Danielle busts Andrew [m/f] [ballbusting] (my first attempt at erotic an erotic story)….Andrew’s stories Pt. 1

Andrew was placed on the bed wearing nothing but his boxer briefs by Danielle. Danielle was and attractive redhead that stood 5’4”. She had piercing green eyes and a hint of freckles. Her milky skin was smooth and her tits were a perky c cup. Her ass was plump and firm and often was the source of jealousy amongst her friends. She wore only a navy blue boy shorts and matching bra at this point and Andrew loved everything about her. Her panties were hugging her hips so tight you could have swore that they were painted on. She teasingly turned so that Drew could see the backside of her panties which were indented into her flawless ass. This of course allowed her panties to outline her form perfect and Drew wanted nothing more than to caress her beautiful figure. They had met at her work where she was a bartender. He was much different than the normal patrons and she instantly took a liking to him. They had made small talk throughout her shift and ultimately he asked her out on a date. Who would have thought that this once innocent date had now landed them is this current situation. Danielle was now restraining him making sure his hands were bound above his head and tied so tight that he couldn’t move. Slowly she teased andrews bulge through is spandex style boxer briefs, the whole time watching his cock grow harder and harder. She slowly ran her fingers up and down his shaft and paid careful attention to the head of his cock. She playfully teased the ridge of his head with her fingernails all the while feeling her own urges take over. Danielle often would look at pictures of cock outlines when she rubbed her clit and now she had the perfect outline right in front of her. For some reason seeing the head of a mans cock perfectly outlined in tight underwear turned her on and Drew’s cock was no exception. Andrew was in heaven being teased and his head was swirling in thoughts. Slowly she wrapped her tiny hand fully around his balls slowly started to squeeze. Right through his underwear. Andrew was caught completely of guard and his body stiffened feeling this tiny beautiful female crush his most sensitive area. Feeling his balls crush in her palm made her instantly turned on more than she had ever been and she immediately felt a rush of wetness flood her throbbing pussy. She had often fantasized about ballbusting and would frequent that category on her favorite porn pages and tonight her her night to fulfill her desire for control. She squeezed until she felt them both starting to compress much like a lime would if your squeezed it hard. Andrews breathing became erratic as he screamed out “stop, stop, please”. She let out a sinful laugh and said “you’d better toughen up or this is going to be a long night for you”. She was actually quite shocked at how little it pressure it had taken for Drew’ to beg her to stop. She had always known that testicles were sensitive and her friend Lindsey had educated her in the anatomy of a testicle and about its most sensitive areas. “That took absolutely nothing! I can’t wait to see your reaction after they’re already sore. I hope you’ll make this this Andrew” she said. Andrew had always had fantasy’s about ballbusting but this was the first time he was getting to act upon them. The thought of his balls welfare being in the hands of this gorgeous woman both excited and scared him. Danielle let off her tight grip and pulled out a blind fold and gag. Reaching around Andrews head she put the gag on and just before she put the blind fold on she grabbed his balls close to the base of his cock so both were pulled down into the sack. Pulling them further from his cock she whispered in Andrews ear “look at these balls, if you don’t cum a huge load for me out of these balls or you cum before I say this will be the last time you see these fucking balls”. With that said she pulled out a big rubber mallet as said “if these balls don’t produce or they can’t keep from cumming they’re useless and I’m going to make sure you’ll never be able to use them again by crushing these fucking nuts with this.” Andrews eyes looked horrified he had not expected things to go to such extremes. He had expected Danielle to want to try light squeezes and maybe a few slaps when they both shared their interests into trying this together. She was after all a beautiful next door type who seemed to have such and innocent personality. Andrew could not have been further from the truth at this point. Danielle placed his huge balls against a board she had laid across your thighs and tapped them with the mallet just enough to cause andrew to wince and pull away. His heart raced and panic flooded his body of what Danielle was capable of. Danielle then pulled the mask down over andrews eyes and said “let the fun begin”. Slowly