[MF] The time I [22M] seduced a [25F] after she called her boyfriend [Cheating/Long] – Part 1

This happened 5 years ago. I’m 27 now. This is all too long for one post, so I’ll split it up. Sorry for any grammar mistakes

So this story takes place in undergrad, right around when I was 21. As it always happens, I went to a party at the house of a friend of a friend of mine. In true undergrad fashion, I got drunk off of smirnoff ice (2 2L bottles, so I was hardcore). I was having a good time, not paying attention to anything, when the host’s housemate walked in. Immediately, I spotted her, and being the friendly drunk I was, I gave her a big hello. She was timid, and gave me a brief smile before retiring to her room. She didn’t end up joining us for the party, to my dismay. The only thing I remembered about her were her large brown eyes, and I thought that was cute. So i called out, in hopes that she would hear me, “Housemate! You are cute!”. But, unlike Romeo under Juliet’s window, my cries went unheard.
The night went on and I thought nothing of it, moving on with school and life in general. Until a few days later, when I saw that someone had added me on facebook. She was cute, and looked familiar, so I added her back, and checked her mutual friends. Lo and behold it was the housemate. So we chatted on FB, introductions were made. She told me that she had been working up the nerve to add me on FB, for a couple days now. She had already been lookign at my profile and apparently we had a lot in common. We both had a passion for culture, food, hockey, guitar, reading, and apparently, each other. I was amazed to have stumbled across someone that not only wanted to talk to me, but had so many similar interests as me. We started talking around 10 PM. And by the time I checked the time again, it was 2 AM. We both laughed at our mutual momentary loss of time, and called it a night. I fell asleep smiling a bit.
I woke up to a good morning text, and from there it was on. The next 3 days, we texted almost nonstop, joking and laughing. Talking about hobbies, hypothetical trips and travel experiences, perfect dates and pleasant evenings. We talked about a lot, but every time, i learned something new. I knew I didn’t love her, but I felt a spark, like an electricity almost. There was definitely chemistry and magnetism.
My housemate and her housemate were in the same program, so one evening they both had a school event, which left the both of us in our respective apartments alone. I deicded that I wanted some company, so I grabbed some dinner, grabbed some Baileys, grabbed my guitar and headed over to her place, knowing full well she was home alone. As i stepped up to her front door, I was shivering from excitement, and I could feel my heart pounding, but i felt confident. When she opened the door, she looked exactly as i remembered her, and all my nervousness left me. Suddenly, I become the most confident I had ever been. I helped her set the table and the conversaton was non stop, as if we had known each other for ages, but hadnt spoken. I cleared the table for her, and she told me that she loved how comfortable I was in her house. I smiled and she lit up, as if no one had treated her like that before. Then I felt like spoiling her. So I mixed her some baileys, sat her down, and in my infinite douchiness, taught her guitar. I made sure to touch her fingers as much as possible, to be behind her and press up against her, and when she relaxed and leaned back against me, I felt validated. I did not act on anything however, and her roommate walked in, surprised to see me. I left quickly, telling her that I’ll see her soon. Upon leaving, i had this weird energy that caused me to run to the bus stop. I could not stop smiling or bouncing in my seat.
I played it “cool” for the next couple days, only texting her half the day instead of all day. Then one night, at 1030, she told me she was freaking out. Her texts became rapid fire and urgent, and i tried to calm her down, but it wasn’t working. So i said, “I’m going to come over right now, tell me if i shouldn’t. I’m going to take the last bus to you”. She said, “i’m alone, so you can come” So in the middle of the night, i went and knocked on her door. By the time I got there, the last bus had left. She answers the door, and there are tears in her eyes and I can tell she’s in a state, so i gave her a hug, much longer than I thought. I pressed her body to mine, and rubbed her back. The scent of her shampoo filled my head and i just hung onto her until she let go. I decided to take her on a walk, and we aimlessly wandered the streets, until we came to a quiet pier. It being around 1 Am at this time, we were completely alone.
The sound of water calms me, so I took a seat and she hesitantly joined me. In the distance, we saw the buildings and lights of toronto. That, combined with the sound of water, the clear sky , and the slight breeze all made for a perfect night. We sat in silence and eventually I grew tired of sitting so i layed on my back. She looked at me oddly, and i smiled at her. I told her to lay down, so I stretched my arm out to support her head. She slowly laid her head on my arm and said “I’ve never done anything this random and spontaneous, but I love it” With my forearm under her, i propped myself on my elbow so i was looking down at her on her back, and said “Good, I’m glad” (Smooth as a porcupine). Eventually we got up and headed back to her house. We sat in the living room, facing each other on different sofas and the mood was tense, but electric. We started talking about random stuff, just to fill the space, until her phone rang. As soon as she answered it, her voice changed. Her face fell, and she began to speak softly. I knew something was wrong but I didn’t know what. I started pacing around, giving her time until she called me back.
She said to me, “So that was my boyfriend” Boom. My mind went black for a second. I didn’t know what to do. She said to me. “ I didn’t wanna say anything because I was afraid you would stop hanging out with me” I snapped out of it and I realized that there was an amazing woman sitting in front of me. And I forgot about her boyfriend completely. Her voice became thick and she said “I’m a bad person, aren’t I?” I said, “No, we haven’t done anything” But i saw the tears coming, so without hesitation, for the 2nd time that night, I wrapped my arms around her, and held her while her tears stained my shirt. She laughed and apologized for the tears. I just smiled and hugged her. I sat on the sofa, and somehow, her head ended up on my chest and my arm around her. Then she talked, for hours, about how he treated her like a colleague and how they are boring now. How they don’t talk anymore and they don’t do anything. How a simple walk with me was more than he had done for her in months. So i held her until she was done talking, and I still held her, with her breasts pressed to me, her head on my chest. I was acutely aware of how close her mouth was to mine, and how badly i wanted to kiss her. So I just checked her out instead. We eventually fell asleep like that, and I found myself waking up on her sofa at 5 am, her fully asleep on me. I Had to go home, so i woke her up, called a cab and waited, hoping that it never comes. She thanked me over and over again, and I of course didn’t mind. As i stepped out the door towards my cab she said, the next time you come, you are spending the entire night

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/c5zcf6/mf_the_time_i_22m_seduced_a_25f_after_she_called


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