[MF] Fucking Sam after she ran me over with her bike

I watched as a layer of spit built around Sam’s hand as she stroked up and down my cock, her hand closely following her mouth as she rocked back and forth on her heels, sucking me off. Saliva, propelled by her surprisingly quick motion, dripped down to her cleavage, pushed together by the blue sports bra she was wearing, mixing with the sheen of sweat from biking through the late June heat that hadn’t dried yet. Her mouth and the motion of her hand felt incredible, like a machine sucking the life out of me through my dick.

She was going fast now, the combination of warm, slippery mouth and her light yet firm hand stroking quickly bringing up the familiar burning, pent-up feeling of getting close. From my position leaning back on my elbows, legs hanging over the edge of the bed and her kneeling between them on the floor but sitting up, seamlessly sucking and stroking me, I imagined leaning forward, gently but firmly grasping her straight reddish-blonde hair and holding her mostly still 3/4 of the way onto my dick and cumming right down her throat. I didn’t, however; since we had met only half an hour before and I wasn’t sure she could take it without choking or puking. I’m not that much of an asshole, although I did consider that the scrapes and bruises down my right side were kind of her fault.

***Skip to the NEXT bolded part if you don’t care how I ended up fucking a total stranger’s throat as she knelt on the floor of her room***

To back up slightly, I met Sam on one of the first “official” days of summer in Boston in 2017 when the temperature had already been cracking 90 regularly for weeks. Thanks climate change! I was coming out of the front door of my gym, post workout, showered, feeling the tail end of the endorphins, when I made the oldest mistake in the book: not looking both ways when I crossed the street. In truth, I looked left, then right, then lingered a little looking right because a girl twenty feet away was wearing a spectacular sun dress with a deep scallop back. Then I stepped into the street and Sam slammed into me on her bike.

Luckily it was a glancing hit, and the worst that happened was a quick shock, a burst of pain as she ran over my foot, and the force knocked me down sideways. I caught myself as I fell and luckily didn’t sprain or break my wrist, just took some skin off my right arm on the fresh new concrete curb. I stood up, still only feeling the immediate pain in my foot and arms from the road rash, as I heard her begin, “Oh my god, are you–” I shook my head, knowing it was my mistake, then noticed the pretty nasty road rash on my right foot/lower leg and arm.

She left her bike in leaning against a No Parking sign and had come over, unbuckling her helmet. It’s bad to admit, but the first thing I noticed other than the quickly subsiding pain in my arm and leg was the sweat shining on her respectable cleavage. Her head came up to my shoulder, and she showed a typical Boston Irish-ish sunburned-tan overlaid with freckles. I tried not to be too obvious checking her out, but it was hard not to when she was wearing a sports bra, thigh-length bike shorts, and a loose, thin wraparound t-shirt that left a lot of skin exposed. I’m sure that in winter she was as pale as a sheet. I was a little surprised as she took my hand gently to look at my scraped up and now-bleeding forearm.

She said something like “You should get this cleaned out right away, you could get MRSA or something.” I must have looked somewhat skeptical and she quickly clarified that she was an EMT in college, and still picked up a shift now and then. We chatted for a bit about being and EMT in college and how many semi-passed out college students she helped cram into the back of the Boston University student EMS service’s ambulance. As the pain receded, I saw her a bit more clearly, enough for me to try to turn on a little bit of charm. I was single at the time and trying to get back out there. She wasn’t exactly a supermodel but definitely hot in a very sunburnt Somerville always-toting-Dunkin way, particularly with both her very-tight sports bra inducing serious cleavage and my nearly monthlong dry spell post breaking up with my girlfriend (as we’d planned) as she left to travel the world before starting MBA school in California.

“Do you have anything to clean that out?” I lived in apartment of three guys, two graduate students and me with a boring job as a glorified intern at large local university’s book publishing arm. There was nothing clean or that could be used to clean in the place. I shook my head and she responded, “I actually live right around the corner, and I have a bunch of peroxide and stuff, might save you a trip to Urgent Care or whatever.”