Danielle inched her hand down his chest teasingly until finally her hand grasped his cock which was now fully exposed as she had already removed his underwear and his cock was rock hard. Danielle loved the feeling of a hard dick in her hands but not as much as she loved the feeling of crushing a pair of balls apparently as she had just learned. Andrews cock was by no means long at an average 6”. His circumcised cock was however above average in girth and this also drove Danielle crazy. The feeling of his thick member in her tiny hands made her feel small but the fact that she could control him through his balls made her power hungry. Andrews cock is so hard that she can’t even squeeze it a little. As she worked her way up the shaft she slowly stop right at the ridge of his head. Precum flowed from his cock only furthering her desires to bust his balls for some reason. Seeing this drove her mad and she grasped around the base of andrews cock head and squeezed tightly as she could. Her hand didn’t even fit all the way around his dick she squeezed tight around his head. Blood rushed into andrews cock head and it swelled with a purple hue. Her fingernails dig into his cock’s head and he tensed his muscles from his core to his neck. With more desire to control him now more than ever she leaned towards his head and whispered in his ear “these big balls of yours better produce more or I can promise you I will smash them open just so can see what the inside of them looks like”. Andrews cock was still twitching and swelling from her tight grip but had not lost its rigidness. Danielle was ready to start her control over Andrew and made her way to his balls which were already swollen with cum aching to get out. Gently she rubbed them and placed them on the board lying across your thighs. “God I love when large pair of balls hangs low like these” She said out loud “I can’t wait to see what they look like when I cut them out of this sack”. Without any warning she swang her fist as hard as she could. She felt andrews balls crush under the pressure of her fist taking them just to the cusp of bursting. Andrew let out a muffled scream of agony and just as he thought it was over She hurled her fist again this time only hitting the right ball. Immediately it begins to swell and turn a pinkish red color and again andrew let out a muffled cry. “Settle in cause this cock and those beautiful fucking balls of yours have a long session ahead of them” she muttered. His vulnerability has her so turned on that her panties are soaked from her wet pussy. As she herself drifted into euphoria she quickly concentrated her focus back onto Andrews bare crotch. She wanted to take all this man held dear and destroy it all because of what a couple of other men had done to her. Danielle was a bartender at a local hooters restaurant. She was extremely cute and a lot of patrons would try and pick her up. She had a tattoo on her right shoulder that she had gotten as a token to her mother. It was both of their birth flowers intertwined as if they were a single flower. It took aspects of both flowers and flawlessly made them appear as one. It was rather large and took her 14 hours in the tattoo chair to complete. The tattoo was a wonderful work of art and she loved to display it for all to see. She had another tattoo on her right wrist but it was meaning less. It was nothing more than an infinity symbol. A meaningless tattoo her and her best friend decided to get when that had both turned 18. While it wasn’t against the rules at Hooters, her boss forced her to cover it up with makeup everyday for work. He would often say thing like “only trashy women have tattoos” or “do you want guys to think you’re a whore”. Danielle hated him and it all stemmed from a single incident which she vividly remembered. One day as she was getting more liquor she was forced to bend down to get some bottles from the bottom shelf. Unbeknownst to her her boss had walked in and witnessed her bent over. Her ass looked amazing in her tiny orange shorts and she had always known it. The skin tight shorts fit her thigh gap perfectly and hugged her pussy tight. While you couldn’t see the outline of her pussy it left little to the imagination for those who saw. Her boss saw this walked right up to her as she was bent over and said “I always knew you were a whore. If you wanted me to fuck you all you had to do is ask” with that he reaches out and slapped her ass. Only he didn’t just slap it, he kept his hand cupped on her ass longer than a normal slap and she even felt his fingers wonder right over her pussy. Shocked she jets up and said “don’t you ever fucking touch me or I’ll go straight to corporate”. He simply smirked and said “its your word against mine sweetheart” this incident in combination of how many men she had caught taking pictures of her ass without consent was the rage she