On Her Own, Part 2 [MF(F?)]

Later that day Lily masturbated while she thought about sucking Trevor’s dick. She could hardly imagine wanting to do anything else. She thought she could do it every day, extracting an ocean of cum from an army of cocks. Now that she’d had a taste of it, she wanted more. She wanted men to want her. She wanted to make them feel good. To make them feel the way she did when the orgasm ripped through her body.

That night in bed, before drifting off to a dream-filled sleep, she imagined being fucked by Trevor while she masturbated again. To feel his pulsing manhood within her, to cum screaming impaled on his stiff cock. While she slept, she relived the previous day’s events, dreaming of cumming so much in the laundry room that she was carried away on a flood of her own juices.

It was like a switch had been flipped. Suddenly a side of her that had been suppressed for years behind a barricade of obligations and labor and responsibilities had been exposed to the light. It grew rapidly, like a tangle of blackberry thorns, spreading out to swarm over everything around it. Her dreams were restless and she woke up horny. She masturbated again lazily, and nearly went back to sleep until she realized that she had to go to work soon.

As she got ready for the day, she looked at her phone, thinking that she might text Trevor. She wasn’t entirely sure what she might say to him, though. After careful consideration, she ended up texting Marta instead. “Hi, it’s Lily! It was so nice meeting you yesterday. I’m glad to be making friends in the building. If you feel like coming by the cafe today, my shift ends at 4.”

She added a, “Have a great day!” after that, hoping she wasn’t being annoying. Marta seemed nice, but she may not be as interested in making new friends as Lily was.

Work kept Lily pretty busy. She wasn’t bothered by intrusive sexual thoughts, which was a relief. She was able to stay focused, and when she had time to check her text messages, she was pleased to get a response from Marta. Marta wouldn’t be home from work until 6, but she’d be glad for Lily to come over and have a beer. Lily confirmed happily, and made it through the rest of the day with ease.

After work, she had a little time to kill before Marta got home. She considered knocking on Trevor’s door and fucking him silly, but dismissed this idea and went for a brief walk in the park instead. She found her gaze lingering a little long on all the attractive people in their springtime clothes. The handsome men in their t-shirts or the jogging outfits, showing off their assets. The pretty girls in cute tops and the annual return of skirts and bare legs after a dreary winter. She thought again of how she wanted to go shopping, to update her wardrobe to match the other beautiful girls in the city.

Feeling a little inadequate, she made her way back home. She was allowed to wear whatever she liked at work and sometimes wore the dresses that she felt most comfortable in. Her “work uniform,” however, consisted of a green polo with the cafe’s logo on it, paired with a simple black pencil skirt or, as she was wearing today, black slacks. She liked the fit of the shirt, but she had five identical ones and that comprised about half her wardrobe’s worth of tops. She checked the balance in her savings account as she walked, trying but failing to convince herself that she could spend a little on a new outfit or two.

So she was a little melancholy and tired when she went down to visit Marta. Marta’s mood quickly cheered Lily up, though. She was so kind and had a bubbly energy that was easily transferrable. Marta cracked open a couple of Heinekens for them. Lily was new to drinking, and Marta asked her if she’d rather have a cider. After a few sips of the beer, though, Lily was content to stick with that. Marta fixed them a snack as they talked, of fresh strawberries and crackers and some kind of cheese that Lily didn’t recognize but loved instantly.

At first, they talked about their jobs and some of the people they knew, which was a short list for Lily outside of coworkers. Lily quite surprised herself with how talkative she got after a little bit of beer, though. Marta asked her about her life growing up, and Lily opened up as much as she ever had, about her parents, taking care of her sick mother, studying, and not having a social life. Lily realized that she’d never really had anyone to talk to, and suddenly finding herself with a new friend and confidant was strange and exhilarating. She kept thinking that she must come across as so dull, oversharing and dominating the conversation. But Marta was attentive, laughing and making jokes, and interjecting with anecdotes from her own life. She was so comfortable to talk to that Lily began to feel right at home.