Blood was running down both my right arm and from my shin, and she was both hot and right about the MRSA, so I agreed. She walked her bike over the red brick sidewalk, and we got to talking. She was subletting from a MIT PhD student in a classic big Cambridge three-level about two blocks from where she took me out. She was doing “math camp” over the summer prior to starting her a Master’s program to become a Physician’s Assistant after getting tired of working in a lab as a pipette monkey and doing random EMT shifts after graduation from BU a year or two before. As we were walking, and the initial adrenaline started to wear off, it started to feel as if I might have rolled my ankle on the way down and I actually stumbled over a bit of uneven pavement and bumped into her, she grabbed my arm for a moment but I steadied myself.

I made a crack about how every other girl in the city is a grad student, and something about my ex leaving town to test the waters a little bit. Her response did not include anything about a boyfriend, but I didn’t think much of my chances of even getting a number. Her main concern seemed to be from stopping me from reporting her to my insurance for colliding with me in a crosswalk when I technically had the right of way but was gawking at a girls’ short shorts and didn’t notice her barreling towards me before I stepped in her way.

We got to her room after pausing outside her apartment to wrap my arm in a reusable CVS bag to stop from bloodying the hallway. It had slowed down considerably, but she wanted to be careful, probably because she was illegally subletting, like everyone does in Cambridge. She locked her bike to the inside of the fence around the triple decker and led me up two flights to her bedroom. Her roommates were gone, one for the whole summer, the other to take the GRE, she told me, which I thought was a little strange. In my online dating experience, women didn’t usually advertise being home alone to strangers, but I figured she was just trying to fill the slightly awkward silence.

She had me sit on the edge of her bed, still with the bag on my arm to prevent blood stains and knelt down before completely bending over to rummage around under the bed. I noticed a matching sweat sheen on her exposed lower back, below the sports bra and above the bike shorts she was wearing. I also noticed her very heart-shaped ass and immediately looked away even though she couldn’t see me gawking and there was no one around. It just seemed weird.

Sam pulled out a clear plastic container filled with bottles and band-aids, gauze, and Ace bandages. “Holy shit you’ve got your own hospital.” She grinned and took the bag off my arm. The bleeding had slowed way, way down. “You know, not as bad as I thought,” she seemed to be mostly talking to herself, as she shifted back to set the box down beside her she rested her hand on my thigh, not right on my dick but enough to make me sharply intake breath. She paused, seeming lost in thought looking down at the container, and I was thinking of some other excuse to say something to fill the silence. “My ex broke up with me when he got off the plane in Texas on the day before he started med school summer prep.” She was still looking down at the box.

She didn’t sound upset at all, and she turned to look me right in the eye. “It was shitty before that for a long time.” I was about to say something when she put her other hand on my other leg and kind of lightly moved them a bit higher. At this point she was kneeling between my legs and my dick began to strain against my underwear. I wondered if she could see it, being almost at eye level to my belly button, her kneeling on the floor and me up on the edge of the bed.

***Skip to here for sex***

I think I was about to say something like “Oh that’s too bad” when she brought her hands unmistakably up and cupped my dick, which immediately got so hard that felt like it was made of glass–hard and ready to almost shatter. Before I could think of something to say, she was unbuckling my shorts, and pulling my cock into her mouth.

The light, yet slobbery sucking with a firm, fast twisting stroke felt amazing, almost the best I’ve ever felt and amazing for a first time with someone. I leaned back on my elbows and she took her hand away for a moment to, in two quick motions, pull off her t-shirt and then her sports bra. I sat up a bit so I could see her breasts properly. The spit trailed from her mouth down her neckline and was running between them. She had large pink nipples and a clear tan line that made it clear she went to the beach. Her eyes had been closed until she brought her hand back to restart the stroking, then she opened them and looked me at me directly and kind of gave me a bet-you-didn’t-expect-this look, then sped up the stroking and bobbing, and shifted her hand to my balls, gently cupping and holding them while she took my cock deeper into her mouth and throat, suppressing a slight gagging each time she pushed her face down onto me.