was about to unleash on Drew’s balls. She had always been fascinated with men’s testicles because it was the source of their desires and also the source of their greatest fears. On one hand they could bring them the greatest pleasure of ecstasy by simply massaging them or gently sucking on them. However, threaten them with any harm and a man will wince in pain at the mere thought of it. She had prepared herself for this moment a long time. She had done ton of prep work for this exact moment. She wanted to bring a man the ultimate in pain and pleasure. She had not yet decided exactly how far she wanted to go with her abuse and she figured she would see how she felt in the moment. She was however perfectly willing to take that which a man loved so much and sever it from its life force. She was already an extremely sexual person and knew what she liked but this was her taboo fantasy which she was eager to bring to life. There looking down she eyed Drew’s big balls looking defenseless, battered, huge, but most of all suckable. “Fuck I want these huge balls in my mouth” she moaned out at the peak of her ecstasy. She lean into andrews ear once again and whispered “I know that must have hurt those glorious balls, let me make it up to you” as She gently suckled on his ear lobe. She began kissing her way down his chest inching closer to his thick cock. She could hear his breathing become more rhythmic. Danielle stopped right as shes about to get to the head of his dick and said “enjoy this but if you cum before I’m ready for you to I will make sure that you’ll always remember what happens to people who cum early”. Just as she was through talking she grabbed andrews vulnerable hanging balls and squeezed with full force. Danielle’s grip was so hard that they begin to crush with an audible crunch. Both balls are now being brutally mashed in the palm of daniells tiny hand. The rush of power she feels is unimaginable through her eyes. Here she was a tiny 5’4”, 105 lb woman but she is able to bring a 5’11” muscular man that easily had 100lbs on her to his knees with just a light squeeze. Andrews balls are so big that she can’t contain both with her hand and the pressure from the squeeze is causing them to compress and they begin to push out from both sides of my hand. Danielle grip tightens and she squeezes even harder. His screams are muffled, but can be still heard at an ear piercing screech. The way in which she can control him through his balls has her in a state of bliss. Danielle can hear through his gag that hes trying so hard to scream “stop, please stop”. She loosens her grip on andrews tender balls and they bounce back down resting on the board which was still resting on his thighs. During his brutal torture andrew had all but forgotten about the board. Thoughts spiral through his head, one after another as fast as they could. He ponders what’s going to happen next? Is the fist coming? The mallet? Something worse? All the while his balls are aching and the pain has now made it to his lower abdomen. His screams had continued and his thoughts had drifted away from sexual and into darker areas. Were his balls going to survive this torture? Did his balls even stand a chance or had this woman only had the intent of castrating him in any brutal fashions of her choosing. Andrews thoughts have caused his once rigid cock to slowly become soft again. His soft cock is now resting on top of his battered balls. “Relax, that was merely a taste of what is the come if you cum early or I’m not satisfied with the amount of cum” she says. She glanced down at andrews flaccid cock and can no longer stand the urge “I can’t wait to feel that dick in my mouth” she exclaimed. Immediately Danielle is at andrews cock slowly taking it in her warm wet mouth. Feeling andrews soft cock head slide past her lips and onto her tongue has danielle in ecstasy. She rolls her eyes back into her head from the feeling of his cock sliding further and further in. She feels every vein slide past her lips and his soft cock begins to harden in her mouth. Andrews dick touches the back of her throat and she lets out a tiny gag. Andrews head is swirling and his body is in a state of confusion trying to focus his mind on either the pleasure nor the pain. Danielle had always been told that she was great at giving blowjobs and Andrew was about to find out why. The feeling of an engorged dick had always been a turn on for Danielle. It was a fetish which she had explored and in her mind she had mastered the art of sucking dick. Danielle loves feeling andrews cock pulsing with his heartbeat and with every beat it gets harder and harder. As his throbbing cock slides in and out of her mouth she caresses the under side of his head with her tongue. Danielle pulls his cock out for a second only to say “fuck I love how your dick taste. How far do you think I can go down my throat