Marta had been talking about her last boyfriend, who broke up with her just as they were apartment-hunting, leaving her to find a cheap one-bedroom on her own. The subject of boyfriends had Lily’s mind wandering, and then Marta interrupted her thoughts by asking, “So how about that cute guy in the laundry room yesterday?”

“Oh, Trevor?” Lily said innocently.

“Yeah.” Marta said with a grin. “Are you and him . . .?”

“Um, dating?” Lily finished. “No . . . I mean, I just kind of met him yesterday . . .”

Marta raised her eyebrows and waited.

“I mean, we . . . fooled around a little bit . . .” Lily admitted guiltily.

Marta’s eyebrows raised a little higher. “Since he introduced himself yesterday?”

Lily simply held her gaze sheepishly, until Marta seemed to come to a realization. Her mouth slowly dropped open in a scandalized O. “*Before* he introduced himself yesterday?”

Lily’s face was turning red, but she didn’t say anything. Marta’s face couldn’t have looked more astonished as she figured out the next part. “Oh my god, in the laundry room? You guys were doing it when I came in?”

Lily finally interrupted her train of thought. “Well, we weren’t doing it. I mean, we didn’t . . . fuck,” she said, feeling abashed to say the word as her voice turned to a half-whisper.

Marta stared at her new friend with her mouth still agape, corners of her lips beginning to curl up into a devilish smile. She held Lily’s gaze as she waited to hear more.

“He . . . well, he fingered me.”

Marta’s hand went to her mouth, but her eyes gave away the gleeful grin underneath. “Oh my god, girl, you are so bad,” she said, almost laughing. She moved her hand away from her mouth. “Like, all the way?” she asked, leaning forward. “Like, did you . . .?”

Lily wasn’t accustomed to talking about sex this openly, but she was warming up to the subject. She nodded earnestly. “Oh my god!” Marta said again. “What if I’d come in while you were still doing it?”

Lily was rather enjoying the fact that her friend seemed to be enjoying the story. No longer quite as embarrassed, she said, “I know! I thought about that, too. Like, before you came in, I thought what if someone walked in, and that made it, like, even hotter. And then after you came in, I thought, what would you have done if you caught us? And, like, what would we have done? Like if you’d just stood there and stared, would we . . . would we keep going? And I got kind of excited thinking about that. I mean I’ve never done anything even remotely like that before, and the idea of someone watching was just really . . . exciting.”

Marta did not offer any thoughts on this topic; she just looked at her companion. Lily wondered if she’d been too forthcoming with her innermost thoughts. She was also starting to get a little bit buzzed, and she wanted to talk to *someone* about this. She added, “So I went up to his apartment after that.”

Marta’s mouth hung open again. “Girl, you are so bad!” she said with something that sounded a little like admiration. “Did you–”

“I sucked his dick,” Lily said matter-of-factly. Marta goggled. Lily continued, “I didn’t even say hi. I knocked on his door, walked in, sucked him off, and then walked out.”

Seconds passed. She was waiting for Marta to tell her that she was a slut, or she should be ashamed of herself or something. What Marta said was, “That . . . was . . . so . . . hot.”

Lily exhaled with a slightly nervous chuckle. She liked Marta a lot, and didn’t want to drive her away. But then, maybe liking sex wasn’t as immoral as some people might lead you to believe. “So are you going to do it again?” Marta asked, apparently not put off the topic.

“He texted me today while I was at work!” Lily said excitedly. “I haven’t texted him back yet.”

“What’d he say?” Marta said, leaning over to look as Lily pulled out her phone.

Reading from the screen, Lily said, “I had a wonderful time yesterday. I hope we get the chance to do it again soon.” Thankful that she had someone to talk to about it, she asked Marta, “What should I say?”

“I mean, do you want to?” Marta asked.

“Uh, yeah,” Lily said, thinking it was obvious. “Double yes. Triple yes. I mean . . . I don’t want to date him, I just want to . . .”

“Fuck him.”

“I mean I’d like to keep my options open, but it’s not like I’m seeing anyone else. I don’t even know how to pick up guys.”

“Oh, obviously,” Marta said, dripping with sarcasm. “Tell him . . . are you going to go over there tonight?”

Lily looked suspiciously at her bottle. “I think I should wait . . . until I’m sober.”

