it anymore.”

We did, but we never would. Sarah was determined to be ok with this, and at this point in time, I really wanted her to be ok with it too. I liked having sex with Ella. I liked spending time with Sarah. I knew this was unsustainable, but in my mind, if it was ok tonight, and it was ok tomorrow, then why face it now?

When I would walk to Ella’s place, the grass seemed a little greener, the air felt a little lighter, the sky was just a little bluer, but when I would leave her place, it was different. I didn’t notice the grass. I didn’t enjoy the breeze. I never looked towards to sky. The only thing that existed in my entire world was the smell.

That damned smell. It was a mixture of her perfume, our sweat, fluids, everything. It was disgusting but addicting. I was so afraid of that smell, of someone catching a whiff of its pungent aroma. But on my walk back, I would take in every breath I could get. As soon as I got inside, I would make a beeline for the shower. I would scrub myself ragged until I could no longer catch a single scent. I had to. I would get out, clean, and everything was back to normal. I am sure I was being paranoid. There was no way anyone else could smell it, I thought.

After winter break, the year continued as it started. Sarah and I were together. Brian and I were roommates. Ella and I were fucking each others brains out.

One day towards the end of the year, Brian and I were sitting in our room playing Halo 3. I got a text from Sarah that she was outside so I got up to go let her in. I saw her almost every day. We went out to eat all the time, even took a weekend trip to go see a band she really liked, we really got along. In that entire year though, we barely touched each other.

But here she was outside my door, wearing a short skirt, and a tight tank top, clearly with no bra underneath.

We walked back upstairs and she grabbed a controller, plopping down on the couch in between Brian and I.

“Can I play too?”

“No, you suck at video games.” Brian replied.

“What if every time one of us dies, we take something off.”

What was she doing?

“Looks like you have about three lives then if we aren’t counting your flip flops.” I teased.

“Two actually.”


“Brian you wanna play?”

“You trying to see my dick bro?”

“Are you admitting I’m better than you?”

“Here, Sarah, you can use the good controller. Give me that shitty one.”

I didn’t know what she was trying to do. This wasn’t some innocent strip tease. She came over here to do this. She looked like she’d had a few drinks too. Brian and I both sort of focused on each other, not quite wanting to make the first move, which in this case was murdering my girlfriend’s spartan I guess.

“Fuck you got me.” Brian said, as he popped his shirt off.

He looked good, which was no surprise since he worked out every day. Him dragging me there with him was the only reason I ever got to the gym.

“I gotta pee real quick, be right back.” He said.

“Sarah, are you ok? Is everything ok?”

“Yea why do you ask?”

“I don’t know, what are you.. why are you..”

“I was at a barbecue and I wanted to come see you, why does anything have to be wrong?”

“No, I mean, why..”

“Alright I’m back, where were we?”

We kept playing until Brian and I were both in our boxers.

“You guys are avoiding killing me.”

“Sarah, this isn’t about you. This is about me proving my superiority over your dumb-ass boyfriend.”

As he said that, I walked up to Sarah’s character and assassinated her. She looked at me and I made a kissy face and noticed Brian looking more confused than he normally did. Sarah stood up. She walked over to our mini fridge and pulled out a few beers as well as our bottle of Tito’s. She tossed us two beers and said to finish them. Bossy as always.

Brian and I cheers-ed each other and chugged our beers down before crushing them and tossing them on the floor. We looked up and Sarah was standing there topless. It’s not the first time either of us had seen this, but it felt different. She wasn’t just torturing Brian for fun, she was blushing. She sat back down on the couch.

“Well..? Get your jaws back up boys we are still playing.”

Brian killed Sarah again within the minute. She didn’t get up from the couch this time. She handed us the bottle of Tito’s without another word. We both took a long healthy swig and chased it down with more beer. Sarah was wiggling out of her skirt in between us. Her bald pussy was on complete display as she finally tossed the skirt onto the floor. Now she stood up. She walked over to the door and locked it.