with it?” With that said she slides his dick as far as she can down her throat. The feeling of how deep his member is makes her even wetter than she’s ever been and her panties are now soaked through and dripping her juices right through her panties. Hearing his moans only makes her want to try for more. She forces his cock as deep as it will go in her throat and leaves it there. She had always been told by guys that they loved the techniques which she used and Andrew was about to find out why she tightened her throat muscles and began massaging the head of his cock with her throat. Andrew feels her throat tighten and squeeze the head of his cock and it’s driving him crazy. He moans out and he begins to feel as if he were about to cum. He yearns so badly to feel his cock shoot cum down Danielles throat while it’s being engulfed by it. He quickly remembers what she said. “I’ll make sure you always remember what happens to people that cum early” he remembers in his head. What did that mean? “What would she do” is all you think as he feels his cock begin to twitch and his cum is inching closer and closer.Deep in the back of danielles throat she begins to feel his cock making the unmistakable twitch a dick makes moments before it unleashes it’s load. “Please cum, so can punish those balls” she thinks to herself. She had already made her mind up that if he was not able to follow her instructions then almost all bets were out the window. The feeling of his pulsating cock swell with every beat of andrews heart and feeling the blood flow through every vein as her lips wrap tightly around the shaft have her mind racing in euphoric thoughts. She feels his huge balls begin to pull up closer to the base of his bulging hard dick and she knows that any second now she will feel his cum shoot down her throat and she will be unleashed from the restraints which she has put upon herself about andrews punishment. With her soft small hand she reaches up and gently start caressing his balls and she can feel them swelling with the orgasm which is coming. Again she contracts her throat muscles around the head of his cock and Drew moans out and begins breathing really heavy. She can feel every ridge of Drew’s head rubbing against her tight throat and she is now certain he is seconds from squirting his load all down her throat. This was the moment she was waiting for. Swallowing cum to her was her end all be all for an orgasm. Forcing a man to cum against his will was a sense of accomplishment for her. It made her feel as if she were his master. Drew lets out a loud moan quickly followed by a barely audible “NO!”. Cum rushes out of his cock instantly filling Danielle’s throat. Bliss courses through her veins as she swallows all that she can. There is a long pause and Danielle begins to think Drew’s balls may not produce more cum for her, even though they’re the biggest she’s ever encountered. Just as she begins to think that Drew’s giant nuts will leave her disappointed her throat is instantly it’s filled with more than she can handle. She’s struggling not to spill any but the volume is too much for her to handle and some cum is seeping from her lips, which are still wrapped as tight as they can around his shaft. With an eager look in her eyes she swallows, and swallows, and swallows. “How much cum can these balls produce ?” She thinks to herself. At this point she reaches up grabs his balls and begins squeezing them hard. “I want to make sure there’s absolutely no cum left in these” she thinks to herself. Load after load fills her throat as she swallows as much as she possibly could but still some leaks out running all the way down andrews shaft and now onto his balls. Danielle swallowed what must have been 15 enormous squirts of cum before your cock begins to soften in her throat. Slowly she pulls his cock out from her throat and runs the sensitive underside of his head the entire way out down her tongue. “Well now, I guess you Know what this means right” She asks? “Please no” Andrew whimpers through his gag while simultaneously sobbing in pain. “I bet you didn’t know that draining the balls completely could make them hurt so much did you?” she asks as she removed his gag from his mouth. “Please, please no more” he begs. For only a moment she is moved by his cries for mercy and considers letting him out with no punishment. But then, all the times she had guys take pictures of her. All the times she had overheard them talk about how she “looks like she could suck a mean dick or her pussy needed a pounding” came racing into her head. Andrew was about to pay for all the scumbag men that had talked bad about her even though he himself was nothing but nice to her. Danielle knew that Drew was genuinely the nicest guy she had ever gone on a date. During one particular part of the date during whatever they were discussing innuendos began flying around