“That’s only your second beer.”

“That’s two more than I usually have,” she said defensively. “All this is brand new to me.”

“Okay,” Marta said. “Just tell him . . . ‘Yes, let’s make it happen again real soon.’ Or, no, say, ‘I can’t wait, I’ll be calling you soon.’ That way he’ll be waiting for you to get in touch, not the other way around.”

“That sounds good,” Lily said, and began tapping the message out. “With a wink.”

“With a wink,” Marta agreed.

Sending the text, Lily looked up at her. “I’m really glad I have someone I can talk to about all this.”

Marta, who had stood up to get herself another beer, smiled warmly at her. “No problem,” she said. “You know, I haven’t had any real good friends around lately myself. I’m glad you moved here.”

Lily went on to have another beer and they talked about all sorts of other things until she finally excused herself to go home. She felt tipsy, considered stopping on the second floor to surprise Trevor but pressed the button for floor 3 instead. She took a long shower and flopped into bed early, and didn’t remember any of her dreams.


The next couple of days passed rather uneventfully. She did a little shopping, finding no clothes to her liking at the thrift store, but picking up a couple of paperbacks at the used bookstore. She went to work and did some chores, keeping herself occupied. She found herself now feeling quite timid about getting in touch with Trevor. On Thursday she had the day off and worked up the courage to go knock on his door, but he wasn’t home, presumably working on the weekday. Later that evening, when he was more likely home, she couldn’t convince herself to try again. She did think of him again while she played with herself, but she was second-guessing herself too much to text him out of the blue.

On Friday, Marta texted her to come over for beers again, which she gladly accepted. She went downstairs still in her work shirt and slacks. Marta offered her a cider again, which she tried and found delicious. “Can I give you some money?” Lily offered.

“What for?” Marta asked.

“For the drinks,” Lily said. “I feel bad drinking all your beers.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it, girl,” Marta said. She was wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt herself, relaxing after a long week of work. Sitting at the kitchen table across from Lily, she asked leeringly, “How’s Trevor doing?”

“I haven’t seen him yet,” Lily admitted.

“Seriously? I thought you couldn’t wait to get your hands on him again.”

“I want to, I just . . . don’t know how to . . . you know,” Lily said lamely.

“Ugh, you’re hopeless, girl,” Marta scoffed with a smile, holding out her hand. “Give me your phone.”

Lily handed it over immediately, and then immediately worried. “What are you writing?” she asked.

Marta didn’t respond until she’d finished, and set the phone down. “I invited him over,” she said.

Lily looked at the text she’d sent. “Having some drinks with Marta in 110. Come see us,” it read.

She looked at Marta, who shrugged. “We’ll hang out a little, watch a movie maybe,” she said. “If he can’t come over, he can’t. It’s Friday night. Maybe he’s out getting laid.”

Lily frowned at her and set the phone down. They resumed talking about their week, but Lily caught herself glancing frequently at her phone to see if he’d reply. Marta, who worked at a hardware store, had a seemingly endless supply of stories about idiot customers. She was in the middle of one such anecdote when they were interrupted by a knocking at the door.

Marta jerked her head sideways toward the door, her shoulder-length blonde hair flipping around her freckled face. “It’s for you,” she said wryly.

Lily got up and walked to the door. Opening it, she saw Trevor standing there, in a shirt and tie with black jeans. He was holding a bottle of wine.

Marta met them in the living room and gestured them toward the couch, which was the only thing to sit on in the small room. Marta carried a chair in from the kitchen for herself, saying, “Hi, Trevor! Lily was saying how much she wanted to see you today, and I told her to invite you over,” earning a surreptitious eye roll from Lily.

They each had a glass of wine and passed around some casual conversation. They learned that Trevor worked in the accounting department of a local branch of some technology company. He was divorced, but had no kids. He was a hockey fan, though the city had no NHL team.

This was more than Lily had talked to him since she’d met him, and she found out that he was a pretty fun guy to hang out with. She’d been anxious upon his arrival, but by the time he was trying to evenly distribute the last of the wine the three were laughing and talking like old friends. She liked the wine. She liked how it made her feel. Her face was warm; in fact, she felt warm throughout her body, and a little frisky. Seated on the couch next to him, she found herself inadvertently touching his arm and leaning in shoulder-to-shoulder as she laughed at some of his jokes.

