The time [M]y wife and I got drunk and [F]ucked after a wedding with lots of public groping. This is another super long sorry, so be warned.

As I’ve stated before, my wife and I have a pretty awesome sex life. We aren’t constantly going at it, but we have a really good understand and mutual respect for one another. If someone isn’t in the mood, the other doesn’t push. If someone is, well, you get the idea.

This story talks about a wedding that we went to several years ago. We had been married ourselves for at least 5 years at this point. As my other posts have indicated, I am usually pretty drawn out with my stories as I like to explain and even over explain things to get the story across. I try to write these up the way I’d tell them to a friend. So here is that disclaimer again, if you do not like long posts, don’t read this. If you want a good read, a few laughs, and maybe get your motor running a little, please read this. I happily welcome any input, comments, questions, or smart remarks on it though.

Skip to the “////////////” part to go right to the wedding where side/back story is minimal but still gets you involved in the night.

Skip to the “**********” part to get to the bus ride back to the hotel.

The whole story has sexy bits of tension throughout. So don’t think it’s just pages of backstory with no action. Keep in mind. This is an entire day worth of story. Not a 45 minute fling. Also, I don’t want to release “muli-part” stories. No disrespect to those that do, I just feel like it’s cheating the reader a bit.

This day started like most days. We woke up, got ourselves ready for the day. The typical routine of: shit, shower, shave for me and pretty much the same for her. (Our “stats” were posted in my last post, so feel free to reference that for a better picture of us for the remainder of this story)

After she got out of the shower I did what any man would do to his wet and squeaky clean wife. Offered to rub lotion all over her body, even though she only needed help with her back. I love her body. As mentioned not gonna go into our specific details too much, but I’ll just say, that neither of us are body builders let alone frequent the gym. We try to stay active, but love our pizza and carbs.

She has some legs and thighs that I give any excuse to touch. Even just simple things like driving to the grocery store. My hand would be positioned perfectly tucked between her soft thighs, cupping her inner left leg right near her vagina. My pinky almost always seems to drift from the rest of my hand to poke or tease at her. Back to the morning, back to the lotioning.

I am sitting on our bed patiently waiting, smiling at her as she enters the room.

“What?” She says.

“I thought you’d want help with getting you all lubed up and slippery?” I responded.

“Just my back!” “If I even as much as feel your dick anywhere near my body, I’m gonna smack you!” “Were already running late.” To note, she knows I love messing with her. I will “try” to get her in the mood even when the time is not right. (As I said before, my respect for her wants and needs are taken into consideration well before my own horniness)

As I jumped at the bottle of lotion the bulge in my briefs started growing. She dropped her towel and I began to explore. I don’t NEED her to be completely shaven from eyes to toes or anything. Shit, we’ve been married long enough where I really couldn’t care less about some leg stubble. But..I sure do love me some soft skin. I’m sure not shaved from eyes to toes, I’m pretty far from it. I’ve got a beard and my entire chest is pretty hairy. I do my best to keep my bush minimal, but I try to keep my balls as hairless as possible. (Just my personal preference) Manscaping is not a hobby of mine, but I certainly am no mountain man.

After no time at all, my hand when from her back to all the places I wasn’t “supposed” to go. Oh my god! She shaved her pussy! Again. Body hair, for me, isn’t a turn on or even a turn off. But the less hair there is, the easier oral is. And I love going down on her. I had just barely gotten a few grazes of her vagina before I was told to , “knock it off! We are gonna be late”

“We already are gonna be late” “What’s 20 more minutes?” I pled.

“If you’re easy now and let me finish getting ready, I’ll be easy later. If you know what I mean.” She responded.

I knew exactly what this meant. Gentleman. Here’s a secret. (((((Disclaimer: At least this is how every wedding I’ve ever been to, goes. Even for a few of my friends too. So I would assume it’s almost universal. Also, any generalizations I make about “women/all women” absolutely do not mean every single one. These are my just observations and opinions))))) Weddings are pretty much the horninest place you can find a woman. If you take a date, that is even remotely interested in being there, if you play your cards right, you’re gonna get laid. It’s almost like playing with a stacked deck. Women (especially women who are not married) see the happy bride and want to share her happiness. (I, being a man, who has been a groom. Want to share the happiness with the groom as well. It’s not just a sexist, generalization of ALL women. Please understand that) You can sense the happiness and the excitement all around at weddings.