comically. This however lead to more serious discussions amongst the two about fantasies and kinks. This is of course where Drew confesses that being controlled via his balls was something he wanted to try. He had told her that he wanted to try some light ballbusting to ease his way into the kink just to see if it was for him. This is also where Danielle confesses that she wanted to try to bust a man. She explains that she feels that it would be empowering and that she felt like it would be a turn on to her. Now all this was about to come into fruition for both. She comes close and leans into him so close he can feel her warm breath on his neck and says “I told you what would happen if this happened and now you’re going to pay the price”. Still blind folded he had no idea what to expect or what is coming but he’s scared and fearful of what is to come. She pulls him up by his bound hands and walks him over to and unknown spot in the room. “No! No! He screams out in terror but to no avail. His bound hands are now raised above his head and he’s still unable to move. He’s now sobbing thinking of what maybe coming. He pleads sobbing for her to stop but Danielle has a vendetta and Drew was the punching bag for her rage. He had only wanted to attempt the slightest of this kind of kink. Now it seemed he was going to be full on tortured and it scared him to death. All of a sudden andrew feels someone putting something on his legs and pulling them up. Danielle then pulls andrews blindfold off and says “now I want you to watch these balls get destroyed. These are a special pair of underwear of my own design” she says as she pulls his blind fold off from around his head. Andrew looks down to see a pair of boxer briefs with a small hole with an small metal ring right in the middle where his balls would normally be. “These will allow me to push this beautiful cock out of the way while also pulling your balls away and letting them hang freely so I can punish these nuts properly.” As she was saying this she scooped up his member, still sore from his orgasm and squeeze the head as hard as she could. Drew had never seen his cock so purple and winced in pain. She laughed out loud and said “You look terrified, if you thought that was bad wait until you feel that on these balls” She reaches down and slaps his tender balls with and open palm. Andrew gazes down looking at the small hole in the crotch while pondering his testicles fate. He began wondering how she was supposed to fit both of his balls in such a small hole. “Let me guess “ She says “youre wondering how your big balls are going to fit? Just like this” With the she pushes one giant nut through the hole. The testicle which was the size of a huge egg was crushed down to the width of a quarter to get pushed through. Screaming at an ear piercing volume andrew yells out in agony. Nerves in his already bruised ball are stretched to their limit horizontally while simultaneously being crushed from this tiny hole. Pain shoots into his lower abdomen and hes screaming as loud as he can for danielle to stop. “Danielle, stop please stop! I can’t take it!” A faint feeing comes over him as if he was going to pass out and just as everything is fading to black she forces the other swollen ball through. Pain radiates all over his body as he’s convulsing in pain. He attempts to collapse but he’s held up by your restrained arms. “Now, you knew this would happen if you came early. Most people think that kicking balls is the most painful way when actuality the most effective way to cause pain is to cause the balls to compress from the sides” she says aloud. She had learned this from her friend Lindsey who was a nurse practitioner. Her and Lindsey had discussed her plans and Lindsey had agreed if this were to ever happen she would look after Danielles poor victim. Lindsey had her own plans for the victim but that was neither here nor there. “It really takes next to nothing watch” she taps his balls repeatedly really fast with open fingers and he begins convulsing in pain once again. “See next to nothing”. Leaning down she now restrains his legs to where he can no longer move his legs. After untying his hands both hands are now free at his side. Walking to a table behind Drew she eyes around for whatever weapon she wants to use for his emasculation. She picked up a single object and begin hitting it against her hand causing Andrew to jump in terror. As she come in front of him andrew recognizes what’s in her hand. It’s looks like some sort of plastic bat only this one sounds more solid. That’s because she had weighted at the end to cause more damage. This bat was easily 4 times heavier than it should be. “Should I use this or some of those?” she said as she points to a table behind andrew. Thrown about the table are various objects. He glances quickly and sees belts, paddles, needles, ice