As the last of the wine was drained, Marta clapped her hands. “Hey, let’s watch a movie!” she said.

“Sure!” Lily chimed in happily. Trevor glanced around the room.

“The TV’s in my room, and I’m not moving it,” Marta said. “We can sit on the bed. Come on!”

She started dragging her chair toward the bedroom. As the two rose to follow her, she said, “Lily, can you grab me another cider?”

Lily swung around and into the kitchen, pulling a can out of the fridge. When she got into Marta’s bedroom, she saw that Marta had pulled the chair up next to the bed. She had plopped down in it with the remote in her hand. Trevor was seated at the foot of the bed, his legs hanging off the end. He had loosened his tie and undone the top button of his shirt. The TV was mounted to the wall across from him. Lily hopped up on the bed, positioning herself between Trevor and Marta.

The room was relatively dimly lit. Marta had the curtains drawn, and the only source of light aside from the TV was a small lamp in the corner. There was some brief discussion of what they should watch as Marta scrolled through Netflix, and they settled on a light-hearted action flick that none of them would have bothered to see in the theater.

Lily sat close to Trevor, on his right. Marta’s chair was to the right of Lily, next to some bookshelves where she set her cider. Marta wasn’t quite even with the foot of the bed, a little behind the others, so Lily had to turn her head slightly to make eye contact. At first, the three of them chatted and joked about the movie, poking holes in the plot. Lily couldn’t ignore the proximity of the handsome man next to her, though. She tried to concentrate on the movie but it didn’t seem very important.

About ten minutes in, she casually laid her hand on his leg. She kept her eyes on the screen, and they continued talking as before. Once in a while, she turned her head to glance at Marta, who seemed comfortable and mostly following the action on-screen. After another five minutes or so had passed, she began running her hand very slowly up and down Trevor’s thigh. She glanced up at him from beneath her long lashes. He turned to look down at her and gave her a smile.

She focused on the TV, already losing the thread of which characters were supposed to be doing what. Her hand continued to rub on his pant leg gently, and very slowly migrated from the center of his thigh toward the inside. She inched her way slowly toward his crotch, and was pleased to discover his bulge growing there. As it grew harder, she kept her hand over it and continued moving it very slowly. She saw his head turn toward her again, or perhaps he was turning to see if Marta could see what was happening.

Lily didn’t look at him, holding her gaze on the screen, acting as if nothing were unusual. It occurred to her that none of them had said anything for a few minutes. She looked over at Marta, who had a clear view of where Lily’s hand was. Marta wasn’t even watching the TV, she was just looking sideways at Trevor’s lap. When she made eye contact with Lily, Marta smiled but said nothing.

Lily looked back at the screen, feeling Trevor’s manhood straining against his zipper. It was pinned down and didn’t have anywhere to go; she wondered if it was painful for him. She decided to give him some relief and let it out.

Very slowly, as if she were a cat stalking a bird, she reached over with her other hand and popped the button free on his fly. She tried to maintain her gaze on the television, but had to glance down once to see what her fingers were doing. She very slowly lowered his zipper, as though she were trying to do it without making a sound. There was no way Marta didn’t know what she was doing, but Lily acted as though she were trying to be covert.

She had returned her right hand to her side, so only her left hand was in his lap still. Still staring at the movie, though barely perceiving it, she fished around in his pants and pulled his penis free. It stood straight up in her hand. Trapped in his pants, it hadn’t been able to get fully erect, and now she could feel it getting harder in her grasp. Very slowly, she moved her hand up and down, squeezing it a little at the top.

Trevor’s head turned, and Lily thought he was looking around her to see if Marta could tell what was happening. Lily could hardly imagine that she couldn’t; Marta was only a few feet away. Then she heard Marta’s voice, soft and sultry beside her. “Lily said it would be exciting if I watch,” she purred slowly.

Lily’s heart raced. She finally turned to look up at Trevor’s face, which seemed to convey pleasure and trepidation all at once. “Is that okay?” Lily asked him.