What’s one of the main “traditions” of a wedding day? Consummating the marriage. Fucking. Screwering. Having sex. Making love. Use any term you like, but they all mean the same. I found my wedding day to be kind of bizzare for this reason. You have so many people in this room. Some, who have paid money to get to your event, and, they have a gift for you! They are all there celebrating the fact that I’m going fuck the brains out of this woman. Their, granddaughter, niece, sister, or daughter. All of em are happy for us to have sex. In my fucked up interpretation that is.

It’s like when you tell your grandma that you are gonna start to try and have kids. She is over the top, ballistically happy for you. Why? I’m literally unloading my cum deep inside of her vagina and then there’s Gram, super happy and proud about this. It’s weird. Awesome. But weird.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Years of happy wedded bliss. Finding your other half. Blah, blah, blah. (In all seriousness I do appreciate these things daily, just trying to be funny) But in the end, the bride and groom have a destination for the night, and that is pound town.

Your date knows this. If they want to be there and are even slightly interested in you. By the third slow dance or maybe halfway though “The YMCA” she’ll be imagining herself going down onto your cock. If you are a great dancer and have confidence? Now you are just cooking with gasoline. Women love confidence. I’m personally not super confident, or over the top out going, and I pretty much despise dancing. So I’m starting behind in the count when it comes to my wife’s feelings towards me at weddings. But then, alcohol get introduced.

I’m not exactly Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde when it comes to alcohol. I just give less fucks when I drink. The more I drink, the less fucks I give. I feel like there is a chart of this somewhere. I’m sure this is a common thing for others as well. Back to our morning.

I oblige to her request to be left alone for now. I start to get ready myself. The wedding was a good 2 and a half hour drive, it was summer and hotter than balls out. We were staying in a hotel for the night, so the two of us got dessed, taking into consideration for the wedding and our drive. I’m wearing cargo shorts and a white t-shirt. My dress shirt, pants, socks, tie, and everything else is neatly folded on top of my overnight bag, ready to go so it doesn’t get wrinkled. She is wearing these super sexy, white tights, that go halfway up her calf that I just love. Along with one of my old work shirts so she doesn’t get any make up or anything on her dress.

Fuck. Tights. I love them. I find my wife incredibly sexy. I love her naked body. I love her, “I’m sick so I’m wearing a sweatshirt and don’t even look at me” body. Her in a dress, in tights, yoga pants, or leggings. Fuck. I’m an ass and leg man. I’ve said it before I’ll say it again. Thicc thighs, save lives. She’s a bit self conscious about her legs when “showing off” for other people, so when she wears dresses and such, some type of pants or shorts are usually underneath.

As we get everything loaded into the truck I sneak a peak at her ass and go in for a squeeze. That’s met by her batting my hand away from her. I start the truck. We’re about leave when she grabs my hand places it between her legs exactly where I like it to be. She begins to stretch out her legs a bit, this starts to tighten their grip on my hand. I’m loving every minute of this.

The ride there was pretty typical. I knew I had to be “good”, or else risk pissing her off for the first half of the night. And neither of us what that. I playful rub her inner thigh and gradually get closer and closer to where her legs meet. But I never touch her. This teasing last the entire trip. I thought nothing of it. I actually like my normal self. I sang the entire way there. I love music and car rides are usually filled with my mediocre singing. I kinda think I can carry a tune, so I enjoy it. She….tries. I can tell when I’m not on pitch and therefore not singing well, she cannot. We have our fun.

The trip takes just over an hour longer than expected due to traffic and my god was it awful. It was one of those heats where even with the A/C on and the sunroof cracked to try and let the hot air out, it took nearly the whole trip to be bearable. We are now almost and hour and a half late for check in. It’s not the end of the world. We’re still going to be to the wedding on time. Just means we won’t eat until after the ceremony.

The wedding is wonderful. The music is classy, nobody messed up their lines, and everyone showed up that need to be there. Great. Now let’s get onto the fun part of weddings.