I started to move my hips along with her movement so that I went deeper, and I saw her gag harder but stay on task. Her hair fell around her face and obscured my great view of her body. After a few seconds of deeper face fucking, she took her other hand off my thigh and sort of sneakily moved it out of sight, presumably to rub herself through her bike shorts. Spit ran down from the base of my cock over my balls as she gently held them and started to pool on the mattress, and I groaned in appreciation. I pitched forward slightly and used my right hand to push the red-blond straight hair from the left side of her face, and then wrapped my fingers through it, but just guided her head without pulling her any further onto me.

I was a little worried that she was going to puke since the gagging was getting more noticeable. Now from a more vertical angle I could see her playing with her clit through her shorts. With one hand still in her hair as she sucked me off, I reached down and stroked her upper back then cupped one breast and felt the soft, sweaty underside and used both that and my hand on the back of her head to slow down the pace of the sucking as I got closer to actually coming. I was in the middle of an “Oh fuck” when she pulled away and looked up at me, spit running down her chin and neckline, to her breasts and starting down towards her bare belly button below which her hand was busy stroking her clit. “I don’t have any condoms, but I have an IUD. Are you clean.”? I said something to the effect that I was and was monogamous until 3 weeks ago, and she stood up pushing me backwards.

In a quick hopping-motion she had the bike shorts off. Her legs were short for her body, and she had a wild reddish (much redder than her hair) bush, and I could see a slight glimmer of wetness around her lips. She pushed me and I scooted back on the bed and she came towards me, grabbing my cock as she pulled herself forward and guiding me inside. I gasped again as I slid into her–she was wet as fuck. As she reached her arms upwards and threw her head back to get her hair out of her eyes, I noticed a slight red stubble under her arms. She smelled like sweat with a little bit of wearing-off-deodorant, and I loved it.

I’m decently sized, and I try to make the most of what I’ve got, but I’m not a sex god. However, the combination of shock this was happening and being kind of mad about the accident gave me motivation to fuck the shit out of this bitch, which I tried to do. I wrapped both arms around her body, pulling her close and jackhammered the shit out of her, which she seemed to enjoy. After a few moments, I rolled to the side, throwing her underneath me and went to kiss her but she shied away from me, so I kissed her neck instead, and, childishly, made sure to leave a couple marks well above the collar line, which she seemed to enjoy.

As I fucked her, she once again started rubbing her clit, breathing more and more quickly and shallowly. In the beginning, I moved so she had perfect access to her clit, and I swear I could feel her getting wetter and wetter, to the point that I started to lose sensation a bit and slipped out a couple times, only to quickly adjust and plunge back in, which made her gasp (hopefully from pleasure–she seemed very much to be enjoying herself). Her neck area and above her freckled sweaty tits started to flush, her legs were starting to shake a little bit as she rubbed her clit faster and faster. I waited, fucking her a little more slowly to contain my own orgasm, until it seemed like she was getting close.

“Not yet” I leaned back, still inside her and gently grabbed both of her wrists, pulling one away from her clit and pulling her more firmly onto my cock. I was sitting nearly upright, with her hands in mine, my legs folded under themselves, her spread-eagled below me. Her face was flush, hair messy, still some dried spit on her cleavage and fresh hickies on her neck, looking wide-eyed but still definitely turned on. “You hit me, so I get to come first.” I’m not a gym rat but I put work in, and when I thrust, I can generate some force. After one test thrust to make sure I didn’t hurt her too much, I fucked the shit out of her for about fifteen full seconds before I lost control and came hard inside her and absolutely flooded her with my cum.

My cum immediately mixed with everything else sloshing around and began to leak out while I was still inside her and ground my hips against her pelvis as each wave of my orgasm came and went. I was grinding against her clit that her hand, now in mine, was just fingering a moment earlier and she moaned, wanting to come herself. After a pause, I pulled her hand back towards her clit and she feverishly began rubbing as I smiled. She closed her eyes and held her breath, arching back a little and tensing her legs as she came. I waited a minute before sweatily rolling off her. My blood was now definitely on her (or the lessor’s comforter) and a bit on the floor.

Long story short, she then cleaned up and did put some peroxide on my arm and shin, and gave the bottle to take home, along with her number. We fucked a couple more times, but then she got really busy with her PA program and we fell out of touch. I will always remember that summer day though….

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/c6p3l8/mf_fucking_sam_after_she_ran_me_over_with_her_bike

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