Brian and I didn’t say a word. I could tell he wasn’t sure what to do. Frankly, I wasn’t sure what to do myself. Did Sarah want a threesome? Was this just elaborate teasing? What did she want? How can I give her what she wants if I don’t even know what it is? I looked over at Brian who was obviously flustered with similar thoughts. I gave him a light punch on his arm and let out a small laugh. He seemed to settle in a little after that.

Sarah walked back over to us, slowly, seductively. She turned around, bent over, and slowly lowered herself onto the couch again. On her way down we got a full display.

“So since I am out of lives, the next person to kill me gets to pick first.”

“Pick what first?” I said.

“You’ll see.”

Brian and I were back to essentially playing a 1v1. Both of us were nervous to really kill the other since we knew it meant there would be another fully naked person in the room. We were excited but a little afraid of what that might mean. I picked up the bottle of Tito’s and took another long pull before running straight out into the open where Brian quickly killed me essentially out of habit. Instead of taking my boxers off, I took another swig. I re spawned and quickly found and killed Brian who put up no fight at all.

Sarah stood up, knelt down in front of me, and slid my boxers down to my knees. I let them drop and awkwardly kicked them off towards my hamper. Not even close. She took a hold of my cock and gave it a kiss before making her way over to Brian. She grabbed the sides of his boxers and hesitated for a moment. He looked at me, then at her, and put his hand on hers. She continued to pull now and brought his boxers down to the ground. She hesitated again, but after a moment, grabbed his dick and gave it a little kiss.

Silence. We all picked up our controllers again. Other than Sarah, no one was giving it their best. Finally, Brian ends up killing Sarah with a grenade, seemingly by accident.

“Ok Brian, you pick first.”

“Sarah, I have.. no idea..”

“Pick a hole Brian. Mouth or Pussy.”


“It’s ok Brian, we talked about this beforehand. We are ok with this if you are.”

We absolutely did not talk about this beforehand. I wasn’t sure how ok with this I really was, but I don’t think I could stop it. It felt like Sarah was trying to punish me.

“Can I pick either one?”

“Yes, that’s why I asked you stupid.”

“I don’t know Sarah, you’re one of my best friends, I feel like it might be.. I don’t know.”

“Ok, Brian is being a pussy, so he clearly chooses my vagina.”

Sarah hopped up and started wiggling her ass in Brian’s face. It felt forced. I knew how Sarah felt about sex. She didn’t like it. She was certainly an exhibitionist but this was something more. It felt wrong.

“Come on Brian, go ahead and fuck me.”

“Sarah.. I..”

This wasn’t going to happen. Fuck. This is going to be bad. She stopped wiggling her hips. She stood up and knelt down in front of him. Without a moment of hesitation she grabbed his dick.

“I really don’t know guys, I’m flattered and all, but I don’t know if I can do this.”

Sarah didn’t say anything else. She stood up again, grabbed her shirt, pulled it over her head, pulled her skirt up, and stormed out of the room. I looked at Brian and I shrugged showing the concern on my face. I grabbed a pair of sweat pants, threw them on and chased after her.

“Sarah! Please wait, let me talk to you.”

“No, no, please, I don’t want to talk right now, I just need to be alone.” She said, as she was choking back tears.”

I caught up to her and put my hand on her shoulder. she flipped around angrily.

“I said leave me alone!”

“Baby we have to talk about what just happened.”

“I told you I don’t fucking want to!”

“Ok, Ok, I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry?! Fuck you.”

A day passed. Nothing from Sarah. I looked at my phone and saw the flag of Japan pop up in a text from Ella. I looked over at Brian.

“Bro, is Sarah ok?”

“Honestly dude, I don’t know.”

“Did I upset her? I mean she’s super fucking hot, and I would love to hit that, but it felt wrong. You know?”

“Yea, no, I agree, it didn’t feel right. You didn’t upset her though. Trust me, it’s not you.”

“Weird that we were that close to being wiener brothers.”

“Hmph, yea, weird.”

I forgot he still didn’t know we had both slept with Ella.