picks, hammers, mallets, knives, hatchets, and even a blowtorch. “I’m going to hit these balls until they’re the size of lemons and if you fall down you will never see them again”. As soon as she was done she took a might swing landing a blow perfectly on his testicles. Searing pain shoots through him and he is unable to withstand the pain and falls down clutching his crotch. Danielle feels a surge of blood rush into her pussy followed by the unmistakable tingles which proceed her orgasms. She clutches her crotch still covered by her soaked panties and drops to her knees dropping the bat entirely. The bat thuds at her feet and she lies there doubled over moaning out in ecstasy from hitting Drew. Her legs tremble with what was the hardest orgasm of her life. Regaining control of her limbs she’s now giggling with the cutest smile from ear to ear. It had been a while since she experienced and orgasm strong enough to make her this giggly. Through convulsions and screams Andrew yells “No! No! You popped them! Please stop!” She slowly gets up still feeling weak in the knees and says “Are you begging me not to hit your poor testicles?” Let me get a look at those balls of yours once again”. As she inspects his balls she noticed they have started swelling and are beginning to turn purple. “Well it seems we are at a cross roads my little cum slave. I told you that if they were not the size of lemons that I would make sure that you never see them again. What should I use? Should I use this?” She holds a large kitchen knife up to his balls gently tapping the left then the right with the flat side of the blade. “Perhaps I won’t just cut them off. You see if I sever them then I also sever the nerves and now you wouldn’t feel them anymore. No I believe that perhaps I will merely slice them open to maximize your pain.” She says eagerly. The thought alone sent chills running up her thighs and she almost orgasmed again but quickly she regained her composure. “Wait” She says aloud “I have the perfect contraption” She slides a drawer open and pulls out a looking strange device. “This is another device which I have made. I don’t have a name for it but let me explain how it works” She says as She holds it infront of him. Andrew looks at the device worryingly. On one side it has a thick steel plate with a cut out which looks suspiciously like the shape of a scrotum with a mans balls in it but for some reason it has holes drilled through it. On the other is the exact shape of the cut out only it has thick spikes which are roughly 1.5” long and 1/4” round. Connecting the two is a 1/4 steel barb which has an elbow allowing it to fold over and a strong metal spring.,The metal cut with the spikes fits perfectly into the cut steel plate and the spikes align perfect with the holes that were drilled. “This device works similar to a mouse trap” She says “there is a powerful spring which activates when I push this button and this spiked side will spring into this cut out side crushing and piercing any object I place within the cutout. Allow me to demonstrate”. She grabs two golf balls off the table and places them on the large cut out. “Now let’s imagine these two golf balls are those balls of yours. By simply placing them into this cut out and pressing this button” as she presses the button and the spiked side swings from one side to the other in a flash and with a terrifying crunch pierces both golf balls all the way through. the spikes are now sticking out the holes which were drilled to perfectly match. The golf balls are now so oblong they’re barely recognizable. “I can take these balls and all they produce from you in an instant.”
“It would be a shame to take these away from the world though. They produce so much tasty cum” She steps back and swing her leg up with all of my might and her foot lands at the base of his testicles. Andrew was not prepared for the pain which he received. His balls swing out from your body violently and are hit so hard they swing up towards his abdomen and slap against his belly with an audible snap. Andrew doubles over in pain unable to scream since this kicked knocked all the breath out of him As he lies there clutching his damaged balls. His back is now on the floor since he was unable to stand from his pain. Danielle hovers over him and forces his hands away from his balls with a few sharp kicks. She kicks and kicks over and over each time making sure not the kick andrews balls in, but up, so they swing towards his head and slap against his stomach. She was thinking of her boss and how much he deserved this treatment. She envisioned him crying out for mercy with every kick to Drew’s balls. She kicked him so many times she become winded and angrily stomped down on his now deep purple balls. She feels both his nuts crush against the sole of her foot into his pelvis and shoot to either side much like a grape would if it were