An unexpected business trip


Jane was bored. She had done a full day manning the stand for her company at the exhibition. So, instead of working from home in bare feet and with only the cats to interrupt her, she had on uncomfortable high heels and a suit – thankfully free of cat hairs.

She had finished for the day and was in the bar for a quick drink after a quick meal. Then she was planning on a bath and an early night watching The Good Place on Netflix if the WiFi was good enough.

She was pretending to play on her phone while actually people watching – she liked to guess their stories – what they were doing there, what their relationships were – who was having an affair with who. She spotted a few people who were at the exhibition and came to her stand. There was a couple in the corner – they were sitting a little too close for business colleagues yet they were both obviously in business clothes – all efficiency and smart style. Their legs kept touching and there was no quick withdrawal from the contact – rather moving closer not further away and holding eye contact and the woman definitely licked her lips as he spoke. Jane thought that someone was getting laid tonight. As she had that thought the guy glanced around, reached into his pocket and handed something to her – obviously a room key thought Jane laughing to herself – not a little jealous. The woman rose, finished her drink, smiled at him and walked off without looking back.

A few minutes later the guy looked at his watch and also rose and left. Damn Jane thought – who am I going to watch now? She looked around casually and her eyes fell on two men on the other side of the bar. They had been at the exhibition and had been very friendly when making their enquiries. They had been joking around with each other – obviously knew each other well. The tall broad guy was teasing the younger one about his lack of female company. Jane had no idea why he lacked a woman because he was hot! The tall guy was no slouch either – he wasn’t classically handsome but he had a twinkle in his eyes that made Jane think that he might be a bit of a naughty boy. She thought she might like a naughty boy but her partners had all been a bit on the vanilla side. Her girlfriend had been more adventurous but she had moved with her job and the relationship hadn’t survived the distance.
Jane decided on another drink and wandered up to the bar. The bar man smiled and asked what she would like – “some fun” slipped into her mind but she asked for a g&t instead. As she answered the tall guy from across the room stood next to her and smiled. “Hi again” he said, “busy day?” . They started to chat about the exhibition and he invited her to join them at their table.
Jane sat next to the younger man who was called Dave and looked at the older man who said his name was Tony. “So Jane” he asked “so you ever try on the costumes that you sell?”

Jane sold high end costumes for theatres and private clients – the costumes were beautifully made, sometimes bespoke, and cost a small fortune. “Sometimes” she said “it depends what they are and who they are designed for. Sometimes it helps to know what they feel like to wear and how you can move in them. I even have a couple upstairs which I didn’t use on the stand”.

Tony asked Jane whether she would try on one for them so they could look at the quality up close… Jane looked a little startled and started giggling a little. They didn’t know that the costume was a dominatrix outfit… she had never tried it on but it was her size. It was supposed to have been on the stand but she had decided at the last minute that it was slightly too risqué for this exhibition which was aimed at mainstream theatres mostly.

“Why are you laughing Jane? Is it something saucy?” asked Dave staring at her intently… “Errrr…. well… I have never tried it on…”. She was hedging and they knew it and she was turning a little pink and slightly turned on at the very idea of trying on something so skin tight and sexy for these two really attractive guys. A small part of her business was selling one of a kind costumes to some of the most expensive escorts in the city.

Jane added that she wasn’t sure that they used this kind of costume in their productions. By now they are very intrigued and are trying to get her to spill the beans. Tony went to get more drinks and Dave stretched next to her casually putting his arm behind her. He asked whether she was single and Jane replied that she lived in a ménage a trois – she pauses at this point waiting for him to fall into the trap of looking shocked and then added “With two cats”. – he laughed then smiled.

For the next couple of hours they chatted about work and drank more until she felt just a little merry. She also was thinking that she would really like to invite one of them back to her room but she didn’t know whether either of them would want to and also she couldn’t decide on which one she wanted.

She had an idea and she thought that the worst that could happen was that they may laugh or both might go back to their room or rooms… She would never see them again anyway so what was the harm…
“So”, she said, “Do you really want to see the costume I have upstairs?”
They both looked at her and then at each other and said that of course they did as long as she was happy to show them. “OK – room 409 in 10 minutes” – and she got up and walked to the lifts.

She reached her room and took a deep breath – was she really going to do this?

She opened up the suitcase and got out the ankle length pvc skirt, the zip up bustier top, and the collar. She stripped off her clothes and slipped into the black shiny and studded clothes. Her shoes were fine anyway – they were black patent leather and matched well. She grabbed her bag and put more mascara and eyeliner on and obviously red lipstick.

She felt different in this costume – strong and confident and as horny as hell!

After a couple of minutes there was a knock on the door and she opened it and stood there silent while they just stared… whatever they had been expecting it wasn’t quite that…

“Well come inside” she commanded (with an inward giggle as that was what she was now hoping for). They did as they were told but they still looked a little shocked.”Are neither of you going to say anything? I thought you wanted to check the quality?”
They both took a step forward and started looking at the costume “It is beautiful…” said Tony, “As beautiful as the woman wearing it” said Dave. He ran a hand over her back – over the shiny smooth material.
“Well” she said, staring at them hard and then deliberately moving her gaze to their crotches where tent like bulges had appeared gratifyingly quickly,
“What do you have to say?”,

“I think the correct reply is “What would you like Mistress?”” Said Dave quickly and flashed a grin at Tony who smiled back.

“I would like to be kissed now” Jane replied still in a haughty tone. Dave faced her and began to kiss her softly. Tony stood behind her, lifted her hair out of the way and started to kiss her neck gently. Jane couldn’t quite believe what she was doing but she was loving it and wanted this to carry on forever!

“Right” she said, “I have had enough of those clothes. Take them off right now”.

And they did. Both of them. She couldn’t believe it. She was now sure that she was as wet as fuck. Their cocks were at attention and she did want to suck them or have them inside her or one of each – she didn’t know and didn’t care right now.

“Dave – you can remove my skirt – carefully. Tony – you can remove my bodice – also very carefully and can do it now” she felt so powerful right now as both men went about their task and she was left in knickers (also black and silky) and black stilettos. She dropped the panties. Dave was kneeling in front of her and Tony was waiting for his next instruction. She moved her feet apart and commanded Dave to to lick her pussy and Tony to suck her nipples. They both eagerly set to their tasks. Jane soon decided that to remain standing would be too much as her legs were starting to tremble already and she could feel an orgasm starting to build.
“The bed” she commanded “ I will lie down now”. They laid her down and then she said “fuck the instructions. I am so horny and I want you both right now”.

Dave grinned, went to his trousers, fetched something out of the pocket and went to the end of the bed. He ripped open the packet and rolled the condom on to his cock. He settled between her legs and pushed his cock all the way in. She was so wet he just slid right in like he belonged there. He leaned over and kissed Tony hard on the mouth before starting to thrust inside her.
Tony, not to be left out, offered her his cock and she started sucking while he played with her nipples.
Jane suddenly had an idea and reached for the massage oil. She poured some over her breasts and told Tony to put his cock between them. Now her hands, breasts and his cock were covered in oil and he pumped in between them while she squeezed her breasts around his cock. All this was getting too much for Jane but she didn’t want to stop – she started moaning with every thrust and the two guys were thrusting in time and everything was wet and oily and sweaty and just amazing.

With a final few thrusts they all came together – loudly – and all collapsed onto the bed panting hard.

“OMG” I said “That was fucking amazing – can I have a cup of tea now??”


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