He nodded, and she turned back to face the TV, gripping his hardness and working her hand up and down. She still kept a languid pace, reveling in the texture of his skin, the warmth of him in her hand. She wanted to take her time. It was very difficult to focus on the movie, though. She couldn’t figure out what the scene was about, and it seemed like she could hear the blood rushing in her ears more than she could hear the dialogue.

Finally, she relented. Taking her hand off him, she turned toward Trevor and reached both arms over to pull his pants down around his ass. The zipper had been scraping her knuckles and she needed more room. He lifted his butt off the bed long enough for her to wiggle the pants down to mid-thigh. It made her remember how her panties were only pulled down that far when they were in the laundry room together.

As he sat back down on the bed, she leaned her head over into his lap. Holding his cock with one hand, she licked up and down its length with her tongue. Trevor was unbuttoning his shirt to keep it out of her way. She wanted to take it into her mouth, but she was enjoying this, just licking it. Feeling her nose rub against it as her tongue descended to the base and back up. Trevor began to make noises–”Mnm”–grunts of pleasure as she tasted his flesh and covered it in warm saliva.

Finally she closed her lips over it and began to take him into her mouth. She ran her head up and down quickly, in short strokes, trying to stick her tongue out and lap at his cock as she did. The way she was sitting, with her back to Marta, she knew her head was blocking any view Marta had. Lily was trying extra hard to get it all slobbery, so Marta could hear the slurping and smacking of her tongue and lips on Trevor. Lily, too, began to make little moans in the back of her throat, carried away now by her lust.

As she bobbed her head on Trevor’s pulsing rod, she heard the sound of a zipper from behind her. Marta was taking her pants off! Lily didn’t have to imagine it any longer; Marta was turned on by watching, and Lily wanted to give her a real show. She brought her right hand up to fondle Trevor’s balls. They were already getting wet from the spit that was dripping off his cock.

She changed up her approach, holding the head of his cock in her mouth while her hands stroked him and massaged his balls. Thinking about Marta had her so turned on that she was moaning loudly. Though her hands were full, she was rubbing her thighs together as she grew more excited.

Trevor was leaning back some, supporting himself with his left arm. His right hand coursed over Lily’s back, up along her neck, held her hair at the back of her head as she began bobbing it up and down once more. She was getting a thrill from the wet gulping noises emanating from her own throat. She hoped Marta was, too. The angle she was sitting and leaning at didn’t quite allow Trevor full access to her throat, however. Just as she was thinking of moving, Trevor’s hand slid back down to the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up over her head.

She sat up, raising her arms so he could lift the shirt free of her body. She felt sexy in just her bra, and even sexier knowing it was in front of Marta, though she still hadn’t turned to look at the girl whose bed she was in. She slid down off the foot of the bed to kneel in front of Trevor and pull his pants the rest of the way down.

First, Lily noticed that while Trevor’s shirt was unbuttoned and hanging loose, his tie was still loosely around his neck, and it looked silly and endearing. She smiled wide, eliciting a smile in return. Second, she noticed that Marta had not taken her pants off. She had only undone the fly so she had enough room to stick her hand down the front of her pants. Marta’s feet were bare, having kicked off her socks, and her t-shirt clung temptingly to her round breasts. She was slouched deep into the chair, and Lily could see her hand working up and down in her pants.

Not wanting to disappoint, she took Trevor’s cock in her mouth again. She moved slowly down the shaft and back up again, keeping her eyes fixed on his. She loved the feel of him in her mouth, and loved just as much the look on his face. After several strokes, she turned her gaze to Marta. She kept her mouth moving on him, but locked eyes with the pretty blonde.

Marta had put one hand up under her shirt to massage her breasts while she played with herself. From where Lily knelt, she couldn’t see if Marta had her hand inside her panties or over them. She wondered which it was. She maintained eye contact as she went up and down again and again, never letting go of Trevor’s cock. Marta’s mouth hung open, panting with desire, and a low groan crawled from her throat.