“Anyway bro, I am probably gonna head out in a day or two, I’m all done with my finals, so yea. Let me know if Sarah is ok, I want to say bye if I can.”

“Yea, definitely. I will.”

Until now, I tried not to think about how much this situation must have been weighing on Sarah. Jesus christ she must have been fucking miserable. It was all my fault too. I loved her. I loved her..

I wrote a text. <Hey, so Brian is going to be gone in a day or two. I know you aren’t done until Thursday, so if you want to come spend the night after he’s gone let me know.> Sent.

I don’t know if I loved her. I wanted to end things. I didn’t know how. After everything she must have went through to try and keep us together and keep me happy, how could I just end things like that? It wasn’t Ella, I just wasn’t happy with Sarah. I really didn’t have feelings for Ella, I loved her as a friend, and I loved how causal and fun the sex was. With Sarah, I felt like I was stuck. I felt like she never quite knew what to say to me nor I to her. We could never comfortably fool around. It always felt forced. I had to break up with her, but how could I? Fuck.

Brian left and I was alone in the room. I hadn’t heard anything from Sarah yet. I guess she still needed more time.

The day passed so slowly. Each hour felt like a decade and walking around the building that was usually so packed was sad and lonely with most of my fraternity brothers gone. Eventually the sun started to go down. I was stood on the porch looking down at the road when I saw her walking towards the house. I smiled.

“Hey Ella.”


“You bring your pajamas?”

“Oh I brought something, I wouldn’t call them pajamas though.”

We went up to my room. We barely spoke. We were both too excited to rip into each other. Ella stopped me at my door.

“Count to two minutes, then come in.”

1…2..3… Fuck. 10…11..12… What am I doing? 45..46..47… Everything… 63…64… with Sarah… 76..77.. with Ella? ..94..95

120. Fuck.

I opened the door. My god.

She was standing there in black thigh high stockings, a short plaid schoolgirl skirt, and black suspenders that went up over her shoulders and were the only things covering her nipples. Her hair was up in a loose ponytail and her glasses were sitting lower on her nose than normal. She was wearing black stilettos that made her already long legs go on for miles. My mind went blank.

I fucked her everywhere. I fucked her on my bed, against the wall, on the couch, the floor, everywhere. She would stuff her tongue down my throat and moan into me as I continued to pound into her. It was therapeutic. It was aggressive. Ella would cum hard as she dug her nails into my back. She drew blood as I came deep inside her. We stopped for a moment.

Her stockings were ripped. Her ponytail was a mess. Her makeup was running down the sides of her face. I pulled my cock out of her and pushed her down onto her knees. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. I placed the head of my cock on her tongue and one hand on the back of her head. I was fully hard again. I pushed the back of her head until she was gagging on the full length of me.

“You’ve improved.”

She pulled her head back.”

“It’s only because you’ve taught me so well.” She said with a wink.

She didn’t need my hand this time and swallowed my entire cock all on her own. I was still extremely sensitive from cumming moments before so I grabbed her by the hair again and sat down in my desk chair. I pulled her over my knee and flipped her skirt above her waist.

“Fuck yes. Spank me hard.”

The night went on. Ella had two red cheeks, no longer a distinct hand print able to be seen. Her skirt was ripped, laying on the floor on the other side of the room. She was on top of me riding hard and fast with her hands on my chest. She still had her stockings on, but they had tears that went up almost the entire length. Her pussy and clitoris were red and swollen. When I put my thumb over it, I could distinctly feel her pulse beating through her genitals.

It went on and on. We lost track of time.

For a brief moment we were laying in my bed naked, my arm around her and her ass pressed against me. She wiggled her hips into me as a sign that she wanted more. Fuck, so did I.

We fucked again. We fucked again. We fucked until we were sore and nothing was even coming out of me.

But then it was morning. And my phone had a message from Sarah. She was outside. She wanted to talk.

I put some clothes on and told Ella to hang tight. I met Sarah on our porch where we sat down together. She looked like she was finally ready to talk about what happened. Thank god, maybe things can go back to.. normal.