pinched and shot out of someone’s fingers. “That felt great” she says short of breath. “You know what I’m feeling slightly merciful” She said as she stood him back up and exposes his soft cock. She places her crushing device on his abused balls and look right in his eyes and say “if you can make yourself cum again in 2 mins I will let you go, if not I press this button and we see just what the insides of these balls look like”. Andrew pleads and begs her not to push the buttons as he ferociously tugs at it cock. “The clock is ticking” she says “You’re now down to 1:55 seconds you’d better hurry or these balls will be nothing but paste” as she lets out a laugh. “1:50 you’d better hurry cause this looks really painful” the clock is now clicking down in andrews head as he vigorously strokes his cock. His cock is rock hard and he’s trying so hard to get his cock to cum once again. “Ohh wow” Danielle exclaims as she glances down at his balls bouncing and swinging in all directions. His balls were still through the tiny ring and were swelling by the second. He had no idea if Danielle was going to be able to get them back out and he feared his balls would be stuck in her torture ring forever. “Looks like we have reached the lemon size, now if you could only cum all this pain could stop” the pain in his balls is now more than he can bear. “30 seconds left” Danielle screams out. Andrew is beginning to think there’s no way he can make it hes in agony and jerking his rock hard cock praying for a miracle. “15 seconds, ohh I can’t wait so see what this looks like, I’ve never seen a pair of crushed balls up close” . Andrew actually starts to feel like you might actually be able to cum. A deep tingly feeling at the base of his cock gives him hope. “10, 9, 8, 7, 6,” andrew screams out in total agony from his balls hurting and he begins screaming “wait, wait, wait, I just need a second”. Danielle scream “too bad, 5,4,3, looks like your balls are mine, 1, 0” as she glares out to Andrew with ill intent in her eyes all she sees is pure terror in his. he’s still jerking as fast as you can. She knew now that she definitely had what it took to castrate a man and couldn’t wait to see what kind of orgasm this produced for her. Just as she goes to push the button andrews moans out and a huge rope of cum mixed with blood shoots out of his cock and lands 6 feet from where they were. Cum keeps rocketing out making a puddle of pink cum from all the blood mixed in. “My gosh are you coming blood?” Danielle says. It was hard for her to imagine a man cumming so much after she knew she had just completely drained all cum from his balls. Andrew is in the most intense pain he’s ever felt in his life. His balls feel as if they’re burning his entire lower abdomen and he can do nothing to stop the pain. Rope after rope of semen mixed with blood comes out until eventually his cock is left a twitching sticky mess and there was nothing left for him to unload. “Well good for you” she says “too bad it was late and now this is going to happen” she reaches down and presses the button as she looked right into your eyes with a smile.

Andrew awakens to light slaps on his face. while hes lying on a hard table. “Wake up, get up buddy” he hears faintly. Andrews head is foggy, he has no idea how long he’s been out and can’t concentrate. He feels as if everything that has happened is surreal. “Did my balls just get crushed? Why would she do this? What am I going to do now?” Is what he thinks as his mind whirls in a confused but coherent state. The pain from his tattered balls is the only thing he knows for sure is real. it’s the worst pain he could have ever imagined. Immediately he cries out and whimpers. “There you are buddy, I didn’t know if you’d ever come out of that” Danielle says with a smile on her face. Drew is confused by they way in which she is talking to him. She has gone from the terrifying tiny demon which had just destroyed his manhood to the cute little woman which had initially attracted him to her. “you actually had me scared for a little bit”. Through bloodshot eyes he look at her and whimpered in a nearly incoherent voice “my balls, my balls, you crushed them. Why? Why? I did what you asked”. She looked at him in a confused glance through her stunning green eyes and said “what do you mean? I certainly did some damage but I didn’t do any permanent damage, at least I don’t think I did”. She truly had no idea if she had damaged his testicles beyond repair. Enraged Drew screams in a ferocious voice “fuck you, you sick fuck, I saw my balls get pulverized in your device” all the time too weak to lift his head high enough to look down at where his manhood used to be. “I didn’t do any such thing” she says as she lifted his head to look. When his eyes are able to focus he’s shocked at what he sees. Danielle pulls an ice pack off his groin and there they