Lily began moving faster, taking him deeper. She tried to keep looking at Trevor; he was the one getting sucked off, after all. But she found her eyes constantly returning to the blonde, amazed by the effect she was having on her. She wasn’t only turning herself on, she was giving the same kind of pleasure to the man with his dick in her mouth as well as her friend who was watching them.

She lifted her body to get the best angle she could, and brought her lips all the way down Trevor’s shaft to the base. She could feel it deep in her throat and she tried to squeeze and squirm her lips around it, though her jaw was stretched to capacity. Marta moaned, “Oh, yeah . . .” as she stared and moved her hands faster over her own body.

Lily pulled herself off of him to gasp for breath, then plunged down again, making a few quick strokes and then deep throating him once more. Marta was whimpering, mouth agape, unable to look away.

Lily held him there longer this time, until she thought she’d pass out from lack of air. She came back up with a loud gasp and panted for breath. She stroked him rapidly with her hand while her mouth was off of him. She could feel how wet her own pussy was, demanding attention. She took him in her mouth again, bobbing her head rapidly. She remembered how good it felt to have him cum in her mouth, drinking it down, but she needed something more now.

She dove down hard one more time, feeling his warm cock deep in her throat, and as she held it there again, her hands went down to her pants, fumbling frantically with the zipper. She got it loose as she pulled her mouth off his cock again, drool flowing freely down her chin and onto her chest. She stood up then, yanking her pants and panties to the floor.

Trevor had been sitting up, leaning back on his elbows. “Lay back on the bed,” she told him. He did so, wiggling up toward the head of the bed slightly but leaving his legs hanging off the bed from the knees down. Lily climbed onto the bed on top of him and watched with excitement as Marta rose, peeling off her own pants.

Lily straddled Trevor, feeling his cock rubbing along the outside of her soaking pussy. Trevor quickly slung his tie off, and Lily leaned over him, putting her hands on his shoulders to help him out of his shirt while she rubbed herself along his shaft. Marta, too, was removing first her panties and then her shirt and her bra.

Lily held Trevor’s cock steady as she lowered herself onto it. She’d lost her virginity before, so to speak, but this was no brush handle or cucumber. His cock was warm, living, and she took it inside her slowly, relishing the feel. She lowered herself until it was completely inside her, closing her eyes against the ecstasy.

Marta crawled onto the bed to get closer to them. Trevor’s head was halfway down the mattress, and off to one side, legs dangling off the end. Marta climbed up on the other side with her ass on the pillows, back against the headboard. Her right leg was bent, knee in the air; her left leg was curled slightly under her, but her knee and calf were hardly inches away from Trevor’s head.

Lily began sliding up and down on that stiff cock. Trevor’s hands went quickly to her waist, and the feel of his strong grip on her made her feel secure and sexy. She rose until she nearly came off of him and then back down all the way. She imagined what Marta must see: that throbbing dick standing straight, being engulfed by Lily’s labia, devoured, then revealed again. Lily had a rough patch of dark brown pubic hair, not thick but tangled and wild. As she slid up and down the pole again and again, it glistened with her juices.

Lily marveled at Marta’s body. Marta was clean-shaven, and Lily liked how it looked. She wanted to try the same thing. While Lily’s labia were small, Marta’s were larger, extruded, contoured. Marta had been rubbing herself but now that she was fully naked, she began to run her fingers in and out of her vagina, and Lily could see the glimmering wetness on them. Marta was thin, like Lily, but her breasts were full, larger. Her areolas were larger, too, and her nipples stood out like watchtowers on the border of some exotic land. They looked magnificent, but rather than make her self-conscious, they compelled Lily to reach back and unhook her own bra, shaking free from the straps.

Lily’s breasts were smaller, her areolas darker and tinier than Marta’s. As Marta kneaded and pressed her tits with her free hand, Lily began to run her hands over her own. She loved the feel of them, as she took Trevor inside her. She loved her tits more than she ever had, feeling attractive and wanted. She closed her eyes and focused on the sensations–her own hands cupping her breasts, pinching her nipples. The cock rising and falling inside her. Trevor’s hands at her sides. The squelching of Marta’s fingers inside herself, and the high-pitched rasping whimpers as her breathing sped up.