We find our seats and are seated with 2 other couples who’s names I don’t remember. We didn’t talk to them very much. We didn’t even know them prior to the wedding. The bride and groom were old high school friends of ours. Not “best” friends then, and certainly not now. But we would still kept in touch enough to be the only ones invited from high school. The other 2 couples were close in age to my wife and I, so I understood our steating arrangements. They were fun and nice, but we didn’t really talk to them other than “common dinnertime” talk.


I got back from the bar with a glass of Riesling for her and a beer for me. She is not a wine drinker, usually. But free is the best price for anything. Wine and beer and soda were included at the bar tonight. I know myself and know that I need that liquid courage to come out of my shell a bit. So I grabbed myself 2 glasses to start. I can drink pretty fast if I want to, or if I’m nervous. I’ll just drink out of a compulsive need to keep myself occupied without thinking. So pretty quickly, those beers were gone. (We had a shuttle to and from the venue, this story has no hazardous driving like my last one did)

As I mentioned before we didn’t have time to stop for lunch. It was now approaching 6:15. The only things in my stomach at this time, were some mints, a half a bagel, and about 3 and a half beers. Things were going great. My confidence was nearing its peak with the emptying of my 6th beer and my wife’s 3rd glass of wine. Dinner started when I got back with my 5th and 6th.

I sat down with the beers and wine and looked at my and told her how beautiful she was. She really did. She spent a lot of time on her make up, her hair, and her whole outfit. She looked good enough for both of us. I, myself, looked pretty respectable, if I do say so myself. I grazed her bare, freshly shaven calf, and started making my way up to the start of her dress. I looked directly into her eyes and whispered something about how, “I was going to fuck you so good tonight.”

“You smell like beer!” She responded, giggling from her own drunken foolishness.

“Wow, here I am trying to be seductive, and all you mention is my beer breath?” ” Would you prefer Whiskey breath?” I said.

“I’d take your whiskey dick.” She replied.

I personally have never had any issues with getting an erection. I’ve heard whiskey can do this to some men. I do however have a bit of an issue with my…ahem…”time of performance”. I’m not a one pump guy or nothing. But 10 minutes is a pretty solid time for me to last. Sober, that is. If I drink whiskey, for some reason my dick forgets to cum until I remind it to. It’s amazing. I can truly fuck like a porn star if I drink a fair amount of whiskey. All of the sensation, none of the repercussions of normal sex. The sensation is not dulled in any way either, it’s like a weird kind of “dick spinach” I would drink if I was playing Popeye in some shitty porno parody.

Her saying she wanted me to drink whiskey was like music to my ears. This meant not only was I getting laid, but she wanted to fuck all night long. Fine by me. I go to the bar. Get a Whiskey and Coke and some rum drink for her that she really likes. I arrive at the table and she is sitting down scrolling through Facebook or something. The plates from dinner have been cleared. All that’s left was our glasses, making us look like serious alcoholics. But the give-a-fuck meter read about 25%, so I didn’t mind very much.

As the whiskey started to work that meter kept dropping. As the meter kept dropping, my fight to not dance kept dropping as well. My wife loves to dance. I’m kind of awkward and our difference in height (damn near 15 inches) makes it pretty difficult to dance with her. But then, it happened. “The Cha Cha Slide”.

This song is my shit. I fucking love “The Cha Cha Slide” I have no clue why. I just do. If I have even minimal drinks in me, I will get up and make a fool of myself to this song. So I get up from my chair in one motion and before I know it, I’m on the dance floor. The bass, the lights, and people around us, it’s all a blast. I didn’t even realize that my wife followed me out onto the dance floor. She both start dancing and following the directions as we hear them called out. (If you don’t know the name of this song, I guarantee uou have heard the song if you’ve been to a wedding in the last 20 years)

The song ends and we find our seats. I’m basically dying from the unnecessary amount effort I put into dancing. We catch our breath and talk about how much fun we are having. I give her a kiss on the cheek and I run my fingers through her hair. I go in for another kiss but stop right before our lips meet and say, “would you like another drink, ma’am?”

“Yes sir.” She responds, quite obediently.