“I know things got a little weird before, but thank you for being patient, I needed time.. to… Jesus, what the fuck is that smell?”

(End of part 3)

Ok so, there is no way I can finish this in one more part. I won’t say definitively how many parts are left because I don’t know, but it’s at least 2.

Part 3 turned out to cover a much smaller amount of time than I previously thought it would, and I think where I reached was a good place to stop. Sophomore year is now over, but the second half of my college career was where things get a little darker. The end of part 3 is a glimpse at how I began to start seeing myself, but the actions that follow, are what solidified my belief in what kind of person I was. These actions are the ones I feel the need to repent through this story.

Thank you again for reading! I will try and get part 4 out soon.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/c72qwn/fucking_my_best_friend_part_3


  1. Good shit. Really good. I’m just hoping you didn’t damage yourself mentally with this ish

  2. Just read the three available parts in succession. This story is extremely detailed and so engaging. I applaud you for your work and look forward to how all of this ends!

  3. I have a feeling that when these are done, I will sit and read them all at once. And more than likely have the good long bone shaking cry I’ve been fighting. Your writing is a truly amazing gift. I feel every word as though I’ve lived in them my entire life. So many feels. Thank you.

  4. I never comment on anything in this sub, but I can’t not here. This is so compellingly written. The fucking sounds so amazing yet the emotions are so raw. Even though you’ve said there isn’t a happy ending, I’m finding myself willing you two on and I know there’s just going to be disappointment…

  5. fuck. you are opening my eyes — smut can be art. i want to shout it from the rooftops. i want to sit down and get to work.

  6. Great series. But what I really want to know is how successful has your username been?

  7. These stories have been really great. Look forward to part 4 finale.
    If each 4 of you had a celebrity look alike who would it be?

  8. Couldn’t follow the whole thing but when you were fucking Sarah and her heels dug into your ass as you were cuming together omggggg my pussy’s squirming

  9. As others before me have said already, this is so well written. The emotions, the sex, the raw suspense with this ending. I never comment on this sub but I had to this time. Hope you get some relieve after writing all this.

  10. I stopped binging Netflix to read up to this point. Better than my show. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Did anyone else just start laughing at …what was it the flowing synchronicity and a metronome…and storm waves breaking over a shore.

    Jesus I lost it there. Glad you had some fun, sounds like a good lay. But I fucking lost it there.

    For what it’s worth I’m a published writer. Erotica, journo, I even got published writing papers for other people.

    I didn’t mean to be mean, and haven’t been following this like it’s a story. Although good stories make for good writing.

    Did I have some good college fucks? Sure. But I don’t know that setting kills it for me. You literally got term limits dictating an ebb and flow to things and to detach the current moment from that greater contest is losing the forest for the trees.

    It’s erotica, wgaf? For what it’s worth. But if you are looking for feedback, well doesn’t matter, you got it anyway.

    I guess it’s important to not lose scope right? And that’s probably an O at some point or another and a tiny tug at the heart here or there.

    And so that I don’t get shit for just seeming mean or being editorial. The whole kicking underwear into a hamper thing instantly snaps me out of the reality of it. No one gives a fuck where your clothes end up when your fucking. Period.

  12. I love the subtle juxtaposition of how licking underwear off before sex resembles the steadiness of each relationship sexually. You and Ella, “like a ballet.” You and Sarah, “not even close.”
    I don’t know if you did that on purpose or not but it’s awesome subtext!

  13. This is so well written. It feels artistic, it feels like you sat down and thought about the meanings of every line, how a stage director composes a theatre play

  14. Dude, love the writing. I can see this coming to a bad ending, but I can’t stop reading it.

  15. I’m at the part where you get back to the paper. I just have to say this is probably the best read that I have ever read.

  16. Dude. Having lurked this sub for years this is my first ever “came for the sex, stayed for the story”.

    Fantastic and engaging prose.

  17. Please write an erotic novel. You’re so good. I know this will probably have a rough ending which I’m not looking forward to but man, I gotta know what happens!

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