Lily soon learned there was more than one way to ride a cock. As she drove Trevor’s cock all the way into her, she leaned forward to steady herself. She began moving her hips forward and back again, keeping his penis deep inside her, levering it like it was on a hinge. This was a new sensation, and a wonderful one. After a moment, she leaned back, one hand falling behind her to grip Trevor’s calf.

She rocked back and forth on his shaft, feeling the angle change inside her. It stayed enveloped within her, and she groaned long and loud. Marta was panting heavily now, and she said, “Oh, fuck, Lily, you look so sexy like that.”

Lily sped up, moaning loud with each movement. Marta’s fingers began moving faster too, plunging deep within her. The sight of Marta pleasuring herself to the sight of Lily was almost unbearable. She began to move her hips up and down as well as back and forth. Her slight, bare body held upright as she bounced faster, and her perky breasts just large enough to jiggle with each motion. She leaned back a little too far at the top of a stroke and Trevor’s cock slipped out, bobbing drunkenly in front of her.

She leaned forward over his torso as she reached beneath herself to stuff it back in. She placed her hands on the bed on either side of him and remained in that position. She bucked her hips above him and their bodies made a slapping sound as they collided with each other again and again. She held her face above his and became acutely aware of her nipples as they barely grazed his chest. Sweat formed on both of their torsos as he drove his hips upward to meet her with each thrust.

Her mouth was open, an inch above his, and his mouth waited to fuse with hers as the tips of their noses touched, her hair spilling down around his face. She didn’t kiss him, though, hovering over him, panting and moaning. Marta’s own moaning was rising to meet Lily’s. Lily couldn’t contain herself any longer, the clapping of her body against Trevor’s reaching a feverish pace. “Oh yes,” Lily moaned loudly. “Oh, yes, oh god, oh, yes, I’m going to cum!”

Marta echoed her, pleading and desperate. “Yes . . . Yes!” she cried.

Lily’s orgasm hit her like a train. She sat upright, moaning one loud, long “Aaahhhhhh . . .” as she squeezed her petite breasts tight with both hands, eyes shut tight. Her hips twitched arhythmically as she lost control. Marta followed almost immediately, shouting, “Fuck! Fuuuckk! Ohhhhhh!”

Lily opened her eyes to see Marta’s face contorted in a mask of ecstasy, right hand held tight to her pussy, left hand crushing her left breast. Her stiff nipple was poking out between two fingers, and Lily was entranced by it as her orgasm continued to course through her. Finally, she collapsed on top of Trevor’s sweaty chest, and she brought her lips to his, tangling her tongue inside his mouth greedily.

Trevor’s hands washed over her back as she lay on him. “Oh, god, yes,” Marta continued as she watched the two of them kiss passionately. Her breathing was ragged as she came down from the peak of her orgasm.

Lily finally broke the kiss, rolling onto her back at Trevor’s side. She felt her hair fall across Marta’s leg, which gave her a strange thrill. Still panting and breathless, she said, “I want you to fuck me, Trevor. I want to make you cum, baby.”

Trevor wasted no time in rolling on top of her. His legs were hanging too far off the bed, and he lifted Lily’s body with ease, sliding her toward the head of the bed. Marta shifted around to make room for them, and Lily felt a thrill as she realized Marta now had one leg on either side of Lily’s head. She didn’t have her head in Marta’s lap; rather, her legs were spread wide and her knees were about even with the top of Lily’s head.

Trevor slid his cock inside Lily with ease. He leaned over her and kissed her as she wrapped her legs around him. He moved easily at first and she was intrigued that it could feel so different in this position. The angle of his entry and the way he moved his hips made this a unique sensation and she ran her hands along his back, feeling his muscles as he held himself up and pushed into her. He kissed her again and again, finally pulling back to hold his torso upright, supporting himself with his knees.

He moved his hands to her hips and lifted them off the bed slightly as his pace increased. This new angle inflamed her even more and she placed one foot on the bed, thrusting herself higher to meet him. Her other leg entwined with his and snaked up and down his calf.

She felt Marta’s hands on her shoulders. Marta reached out and ran her hands along Lily’s upper arms, as if comforting her. “Oh, please, yeeeessss . . .” Lily breathed as she felt her friend’s fingers sliding across her smooth skin. “Oh, fuck . . .”

