Ode to the sundress

During the warm months in central europe women wear sundresses. Solid afternoon sky blue, sunflower patterns, and my favorite, vanilla cream white. These women with smooth lightly bronzed skin, hips swaying swish swish swish with each step. The eyes start at the cinnamon cake shoulders and cascades of flowing honey blonde hair, falling to shapely calves while ending invariably at round ice cream scoop perfect buttocks. Often the gods read my mind with an ephemeral breeze. Invisible hands press malleable fabric into every crevice of her posterior. No panties. A vision. Would the gods see fit but to raise to the heavens that thin shroud.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/c59z90/ode_to_the_sundress

1 comment

  1. The Wife has been sporting sundresses lately, and I’m as big a fan as you!

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