(We aren’t into “dominant” play like that, but it was pretty hot for her to call me “sir”)

I get us another round of drinks and sit down. My wife can handle her liquor with the best of em, but tonight was not one of those nights. I usually have to ask her how drunk she is in order to know. She’s pretty good at hiding it, besides a few unexpected hiccups every now and then. We sip our drinks and a slow song comes on. We lock eyes and without saying a word, move to the dance floor. I can tell she’s pretty drunk as I helped her to the floor.

Couldn’t tell you the name of the song that lured us to the floor, it might have been an Ed Sheeran song. Honestly not too sure. But it was nice. Slow, but up beat. We held each other. I pulled her into me and we started to dance. As mentioned, I’m not a dancer. Back pain usually sets in after about 5 minutes of dancing to slow songs due to my slouching. Songs aren’t usually that long, so most of the time I’m good. But halfway through I usually have to readjust my spine. If two come on in a row, that second song is tough.

The slow song was immediately followed up by a fast paced, super bassed, electronic song for some reason. Barely enough time for the older folks to get off the dance floor. Might have been “Turn Down For What” or just a generic LMFAO song. Not to sure again. But it was rowdie. Lots of “grinding”.

Back in high school I remember going to prom and other dances, and seeing all of these couples dancing like that. The girls just slamming their asses into the crotches of the dates. Rubbing them in ways I didn’t understand at the time. I thought, “How the fuck do these girls not feel these guys dicks?” “How the fuck do these guys not get boners while their dates do this to them?” My girlfriend looked at me and I popped a boner in highschool. Still pretty much do today as well. I had such a “respect” for my, then girlfriend, now wife, that I didn’t want her to have to touch my penis during us dancing in fear she would think I was a creep. Ah… little did I know that all of those girls knew exactly what they were doing. But even to this day, I’m still not a big fan of that kind of dancing.

The bass was pounding, my give-a-fuck meter was at about 10% now so we danced. And my god was it awesome. Remember how I said I’m an ass and leg man? Well her best features were doing nothing but rubbing my favorite place on my body to get rubbed. Even through my pants, her dress, and her tights I could feel…FUCK! She’s not wearing any underwear?!?! How did I not notice this THE ENTIRE RIDE UP HERE!? My horniness level went from 110% to at least 150%. I swayed back and forth and let her do her thing for I don’t know how long. The DJ was actually pretty good about playing music the crowd enjoyed. I think the dance floor only cleared one time. So after at least 10 or 15 minutes of “dick rubbing” it wasn’t even dancing, let’s be honest, we found our seats.

“A shuttle is leaveing for the hotel in about 5 minutes” we over heard someone say. It was nearing 12:30. So to put it lightly were on that God Damn bus.


We found our seats in the back of the bus. It was a one of those huge coach buses. Really nice seats, some TV’s, and even a bathroom. The bathroom is barely big enough for the average woman to be in comfortably, let alone my giant ass, AND my wife. So sorry, the story doesn’t follow us in there.

We are seated, waiting for the bus to leave and for the cabin lights to be turned off. The lights go off. Show time. I immediately start putting my hands all over her shoulders. Rubbing and caressing them. Relaxing her as best I can. There are maybe another 5 couples on the 80 person bus. No one is sitting close to each other. We knew what was going on. Fuck. The bus driver must have had a constant hard on the entire time he drove.

The trip back to the hotel was maybe 10 minutes so I knew any moves would have to be fast. With almost no notice, and without stopping my rubbing of her neck. I took my left hand and unzipped my pants. Dug through my underwear and pulled out my rock hard cock. She opened her eyes. Looked at me and said nothing. She slowly began to work my dick. Because of the sheer upright nature of the chairs, and my minimal leg room, she was only able to really get at 1/2 of my dick. As she played with, basically just the head of my dick, I began to give in. My give-a-fuck meter was at exactly 0% now.

She kept jerking and I kept groping and rubbing. Making my way towards her breasts. I had my arm around her, so you could only imagine the difficulty in my efforts, but it was totally worth it. My right hand was digging deep into her dress trying to flick and play with her nipples while my left hand is pryed to my pants trying to keep them open. Eventually, I go remove my hand from her dress, bring it around her so I can stop her from jerking me off and start fingering her and the lights come on. FUCK! We’re here. We both stand up. My dick swings and hit the chair in front of us. I totally forgot it was out. Remember, I’m more than half in the bag at this point and my meters are at the lowest of lows and highest of highs.