Trevor was pounding into her furiously now. His strokes were long and fast, and made more dramatic by the flailing of her hips beneath him. He was grunting with each stroke, half with effort and half with pleasure. Lily’s supple little breasts were bouncing lightly, and Marta’s exploring hands began to glide over them as well, smooth and glinting with sweat. “Oh, yeah, baby . . . yes, please . . .” Lily was practically begging.

Marta’s hands caressed her collarbone, her nipples, across the top of her smooth belly. As she leaned over Lily’s head, Marta’s breasts hung above her eyes, so close. Marta brought her hands up to gently squeeze Lily’s tits, a firm handful in each, sliding her thumbs over her hard little nipples. “Oh, fuck . . .” Lily continued to moan. “Oh, yes! Oh fuck! Make me cum again!” she pleaded.

Trevor kept up his frantic pace, his grunts turning to moans. “Oh, god, Lily,” he gasped. She quickly wrapped her legs around his pumping ass, her lower half clinging to his body, suspended off the bed. She ground into him hard as Marta kneaded her little breasts and pinched at her nipples. “Oh, god, I’m going to cum!” he groaned.

She held tight to him and her own orgasm swelled in her once more. Marta continued to run her hands across Lily’s arms and chest. She could feel Trevor’s abdominal muscles pressed into hers, tightening and loosening as he erupted into her. He grunted over and over and she could feel his cock pulse, could feel her own wetness oozing out of her as he filled her up. She felt her eyes roll back, her pussy clamping hard around him, her ass clenching as she writhed. She could feel Marta’s hands on her breasts, on her forehead, holding her head and brushing the hair from her face as she cried out wordlessly.

Finally Trevor’s stream of cum stopped spurting into her. Her orgasm, unlike the first one, was long and slow and would not release her. She felt like she was a raft, borne on a neverending wave of pleasure. She thought she might pass out for a moment, barely able to open her eyes. At last a shiver ran through her and she gasped, slowly returning to the world. She realized she’d been holding her breath for a long time, entombed in the bliss of her physical pleasure.

Trevor pulled out of her, and there was a plop as a sticky mess came out with him. “Oh, Jesus,” he said in awe and blissful exhaustion, himself breathless and dripping with sweat.

Lily knew she wasn’t in her own bed, but she was so overcome by the rapturous sensation in her body and the ensuing heavenly calm that she didn’t want to move. Marta continued to cradle her head in her hands, and Lily wriggled contentedly on the bed with a dazed smile on her face. She felt the wet stain on the blanket beneath her.

She reached up with one hand to run it along the side of Marta’s face. Still smiling, Lily said, “We made a mess on your bed.”

“I’ll send you a bill,” Marta said, looking up and smiling at Trevor, who was standing now at the foot of the bed.

After several minutes of resting in comfort, Lily roused herself and started looking around for her clothes. “Go pee and take a shower,” Marta told her.

Trevor had just turned on the shower to rinse himself off. Lily peed as instructed and then hopped in the shower just as Trevor was stepping out. He ran his hand across her belly and kissed her briefly as they passed. She spent a couple of minutes getting clean and turned off the shower, towelling off.

Trevor was already dressed, with his tie hanging loose around his neck. Marta had Lily’s clothes picked up and laid out for her; she didn’t bother putting on her panties or bra for the quick trip upstairs. Marta, still completely naked, gave Trevor a hug and he gave her a kiss on the cheek. He gave Lily an altogether more intimate kiss, and bid them good night.

After he left, Marta smiled at Lily. “That was a good idea you had,” she told her.

Lily smirked. “I’m glad you invited him.”

“Oh, so am I,” Marta smirked back. “You better get to bed. You can barely keep your eyes open.”

Lily took a moment to admire Marta’s body one more time. “You’re beautiful,” she said, leaning in to kiss Marta on the cheek. “Let’s do this again sometime.”

“You better believe it,” she said, and Lily turned to leave.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/c2lo60/on_her_own_part_2_mff


  1. Absolutely loved this, would love another part. also anxious to read anything else you come up with!

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