are, his balls. Bruised, swollen, throbbing, and nearly unrecognizable but whole. Andrews soft cock resting on top is dwarfed by the size of his enlarged testicles. Confused he susserates “what? How? I saw the blood”. She looked right in his eyes and said “there was blood, a lot of blood when you came the second time for sure. But as soon as you were finished you passed out and were out for 2 hours. You must have dreamt that part up. I couldn’t take these glorious balls from the world” as she reached down and gave them a light tap. The lightest tap is enough to cause him searing pain and he cried out for what seems like minutes. “Right now we need to focus on getting these balls healthy again so that more fun could be had with them”. Just then the door to the room opens and an extremely attractive woman walks in. “I’d like to introduce you to Lindsey Hooks. She is a nurse practitioner who will be supervising your recovery” Danielle leaned in close to whisper in his ear so only them two could hear “I’m so sorry I didnt mean to take it that far”. She genuinely meant what she said to him. Andrew did not deserve this she thought. He did nothing to me except treat me nice, and I can’t believe I did this to him. Lindsey was gorgeous. She stood 5’5” tall, dark flowing hair with baby blue eyes which were only made more attractive by her small glasses. Her waist was narrow and her hips thick giving her the perfect hour glass figure. She was wearing a tight red dress which hugged every inch of her body and left little to the imagination. Her hair was was folded up once so that which was normally the lowest hanging was now protruding from the top. Her hips swayed back and forth as she walked and with every step her butt jiggled and her ass cheeks slapped against one another. Her ass was perfectly round and yet firm with just enough jiggle to drive all who witnessed it crazy. She licked her lips, which were covered in a blueish lipstick that helped draw attention to her eyes, as she walked toward him. Her perky tits which had no sag to them at all were free from the constraints of a bra and were bouncing and swaying freely with every step. Her nipples could be seen protruding through the dress and appeared to be rock hard. As she approaches andrew she eyed his crotch eagerly. “Well now, what have we here” she says in a soft voice Danielle looked up and says “I fear I have taken this too far and I may have damaged him beyond repair”. Danielle says in a soft embarrassed voice. Lindsey replies with “I can see that”. Danielle then asks Lindsey “will you see to him and make sure he’s alright?” she looks over her glasses right at Danielle and says “I will do everything that I can but I can promise you nothing”. Danielle has a worried look on her face and gently stroked Andrews hair “Andrew, I’m so sorry about this I promise I will make it up to you”. Danielle could not deny that hurting Drew’s manhood had brought her to amazing orgasms and she it was something she definitely enjoyed, she could not help but feel remorse for Drew. Lindsey gently examines his balls letting out blows a breathe out as she gets wide eyed. As she begins to touch his crotch his dick jumps to life and immediately begins to harden. “Well, well, Well” she says “looks like someone wants more”. “She looks right at andrew and says “you get nothing right now because if I give you anymore then these balls may not be able to handle it and then when would I get to have my fun” She smirks and says “you need to recovery before anything else, that means no hits, kicks, or orgasms for 3 months. I am going to put this device on you which will not allow you to experience any type of stimulation which would allow you to cum. It’s commonly known as a chastity device but for this purpose we will call it testicular recovery device. I will be checking in on you from time to time over your recovery and I want you to call me with updates on how things are progressing”. She of course knew there was no permanent damage to him which could not be healed with time, but she didn’t want him to know that. With that she locked the device and said “if you can go the three months I can promise you I will make it worth your while” she then unzipped the side of her dress and revealed her naked form. Her pussy was completely bald and her lips resemble that of a peach and her tits stood perfectly on place. She had tattoos on her hip bones which angled down stopping inches from her pussy. She turned around got on all fours and exposed her pussy into the air and said “if you can make it the three months all of this is yours” She got up got dressed and said. “Whenever you feel any pain call me and I’ll be right over.” She placed her card on andrews chest and kissed him on the cheek and walked out.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/c46lre/danielle_busts_andrew_mf_ballbusting_my_first