I put myself away and start to make my way up to the front of the bus. My wife is walking in front of me. As she walks she slowly starts to raise her dress so I can look at her shapely legs and ass. As we were walking I was so focused on her, that I totally missed that she stopped down the aisle. I walked right into her. We weren’t running or anything, so she wasn’t knocked over, but our bodies met. The second our bodies met, she did a little shimmy and gave me a few extra rubs on my cock with her ass for good measure.

We got off the bus, said thank you to the driver, because, you know, manners and proceeded to stumble into the lobby. We are met by a few other people still in their wedding attire, but more obliterated than we are. The hotel had a bar too. These people sure used it. My right hand was cupping the small of her back as I led her to the elevator and I could tell she was melting.

My wife loves it when I put my hand on the small of her back to guide her anywhere. I’m not pushing her. She’s going exactly where she wants to go, I’m just assisting. She goes nuts for it. It’s just soft and suble enough so she knows I’m there but not too much like I’m forcing her.

We get into the elevator. The doors close. All hell breaks loose. She is grabbing my dick through my pants like she only does when she’s super drunk and really fuckin horny. I did the same. I plunged my hand first up her dress then down her tights. I felt the warmth from her pussy before I even entered her tights. The elevator is shockingly quiet. Damn. We never pused the button. Oops…we select our floor and continue with our sex fuel grabbing. The door dings. We’re at our floor. And my god are we ready to get off. In more ways than one.

I fumble with the card key. It is, of course difficult for me to use with my horny mind. Especially when almost all of the blood I do have left in my brain is spinning around with Jack Daniels. We get the door open and shed our clothes. No time is spared. We are literally removing our clothes as we are walking to the bed.

The fact that neither of us stumble while doing this is mind blowing to me. Neither of us could walk a straight line, but our genitals apparently had enough of an internal gyroscope to keep us on our feet, for now.

Our now naked bodies came together as we rubbed each other’s backs and gropped each other’s arms, legs, and necks. We got on the bed. My hands immediately went for her clit. I rubbed back and forth and pressed against her clit with my index and middle fingers. I rubbed up and down to placing her clit between my fingers holding pressure on it while stimulating her breasts. I keep rotating from breasts, to ass, to vagina in a perfect cycle. If I got the feeling that either her tits or ass are being left out, I’d swap.

All of this is happening while she is stroking my cock. She is a gift. She seriously know how to jerk me off. Her hands are amazing. My dick size is slightly above average but pretty girthy. So with her, she can comfortably jerk me off with both hands with some room to spare. I didn’t need to add any lube to her pussy and she didn’t need to with my dick.

In one motion I rolled her into me and the spun her 180 degrees so we could be in proper “69” mode. I fucking love 69’ing. I love getting head and I love giving head. I love pleasing her. As she is perched perfectly on my face I being to tongue and lightly chew on her clit. My hands are swirling around her glorious and big ass. Rocking her back and forth on my face. She moans and yelps in pleasure. I move my hands from her ass and begin to finger her pussy while I eat her out. She loves this. I’m going to town on my wonderful “fourth meal buffet” all while penetrating her with my fingers. When I do this, I like to hook my fingers downward towards her pubic bone. It hits all of her spots perfectly. I work my finger and my tongue in such a way that I know she is just inches away from cumming.

Her moans go muffled as she starts to suck my dick. She’s doing all of the right things. She’s jerking me off while sucking it. She’s cupping my balls, rubbing them, and squeezing them just hard enough to keep my attention. Her bobs down on my dick begin to coordinate with my rocking of her hips. She gives an insanely good blowjob. Not nearly as often as I would like her to, but, she has her personal reasons for why she doesn’t LOVE doing it. I respect her wishes entirely.

“Are you gonna fuck me yet?” She says after taking a break from sucking the head of my dick. Then she begins to jerk me off while swinging her hips from side to side. “Not if you keep doing that, I’m not. I’m totally content like this,” as I dive back into her pussy for more. My hips began to buck as I try to have her take me deeper. As I said before, I’m no porn star, but my dick is respectable. She however can’t take the whole thing all the way into her mouth. I’m fine with her choosing to breathe and not throw up all over my dick verses trying to get the last inch or so. But in my drunken and horny mind, I start to thrust. Slowly, not abruptly. In no way am I “face fucking” her or anything. But enough to try and persuade her into taking more than she has been.

This goes on for at least 20 minutes. During this time period I had given her 2 orgasms. The second one was kind of an accident. I think it might have been a quick unexpected wave from the first one, but believe me. I know what my wife sounds like when she cums. She came twice. I ask her if she had “forgotten about us fucking or….what…?”

She said, “Absolutely not. Get the fuck over here now.”

I was on top of her in seconds. I began to fuck her hard and deep but slowly. I placed my hands underneath her ass to help give a bit of rigidity to our pounding. The screams and “fucks!” Were coming from both of us. I wanted to keep this up forever, and thanks to my “dick spinach”, I was in good shape. I eventually put the pillows we had, underneath her ass and the small of her back so I could really go to town and I could try my best to go as deep as I could. This went on for maybe 10 minutes or so. Then she said, “flip”. I obeyed.

She got on top of me and began to fuck me like I owed her money and I kept my money in my dick. As she rocked back and forth and started to bounce up and down on my dick, I just sat back and enjoyed myself. I would alternate from rubbing her tits, to holding her ass. Assisting her in her efforts of riding my cock. I told her to lean back. She did. As she put her hands on my knees I began to rub her clit again. I did this for maybe 15 seconds before she came again. Another 10 minutes of this goes on and she says her legs are starting to burn. She gets off of me and assumes the position.

She knows how much I love doggy-style. It’s probably one of my favorite experiences in life, honestly. I take a moment to collect myself. Taking in all I see before me. Nothing by my wife’s ass, legs, and back arched in such a way I’m surprised I even was able to stick my cock inside.

We usually use condoms in hotel rooms. It’s a weird personal “common courtesy” thing I have. But this time we did not use one. We went straight from the bus, to the elevator, to the room, all while pretty much fucking. Then shed our clothes and we were off to the races.

But I did. I was able to penetrate her. And by god did I. I went to town fucking her from behind. Our rhythm never got perfectly in sync due to our drunkeness, but our end result was exactly what we wanted. She was on the edge of the bed and I was standing on the floor. My pumps began hard, fast, and steady, but eventually slowed.

“Why are you stopping?” She said.

“I don’t want to cum yet.” “I’m having too much of a good time.” I responded.

“Fuck babe!” “We’ve been fucking and groping for almost 2 hours!” She explained.

I looked at the clock to see that it was almost 2:00 in the morning.

“Alright.” “So are you saying you want me to cum?” I say.

“Yes, please. Please?”

I push her down on the the bed while I’m still inside of her. I stayed fucking her from behind while I layed down basically on top of her. It was incredible. My dick was doing exactly what my fingers do when I try to finger her and curl my fingers upwards. She starts screaming in pleasure. I start doing the same.

“Fuck” “Fuck” “Fuck, I’m gonna cum!!!” I exhale as I’m thrusting and pumping every last drop into her pussy. I start to slow down as I feel my orgasm subsiding but the sensitivity of my dick increase with every thrust. I give her 3 more good, deep, slow thrusts for good measure. Then I back off of her to take in what I had just done to her.

She laid there with her head in the covers and pillows, panting. I can see her butt rising and lowering with every inhale and exhale.

“Oh shit! Here it comes!” She screams as she jumps up from the bed and runs to the bathroom with a pool of cum already saturating the sheets and a visible streak running down her leg.

” I think it already came honey…” I respond through the bathroom door.

I adore this woman.



  1. > Also, I don’t want to release “muli-part” stories. No disrespect to those that do, I just feel like it’s cheating the reader a bit.

    You earned my upvote before you even described a single character.

  2. Beautifully written!

    Just wish your wife would’ve lie on the bed and let your hot load flow in her, without going to the bathroom. That would be a splendid final touch on your story (and your night as well)

  3. Very nicely written hot story, I hope my marriage life is similar to this if I get married. Also my prom did not allow grinding like dance but in other school dances (that where not prom) it was easy to get away with.

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